From what I have understood so far is, that the corona virus family in combination with the developed vaccines as well earlier miserably failed ones on animals who all died (during the past 18 years), it creates two kinds of anti-bodies: One are neutralizing antibodies (e.g. leading to weakening symptoms as a result), and the other type of antibodies are binding types, which do the opposite; creating disease or enlarging it / overreacting to it. Which would correspond to the claim that the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine indeed has the potential ability to worsen the symptoms in a patient after injections (e.g. auto-immune diseases etc).The results of the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials have just been published in peer-reviewed journal. The paper was accompanied by an editorial where the New England Journal of medicine euphemistically states:
So basically the clinical trials conducted by Pfizer and that led FDA approvals and billions in sales doesn't prove:
- if the severe case are more severe in vaccinated persons or not
- the scope of the side effects once the vaccine is administered to millions
- the long-term side effects
- how long it will be effective
It means that it is totally possible that the Pfizer vaccine worsens the symptoms of COVID-19, has a number of long-term side effects, has severe short term effects and will be ineffective soon after administration (and totally ineffective against other variants of SARS-COV-2 that were not tested)
And this gloomy picture is only based on the data collected and published by Pfizer!![]()
When you listen to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg from Germany (he was part of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Physician, Pulmonary Specialist, and epidemiologist as well former member of the German Parliament) - he explains that viruses change constantly. The so called "Wuhan Virus" does not even exist today - because it has mutated more than 400 times since them then. That is exactly what virus do by nature: change constantly (I would say yes; according the established Germ-Theory)![]()
Unexpected side effect? Australia scraps Covid-19 vaccine development after trials lead to false positives for HIV
Australia has abandoned the development of a domestically-made coronavirus vaccine after participants in clinical trials for the jab returned false positive test results for
Very interesting. Claims were made earlier this year that this virus was made in a lab and part of the evidence to back up those claims was that the virus contained segments of HIV. Anti-bodies produced in response to Australia's vaccine (which contain SARS-CoV-2) appear to be the same (or similar) anti-bodies produced in response to HIV viruses.
So the point of this virus was always to compromise human health (immune system suppression) to make people more controllable. So keep your immune system healthy and vibrant and you can have reasonable confidence that you'll be ok.
German Dr Wolfgang Wodarg also looked at those numbers recently, and came to the conclusion that the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine and it's trial numbers ended up at a futile 0.35% risk reduction (!!). It means you need to give 300 people the Pfizer vaccine, in order to protect 1 person. The rest; 299 people have no use - and on top have to carry the potential risk of side effects.There has to be very serious mental gymnastics to come to 95% effectiveness when they only gave vaccine to 8 people out 170 covid patients from 40,000 volunteers. I may be missing something."""
seek10, It sounds to me that they are saying 170 of the 40,000 got COVID. Of those 170, 8 were vaccinated and 162 were not. The 95% effectiveness is bad math. Sounds like they are dividing 170 by 162 (170 - 8) to get the 95% figure. Really insanely stupid math. Just mumbo jumbo really.
And the big joke is that out of 40,000 only 170 had COVID??!? That is minuscule!! .004 random infection rate? wow
For those who are interested, here is a book that have been just published; the title speaks by itself
View attachment 40723
We discussed these concepts and this book earlier in this thread. It's a great read indeed, but careful of going to the other extreme to the point of denying the existence of viruses. The latter discredits the research about toxicity and other valid concepts shared in the book.Also a highly interesting book is "Virus Mania" (2015, in english)
Who speaks in this video (no longer available) is the medical geneticist Luis Marcelo Martinez, who is also president of the Argentinean society of medical genetics.
This is the highlight of that interview:
"The issue of the vaccine is something that worries me a lot".
"Three types of vaccines are being considered:
The first of them would be a vectorized vaccine for which the use of a virus called adenovirus is proposed in order to introduce certain gene sequences to the human genome, this way the cells of the organism would produce viral cells to stimulate the defenses of the organism".
"The second is the gene vaccine. A RNA gene vaccine would bring irreparable damages to the human organism, it would also have an associated risk because this RNA can interfere with the functioning of certain genes in the organism, in particular with molecules that are related to fertility and to human reproduction.
"The third would be the vaccine with attenuated virus, but in order for this vaccine to be given, we must first have the virus in question isolated and purified and characterized, but it is not clear that this has been done due to the lukewarmness in the manifestations of the scientists who claim to have done so".
"Never in my professional life could I have imagined that this type of vaccine, especially RNA, would be considered.
"Nothing justifies that the genetic information of the human being is manipulated on a massive scale, nothing justifies that, much less the attempt to immunize the population against a virus that is described in the medical literature as a simple flu virus.
"With the RNA vaccine what they want to do is a transgenesis experiment, they have already done it before with animals and plants, now they want to do it with humans.
What they really want to do are genetically modified human beings who will transmit that information to their offspring, that is to say, it is a matter of changing the original human model for a different one.
The Covid vaccine is putting the human species at risk.
That is of course a can of wormsWe discussed these concepts and this book earlier in this thread. It's a great read indeed, but careful of going to the other extreme to the point of denying the existence of viruses. The latter discredits the research about toxicity and other valid concepts shared in the book.
Every single concept and name you mentioned has been discussed in this forum either on this thread, or separate dedicated ones. You can use the search function in the forum and contribute yourself in those threads. The word of caution above is valid because the tendency is to be carried away to the other extreme to the peril of the valid research that de-emphasizes the germ theory. It's discredits alternative view points when someone adds that "therefore viruses don't exist!". Kind of like the fancy cointelpro program for smart people where there's a great deal of truth and a final little lie to twist the whole thing.I believe, in the spirit of fairness - more should look deeper into both sides of the aspects revolving medicine, virus and vaccines: e.g. looking deeper into the "Germ-Theory" and "Terrain-Theory".
Of course is carefulness necessary - like with any material you read, it needs to mature, be gauged and sometimes even put aside for a while, in order to be able to continue later to "collect and integrate the bits and pieces".
Every single concept and name you mentioned has been discussed in this forum either on this thread, or separate dedicated ones. You can use the search function in the forum and contribute yourself in those threads. The word of caution above is valid because the tendency is to be carried away to the other extreme to the peril of the valid research that de-emphasizes the germ theory. It's discredits alternative view points when someone adds that "therefore viruses don't exist!". Kind of like the fancy cointelpro program for smart people where there's a great deal of truth and a final little lie to twist the whole thing.
Among the issues to be navigated: Could employers force staff to get vaccinated?
There is no legal precedent for that, say employment lawyers.
“What employers would like employees to do is quite a bit different, though, than what they can require employees to do,” Amy Frankel of Forte Law in Langley, B.C. told CTV Vancouver.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has vowed to change existing legislation in order to remove any possibility that could allow the province to impose vaccinations. {good on Kenney}
Schools do require children to be immunized against a number of infectious diseases, but there are exemptions for medical reasons or due to matters of conscience or religious beliefs. If an employer fired an employee who refuses to get a COVID-19 vaccine for such a reason, it could amount to a human rights violation, argues Ouellet.
Kerry Bowman, a bioethicist and a professor at the University of Toronto, says to make a vaccine mandatory is ethically problematic, especially with so many outstanding questions about risks and how much of the population needs to be vaccinated to eradicate the virus.
“Ethically, I’m not a believer in mandatory vaccines. To have something injected into your body that you don’t want or don’t believe is safe is not true informed consent.”
But private companies offering services to customers in congregate settings, such as airlines, restaurants, and sports and entertainment venues, can set their own rules and require proof of vaccination, says Bowman. {which is precisely how they will try to have people (society) line up}
“Having the market forces take over is much different than having the state make it mandatory.” {again, the aim is to use "market forces" rather than state forces}
Bowman says he believes it’s likely the necessary number of Canadians will get the shot or shots to protect themselves and others and allow for a return to normal life.
Employers do have an obligation to keep workplaces healthy and safe.
“It is very unlikely that an employer would have grounds to terminate an employee based on their refusal to get a COVID-19 vaccine currently,” wrote Ouellet. “However, if a COVID-19 vaccine was readily available and an employee refused to get the vaccine, the employer could potentially require the employee to be removed from the workplace until the COVID-19 pandemic is contained.”
Some countries already require travellers to have certain vaccines as a condition of entry. The CEO of Australian airline Qantas said passengers will have to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
Airline employees would be a grey area, one of many vaccine-related employment cases that Frankel predicts could end up being fought in court.
“It’s going to be very interesting to see how it all unravels in the courts and in the court of public opinion.”
The federal Liberals have announced a compensation program for anyone who is harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine — or any other vaccine that’s approved by Health Canada. {such reassurance}
“In the very unlikely event of an adverse reaction though, we want to make sure Canadians have fair access to support,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. {hmm. a vaccine injury can be for life, Mr. Trudeau, and yet you make it sound as a trifle}
If Canada were to create such a program — requiring cooperation with the provinces and territories — we would join just 19 other countries around the world that have some variety of a vaccine compensation policy. {taxpayer policy - and good luck making a claim}
Dr. Lynora Saxinger, a University of Alberta professor and infectious disease specialist, said there’s a risk the messaging that the vaccine is super safe is undermined by the announcement. {you think?}
“And so, it depends, I guess, on whether you think people’s main fear is an adverse reaction or their main fear is not getting support in the event of an adverse reaction,” Saxinger said. {good grief}
It’s unclear what the program might actually look like, but Trudeau told reporters it would be to support those who experience an “adverse reaction.” It’s unclear how he is defining that — or what form supports from the government might take.
Tim Caulfied, the Canada Research Chair in health law and policy at the University of Alberta who has spoken extensively about misinformation in medicine, said such a policy creates “challenging communications issues, even if the policy makes sense.”
“On the one hand, they make sense because we’re asking Canadians to get vaccinated as a public health act, an act for their community and therefore, if there’s injury it makes sense to compensate them for it,” he said.
“On the other hand, it does create this impression injuries happen and require compensation.”
As the government points out, adverse reactions from vaccines are incredibly rare. {oh, and in this covid case there is such advanced efficacy to go on?} For example, anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction, occur in one in 760,000 vaccinations, according to an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Mild reactions — such as swelling around the injection site — are common, as the body reacts to build immunity, says the Public Health Agency of Canada in the news release.
According to a paper, from the Public Health Agency of Canada, they’re even rarer for some vaccines: the tetanus shot has adverse reactions in one in 10 million injections; the flu shot ranges between one in 500,000 and one in one million.
{all deflection away from RNA vaccines that have never been tried - ah, mild reactions only we can expect}
Caulfield also says that a review of the vaccination program in the United States suggests that some of the compensation are for things such as shoulder injuries at the vaccination puncture sites. {}
“We’re not talking about some serious, adverse, long-term injury,” he said.
The program would likely be “no fault,” meaning the vaccine maker wouldn’t be admitting liability for the harms caused. {well of course, can't have that}
Quebec is the only province in Canada that already has a vaccine compensation program. Between 1985 and 2018, the province disbursed $5.4 million in 43 cases; there had been 228 claims, 187 of which were deemed likely enough to be evaluated.
A survey of other vaccine compensations programs, and published in September by the Public Health Agency of Canada, says eligibility requirements vary; in some, compensation is available only for mandatory vaccines, in others, all vaccines recommended by public health or in cases where vaccines are known to have an associated risk.
Countries also opt for a variety of standards of proof and may have administrative boards to determine whether or not someone’s “injury” was actually caused by vaccination. {lot's of precedence for this in refusals}