After reading this Swedish article I get confused; are they saying it will be mandatory or not to take the vaccine?

All adults will be vaccinated during the first half of 2021

The common goal for the state and SKR is that all persons over the age of 18 should have been vaccinated during the first half of 2021.

This was announced by Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren, and SKR's chair of the healthcare delegation, Marie Morell, during a press conference on Tuesday.

- It is an ambitious and challenging goal, and something we completely agree on, said Marie Morell.

- We are still in the middle of the marathon race as we know that this pandemic is, and in that winter is a long uphill. If we are to make it, we must stick together, albeit at a distance, but there is a brightening, there is a spring, there is a next year. The vaccination is coming, Lena Hallengren began at Tuesday night's press conference.

During it, she presented, together with Marie Morell, chair of SKR's healthcare delegation, that the state and SKR had entered into a “historic agreement” to carry out the vaccinations.

- The core of that agreement is that the state undertakes to pay for vaccines and for the vaccinations, and the regions vaccinate, said Lena Hallengren, and continued:

- The Government's and SKR's common goal is that everyone who is 18 years and older, and everyone under 18 in risk group, should be vaccinated urgently. This means the first half of 2021.

"Ambitious and challenging goal"
There have previously been various suggestions as to when the mass vaccination may even be underway - there has been talk that it was realistic to believe that it should not be possible to start until after the summer.

So now the plan is for the entire adult population to have been vaccinated during the first six months of 2021.

- It is an ambitious and challenging goal, and something we completely agree on. We will reach out to the entire population with information and knowledge about covid-19 vaccine, and we want as many as possible to be vaccinated, said Marie Morell.

Vaccine note: over 9 billion
In total, the government has set aside more than 9 billion for Sweden's vaccination against the coronavirus, said Lena Hallengren.

They will replace the regions with SEK 275 per given dose of vaccine - SEK 550 per person if two doses are given.

SEK 700 million is paid to the regions, "according to the target picture when many are vaccinated in a short time".

400 million will be paid for the regions' vaccination preparations, in addition to the 300 million previously announced.

4.5 billion has already been set aside for the country's purchase of vaccines.

From swedish online newspaper 'Expressen'*

Google translated from Swedish into English*

A 2017 article about Moderna - just noticed they've got mRNA in the name and that's no coincidence because the article states that Moderna was established in 2012 to specifically to develop mRNA therapies for diseases.

Founded in 2012, Moderna reached unicorn status — a $1 billion valuation — in just two years, faster than Uber, Dropbox, and Lyft, according to CB Insights. The company’s premise: Using custom-built strands of messenger RNA, known as mRNA, it aims to turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories, compelling them to produce the proteins needed to treat a wide variety of diseases.

But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects.

Bancel has repeatedly promised that Moderna’s new therapies will change the world, but the company has refused to publish any data on its mRNA vehicles, sparking skepticism from some scientists and a chiding from the editors of Nature.

They started out working on treatment for Crigler-Najjar syndrome that was supposed to enter human trials in 2016, but the treatment ultimately turned out to be not safe enough, so Moderna turned their focus to vaccinations.

But the Crigler-Najjar treatment has been indefinitely delayed, an Alexion spokeswoman told STAT. It never proved safe enough to test in humans, according to several former Moderna employees and collaborators who worked closely on the project. Unable to press forward with that technology, Moderna has had to focus instead on developing a handful of vaccines, turning to a less lucrative field that might not justify the company’s nearly $5 billion valuation.

“It’s all vaccines right now, and vaccines are a loss-leader,” said one former Moderna manager. “Moderna right now is a multibillion-dollar vaccines company, and I don’t see how that holds up.”

That last sentence is interesting. A loss-leader is a product sold at a loss to attract customers. Perhaps the spokeswoman is missing that the customers that are being targeted are not the end users of the product, but instead investors with nefarious plans for the future of humanity.

His presentation instead focused on four vaccines that the company is moving through the first phase of clinical trials: two target strains of influenza, a third is for Zika virus, and the fourth remains a secret. Bancel clicked through graphs of data from animal studies before hurrying on to tout Moderna’s balance sheet and discuss the company’s cancer vaccines, slated for clinical testing later this year.

Mmmm - was the secret coronavirus?

Full article: Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine
After reading this Swedish article I get confused; are they saying it will be mandatory or not to take the vaccine?

From swedish online newspaper 'Expressen'*

Google translated from Swedish into English*

They are saying that they want everyone over 18 to be vaccinated. Nothing about it being mandatory but it sounds pretty sinister. Maybe this is the ”Swedish backlash” we have been wondering about.
For years now in wintertime I have been wearing a Buff to protect me from the cold. They are very comfortable, protective and even look great. Turns out where I live I can just pull one over my face when I enter a shop and nobody thinks I am not wearing a stupid mask. The summer-Buffs are thinner than the winter-Buffs, you hardly even notice you are wearing one and breathing is same as without. Maybe a nice tip for some of you... DuckDuckGo them. :D
The lady in the video posted, Margaret Keenan is reported as being 90 years old!
My god what are they doing?

Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the US Food and Drug Administration has revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.

But the deaths are said to raise no new safety issues or questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness because all represented events that occurred in the general population at a similar rate, the FDA concluded.

Its 53-page briefing report, released on Wednesday morning (Australian time) is the first detailed analysis of the vaccine trial by Pfizer and BioNTech, which found in November that its vaccine was 95 per cent effective in preventing coronavirus infections.

The documents revealed that two people who received the experimental vaccine had died during the trial. Four others who died were on a placebo.

“All deaths represent events that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred, at a similar rate,” the report said.

It confirmed the vaccine was, as reported by Pfizer, 95 per cent effective at least seven days after the second injection.

Data shows the vaccine was just 52 percent effective after the first dose.


90-year-old Margaret Keenan is the first patient in the UK to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The report concluded the vaccine’s efficacy data met the FDA’s expectations for emergency use authorisation.

There was, however, insufficient data for the FDA to conclude how safe the vaccine is in children under 16, pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems.

Later this week, a panel of independent scientists will assess the FDA’s report before recommending whether people aged 16 and older should receive the vaccine.

The FDA said results “showed similar efficacy point estimates across age groups, genders, racial and ethnic groups, and participants with medical comorbidities associated with high risk of severe COVID-19″.

However, the FDA claimed that the frequency of the health issue is “consistent with the expected background rate in the general population,” and added that there was no clear evidence linking the coronavirus vaccine to the unpleasant medical condition. Still, the federal regulator recommended “surveillance for cases of Bell’s palsy with deployment of the vaccine into larger populations.”

We're hardly into day 2 of vaccinations here in the UK and people already dropping after getting the the jab.

Safe and effective my a**
They are saying that they want everyone over 18 to be vaccinated. Nothing about it being mandatory but it sounds pretty sinister. Maybe this is the ”Swedish backlash” we have been wondering about.
In Sweden we do not have laws for mandatory vaccinations.

The general (free) vaccination coverage among the Swedish population is very high - so many will likely take the shady Covid-19 mRNA vaccines by free will.

Many people do not appear to distinguish between the old traditional vaccine technology and the entirely new mRNA tech that is used in the covid-19 vaccines.

the Swedish Moderate party did in the past try to mandatory vaccination lawtwo times - but failed in the Parliamentary vote. I am sure they will try again...

The covid-19 vaccines will be offered to the public.

I do however not know how this applies to groups which are considered to be important for society; medical workers, military, police, authorities, traffic personnel etc.

As a subwaydriver in Stockholm this far, vaccinations will be a matter of free choice, from what I have read internally.
Another important video by Amazing Polly on Bitchute:


Thousands of experts are putting their careers, incomes, reputations and their very lives at risk to speak out against the COVID / Corona Hoax - especially against the experimental vaccine technology which is being rolled out worldwide. (CLiCK on "MORE" in the bottom right corner to see the rest of this message & get references.)

In this video I feature many of them (but by far not all) and I give my commentary as the video goes along. I hope this will help people wake up before it is too late.
Here is a video by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, leading the charge, and championing people's rights via legal challenges in Germany, but with global implications, of course. 49 minutes of dense information as he reads eloquently from a script that outlines his and his allies' case for humongous civil tort. He is collaborating with Dr. Mike Yeadon, for example. Encouraging.

Misuse of PCR tests - Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever
A few comments on vaccines and vaccination in the Netherlands: Taking the vaccine or not stays a personal choice (and is a private matter) and as far as I know, employers can't demand that you get it and can also not fire you if you don't get it (source), though it can be a bit tricky if you're a health care professional or work with vulnerable patients.

The Pfizer vaccines will become available early 2021 in the Netherlands, and the first to receive it are the elderly and health care professionals. It seems that for now, taking the vaccine will not be mandatory, and there will also not be an indirect mandatory approach to vaccination (indirect approach is: if you don't get the vaccine, you can't do this or that). The Dutch PM has agreed to this, however, he always lies, so I wouldn't be surprised if at some point there will be an indirect mandatory approach.
In Sweden we do not have laws for mandatory vaccinations.

The general (free) vaccination coverage among the Swedish population is very high - so many will likely take the shady Covid-19 mRNA vaccines by free will.

Many people do not appear to distinguish between the old traditional vaccine technology and the entirely new mRNA tech that is used in the covid-19 vaccines.

the Swedish Moderate party did in the past try to mandatory vaccination lawtwo times - but failed in the Parliamentary vote. I am sure they will try again...

The covid-19 vaccines will be offered to the public.

I do however not know how this applies to groups which are considered to be important for society; medical workers, military, police, authorities, traffic personnel etc.

As a subwaydriver in Stockholm this far, vaccinations will be a matter of free choice, from what I have read internally.
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