Jedi Master
After reading this Swedish article I get confused; are they saying it will be mandatory or not to take the vaccine?
From swedish online newspaper 'Expressen'*
Google translated from Swedish into English*
All adults will be vaccinated during the first half of 2021
The common goal for the state and SKR is that all persons over the age of 18 should have been vaccinated during the first half of 2021.
This was announced by Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren, and SKR's chair of the healthcare delegation, Marie Morell, during a press conference on Tuesday.
- It is an ambitious and challenging goal, and something we completely agree on, said Marie Morell.
- We are still in the middle of the marathon race as we know that this pandemic is, and in that winter is a long uphill. If we are to make it, we must stick together, albeit at a distance, but there is a brightening, there is a spring, there is a next year. The vaccination is coming, Lena Hallengren began at Tuesday night's press conference.
During it, she presented, together with Marie Morell, chair of SKR's healthcare delegation, that the state and SKR had entered into a “historic agreement” to carry out the vaccinations.
- The core of that agreement is that the state undertakes to pay for vaccines and for the vaccinations, and the regions vaccinate, said Lena Hallengren, and continued:
- The Government's and SKR's common goal is that everyone who is 18 years and older, and everyone under 18 in risk group, should be vaccinated urgently. This means the first half of 2021.
"Ambitious and challenging goal"
There have previously been various suggestions as to when the mass vaccination may even be underway - there has been talk that it was realistic to believe that it should not be possible to start until after the summer.
So now the plan is for the entire adult population to have been vaccinated during the first six months of 2021.
- It is an ambitious and challenging goal, and something we completely agree on. We will reach out to the entire population with information and knowledge about covid-19 vaccine, and we want as many as possible to be vaccinated, said Marie Morell.
Vaccine note: over 9 billion
In total, the government has set aside more than 9 billion for Sweden's vaccination against the coronavirus, said Lena Hallengren.
They will replace the regions with SEK 275 per given dose of vaccine - SEK 550 per person if two doses are given.
SEK 700 million is paid to the regions, "according to the target picture when many are vaccinated in a short time".
400 million will be paid for the regions' vaccination preparations, in addition to the 300 million previously announced.
4.5 billion has already been set aside for the country's purchase of vaccines.
From swedish online newspaper 'Expressen'*
Google translated from Swedish into English*

Alla vuxna ska vaccineras under första halvåret 2021 • ”Ambitiöst”
Den gemensamma målsättningen för staten och SKR är att alla personer över 18 år ska ha getts möjligheten att vaccineras under det första halvåret 2021. Det meddelade socialminister Lena Hallengren, och SKR:s ordförande för sjukvårdsdelegationen, Marie Morell, under en pressträff på tisdagen. –...