I just got a text from myndigheterna, The Swedish "authorities", telling me to go online and read up on the latest restrictions. I miss the latest lockdown when there were very few restrictions here in Sweden, this time people are staying in and keeping a distance to a much larger extent. When shopping etc there is always someone masked person looking at me like they are insane and telling me to keep a distance:ohboy: I still wonder why we were allowed more freedom last time around.
One are neutralizing antibodies (e.g. leading to weakening symptoms as a result), and the other type of antibodies are binding types, which do the opposite; creating disease or enlarging it / overreacting to it. Which would correspond to the claim that the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine indeed has the potential ability to worsen the symptoms in a patient after injections (e.g. auto-immune diseases etc).

Indeed, vaccines can be spreading the diseases they are supposed to fight. For example, in the world today there are more vaccine-induced poliomyelitis than natural poliomyelitis. Also vaccine-induced forms of a disease can be more severe than the natural forms.

In addition, the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines is unlikely because the high mutation rate of the virus:

covid variants.jpg

Notice in the graph above how the spread of variants is time-specific and country-specific. It makes me wonder if the closing of national borders helped the development of country specific variants, making the profile of SARS-CoV-2 even more heterogeneous on a worldwide scale. This heterogeneity makes a working vaccine quite illusory.

Vaccines "work" by (un-perfectly) stimulating natural immunity, but in the context of the COVID-19, even natural immunity doesn't prevent re-infection. The linked case study published by the Lancet mention one patient infected twice. Virologist Didier Raoult mention the case of a patients infected three times!
I just got a text from myndigheterna, The Swedish "authorities", telling me to go online and read up on the latest restrictions. I miss the latest lockdown when there were very few restrictions here in Sweden, this time people are staying in and keeping a distance to a much larger extent. When shopping etc there is always someone masked person looking at me like they are insane and telling me to keep a distance:ohboy: I still wonder why we were allowed more freedom last time around.

I have wondered about that many times, too...

why Sweden went a different way. I mean what could have been the reason for it ? (Who does really know the true underpinnings steering the aspects behind curtains and behind official decisions ?). I can only speculate... - but that also means the potential trap of wishful thinking ?

Why did the C's hinting regarding Sweden in the last 10 Oct 2020 session ?

(L) Okay, what do we want to ask about the pandemic?

(Joe) Why did Sweden not act in lockstep with pretty much everyone else in terms of lockdown and the fear mongering and controls? Why did they get a pass? Why were they ABLE to not follow the mandate?

A: Just wait!

Q: (Joe) Really?!

(L) Oh dear...

From what I understand, the Swedish Basic / Fundamental Laws did not allow full lockdowns, nor were in existence to be used to such an extend. Maybe they are trying to change that a bit now... ?

Germany New Infection Law

However if you compare the suggested Swedish Pandemic Law for 2021 with that of the recently modified Infection Law in Germany (addition of §28a) - the difference between Sweden and Germany is night and day. (In my opinion sinister)

In Germany
they implemented several limitations into the Basic Ground Laws like Physical integrity ("Körperliche Unversehrtheit"), Freedom ("Freiheit der Person"), Right to meet ("Versammlungsfreihet"), "Freizügigkeit" (not sure what that means), and cuts into the Inviolability of the Home ("Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung").

Those really deep cuts into even the personal protection areas of human rights and privacy.

One of the strange aspects of this new German Infection Law appears to be - that it has been written exclusively for the SARS-CoV-2 virus - but no other virus (!) - which makes a highly odd (and fuzzy) law from a juridical perspective.

[ Note: Beate Bahner explained this in detail - she is a German Specialist Lawyer for Medical Law]

National laws usually aren't made for covering a single aspect, e.g. specific virus. A SARS-CoV-2 oriented law would normally fall under the jurisdiction of Health / infection.

New Swedish Pandemic Law in progress

Our government is "suggesting" a new "Temporary Pandemic Law", which allows them to close down activities more easily and over the head of individual communes ? Also the la of Individual Freedom restricted the government from doing what other countries did (Funny, most other democracies didn't really care, now did they ?) The present laws in Sweden, such as the "Law of Order" was only able to regulate concerts, theaters, football events and demonstrations (by closing them) - but cold not mandate to close down traffic.

A new Pandemic Law would allow the government to regulate Public Traffic (e.g. regulation of how many people are allowed in busses and subway), how many people reside at beaches and in shopping centers. The law is planned to go into action on 15 march 2021 in order to last one year.

So they say... :ohboy:

I wonder what's written in the fineprints
Sure they can. They can even commit genocide. Especially if they lie about it, and they most likely will.


i listened to german NuoViso.tv in one of their latest video sessions (“Home Office”) that in a public chat with among others the German Health Minister as well the President of the German drugstores (ABDA) Friedermann Schmidt said something in the sense of “first volontary vaccines, but later on 2022 becoming mandatory”).

This made the German Health Minster quickly play over the incident “discreetly”.

I can’t recall the exact words, but it was like a serious Freudian slip going on. :scared:
The Netherlands is in a "five-week" lockdown since last night. :evil: I had completely forgotten about the impending thing (the media were already screaming their heads off that a lockdown was imminent) as I had other things on my mind (like visiting a sick mother) and was surprised to see how crowded the trains and streets were.

So-called non-essential shops are now closed as are schools, daycare facilities and so on. Basically, we are like France except for 'attestations' (pieces of paper you have to show when you are out and about) and a curfew.
Below follows a list of all new restrictions those in the Netherlands face through January 19.

Retail, gyms and services​

  • All non-essential stores will be ordered to close starting at 12:00 a.m. on Tuesday.
  • Essential stores include supermarkets, auto mechanics, bakeries, banks, bodegas, business-to-business wholesalers, butchers, consumer goods repair shops, drug stores, dry cleaners, eye and ear care centers, fish shops, flower stands, laundromats, liquor stores, pet shops, petrol stations and their shops, pharmacies, postal service points, and shops at filling stations.
  • Amusement parks, casinos, cinemas, museums, theaters, sex shows and zoos will be closed.
  • Close-contact professional services, like beauticians, hairdressers, sex workers and some massage providers will be closed.
  • Healthcare providers, including dentists, eye care providers, midwives, optometrists, and physiotherapists will be allowed to remain open.
  • Gyms, swimming pools, and saunas will be closed.
  • DIY shops will be allowed to distribute goods to customers who order online for pick-up.
  • Libraries will be allowed to stay open for the collection or return of books and media.
  • Local community centers will remain open for vulnerable people.

Education and Childcare​

  • Primary schools and secondary schools will be closed to in-person education from Wednesday. Online education will be offered in its place.
  • Exceptions to school closings include the children whose parents work in a vital profession, and students in their pre-exam or exam year.
  • Daycare facilities will be closed from Wednesday. Childcare will be available for children whose parents work in a vital profession and children in a more vulnerable position.
  • Higher education facilities will be closed, with classes moving online.
  • Vocational education and trade schools will largely remain open.

At Home​

  • Households will be allowed to welcome a maximum of two guests aged 13 and over.
  • Households will be allowed to receive one extra guest from December 24-26.
  • Children aged 12 and below are exempted from the household guest limit.
  • Religious facilities and houses of worship will remain open.

Hotels, hospitality and coffeeshops​

  • Hotels will remain open. Food and beverage service, including room service, will no longer be allowed.
  • Bars, cafes and restaurants will remain closed, as they have since mid-October.
  • Bars, cafes and restaurants will be allowed to continue serving takeaway clientele.
  • Coffeeshops will also be allowed to sell their products to takeaway clientele.

Sport and fitness​

  • Gyms, swimming pools, and saunas will be closed as will all other indoor sports facilities.
  • Outdoor sports is allowed in groups of no more than two people at a distance of 1.5 meters apart.
  • Team trainings and intra-squad competitions are no longer allowed.
  • Outdoor sports venues may remain open for people under the age of 18.
  • Elite professional sports competitions including the Eredivisie football matches, will be allowed to continue.

While I was having a snack on the train a young woman addressed me asking me whether I could wear my mask as it was so crowded. This was a first for me and other passengers didn't seem to be bothered, but as her stress levels were palpable I briefly explained to her that I was going to finish my snack, have a sip and then I would put on my mask again. She reminded me of Greta T. and I didn't want to add fuel to her hysteria and she had been polite, so that was good.

One of my neighbours was distraught about the impact of another lockdown on (small) entrepreneurs and the self-employed. So, I am going to continue baking cookies for my neighbours (or as a friend said: it's a good thing to do in these dark times), hopefully it will cheer them up a bit.

I was happy to see that some people were protesting outside the Dutch PM's residence and according to reports while the PM was talking down to the nation the protesters could be heard outside. :love:
The Netherlands is in a "five-week" lockdown since last night. :evil: I had completely forgotten about the impending thing (the media were already screaming their heads off that a lockdown was imminent) as I had other things on my mind (like visiting a sick mother) and was surprised to see how crowded the trains and streets were.

So-called non-essential shops are now closed as are schools, daycare facilities and so on. Basically, we are like France except for 'attestations' (pieces of paper you have to show when you are out and about) and a curfew.
Damn, they are locking you down for the duration of the holidays :mad:

France is "out of the lockdown" now, with a curfew from 8 pm to 6 am. Attestation is needed only if you are out during the curfew, and that only if you HAVE to be outside or you are walking your dog :rolleyes:

From what I see everywhere, a lot of countries will be in country-wide lockdown for the holidays, so I am surprised that France is not, though things can change at any moment, as has been proven since last March. As things stand, public places like museums and theaters will open on January first, and pubs, restaurants on January 20. Or so they say.
If you follow the rules long enough you be asking to get depressed. This is what they want. I'm not going to follow any of it.
I think it depends on the situation. I have to wear a mask when I take the train, okay, but I also need to eat and drink a LOT during train rides, like my breakfast, dinner and all those snacks!;-)

And I am the one who decides what is of absolute necessity and that means travelling to certain places.:whistle:
The mask is one thing. The isolation and the fact that they will drive us all into poverty is another. It's quite simple, screw the government. Mass civil disobedience is the answer. And if they get all tyrannical about it. Revolution is what follows next. Off with their heads.
Seems more people are getting tired of it. Yesterday in the super, the manager said to me: we may not do anything anymore (we moge nix meer). And half of the clientale had the mask under the nose.

Asymptomatic Covid-19 spread isn’t real, so why are people still wearing a mask?​

A new peer-reviewed paper published in the Nature journal takes a closer look at the 300 asymptomatic “positive cases” of the Chinese Virus that were identified in Wuhan, China, where the virus originated. These 300 “cases” were the only ones deemed to be asymptomatically positive among the more than nine million citizens who live in Wuhan.

Researchers found that among these 300 “positive cases,” not a single one of them spread the virus to any of their family members, friends or other close contacts. All of them were found to have “no viable virus” inside their bodies, according to lab cultures that were taken as part of an in-depth analysis, meaning there was no virus present to be transmitted.

A total of 190 asymptomatic samples tested positive for antibodies (IgG and / or IgM), suggesting either a recent positive Covid-19 infection or a false positive PCR test – the latter scenario is the more likely one, seeing as how PCR tests produce false positives more than 97 percent of the time.

Scientists identified and followed 1,174 close contacts of the “asymptomatic cases” and found that none of them tested positive for the WuFlu. This led them to conclude, in essence, that asymptomatic spread of Covid-19 is fake news, just like many have been saying all along.

“This study confirms what physicians have known and non-scientists have suspected for millennia: namely, that asymptomatic transmission has never been the primary cause of outbreaks,” says Dr. Simone Gold, M.D., the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors.
This study dovetails with the Danish mask study, which found that wearing a mask does nothing to stop the spread of the Chinese Virus.

“My right to not wear something does not end where someone else’s fear begins,” is how one Epoch Times commenter, making an excellent point about how fear should never be used as an excuse to trample other people’s health freedom.
Ideally, information such as cited in this article will help to tear down some illusions or myths of mask efficacy. The article seems naive in its (feigned?) presumption that everyone is being forced to wear masks for medical/health reasons alone. Still, it seems a step in the right direction.


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