Yes, we can see that, but for many it will be confirmation that this virus is so deadly and threatening that even politicians can bury their differences and work together for the greater good.
For some people definitely. But Farage was seen as almost a populous leader and for him to endorse someone like Blair who couldn’t be anymore establishment, it might be a bit of an eye opener. Lines are being drawn in the sand, time to choose between freedom/liberty or authoritarianism.
I know things are more complicated but each day seems to bring more clarity for me. The snakes are coming more out into the open.
All regional medical personnel and dentists received an e-mail to find out who want the vaccine as an order for them has to be made by Friday. Vaccination will take place next week. For good measure, those who want the vaccine are listed in our WhatsApp group. Those don't mentioned are assumed to not want the vaccine.
So it started.
We received an informal What'sApp message in our work-team group asking who wants to get vaxxed in the next days. My whole night-time crew refused, but the day-time team all gladly accepted with only 2 exceptions. Most of those who refused will not last when the pressure increases. The neighboring ward was much more coherent in refusal. I'll find out during the next days how many people refused in our hospital and I admit to apprehension.
When the message got in my stomach churned. We all knew this was coming but the speed it gained makes ones head swirl.
Since they asked via What'sApp everybody could see who accepts and who refuses which seems like a kind of branding.
Gaby, I hear you. Keep strong!
I wouldn't mind prayers.
Looking at vaccine mainstream headlines today, there's one thing emerging.

They are trying to use psychological techniques to drive up demand. They are saying the governments don't have enough, stories of people queuing up over night, stories of vaccine appointment hotlines going down due to too much demand plus stories of governments botching up the roll out. All these looks to be a ploy to create the impression of scarcity, pent up demand etc.

They are all singing in unison, like the best orchestra money can buy, from the UK, EU and US.

I wonder what comes next in this playbook they have.
This happened almost a day ago in my country. Something very strange.

Mayor of Olavarría: "If a sabotage is confirmed, we will have to go to the ultimate consequences"

(Context: 400 Sputnik V vaccines stored in a local hospital lost their cold chain and had to be disposed of.)

"The hypothesis being handled is a mechanical or electrical failure or sabotage. I find it difficult to think that there was a sabotage, I think there was an electrical failure during the long weekend," said Ezequiel Galli about the loss of 400 doses of the coronavirus vaccine in that location."

The mayor of Olavarria, Ezequiel Galli, said this Tuesday that if there was sabotage in the loss of 400 doses of Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus in that district, "we will have to go to the ultimate consequences.

"What happened is a confusing episode and is being investigated by the prosecutor's office," said the community leader who clarified that "if it is confirmed that it was sabotage, we will have to go to the ultimate consequences.

In a dialogue with La Red radio, Galli specified that the denunciation was filed in the Olavarría Prosecutor's Office N° 10 by directors of the Oncology Hospital, where the vaccine was stored, and explained that there "450 doses arrived, of which 50 had already been applied".

"The other 400 vaccines lost the cold chain because they were at room temperature," remarked the communal chief.

For Galli, the municipality "had no interference" and it was the Sanitary Region IX who had participation in the control of the vaccines.

"The first day of vaccination was December 30 and another 50 people had been scheduled since yesterday, and unfortunately the cold chain was lost and they must be discarded," he detailed.

The Health Ministry informed yesterday that "within the framework of the provincial campaign of vaccination against the coronavirus, which includes a permanent control of the logistics and the process of application of the doses, the Health Ministry detected a deviation in the cold chain of the vaccines" of that hospital.

Faced with this situation, it was "decided to withdraw them and restructure the district's vaccination, referring the health personnel who were to receive the vaccines to the neighboring municipalities.

Meanwhile, Marcelo Sobrino, the general prosecutor of Azul, explained that "it is being investigated if it was an electrical failure in the freezer or an attack", and added that the complaint was taken and the prosecutor immediately began the proceedings.

At that point, Galli considered: "The hypothesis being handled is a mechanical or electrical failure or sabotage. I find it difficult to think that there was a sabotage, I think there was an electrical failure during the long weekend".

He added that the issue of vaccination "was handled by the Province" and that "we had even made the Municipal Vaccination Center available.

In that line, the mayor stated that the municipal authorities were not "invited to the arrival of the vaccines" to the country.

"I would have gone, clearly. The pandemic and vaccination are too important to make political differences," Galli said.

And he clarified that "he always had a lot of dialogue" with the Buenos Aires Chief of Staff, Carlos Bianco, and that from the commune they have "tried to be bringing the situations of openness according to the balance they needed to find" in that district.
Looking at vaccine mainstream headlines today, there's one thing emerging.

They are trying to use psychological techniques to drive up demand. They are saying the governments don't have enough, stories of people queuing up over night, stories of vaccine appointment hotlines going down due to too much demand plus stories of governments botching up the roll out. All these looks to be a ploy to create the impression of scarcity, pent up demand etc.

They are all singing in unison, like the best orchestra money can buy, from the UK, EU and US.

I wonder what comes next in this playbook they have.

I've noticed that here in Canada too -

Health experts urging quicker vaccine rollout as COVID-19 cases surge, doses sit in freezers
UK's Covid vaccine strategy 'could raise risk of a resistant strain'

Hi everyone,
my wife got a message on her phone yesterday to read the above article.... which states;

Britain's coronavirus vaccination strategy could increase the risk of yet another mutant strain of the virus evolving by giving it more time to mutate.
Professor Chris Whitty, England's chief medical officer, admitted at a Downing Street briefing today that extending the time between doses could let the virus evolve.
The Government last week unveiled its controversial policy which will see people given a single dose of a Covid jab without a second one lined up.
Both the vaccines approved so far – one made by Pfizer and the other by Oxford University – rely on two doses to be most effective, with them ideally spaced three weeks apart.
But in a scramble to stop the devastating second wave of Covid-19, Britain has abandoned this rule and decided it will extend the gap to 12 weeks so it can give more people a single dose as soon as possible.
The benefit will be that millions more people end up being vaccinated in the coming weeks. But it's possible the vaccines won't work as well in the long run.
Officials switched to this schedule because they want to vaccinate around 13million people by mid-February so that lockdowns can start to gradually be lifted.
And Professor Whitty said this afternoon it may also raise the risk that an 'escaped mutant' version of the virus evolves to resist immunity produced by the jabs.
'That is a real worry but quite a small real worry within the system,' Professor Whitty said.
'The general view was the size of the increase of the risk is sufficiently small that, measured against this ability to double the number of people who actually are vaccinated, the public health arguments are really strongly for doing what we have decided to do.'
He added: 'Clearly, if we had infinite vaccine we might have taken different approaches, but we don’t.
'At this point in time, for the next three to four months, the number of vaccines we have available is going to constrain our ability to get through the 25 to 30 million people we must do.
'Whilst this is such a fast-moving virus at this time, our view was very strongly, on the balance of risk, the benefits to the UK for us at this point in the epidemic were in favour of doing this.'


"A real worry but quite a small real worry". Hmmm.
So, is the idea here that even if you yourself are not vaccinated, you could catch the vaccine induced "Black Death" from someone who is vaccinated?
Yes, or at least that's a definite possibility, I think. There have been articles explaining how people who are vaccinated can be more contagious to non-vaccinated people. So, if that applies to Covid, I don't see why it couldn't apply to the subsequent mutations. Hence the importance of keeping a healthy body, mind and heart in these crazy times! Becoming as immune as possible in all fronts.
Could it be that this has started already? And of course there will not be any connection-of-the-dots or at least questioning of this possibility anytime soon i suspect:

"One person has died after a massive COVID-19 outbreak of emergency room workers at a San Jose Kaiser Permanente facility in California. Kaiser said some of the staff had been vaccinated for the virus before the outbreak, but did not say whether the person who died had received the vaccine."

Well Lawyer Dr Rainer Fuellmich,

and his crew as well a worldwide network of lawyers are on Dr Drostens PCR test, which is kind of the "golden Standard" [NOT] for worldwide Covid-19 testing - and the excuse for the worlds governments to do what they have done - nothing else than destructions through lockdowns etc.
Thank you XPan for posting this. Really courageous what these guys are doing. I was just wondering about the value of a judgement of a court these days. It has been mentioned several times in this thread that last November an Appeals Court in Lisbon has judged the PCR test of no value in determining if anyone has Covid19. They first tried to get the judges writing the verdict thrown out for disciplinary reasons but that did not hold fortunately. However, the PCR test is still being used here in Portugal as if no verdict had been issued. Hmmmm. I hope Fuellmich and Co will have more of an impact in Germany and the usa.
Same thing in France, I have no link but the same rhetoric: quickly, quickly quickly
Ja, and because they rush it their wishful thinking already strikes back.
As I've said we were invited to make a quick choice and today the people who agreed to the vaxx were told that something went wrong and the whole procedure to receive the vaxx must be organised differently. They probably figured that the way they've planned/rushed it was all against any rules for data protection and privacy. And they'll need all your data so you can be blended into their beastly system just nicely for future harvesting.

Someone sent me a photo from the email that has been sent out today. It's in German and basically saying that it's not a mandatory vaxx and even if you've already registered for the vaxx you can change your mind at any time.
I was wondering whether they have already seen some nasty side effects. The hospital I work for is part of pretty large company with many hospitals and senior homes.
Ja, and because they rush it their wishful thinking already strikes back.
As I've said we were invited to make a quick choice and today the people who agreed to the vaxx were told that something went wrong and the whole procedure to receive the vaxx must be organised differently. They probably figured that the way they've planned/rushed it was all against any rules for data protection and privacy. And they'll need all your data so you can be blended into their beastly system just nicely for future harvesting.

Someone sent me a photo from the email that has been sent out today. It's in German and basically saying that it's not a mandatory vaxx and even if you've already registered for the vaxx you can change your mind at any time.
I was wondering whether they have already seen some nasty side effects. The hospital I work for is part of pretty large company with many hospitals and senior homes.
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Working in a town hall, I will be requisitioned from Monday to be at the reception of a vaccination center.😞 Not in guinea pig for the moment, but it is the caregivers and doctors who will be invited after what I know ... 😞😞 I'll keep you posted ... Wait and see...
Stay strong Tauriel, Gaby and all the caregivers and doctors from the forum. Hope the backfires will hapen faster than their will to harm... ✊✊

Keir Starmer, the guy who replaced Corbyn as the leader of the Labour party has got to be one of the worst opposition leaders I have ever seen. This guy is like Boris' cheerleader always egging Boris on. It's like Labour has turned into a subsidiary of the Tory party. What a twat with his stupid paramoralisms.

Also, Nigel Farage is now best friends with Tony Blair, apparently. He's out here preaching that people should start listening to the war criminal Tony Blair. What the hell is going on in the UK with these politicians? Put Tony Blair in charge of vaccines? Since when did Farage become Blair's cheerleader?

Let's be honest...

It shows exactly what we always have been suspecting: "They all j**k off each other under the same carpet".

It simply confirms that they always have been big buddies behind the scenes - even with the worst war criminals - while upholding an image of the opposite on the public stage. The Covid Plandemic, the actors strange unification behind the genetic vaccines finally brings their the nature of things into the open...

I do understand that it is a weird sensation, when suspicions finally get confirmed; It feels odd, still unreal... as if one part in ourselves, still can't believe what we are witnessing...

It reminds me of the kind of faint sorrow - of what once was; that great handsome lover swooping away problems - and yet - it was a castle built on clouds and hormones. Too many lies and double standards. The only way to heal - and we know this deep down - is to look that "handsome" lover (illusion) straight into the eyes, and see him for what he really is.

Not so handsome anymore, after all ?

The Covid Plandemic

is the very bandaid which (finally) gets ripped off, cracking and dispersing our illusions which we have been nurturing far too many decades.

It is a blunt awakening, do doubt.

And yet... the process opens new doors, as locked energy is released. Wasn't it I Ching who indicated, that problems can be transformed into creative energy ?

Let's do that ! 💕
Could it be that this has started already? And of course there will not be any connection-of-the-dots or at least questioning of this possibility anytime soon i suspect:

"One person has died after a massive COVID-19 outbreak of emergency room workers at a San Jose Kaiser Permanente facility in California. Kaiser said some of the staff had been vaccinated for the virus before the outbreak, but did not say whether the person who died had received the vaccine."

Thank you XPan for posting this. Really courageous what these guys are doing. I was just wondering about the value of a judgement of a court these days. It has been mentioned several times in this thread that last November an Appeals Court in Lisbon has judged the PCR test of no value in determining if anyone has Covid19. They first tried to get the judges writing the verdict thrown out for disciplinary reasons but that did not hold fortunately. However, the PCR test is still being used here in Portugal as if no verdict had been issued. Hmmmm. I hope Fuellmich and Co will have more of an impact in Germany and the usa.

Laywer Dr Rainer Fuellmich mentioned

something the other day revolving the Lisbon Court's decision of PCR test being not valid; after that the Lisbon Court got lots of pressure to withdraw the that decision. (I do not know if they did or not)
Working in a town hall, I will be requisitioned from Monday to be at the reception of a vaccination center.😞 Not in guinea pig for the moment, but it is the caregivers and doctors who will be invited after what I know ... 😞😞 I'll keep you posted ... Wait and see...
Stay strong Tauriel, Gaby and all the caregivers and doctors from the forum. Hope the backfires will hapen faster than their will to harm... ✊✊
Please keep us informed of your experiences @Don Cesar. You'll have front row seat for the first 30 or so mins after people get injections.
From an RT op-ed:

A blogpost published on the World Economic Forum website imagines (or warns) of a world in the near future where we own nothing, have no right to privacy, yet live blissful lives. If such a thing comes to pass, it will not be the workers’ paradise or communist utopia envisaged by Marxist-Leninists. Rather it may resemble a living hell that combines the worst of Communist totalitarianism with the worst of capitalism’s detached callousness towards those deemed expendable, perhaps topped off with liberal and woke militants cancelling those committing thought crimes.

I think this is pretty accurate, though it has been so even before Covid.

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