Plan roll out in German for Germany.
<a href=" "> </a>


Could you please provide a little more information about where and how you found this document. What I wish to point out is, that when we encounter a picture or document - it is always good to know, where it comes from, and in what relation it has been written/published; who wrote it ?

Oh, I now discover, @aragorn also was wondering. Well, I post my post anyway

* * *

I will keep that picture loosely in the back corner my mind - in order to see if the alleged plan for Germany is or could be something the German Government / Establishment could, would, intends to follow. (And other EU countries who love to play "Best in Test", aping after).

If this document is true or not, the framework clearly sounds sinister, and it's ideas are not unheard of. The last sentence speaks of "Info: This document is based on Information, which leaked in Canada, creating a frame work based on the plans of the IMF" (the International Monetary Fund; which in itself is just another front shell for criminal agendas) The ideas in the "plan" (photo) also strongly lean towards the sick ideas of the WEF (World Economical Forum)
only that the latter uses fluffy, visionary words. :barf:
Maybe you have not noticed how utterly dysfunctional the western governments are right now?
Nobody in our government is even trying to save their face anymore.
Many people would love to swap Putin for their own "leaders".
Bro, I recently published information in this thread that the population of Russia in 2020 DECREASED BY FIVE HUNDRED THOUSANDS (due to blockages, the collapse of the healthcare system and other corona of shit). Twenty million people in Russia officially live below the poverty line. My father has a pension of $ 179 (at the current exchange rate) - that's $ 6 a day, although he works his whole life.
In addition, the retirement age was raised to 65 years (while men live on average 61 years, women 73 years).
Moreover, all of King Pu's friends live in palaces (including himself!) And they are all billionaires (in dollars, of course).


So, back to the news from Russia:

Today, the Russian Minister of Health said that the number of patients with COVID-19 over the past three weeks has decreased by more than 30%.

Magically, after the mass protests of people in Russia (and they were all without masks!), The covid retreated! Covid is defeated! Ha ha
Let me also remind you that now almost all of Russia is very cold - and this is the peak of the season of flu and colds. Usually, but not now. Now there is no flu, the covid is defeated!
Just a thought.

So the PTB are targeting humanity with their vaccines to reduce the world's population and they are hitting mainly the elderly, conformed, yes-sayers and authoritarians who tend to accept the PTB's rule best.

Those who stand the best chance to survive this culling are actually the kind of people the PTB want least to be around, such as the unruly, skeptics, rebellious, preppers and independent.

The more crises they will produce the more hardened and self-sufficient the survivors should be.

Is there an irony to it or do they gain by having to control a lot less people?
Antifa are NWO foot soldiers who work in line with the Great Reset.

Oh, that's just brilliant, innit? Anarchists protesting against people who denounce government authority. Antifascists calling for more fascist rules and regulations. Anti-establishment people asking for more of what the establishment is pushing. Are people just no longer able to perceive these obvious contradictions in themselves and in the world around them? The world has realy gone off the rails fast. I'm seriously getting into the enjoy the show these last few days.
Oh, that's just brilliant, innit? Anarchists protesting against people who denounce government authority. Antifascists calling for more fascist rules and regulations. Anti-establishment people asking for more of what the establishment is pushing. Are people just no longer able to perceive these obvious contradictions in themselves and in the world around them? The world has realy gone off the rails fast. I'm seriously getting into the enjoy the show these last few days.

These so called Antifacists not only go full facist here at home but also soon abroad. Anti-war protesters will soon be branded facists and the likes of Antifa and BLM will counter them. Woke Imperialists are modern day Nazi's. OSIT.

You better not take part in the wrong protests or else. More police brutality.

Although I did not live during the Second World War. Hm I read a lot about the history from that time. This film, this behaviour of people i.e. Policemen pushing a woman to the ground.... and the astonishment of the people watching the whole situation. The people who were watching stopped and were probably a bit shocked. They did not react... not because they could not, but because they were afraid that the same thing would happen to them. It reminds me a little of the story of the beginning of the treatment of Jews by the Nazis.
Nazi german
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Fear is dangerous. If more people start acting like this there is nothing they wouldn't support in line of ''their own safety''.

Meanwhile, those who push people to the ground as in the film quoted above... also have a "cure" for the "pandemic". We live in interesting times. Sometimes I look at all this madness and I wonder if people have brought this on themselves by not reacting to their surroundings. On the other hand, sometimes it's better not to react, the question is whether to just watch the whole show.

I have a feeling that going outside, to the shop, etc. will soon become more and more "difficult". E.g. PTB will start to "demonstrate" their power. Because people more and more, at least in Poland, see that this whole lockdown and pandemic is a fraud.
Antifa are NWO foot soldiers who work in line with the Great Reset.

Impressive. We can learn a lot in these chaotic times, where many masks and propaganda are falling. Antifa, BLM and so on show the essence (or perhaps lack of essence) of the Marxists and other revolutionaries of the last few hundred years. They have always been at the beck and call of bankers and powerful groups, desperately craving for materialistic power. Today it is easier to see how they operate because these revolutionaries of the elites no longer speak of their propaganda as "scientific theories" (like Marxist scientism) and class warfare, but of oppressed minorities. The abandonment of scientism for progressivism-postmodernism is perhaps a better way to the elites to attack society in general, but at the same time it makes easier to see their lies.

Could you please provide a little more information about where and how you found this document. What I wish to point out is, that when we encounter a picture or document - it is always good to know, where it comes from, and in what relation it has been written/published; who wrote it ?

Oh, I now discover, @aragorn also was wondering. Well, I post my post anyway

* * *

I will keep that picture loosely in the back corner my mind - in order to see if the alleged plan for Germany is or could be something the German Government / Establishment could, would, intends to follow. (And other EU countries who love to play "Best in Test", aping after).

If this document is true or not, the framework clearly sounds sinister, and it's ideas are not unheard of. The last sentence speaks of "Info: This document is based on Information, which leaked in Canada, creating a frame work based on the plans of the IMF" (the International Monetary Fund; which in itself is just another front shell for criminal agendas) The ideas in the "plan" (photo) also strongly lean towards the sick ideas of the WEF (World Economical Forum)
only that the latter uses fluffy, visionary words. :barf:
I don't know the origin. But I seen it first 3 months ago and so far it's been very accurate.
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