What happens with vaccinations in the care homes is an utter disgrace. After a German Whistleblower told a story about one care home in Berlin, another one from Sweden came forward with this story (Deepl):

In the follow-up to the article Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home, 2020News receives further, almost identical descriptions of deaths in homes and in the outpatient care sector in Germany and abroad.

From Sweden, we learn from the head of an outpatient care service:

"I can also confirm for the most part the descriptions of the Berlin whistleblower, who reported eight deaths after vaccination of 31 able-bodied persons with dementia. After the first vaccination, four elderly people died in my area, and when the second vaccine dose was administered, five patients were hospitalized and died. All of them entered the statistics as COVID-19 deaths.

Some patients refused the second vaccination by not opening the front door.
Since it was the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, which after all must be vaccinated shortly after mixing, there was only a small window of time to administer it. Thus, the vaccine had to be thrown away. This led to people calling these people irresponsible not to open the door, saying that many are waiting for this vaccine and you cannot afford to destroy vaccine. It would be a shame to refuse the vaccine offer.

In my nursing service, we cared for 56 patients. Nine passed away between Dec. 28, 2020, and Feb. 12, 2021. It's so sad."

Further, Swedish Care Management shares:

"Now all my employees are to be vaccinated. I have stressed several times that it is voluntary and there is no pressure on my part. All employees, without exception, had tested positive for COVID-19 between January 12 and February 12, 2021. One employee was even ventilated in a hospital and is not yet recovered.

I was speechless yesterday, all of them have registered for vaccination and are now to be vaccinated in a timely manner. Their argument is "otherwise we can't go on vacation in the summer". I am at a loss for words. I myself was sick for three weeks with a positive COVID-19 test. When I see the course of illness in my nursing service, of course this is subjective, it was after the vaccinations in the first place that the so-called COVID-19 illnesses started. Here in Sweden, the nurses vaccinate, there is no doctor involved. Nurses are legitimized to do this in Sweden.

At Örebro University Hospital, 30 staff members have been absent from the acute care and outpatient departments this week because of severe side effects after vaccination. Manager Daniel Gustafsson explains in the article that the high sickness rate has coincided with a large number of emergencies at the emergency clinic over the weekend. About 30 employees had experienced side effects after being vaccinated against COVID-19 on Friday, he said. The emergency clinic and ambulance employ about 200 people. The side effects included muscle aches, headaches and fever, which were milder in some and more severe in others, according to information from the clinic's management.

The problem with adverse vaccination reactions among nursing staff apparently exists nationwide in Sweden. On February 12, 2021, it was reported on television that the second vaccination for nursing staff had been stopped for the time being because many had fallen ill after the first vaccination.

The Sörmland region stopped vaccinating health care workers after 100 people reacted with fever the day after vaccination, many more than expected. The severe reaction affected a quarter of those vaccinated because only 400 doses of vaccine had been given to staff at Kullbergska Hospital in Katrineholm and Nyköping Hospital. Those who would have been on duty after the vaccination had even had to call in sick because of their severe fever.

Fredrik Gustavsson, communications officer at Region Sörmland, said: "This is a common and well-known side effect of the vaccination. Usually mild symptoms that pass on their own." However, to prevent staffing in several units in Region Sörmland from suffering, the planned vaccination of health workers will be suspended until further notice, he said. The region will now investigate the cause of why so many people have been affected by fever and will inform both the Swedish Medical Products Agency and the manufacturer of what has happened.

The Gävleborg region has also stopped vaccinating employees.

It was the first use of Astra Zeneca's vaccine in Sörmland. As this is not to be given to people older than 65, healthcare workers had received the first doses.
What happens with vaccinations in the care homes is an utter disgrace. After a German Whistleblower told a story about one care home in Berlin, another one from Sweden came forward with this story (Deepl):

There are quite a number of reports of similar horrifying news from nursing homes worldwide. At a nursing home in central Spain, at least 7 people out of a total of 78 nursing home residents died after being injected with the first round of BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines. And it wasn't even the second vaccine dose, which they announced in the same article would follow quickly afterwards. That is a death rate of about 10 percent there already! One shudders to think how it looks like after the second dosage (which seems to be far worse than the first shot). Here is the article translated via DeepL:

Seven nursing home residents die after BioNTech/Pfizer vaccination

The horrifying stories about the glorious new vaccines that are for everyone's health keep coming in. Now, at a nursing home in central Spain, at least 7 people out of a total of 78 nursing home residents died after being injected with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine.

All 78 residents of a nursing home in central Spain tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after receiving the first partial vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. At least seven people have died after immunization, nursing home staff confirmed on Monday.

~ de.rt.com

And that was just the first vaccine dose! The second (and by all appearances) worse vaccination is still about to be administered.

The residents and caregivers had previously been vaccinated with the first dose of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. They received the first partial vaccination on Jan. 13. Six days later, 10 residents began experiencing symptoms, a statement said. Some staff fell ill five days after the vaccination. As reported by La Vanguardia newspaper, the administration decided on January 21 to test all residents. Test results on Jan. 25 showed that all but one of the seniors were infected with the virus. However, that resident also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at a later date. The second vaccine dose is scheduled to be administered Feb. 3, with another round of PCR testing scheduled for Feb. 5.

Caregivers now need a negative PCR test to start work.

~ de.rt.com

I guess we will never know the true extent of deaths that are currently caused by those vaccines (not even mentioning the severe "side effects" here). It looks to me that there is a good possibility that the true number is probably quite staggering. As said before, I wouldn't be surprised if what we are seeing is (at least partly) a genocidal thing that might be enforced by some factions of the PTB (but not all).
What happens with vaccinations in the care homes is an utter disgrace. After a German Whistleblower told a story about one care home in Berlin, another one from Sweden came forward with this story (Deepl):

Same story happening here in the UK

People don't seem to care though.

Here the attitude is vaccinate as quickly as possible so we can all be set "free".
Israel going ahead with the health passport. They are calling it a "green pass"

I saw this first on Hugo talks

The idea is to create a new form of discrimination it seems where certain citizens won't enjoy full rights unless they I guess take the injections.

The narrative in the UK on so-called health passports is evolving and flip flopping.

The latest position is that the government may not be able to mandate them internally but that private organisations possibly could. For employers, it looks like they are trying to get them in under "health and safety" regulations but think their are a few legal hurdles to overcome.

For international travel the government hasn't ruled them out.

It looks like the strategy is to get as many people as possible vaccinated, including kids later this year AND THEN bring all these stuff in. That's my read.

In the UK, vaccination take up will be quite high with the main holdouts coming from "antivax" (severely outnumbered) type people and BAME (who may not be antivax but just lack trust in the system). So we'll see the rhetoric on BAME go up and actions against antivax become more pronounced. In the whole, the government is living a dream. The population here ARE NOT HAPPY with all the restrictions but they have accepted them and are willing to endure them essentially for eternity just as long as the government can continue to provide furlough and maintain anti-eviction legislation. The population as a majority are surrendered and have accepted misery as the new currency. It's a MASSIVE win for the government.

Suffering in the UK is made fashionable now with it being a badge of honour to talk about "mental health". Mental health is spoken about quite a lot but nothing is done to remedy the situation... No public health actions are taken. You're just given a gold star for talking about it because it's good to talk about it. Ultimately the bottom line is people really need to put up with it and / or get pills from their doctors which of course has no stigma and is given out like candy.

Addiction is the other thing booming in this country. Alcoholism is through the roof with people drinking themselves silly alone in their houses pretty much every night. God knows what's happening with drug addiction as that's rarely spoken about but I dread to think about how many people are taking drugs alone by themselves in their homes.

The UK is TRULY a miserable country now but the funny thing is people have accepted it and reached agreement on the shared misery.

New research from independent alcohol education charity, Drinkaware, reveals that around two in five (38%) of people on furlough and a third (33%) of parents with at least one child under 18 are drinking more alcohol since the start of lockdown.

This is significantly higher than the national average where, overall, more than a fifth (22%) of people in the UK – around 11.7 million – are drinking more since the lockdown began.

Currently, 9.9 million of the UK population is furloughed so all these people essentially staying at home doing nothing.

Add to that all that are outright unemployed and you can see that a significant percentage of the adult population is not in a good place.

In addition, they've vaccinated 99% of over 70s (first shot) plus most of the so-called "vulnerable"... All these people are part of the experiment and their health status going forward will be anyone's guess. They are now targeting over 65s and soon over 55s to have all these people jabbed by mid-May. I have no doubt they will succeed in jabbing over 80% of this population by the time May rolls around.

As you can see... MISERY and the UK are becoming synonymous. Don't get me started on the 24/7 unrelenting media propaganda machine that never sleeps and has saturated the airwaves with fear, darkness and loss of hope.

I've never seen a country driven so effectively and methodically down into the depths of hell.

I dare say.... will the UK recover? The idea that this country may not be the place to be going forward can't escape my mind.

To finish off... Here's a look into one of the wonderful quarantine hotels they are bringing in.

As I say everything now here is just so flipping MISERABLE.

The kids also are all going to get the jabs eventually and their parents will happily take them to be jabbed when the time does indeed come because the government here has reached a level of power over people's minds that well beyond anything I ever thought I'd witness.

So ladies and gents... If you aren't in the UK and you're looking for somewhere to come on holiday this summer... Venture on down and witness a country in the process of killing itself. You can start your visit in one of our wonderful quarantine hotels, where the welcoming hospitality does indeed begin when you set foot outside the airport.
For anyone interested in a bit more info regarding Viruses, from the German New Medicine prospective.
This video is not very long, under an hour.
Done in a nice, calm, "question and answer" interview, you will never see Viruses and bacteria the same again!

William Hughes is an acquaintance of mine, and he has studied German New Medicine for the last 10 years.

He holds a degree in applied science, from the University of Rockhampton, QLD, Austrailia.
He also studied Post graduate medical neuroscience and epigenetics.

During the interview, he also mentions that he studied NLP.
NLP is becoming a useful tool for a lot of therapists and researchers, as it enables understanding different ways of communication that people suffering from different traumas tend to use.

He describes several aspects of roles that viruses and bacteria have in Nature, and healing.

At about 27 minutes in, he describes several interesting ideas and one of the working hypothesis on what viruses are contributing, or attempting to do, before they get messed with, via chemicals, vaccines and of course, the SarCov-2 creation by….CRISPR!
Reading the above brought to mind hearing many years ago about why children always seem to have colds in non-summer months, the reason being that they were first encountering all the many variations of cold germs/viruses. But as they got older and well into adulthood, having by then accumulated a great deal of exposures to many variations of cold types, there were less cold germs/viruses that could still induce illness in them as adults. Perhaps the same is true for influenza to some degree or it has more to do with genetics/general health. Neither I or any of my family have ever had the flu and never, ever got flu shots. I've had plenty of colds over the course of my life, though. Of course, how much of the population yearly runs out to get their flu shot to keep themselves healthy only to subsequently come down with the flu! These are the same people who can't connect the Covid vaccines to any resultant Covid-like illness or adverse effects! They just mentally can't make that conclusion! I guess that's the result of unrelenting brainwashing.
neither i had vaccines since my childhood and rarely got these seasonal sickness. off label regimens on the other hand made me semi-permanently immune to the flu and allergies

On another note, I was watching episodes of the San Diego Zoo on TV and I heard one of the caretakers say they were using Ivermectin as a dewormer - can't remember if this was in regards to goats or flamingos or some other zoo animal. I just decided to google dewormer Ivermectin and all kinds of links popped up advising NOT to use that designated for animals as a treatment for Covid:

Don't Take Your Horse's Dewormer: Ivermectin Unproven as ...

thehorse.com › dont-take-your-horses-dewormer-iverm...
Apr 9, 2020 — Rodning said people commonly use ivermectin as an antiparasitic treatment in cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, and pets such as dogs and ...

FAQ: COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals | FDA

www.fda.gov › product-safety-information › faq-covid...
Dec 16, 2020 — Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No. While there are approved uses for ivermectin in people and animals, it is not ...

Is deworming drug Ivermectin deemed a safe, effective ... - KSAT

www.ksat.com › news › local › 2021/01/06 › is-dewor...

Jan 5, 2021 — Ivermectin is not FDA approved or NIH recommended right now for COVID-19 treatment and prevention, but people are still taking it off-label ...

Ha! :lol:
FDA can go to hell, they approve psychiatric drugs based on rat studies and anything that is shown effective empirically is EVIL
I don't know why Westend was the one targeted for criminal charges, out of several other restaurants defying the shutdown and mask orders.

Orange County bar owner faces criminal charges for operating during pandemic

JAN. 4, 2021 2:53 PM PT
A Costa Mesa bar owner has become the first Orange County proprietor to face a criminal charge for illegally operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Roland Michael Barrera, 47, who owns Westend Bar, was charged with a misdemeanor after repeatedly failing to mandate that customers and employees wear face coverings, declining to enforce social distancing requirements and continuing to operate during restricted hours, the Orange County district attorney’s office said Thursday.

Authorities have responded to the bar several times since November, when the state’s overnight stay-at-home order was issued, mandating that all nonessential businesses close between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.

The bar continued to operate past curfew, at times hosting up to 70 customers, who were not required to keep socially distanced or wear masks, prosecutors said.

On Dec. 12, a Costa Mesa police officer responded to the bar at about 11 p.m. The bar’s manager, Luisza Giulietta Mauro, grabbed the officer to prevent him from entering, authorities allege.

Mauro, 26, was charged with a misdemeanor count of resisting a police officer.

If convicted, both Mauro and Barrera face a maximum sentence of a year in jail.

However, prosecutors said they are hopeful that if the defendants do not commit new violations, their cases can be resolved through education rather than jail time.

Bars that don’t serve food have been closed for months in Orange County. Those like Westend that served meals could largely operate outdoors until last month, when Southern California’s regional ICU bed availability dropped below 15%, triggering the closure of personal care services and all outdoor dining.

Barrera and Mauro could not immediately be reached for comment on Monday. The voicemail boxes for the business and Barrera’s cellphone were full.

Barrera has been a controversial figure in Costa Mesa. He operated a nightclub, Maison, and a bar, Casa, that prompted frequent complaints from neighbors and code enforcement actions from the city. In 2015, he was ordered to pay a hefty fine for his role in recruiting investors into a Ponzi scheme.

The state’s limitations on businesses to combat a surge in coronavirus cases have drawn widespread criticism from restaurant and bar owners, many of whom say the restrictions have unfairly affected them. Some establishments, like Basilico’s Pasta e Vino in Huntington Beach, have been outspoken about flouting mandated closures and other regulations since the beginning of the pandemic.

Prosecutors have declined to file charges in nearly two dozen cases involving county businesses allegedly operating illegally during the pandemic.

Instead, they have focused on “an education and outreach philosophy” regarding the health orders, district attorney officials said.

Orange County Dist. Atty. Todd Spitzer said in a statement that Westend had multiple opportunities to take corrective action but declined to do so. He called the continued defiance a “slap in the face to hard-working business owners who are trying to do the right thing” in increasingly challenging times.

As tens of thousands of others have either closed their doors or managed to comply with the coronavirus restrictions, it is unacceptable for one business to “continue to operate without even attempting to institute any mitigating measures that are designed to save lives,” Spitzer said.

CDC WITHOLDING INFORMATION! 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections: Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS​

Yesterday we reported that the CDC had done another data dump into the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, showing that through February 4, 2021, there were 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

After publishing this article, a Health Impact News subscriber sent me a link to a page on the CDC website where they are reporting that as of February 11, 2021, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

The page, at least at the time of publication today, is located here: COVID-19 and Your Health.

We have captured a screen shot of this page, and made some editorial edits.


28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection​


The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer.

Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections.

She was an organ donor, so her body is being kept alive until they find suitable recipients for her organs.
J.P. Morgan ( TPTB??)analyst team says pandemic should be over by April.

The Pandemic Could Be ‘Effectively’ Over by April, According to J.P. Morgan​

By Nicholas Jasinski
Updated February 13, 2021 / Original February 12, 2021

The current trajectory of Covid-19 cases and vaccinations implies that the global pandemic could be as good as over in just a couple of months, a team of J.. Morgan analysts that includes global head of quantitative and derivatives strategy Marko Kolanovic said on Friday. That’s a much faster timeline than the market and most economists are working with.

The J.P. Morgan analysts aren’t concerned about the potentially more contagious U.K. coronavirus variant, referred to as B.1.1.7., which has been discovered in dozens of countries and more than 30 U.S. states. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the U.K. variant could become the dominant strain in the U.S. by March.

“The spread of the B.1.1.7. variant is not inconsistent with an overall decline of Covid and an end of the pandemic in Q2 due to vaccination, natural immunity, seasonality, and other factors,” Kolanovic wrote on Friday. “…While the dataset is still small, statistical analysis of current vaccination data is consistent with a strong decline (i.e. effective end) of the pandemic within ~40-70 days.”

That range means somewhere between the end of March and the end of April—in other words, just around the corner.

The J.P. Morgan quants analyzed the impact of vaccination rollouts on Covid-19 cases and the rate of spread in areas where the U.K. variant was and was not widely circulating. They found that the post-holidays spike in cases in both the U.S. and the U.K. were “almost identical,” despite the U.K. variant not being detected in the U.S. yet.

They also noted that cases in Denmark during the same period rose even faster than in the U.K. and the U.S. And since then, cases in Denmark have been declining more quickly despite the U.K. variant becoming more prevalent in the country at the same time. Likewise, new coronavirus cases in Florida and California have come off their January peak faster than the national average, despite those two states having a higher rate of U.K. variant cases than the U.S. overall.

“This is another example that an increase of B.1.1.7. prevalence can be consistent with a decline in overall cases (e.g., due to seasonality, vaccination, or natural immunity),” Kolanovic wrote.

The J.P. Morgan analysts also looked at the global vaccine rollout. They found that on average, for every 10% increase in vaccines administered, new Covid-19 cases have declined at a rate of 117 per million people. That compares with a median spread of 230 Covid-19 cases per million people in the analysts’ sample of about 25 countries.

Just using those two figures and assuming that the current pace of vaccinations remains constant—and that social distancing and other preventive measures remain in place—gets the quants to their 40-to-70-day estimate.

The team’s analysis comes with a disclaimer: The calculation assumes no hiccups with the rollout or supply of vaccines, and ignores regional differences in geography, demographics, and the uneven distribution of vaccines. But the current round of vaccinations targets the lowest-hanging fruit: People over 65 have accounted for about half of hospitalizations and some 85% of deaths since the pandemic began. Vaccinating that group will likely have a much larger incremental impact on beating back Covid-19 than the next group of younger and less susceptible people.

The pandemic’s economic damage will likely long outlast the end of rapid community spread. But, unsurprisingly, the J.P. Morgan analysts’ calculations have them bullish on the companies and assets most sensitive to a post-pandemic recovery. They advise using any near-term pessimism as an opportunity to buy the dip.

“Any weakness in reflation and cyclical assets should be used as an opportunity to increase exposure to the reopening theme, in our view,” Kolanovic wrote.

The market, however, isn’t pricing in an end to the pandemic that soon. If consensus expectations come around to J.P. Morgan’s view, expect stocks in sectors like energy and financials to shoot higher. Commodity prices would continue to climb, as forecasted demand would increase. Treasuries would sell off, and rates would jump—which could be problematic for high-multiple growth and technology stocks.

An effective end to the Covid-19 pandemic before the summer is not the consensus view on Wall Street, and a lot could still go wrong. But given current trends, the math works.


28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection​

View attachment 42850

The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer.

Sadly, this is another instance reported where a young healthcare worker in the prime of their life and with no previous existing health conditions has died after being injected with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections.

She was an organ donor, so her body is being kept alive until they find suitable recipients for her organs.

She was an organ donor, so her body is being kept alive until they find suitable recipients for her organs.
And what, pray tell, is the biological condition of body organs of a person who has been inoculated with mRNA COVID vaccine? What will be the effect on the transplant recipients be they also vaccinated or not? One can easily think that some very unfortunate outcomes may ensue and ultimately effect the future of the transplant field of medicine.
J.P. Morgan ( TPTB??)analyst team says pandemic should be over by April.
This seems to be a signature of the already exposed up and down pattern of control - lead people to think things will resolve and then, boom, things get artificially manipulated to be worst again! Can't remember if it's been characterized as game theory or not. It is a deliberate subterfuge nonetheless.
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