Now it seems they are tightening things here in Germany too. All protests were banned or stopped in the tracks so far this weekend. Worst of all, the highest court ruled it OK to ban protests, even though there is not the slightest proof that the many protests in the past have actually contributed anything at all to the "infections", and that the right to free assembly is one of the highest constitutional rights in Germany. And this in the country that had Nazism...

But my feeling is that these are the last throes of a dying system. Yes, it might still get (much?) worse before it gets better, and there is no way to tell how long it will take. But I have the definite feeling that this ridiculous realty of theirs is a dead end, and that it has already collapsed in a sense. Or so I hope!
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Many people are needed. People who will stand up, wake up and smell the flavor of what is being offered.

Having almost run out of hope, this seems Biblical. When even the elect will shake in their boots. Trying to remain positive is difficult, at best. The main thing that seems to keep me going is telling myself that it's always darkest just before dawn.

Looking for the 21st to bring relief!

Wyoming health official says 'so-called pandemic' a communist plot​

Efforts to develop a vaccine is a plot by Russia and China to spread communism worldwide, said department readiness and countermeasures manager Igor Shepherd.
Dec. 4, 2020, 10:37 PM PST
By The Associated Press
CASPER, Wyo. — A Wyoming Department of Health official involved in the state's response to the coronavirus questioned the legitimacy of the pandemic and described a forthcoming vaccine as a biological weapon at a recent event.
The “so-called pandemic” and efforts to develop a vaccine are plots by Russia and China to spread communism worldwide, department readiness and countermeasures manager Igor Shepherd said at the Nov. 10 event held by the group Keep Colorado Free and Open.[...]
This is in the Election stuff too, blaming Russia and China.

Here is a link to the article, but this paragraph near the end is worth a look, if you don't have the time or the link doesn't work.

“If poorly designed and executed, a Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the U.S. could undermine the increasingly tenuous belief in vaccines and the public health authorities that recommend them — especially among people most at risk of Covid-19 impacts,” the researchers wrote."

Wouldn't that be interesting? More people perhaps seeing behind the curtain.

I found this piece examining pandemic predictive programming from around the world - going as far back as a film script in 1987 published in Israel, entitled '2020'. So it could be that the Mossad has been seeding this idea of a global health dictatorship in the public consciousness for much longer than I had originally thought.

Guess who shows up in the shadows around this '2020' script? Robert Maxwell - father of Ghislaine.

All well and good, the Great Reset should be rejected. The sugar on the pill is progressive, anti-racist, pro-LGBTQ, feminist, care for the environment etc. - values given lip-service by many organizations and politicians for a long time. The main difference is now that 'they' seek to actualize it, using state legislation and institutionalized violence to impose these values across the whole social field, ushering in an era of technocratic slavery.

I don't think we can assume that conservative politicians like Kenney are somehow immune to being fed a script.

Insofar as the PTB are interested in fomenting a right vs. left tension, I think it makes most sense to view Kenney (and other) politicians' comments in this light. Right-wing anger at propagandized, ignorant leftists increases. The same occurs for left-wing anger at right-wingers who don't agree with the above 'progressive' values, and by association, the Reset itself. 'Libtards'! cries one camp. 'Neo-nazis!' cries another. And for anyone who doesn't fit into an easily-definable political category - 'conspiracy theorists!' It takes existing tensions and ramps them up another notch. Divide and rule.
More California resistance. A quote from the Riverside County Sheriff.
We have all recently learned of the new regional approach to combating COVID-19 and the pending closure and stay-at-home orders from our governor. We were also told that a there was a potential he would be withholding federal and state funding from counties who did not enforce the orders. Ironically, it wasn't that long ago our same governor loudly and publicly argued how wrong it was for the President of the United States to withhold federal funding from states not complying with federal laws.

The dictatorial attitude toward California residents while dining in luxury, traveling, keeping his business open and sending his kids to in-person private schools is very telling about his attitude toward California residents, his feelings about the virus, and it is extremely hypocritical.

These closures and stay-at-home orders are flat-out ridiculous. The metrics used for closure are unbelievably faulty and are not representative of true numbers and are disastrous for Riverside County.

When the medical field is so split about this virus, it might be time to employ a little common sense. Keeping money and support from our hospitals who are struggling with normal seasonal increases in patients, coupled with COVID-19 patients is irresponsible.

It appears part of the new goal is to shift attention away from his and others personal behavior with a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude by turning public opinion against California sheriffs. He is expecting us to arrest anyone violating these orders, cite them and take their money, close their businesses, make them stay in their homes, and take away their civil liberties or he will punish all of us. I believe that all jobs are essential to someone. Leaders do not threaten, attempt to intimidate, or cause fear; bullies do.

As has been our position from the beginning of this pandemic, the Sheriff's department is asking and expecting Riverside County residents to act responsibly and do what they can to protect themselves and their family from contracting the virus. Wear your mask and practice social distancing.

While the Governor's office and the state has threatened action against violators, the Riverside County Sheriff's Department will not be blackmailed, bullied, or used as muscle against Riverside County residents in the enforcement of the Governor's orders.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a safe and happy New Year.
I just sent this to my union representative today:

To: (deleted)
Cc: (deleted)

Sat, Dec 5 at 2:12 PM

Hi (name deleted),

I wanted to let you know that I conferred with a lawyer friend who specializes in employment law about the legality of having employees monitor their temperatures before reporting for work, and she said that currently it is allowed by law. She wasn’t too sure about having our picture taken daily and stored on a computer by non-medical personnel, however, but I won’t pursue that further.

One thing that came up while talking with her, however, was what could happen if employers mandate taking a COVID-19 vaccine before being allowed to work. While talking with my lawyer friend, she said that the union would be the best bet for protection for those of us who are against mandatory vaccinations (as I am), because this state has already mandated vaccines for health workers and school children so there is already legal precedent.

If I recall correctly, the District Engineer (name deleted) mentioned during his yearly update that he was considering making it mandatory for admittance here when it becomes widely available. I am writing you to ask what the union stance on mandatory vaccinations is, if there is one as of yet.

I also wanted to provide you some information that you may find useful about these rushed-to-market vaccines that you won’t read in the mainstream news. If you find this interesting, you may want to forward it to union lawyers so they can be apprised of this information before they form a position on this subject.

There is a very large push-back going on in medical circles against these vaccines for many reasons. However, almost all of it is being silenced by the mainstream media; and in fact, doctors are being removed from Facebook, Twitter, You-Tube and other social media sites for sharing information that goes against the vaccine hype machine. Many of these same doctors have teamed up to sign what is now known as “The Great Barrington Declaration” – something that is being ignored by the MSM:

There are nearly 700,000 signatures on that document, including nearly 40,000 doctors – all of them decrying the use of the PCR test as fraudulent and the lockdowns as an extreme measure that causes more misery than they supposedly prevent. Many of those doctors have since been ridiculed for taking the stands that they have.

There is also this petition going around, calling out even more of the drastic measures being taken in the “fight against COVID” as draconian and even tyrannical. I personally signed this document:

As for what doctors are sharing about the vaccines themselves, I will share an article by a respected doctor who has had a presence on the internet almost since its inception, Dr. Joseph Mercola:

I want to share his article in particular not only because it is so well researched, but because Dr. Mercola has been a central figure in trying to highlight controversies in the medical system for decades, and there has been quite a campaign by the medical association to discredit him and, in some cases, even outright libel him. I think it would be very interesting to read what he has been through, in his own words, because his case is representative of many in the medical community that have tried to share their legitimate findings, only to be personally attacked and destroyed for trying to do:

And last, that article below that I sent you some time back about Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the PCR test, has now been called “FAKE NEWS” by Facebook – even though the episode of “Nightline” that Dr. Mullis appeared on where he personally talked about Dr. Fauci and the AIDS epidemic still exists, and can be watched here – on Bitchute:

That PCR test is the root of all that we are seeing going on the world today. It NEVER should have been used a diagnostic tool. Dr. Mercola talked about that, too, here:

I apologize for throwing all of this on you (deleted), but I felt it necessary to outline my position and find out what the union thinks about mandatory vaccinations, and to highlight that these vaccines are being rushed out without proper oversight in record time – and there are many, MANY doctors who are very concerned about what is going on but who are being silenced. And I personally need to know the union position, because if they are pro-vaccination and would not challenge the district engineer's edict, should it come, then the day that vaccinations become mandatory here will be my LAST.

Thank you,


(name deleted)


Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
Elk Grove, CA 95758-9550
Telephone: (deleted)
Fax: (deleted)
(e-mail deleted)

From: (deleted)
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 4:08 PM
To: <deleted>
Subject: RE: Article about the PCR test

Thanks a lot (deleted). I’ll check it out.

(name deleted)

From: <deleted>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 4:03 PM
To: (deleted)
Subject: Article about the PCR test

Hi (name deleted),

Here’s a link to an article about the inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for his invention. He actually was on the TV show “NightLine” in 1994, and he directly called out Dr. Anthony Fauci for fraudulently using his test for diagnosing AIDS – when that test NEVER should have been used in that way. The article goes into detail on the farce that is the PCR test, and how it produces many, many false-positive results (otherwise known today as, “asymptomatic carriers”).

Take care,

(name deleted)


It's time to take a stand. I need to know now if I can depend on the union, or if I need to take further steps to remove myself from my job situation before the vaccination becomes mandatory. I had to at least try to present my thoughts and some of the information to the union, including trying to illustrate the deception and censorship that is happening. Maybe it will make a difference...but I'm not counting on it.
For some reason within me, I think the situations, in our lives, in the areas we live, the World as a whole as a spiritual conflict. In my mind I see it a firstly, as a mind control war, against people, a financial war against people, and more importantly, a spiritual war against people, reaching to the very core of our being, and who we are and what we are, not just as a collective not just as individuals, but as a community and society.

And this is what we are facing more than ever, at this time a spiritual conflict. From my perspective, this started to unravel, in the JFK Era. A man that was for the first time in US history, was able to speak of secret monolithic societies, the men behind the mask that were nameless and faceless, and the the great burden it presents on society in the world as a whole. Can't find it on Ytube, no surprise there.

I am reminded of the speech decades ago, by JFK. An interesting comment he made in this speech, the great Athenian lawmaker decreed it a crime to shrink from controversy, and that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment. The only business in America, not specifically protected by the constitution, not to amuse or to entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to give the public what it wants. but to inform, arouse and reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our opportunities. and our choices. To lead mold educate, and sometimes even public anger against public opinion. This means greater coverage of international news and analysis. This is at closer at hand and local. It means great understanding of the news. As well as improved transmission. And finally it means that government at all levels must meet it's obligation, to provide you with the fullest possible information, outside with the narrowest limits of Nation Security.

Now the "News" had been desiganted as entertainment, Bread and Circus, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

There is more. What a contrast, from our situation today, not just in the US, but worldwide.

I am not a subscriber, nor a member of her group but enjoy listening to other perspectives on our world, today, not just in the news media, but also from a spiritual perspective, I found this video from Gigi Young interesting, she states she is an intuitive and is psychic, this video was posted on March 14th, just a few days after the the declaration of a world wide pandemic, It could have been presented yesterday IMO. It's over and hour long. The information she discloses, to my mind could be prescient, for one that is attuned to the energies our world, people, and places. You decide.

It's time to take a stand. I need to know now if I can depend on the union, or if I need to take further steps to remove myself from my job situation before the vaccination becomes mandatory.
If you're going to take a stand, then don't quit. Make them fire you and go through the long appeal process, which sometimes results in them offering you a year's worth of salary to drop your appeal.

Also, school children in California can still receive free education without vaccines or vaccine exemptions, through independent study. Vaccines are not required for independent study.
I watched this video today from Ben Swann interviewing Robert F Kennedy Jr, and he discusses a study from Wuhan of bout 10 million people in which they found that the asymptomatic people are NOT contagious, then he talks about this in the context of vaccines, as no one is asking if these vaccines will make anyone not contagious, which would mean that the vaccines really won't end lockdowns or masks. I thought it was worth sharing here:

I believe this is the study he's talking about: Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China
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But truth be told: I can't tell you how that temperature monitor works, because all I've ever done is walk past it and give it the finger. And I've not been called out yet for not sending my daily masked picture to personnel. I'm sure that may change soon, especially since my bosses have decided to unilaterally make sure we all take the COVID vaxx once it's approved for use. I will NOT take that thing, and will quit first. I will post more on this later, about what is going down here in California with Governor Newsom and his French Laundry maskless meals...suffice it to say, even in the heart of darkness, LIGHT is beginning to surface...
We had temperature monitoring stations on every ward in the hospital where I work during the longest and most arduous lockdown in world history (most of them are still there, but they are dependant on people refilling sheets necessary to jot them down ).

I used to laugh when ever I took my temperature and compared it to everyone else's and we all got something like this: 35.5, 35.3, 35.4, 35.7. The correct temperature should be 37.0. I tended to get mildly concerned where one person out of a multitude of 35's had a temperature of 37.0. Obviously the machines they are using are not calibrated properly. Ironically this tends to be on medical wards where infections are 'a thing'.

Perhaps our hospitals wouldn't be so nonplussed about why people develop sepsis or rigors and simultaneously have "normal temperatures" if they knew this. It's pretty silly. They should have just asked. When I did my "Sepsis" course, it's the reason why they use heart rate and respiratory rate as an indicator of sepsis, instead of temperature. Besides, all people need to do to 'cover' a temperature is to take panadol (acetaminophen).

I wouldn't quit if I were you. If they are going to make everyone's life hell, then make them "work" for it. Besides, Del Bigtree and his associates have vowed to 'take a legal interest' in any employer who is forcing a vaccine on employees. Maybe you need to find out if others feel similarly?

I hear that some government agencies are talking about having to "stagger" vaccinations for employees (especially the 2nd shot as this is where people have trouble). Why? Well, apparently they can't afford to lose a large proportion of their workforce all at once. The idiots.
That sleazy psychopath Hancock has found a new marketing phrase for the vaccine: "Help is on the way". Yep, it is on the way but it isn't him that's going to benefit from it.
Sometimes a person just feels like replying: "Why? Is someone planning to assassinate you? That would certainly 'help' a lot of people, just not him.... :lol:
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