Michael B-C
The Living Force
Trump knows more about this virus that the entire MSM, apparently.
Sorry, but this has been bugging me for a long time.
For some reason, when someone is pcr tested at more than 35 amplification cycles and dead RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (or RNA from any similar virus) is found, that is consistently reported as the person testing "positive for Covid-19".
But 'covid-19' refers specifically to 'coronavirus disease' a respiratory disease with sometimes severe immune response symptoms (almost invariably in the elderly with serious health problems and therefore compromised immune systems) that is caused by largely unrestrained reproduction of the SAR-CoV-2 virus.
A pcr test does not test for the symptoms of unrestrained reproduction of the SAR-CoV-2 virus (e.g. a fever or difficulty breathing). The 'tests' for that are a thermometer, self-reporting by the patient or clinical observation.
In short, no one has, or ever can, "test positive for Covid-19".
Of course, the media reports all positive tests in precisely this way, or calls them "cases" (i.e "cases of covid-19) because it's great for ramping up the fear factor.
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Joe one simple observation on this whole issue is that you have identified the key tool in the perpetual blindsiding. The old 'hidden in
SAR-CoV-2 is the correct term used to describe the actual virus - which people may have quite safely in their body in that they are not sick with it.
COVID 19 is the correct term for the symptoms if and when the virus becomes infectious/the carrier becomes infected i.e. becomes symptomatic.
Thus you can 'have' SAR-CoV-2 but not have any signs of COVID 19!
This simple difference is repeatedly used to bemuse and confuse - in that they are used either interchangeably or as with the now icurrent lie - the vaccine being 95% effective against COVID 19 = its claiming only 95% effectiveness to reduce the symptoms not to combat the actual virus. But I guarantee you 95% of people think it kills the virus/or makes you immune. It does not. It makes you an asymptomatic potential carrier that's all. If it doesn't kill you that is!
I've watched these variants used repeatedly and how it suits perfectly to obfuscate and deceive. I wonder how many folks even here have missed this most basic issue around this subject (no criticism intended).