Four Pfizer vaccine volunteers develop Bell's palsy​

As the United Kingdom started inoculating people with the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, four volunteers who were administered the vaccine in the trial stage developed Bell's palsy, according to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators. Bell's palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis.

The US FDA regulators, however, noted that it was still unclear how Bell's palsy was caused in these volunteers due to Pfizer vaccine. The US regulators stressed that doctors should closely monitor the side effect of the vaccine and continue to watch on how many people it strikes.

Bell's palsy is a condition that causes a weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face... The condition causes one side of your face to droop or become stiff.

Bell's palsy


The cause of Bell's palsy is unknown.[1] Risk factors include diabetes, a recent upper respiratory tract infection, and pregnancy.[1][5]

Some viruses are thought to establish a persistent (or latent) infection without symptoms, e.g., the varicella zoster virus[15] and the Epstein–Barr virus, both of the herpes family. Reactivation of an existing (dormant) viral infection has been suggested as a cause of acute Bell's palsy.[16] This new activation could be triggered by trauma, environmental factors, and metabolic or emotional disorders.[17]

Familial inheritance has been found in 4–14% of cases.[18] There may also be an association with migraines.[19]


Bell's palsy is the result of a malfunction of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), which controls the muscles of the face. Facial palsy is typified by inability to move the muscles of facial expression. The paralysis is of the infranuclear/lower motor neuron type.

It is thought that as a result of inflammation of the facial nerve, pressure is produced on the nerve where it exits the skull within its bony canal (the stylomastoid foramen), blocking the transmission of neural signals or damaging the nerve. Patients with facial palsy for which an underlying cause can be found are not considered to have Bell's palsy per se. Possible causes of facial paralysis include tumor, meningitis, stroke, diabetes mellitus, head trauma and inflammatory diseases of the cranial nerves (sarcoidosis, brucellosis, etc.). In these conditions, the neurologic findings are rarely restricted to the facial nerve. Babies can be born with facial palsy.[20] In a few cases, bilateral facial palsy has been associated with acute HIV infection.

In some research, the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) has been identified in a majority of cases diagnosed as Bell's palsy through endoneurial fluid sampling.[21] Other research, however, identified, out of a total of 176 cases diagnosed as Bell's palsy, HSV-1 in 31 cases (18 percent) and herpes zoster in 45 cases (26 percent).[16]

In addition, HSV-1 infection is associated with demyelination of nerves. This nerve damage mechanism is different from the above-mentioned—that edema, swelling and compression of the nerve in the narrow bone canal is responsible for nerve damage. Demyelination may not even be directly caused by the virus, but by an unknown immune response.

Facial nerve: the facial nerve's nuclei are in the brainstem (represented in the diagram by "θ"). Orange: nerves coming from the left hemisphere of the brain, yellow: nerves coming from the right hemisphere. Note that the forehead muscles receive innervation from both hemispheres (yellow and orange)
Situation in Poland is starting slowly to head on the way of totalitarian state. There is a DRAFT of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Program that gives benefits for the vaccinated person:
Privileges for the vaccinated person:
  • Information on vaccination will be stored in a special system and will allow for vaccination verification (including a QR code that will allow you to quickly confirm the vaccination).
  • Vaccinated people will be able to use public health services without additional testing.
  • Vaccinated people will not count towards the limits on social events.
  • Vaccinated people will not have to be quarantined if they come into contact with someone infected with the coronavirus.
  • The government will consider the possibility of introducing further solutions exempting the vaccinated persons from selected restrictions.
I have not found any information about that "special system": where will be the information stored and processed? I guess it will be the same as for the national COVID tracking app, Google (via Firebase).
Situation in Poland is starting slowly to head on the way of totalitarian state. There is a DRAFT of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Program that gives benefits for the vaccinated person:

I have not found any information about that "special system": where will be the information stored and processed? I guess it will be the same as for the national COVID tracking app, Google (via Firebase).


Discrimination of people based on whether they have injected something into their body or not.

This is not something that can happen without massive rebellion as it involves over-reach by any government. Even dictatorships don't force people to inject things into their bodies.
In UK, human rights is going under review now that we're leaving the EU

Boris truly turning into a proper dictator. Probably the prime minister who will oversee the disintegration of the UK.

I suppose people get what they vote for. Corbyn surely would have handled covid and everything very differently.
Bell's palsy is a condition that causes a weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face... The condition causes one side of your face to droop or become stiff.
Some viruses are thought to establish a persistent (or latent) infection without symptoms, e.g., the varicella zoster virus[15] and the Epstein–Barr virus, both of the herpes family. Reactivation of an existing (dormant) viral infection has been suggested as a cause of acute Bell's palsy.[16] This new activation could be triggered by trauma, environmental factors, and metabolic or emotional disorders.[17]
I was hospitalized in 2017 due to double vision. By the time I was discharged two weeks later, it was decided I had Miller-Fisher Guillain-Barre syndrome and had also developed Bell's palsy to both sides of my face! It had previously been determined that I had Epstein-Barr virus (I was told that large percentage of population has it) which can be latent or active. The palsy affected my ability to talk correctly and brushing my teeth was challenging in that swishing/spitting wasn't possible at all! Consequently, and per what Judy Mikovits has said, I believe wearing a mask would be highly detrimental and the vaccine would be a death warrant.
China's Civil Aviation Administration is advising crews aboard charter flights to coronavirus hotspots to wear disposable diapers rather than using the airplane restroom

I'm excited as to how this could play out. Will everybody be wearing masks AND diapers soon?
I was hospitalized in 2017 due to double vision. By the time I was discharged two weeks later, it was decided I had Miller-Fisher Guillain-Barre syndrome and had also developed Bell's palsy to both sides of my face! It had previously been determined that I had Epstein-Barr virus (I was told that large percentage of population has it) which can be latent or active. The palsy affected my ability to talk correctly and brushing my teeth was challenging in that swishing/spitting wasn't possible at all! Consequently, and per what Judy Mikovits has said, I believe wearing a mask would be highly detrimental and the vaccine would be a death warrant.

My goodness Jeep that must have been awful for you. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been, just trying to complete daily tasks.
Are there any long term repercussions or is everything fine now?
Current evaluation shows I still have an activated Epstein-Barr virus. I had to get hiatal hernia surgery (Jan. this year) to end ongoing anemia, so that has finally been resolved. Working on getting hormones balanced and other deficiencies normalized. It took six months for my double vision to go away - couldn't drive :-O - and so my daughter had to take me to appts. I still get a little dizzy sometimes with a "wonky" head, but for the most part, have resumed normal activities. The anemia, which I didn't know I had, was what got me to the alternative health care provider I'm still seeing and that was before the double vision episode that led to the GBS diagnosis. It was a terrible experience with testing/procedures most unpleasant (verging on torture) as there was some question as to whether I had botulism. The year before, OSU had treated a number of people sickened from home-canned potatoes used in potato salad at a pot-luck, sickening 20 with one death, so they were on high alert for another possible case. Miscommunication between doctors complicated the situation as I had two teams plus supervisory head doctors. I could talk just fine when admitted, but by the second week, I had to use my fingers to manipulate my lips to speak words correctly. I also was having difficulty getting chewed food to the back to my mouth and into my throat. Had to use my fingers for that as well even though they were quite tingly from the GBS. I still have some residual tingling in my hands and fingers. Immunoglobulin was the 'cure' and even that treatment was problematic as the second bag resulted in IV infiltration. I experienced a lot of eye/head pain with light sensitivity, so much so that I couldn't sleep. Hospital beds are the worst anyway, so many times I just sat in the adjacent chair and simply endured until the next pain shot (which did little). It's an experience I hope never to repeat, any part of it!

p.s. the day I was discharged was the day some nutjob drove his car into OSU students and a campus policeman shot and killed him! My son-in-law was a student there at the time, but wasn't in the vicinity of the incident. (2016 - years are blending together)
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Hmm the plot thickens......

Putting this out for consideration. One never knows what length of deceit from the PTB

Why would they get an actor for this when we know they have willing participants already? That makes no sense. They would risk a lot and gain absolutely nothing. The PTB may be evil, but they're not insane. Seems most likely a coincidence.

However, if there is some kind of "conspiracy" involved here, then it would probably be that they picked the woman because her name was similar to someone who died 14 years earlier. This would get the goat of the crisis actor people who would make themselves look crazy by declaring the stunt a hoax, besmirch the conspiracy theory label even more, and perhaps lead people to thinking the government is more credible. That's still a stretch in my mind, but if there's something funny going on there that would be what I think is going on.

The pictures are from the same hospital and were taken on the same day so it's not surprising to see the same woman giving the vaccines to both people. See here and here. Please try to verify or debunk claims first before posting. It helps keep the signal-to-noise ratio up in a thread that's already incredibly long.
Why would they get an actor for this when we know they have willing participants already? That makes no sense. They would risk a lot and gain absolutely nothing. The PTB may be evil, but they're not insane. Seems most likely a coincidence.

However, if there is some kind of "conspiracy" involved here, then it would probably be that they picked the woman because her name was similar to someone who died 14 years earlier. This would get the goat of the crisis actor people who would make themselves look crazy by declaring the stunt a hoax, besmirch the conspiracy theory label even more, and perhaps lead people to thinking the government is more credible. That's still quite a stretch in my mind, but if there's something funny going on there that would be what I think is going on.

The pictures are from the same hospital and were taken on the same day. See here and here. Please try to verify or debunk claims first before posting. It helps keep the signal-to-noise ratio up in a thread that's already incredibly long.
I still can't understand why they would claim she was 90 years old. Actually Fox news said she was 95.
She doesn't look anywhere near 90!
So there is something not right about the whole affair.
And why would they think they could get away with using a deceased ladie's name?

"by declaring the stunt a hoax, besmirch the conspiracy theory label even more, and perhaps lead people to thinking the government is more credible"

I don't think they are that smart to think all that through. Remember wishful thinking gets them every time!

And my disclaimer was : Putting this out for consideration. One never knows what length of deceit from the PTB

Debunk - you mean go to all the false 'fact checkers'
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I still can't understand why they would claim she was 90 years old. Actually Fox news said she was 95.
She doesn't look anywhere near 90!

There's a guy that comes into my work who's 94 but doesn't look a day over 70. He's able to walk around just fine and is more lucid than many people who are half his age, so appearances can be deceiving. Didn't see where Fox claimed she was 95, but that's a reporting error that's not unheard of so it's not that strange if it did happen and it was wrong.

So there is something not right about the whole affair.

There is and it's the fact that they're trying to push a nefarious agenda while making it look wonderful and good.

And why would they think they could get away with using a deceased ladie's name?

You're assuming that that woman isn't who they claim she is. The fact that another person in the area died 14 years ago with the same first and last name isn't evidence that this woman isn't who they claim.

I knew of a person who lived in my hometown who had the same name as me and I don't have a common name so it's not like it's impossible that there are two people with the same name in the same area who are unrelated and don't know each other.

"by declaring the stunt a hoax, besmirch the conspiracy theory label even more, and perhaps lead people to thinking the government is more credible"

I don't think they are that smart to think all that through. Remember wishful thinking gets them every time!

Of course they're able to think that kind of thing through. They have government departments devoted specifically for counter-intelligence and psychological operations who think about these kinds of things.

Why are you so attached to this idea? What is it exactly that you think they would be achieving by using actors instead of using the willing participants who we know have already signed up for these early vaccine rollouts? If they already have willing participants, then why use an actor?

Edit: Apologies, just saw you added this to your post after I was already working on my reply.

Debunk - you mean go to all the false 'fact checkers'

Not necessarily, though they can be useful depending on the situation and topic. For instance, I used the "false fact checkers" to help me find sources to disprove the claims that there was an alien space craft over New Jersey when it was really just a blimp a couple of weeks/months ago.

With your second tweet I quoted I didn't use fact checkers. I simply asked, how is it that the same woman appears in the two photos? I then found two articles about each person to see if I could find out why and discovered they both were vaccinated at the same place on the same day. Mystery solved!

So what I really meant was to use your critical thinking skills to either refute or verify a claim insofar as either is possible using whatever means available to you before posting in order to help others get up to speed with as much ease as possible.
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