I never believed that so many brainwashed people existed. It helped me understand better why are we in this bizarre situation. It is just a collective learning curve of humanity.
Yeah, and also I was thinking that what we are seeing here and now is massive „crisis in faith“, similar to what we‘ve read in „Apocalypse: comets, asteroids and cyclical catastrophes“ - people are afraid to die and lost/losing faith on a grand scale.
When you look around, only thing missing is the trials of the „witches“.... The „witches“ are being trialed on social and main stream media already, so not long when they start to be put away an masse....

Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness

For decades, Classen has published papers exploring how vaccination can give rise to chronic conditions such as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes — not right away, but three or four years down the road. In this latest paper, Classen warns that the RNA-based vaccine technology could create “new potential mechanisms” of vaccine adverse events that may take years to come to light.
Attached to our psychiatric hospital is a residential home.
They started vaxxing the residents with the firt dose of the Astra Zeneca poison12 days ago. 2 days later one of our long term residents died.
Next time I'll be at work I will find out how much more 'collateral damage' was done.
The nursing staff at the frontline was offered the vaxx some time ago as I reported here but somehow (divine intervention?) an error in the delivery occured and the peeps who want to be vaxxed have to wait now.
2 doses were left over from the residential home and each of my supervisors literally jumped to get the vaxx. One vomited the whole weekend but didn't connect it with the inoculation.
I'm worried when she'll receive the 2nd dose because she has a chronic condition (neurodermitis).

I collected all my chronic conditions now and will see my family doctor end of the month to get a written exemption.
(What does the english expression of “Denominator” mean - or how else can it be used other than what a dictionary plainly says ?)
Sorry about the use of such a strange word, I should have just said "a shared trait".
Regarding duality:
For me duality is not literally meant just two directions, black or white, this or that, because that is - now that you pointed it out - an indeed crude simplification.
I thought the duality is also in us, being of flesh and blood and of spirit at the same time
I suspect that we have been kinda tricked by the Powers that Be into the a materialist constricting belief of binary "Duality".

There have been so many clues and puzzle pieces, gems of knowledge in all the C's transcripts.
When I was in my 3rd year of German New Medicine Studies, and the 3 distinct Brain levels were being studied at greater depth, I kept reflecting on this channeled session from 19 July 1997:
A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!

Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?

A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.
Duality, is significant in biology and physiology because it pertains to Brain Laterality, "Left or right".
Within the first moments of conception, every living creature on this planet gets designated a "Left or Right" spin, determining dominant brain laterality.
This Left and Right spin is just as important as biological gender, for some very amazing reasons!

Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief center, and thus gives added power. All who seek to graduate to 4th density must seek knowledge.
I have attempted to learn many things in this life. Mundane ordinary accomplishments, as well as several tasks and areas of life that required a LOT of practice.
Knowledge and skill did not come with out a LOT of trial and error, frustration and failure.

[...]knowledge that is sure[...]
During visits to my Parents home, my Father would ALWAYS ask me, in the first few moments of greeting "Well, Deb, what do you know, For Sure?"
Some times I would offer a joke, or a random fact, but that phrase has stuck with me all my life.
It also scared me to the core.
To know something FOR SURE...

After learning, experimenting, and reading everything I could get my hands on regarding dna, rna, mtdna, and genetics, especially epigenetics during the last 20 years, I am gonna say it:
I know that we can and do control our own DNA, at least to a great extent.
We have been hypnotized to believe otherwise...

Each one of us has the ability and the keys to open the locks of our own DNA codes.
I suspect, as well, that due to the STS idiots that unleashed the latest viral upgrade, these "variants" that are appearing are literally "keys" being filed to fit old locks.
A few more DNA treasures are going to be accessible, and who knows what they might be?!?!
It is going to get really interesting....
That is, if Nature has her way.
She will, because "The Wind ALWAYS wins."
Remember, the Cs said that human beings lead the DNA smorgasbord parade of all that exists on this planet. We've got genes that are in worms and flies and fish and apes and whatever. That used to really upset me when they would say stuff like that. It would really gross me out. But it's true. We share many genes with so many other families and species. That's because those parts worked in a certain way and did certain things that were wanted, and the 4D engineers used them again and again, modifying this or that, but basically, the DNA instructions have to be the same because it’s an information code.
Why do you "think" your Beloved critters are reading your mind?

Might it be....Shared DNA.
Transmissions via cellular antenna?
Do you think maybe they hear you via your transmissions from every cell in your body?
(Joe) There's a comment there about how human souls were put into Neanderthals to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. That's different.

(L) That's a bit different because here you're talking about something that's more conscious and you're talking about an organism that's already developed to a very advanced stage. So that particular kind of inducing changes could possibly work. The Cs said that STS took over about 300KYA, and by then, all the major creating and engineering of life forms as we know them now was a done deal. If Love is the power of creation, that’s why 4D STS can’t create; they can only modify or interfere, suppress, etc. So in a real sense, our world was created by Love and is truly, jaw-droppingly amazing.

(Scottie) That's still a type of engineering. If you take a "super doggie-type soul" and put it in a wolf, maybe you get a dog.

(Joe) Well, that's the question. Is that only for human beings? There's no soul or essence that can go into animals that can change them?

(L) Does that thing about the Neanderthals only work for humans, or is that something that also could work for animals?

A: In some cases, yes.

Q: (Artemis) What did they want to say before when we stopped them? They wanted to say something. So, continue.

A: Learning how to think has been a big part of the destiny. Now, it must be combined with belief of a particular kind. Belief that is based on subjective wishful thinking is entropic. Belief that is based on firm knowledge of nature is empowering. This is what your grouping has lacked. You now have the opportunity and tools to change that.
Firm Knowledge of Nature.
Dr Hamer did a magnificent job outlining the 5 Natural Laws of Biological life.
All of that amazing knowledge and information IS still available, for free.
Available for how long in this strange reality is anyone's guess.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, he uses the term "evolution" due to the audience he was presenting his thesis to, which was the Medical Association.
The commitment to "un-learning" de-programming, and knocking false Idols off of pedestals gets rather uncomfortable at times, but it is worth it, at least, for me.

Q: (Pierre) Yeah, that's a big change. If I correctly remembered, we were about knowledge is good, belief is bad. Now, they introduce a distinction: there is bad belief based on wishful thinking, and there is good belief based on objective assessment of reality and knowledge. They already mentioned Belief Center earlier, and I was thinking, "Belief Center? Power?" I think they allude to the fact that when knowledge is taken a step further and used to fuel a strong belief in this truth, it has a different effect on you. Not only you know, but...
Huh, and now, I must confess...
I recently made the following diagram to illustrate how proteins and DNA (both strongly influenced by viral genetic material) are key intermediates between us and the Information Field
You did a Brilliant job!
The diagram format is very helpful, and as the old adage says"A picture is worth a thousand words".
I have attempted to put into words a very similar scenario in my explanations as well.

I wrote and posted a very wordy, information dense, detailed post back in May, 2020.

My research gives me differing viewpoints regarding "disease".
Periods of "healing crisis" can literally kill someone, if the conflict has gone on too long.
I suspect that due to the genetic violation of this latest "medical experiment" many people are dying from forced genetic manipulation.
At least, that's my hypothesis from what I can deduce at this time.

If you get a chance to read my previous post from last May, you will see that I strongly suspect that the original exposure, the mutated Frankenstein Sars-Cov-2 creation that was administered back in 2017, to Military personnel, was a mRNA vaccine.

Further more, I suspect it was a genetic manipulation targeting the X chromosome.
The area of that particular genetic site, on all human X chromosomes, is well documented.
A tweek here, would and does cause a genetic mutation called Fragile X Syndrome.
THAT was the target of the experiment, I suspect.
I look forward to any comments you may have on this way out hypothesis I have made.
Indeed. Pasteurism is an insidious ideology who made us demonize viruses. Nothing could be further from truth: out of the estimated 100 million different types of viruses, only 200 types (a mere 0.0002%) sometimes cause diseases in humans.

If all viruses were pathogenic as Pasteur claimed, human beings would have disappeared from the surface of Earth a long time ago. Actually, we would have never appeared since we're made of virus, more than that, viruses made us.

I recently made the following diagram to illustrate how proteins and DNA (both strongly influenced by viral genetic material) are key intermediates between us and the Information Field. An analogy with radio transmission was used to offer more tangible references. Here is an preliminary draft:

View attachment 42777

Below is a second diagram describing how the integration of new viral genetic material ultimately enhances the host's information processing abilities but requires sometimes a period of adaptation (disease). An analogy with sofware upgrades in computers is used to clarify the reasoning:

View attachment 42776

FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!! ❤️

Not only do you bring it down to an understandable level, you do it also in a visual way. At the same time you gave me an answer, to what I have been secretly dwelling about only recently - but never asked.

The Information field that surrounds everything... the receivership through our vibrational DNA, might be (is) connected to e.g. the creation of viruses (and with it, the transfer of information, changes, updates, enhancements on the physical level) How the Higher is brought down / connecting to - into our level of 3D world, which after all has its own set of physical laws to be taken in account. And so, that's the way it looks like / act like - which you described.

The process of adaptation is/can be, the state of disease for a while. (Asymptomatic / symptomatic / death) That does add quite a different resonance to our common attitude of how we think about disease... well about many things, for that matter.

Oh man... I just love each time knowledge klicks (the result of understanding something better) Your graphic illustration really boils it down, nailing it.

Thank you @Pierre !
Agree, that’s been brilliantly and rather simply explained by @Pierre. I didn’t know what asymptomatic meant but now I know. 😃

This puts a lot of emphasis on maintaining a healdy body with recommneded diet and protocols. I used to get flu and hay fever every winter until I fixed my diet and mental hygiene with help from homeopathy. So, now, I am still picking up the same or mutated viruses but they don’t cause any harm and probably raise my awareness level each winter as I discover more asleep people around me.
You did a Brilliant job!
The diagram format is very helpful, and as the old adage says"A picture is worth a thousand words".
I have attempted to put into words a very similar scenario in my explanations as well.

I wrote and posted a very wordy, information dense, detailed post back in May, 2020.

My research gives me differing viewpoints regarding "disease".
Periods of "healing crisis" can literally kill someone, if the conflict has gone on too long.
I suspect that due to the genetic violation of this latest "medical experiment" many people are dying from forced genetic manipulation.
At least, that's my hypothesis from what I can deduce at this time.

If you get a chance to read my previous post from last May, you will see that I strongly suspect that the original exposure, the mutated Frankenstein Sars-Cov-2 creation that was administered back in 2017, to Military personnel, was a mRNA vaccine.

Further more, I suspect it was a genetic manipulation targeting the X chromosome.
The area of that particular genetic site, on all human X chromosomes, is well documented.
A tweek here, would and does cause a genetic mutation called Fragile X Syndrome.
THAT was the target of the experiment, I suspect.
I look forward to any comments you may have on this way out hypothesis I have made.

What you wrote there back in May 2020 @Debra

I had not read it yet (still stuck in April '20 of this very loooooooong thread) - but it was/is remarkable !!

E.g. The upgrade of information due to a virus, the different cell layers of the body can induce “illness going in waves”, but would also be used by the PTB narrative with fear and met by the matrix by using modifying mRNa Vaccines, screwing up our bodies/cells/information. An much more. (Of course I have to read it again. A couple times in fact)

For me personally, what you wrote back then Debra added a missing link in my own understanding; linking suddenly more natural with what only recently was written by Pierre, you Debra and Gaby/Niall earlier + plus the C’s notion of a *virus* download which started 2 years ago. (That last part i was never fully able to integrate in the whole, due to the many perspectives existing regrading viruses while programs going off)

Also: it makes better sense to me, the principle of Trinity in the whole - rather then Duality (the latter word implies a sense to view things more narrow/crude/simplified),

My intellect still works hard to grasp the details. But at least I got an intuitive sense of understanding, the connection between the different parts that have been pointed out here - bringing them closer into relevance, closer to a whole.

Have I mentioned ?

that I am thankful to you all ?;-D But it is true.... the dynamics, the growth, and the invitations to discern, the complementary, often deeply knowledgeable written contributions members write here.... and it all together.... comes about because of networking with each other.

And i do know/feel/see that many here, share a deep sense of appreciation in the texts and dynamics written by other members.

truly mind boggling.

mama mia !!!

What you wrote there back in May 2020 @Debra

I had not read it yet (still stuck in April '20 of this very loooooooong thread) - but it was/is remarkable !!

E.g. The upgrade of information due to a virus, the different cell layers of the body can induce “illness going in waves”, but would also be used by the PTB narrative with fear and met by the matrix by using modifying mRNa Vaccines, screwing up our bodies/cells/information. An much more. (Of course I have to read it again. A couple times in fact)

For me personally, what you wrote back then Debra added a missing link in my own understanding; linking suddenly more natural with what only recently was written by Pierre, you Debra and Gaby/Niall earlier + plus the C’s notion of a *virus* download which started 2 years ago. (That last part i was never fully able to integrate in the whole, due to the many perspectives existing regrading viruses while programs going off)

Also: it makes better sense to me, the principle of Trinity in the whole - rather then Duality (the latter word implies a sense to view things more narrow/crude/simplified),

My intellect still works hard to grasp the details. But at least I got an intuitive sense of understanding, the connection between the different parts that have been pointed out here - bringing them closer into relevance, closer to a whole.

Have I mentioned ?

that I am thankful to you all ?;-D But it is true.... the dynamics, the growth, and the invitations to discern, the complementary, often deeply knowledgeable written contributions members write here.... and it all together.... comes about because of networking with each other.

And i do know/feel/see that many here, share a deep sense of appreciation in the texts and dynamics written by other members.

truly mind boggling.

mama mia !!!

There are different kinds of dualities and trinities. It depends on the topic and how it's viewed. Dualities can (depending on the philosophy) be the Absolute and the manifest, spirit and matter, light and dark, etc. Trinities can be the human (body, mind, spirit), the Three Logoi (analogous to the Christion Trinity), and more. In some esoteric schools, much occurs in sevens. As to the information field, it might be interesting to look into the concept of Akashic records, which can be found in works of Rudolph Steiner, Theosophy, Ervin László, and probably others.

i will try to translate and boil down some very important information which has emerged from the 39th meeting of the Investigate Corona Comity in Berlin. Since i am at work at the subway, and only with a visually crammed iPhone screen, I rather do that work when I get home, so I can focus on the tasks at hand.

Example: Israel

One area was about Israel, which is in a sort of “phase 3” of how the PTB implements their threats towards their own people revolving the “vaccines”, with help of secret service and direct “door to door” threats - in areas where vaccine resistance had been registered.

Also how the Israeli Gov sold out their people to the industry for money, to do experimentations on them (with a german BioNTech vaccine !) and the Gov’s made an obligation to deliver many vaccinated (goal 90%)

The italian lawyer interviewed, who brought this information, whose name I do not recall out of mind now, said what happens in Israel gives a hint of what to be expected for the rest of the world.

Example: Berlin

Then there was a different video called “Ad-hoc 6” released only just now through lawyer Rainer Fuellmich / Vivianne Fischer at the Outerparlimentarian Investigative Corona Comity about a whistleblower interview from an elderly home in Berlin.

Listening to that was an outmost tragic experience in every sense, deeply disturbing (due to the many details as well total failures between “a patient rights” - and how things really are done in practice - with help of the german military, just to mention one aspect - violating every possible right).

It is also suspected (due to many witness reports) being just one example of how things work in many elderly homes around Germany, Europe, the World - very much reminds of systematic killing of old people due a lot of bad reactions and deaths from the mRNA vaccines

It was really bad.

Also a tale of how the police and authorities react utterly lame (not doing their job) on when the lawyers immediately make an appeal/file for a request (which would require immediate action from the police to investigate suspects of murder according law).

But criminal investigators fail to do their obligations - and come with stupid explainations like “nobody else has reported or filed serious adverse effect from the vaccines”. Hello ?!?

But more details on that later as i find time to review the videos anew, translating them to give you a detailed excerpt (I wish to get the details right).

I have to run to catch my train !
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Excellent Interview with Professor Dr Dolores Cahill

Thank you @Jones !
This interview is just another one of those important ones - so I put this to my personal "reference library of Important Information". The Interview nails very well many important aspects surrounding the Plandemic and Vaccine Industry as a whole. It also add some dark extra dots I was not fully aware of.

She talks about (I list it not in order)

1) Vaccines in general - and brings very interesting info to the table here, including the absolutely unnecessary ingredients which always are put into the "traditional ones", the problem with studies and so called "placebo" which aren't really "placeboes" when the industry conducts "studies" to justify their new products. She explains also that you can make a Meningitis vaccine - without any of the toxic, damaging additions - only using additional saline solution ! Yet, the industry isn't interested..

2) The fact that vaccine deaths often are listed hidden behind 33 different acronyms, therefore the meaning becomes unknown to most people, and screws up the official deaths numbers in studies / statistics saying "being extremely rare" - which is a lie.

3) Her own past, research and later growing threats in her profession already 20+ years ago

4) [if I understood it correctly, I am not sure] Her inventions and patents for tests for identification of illnesses ("1000 times more effective") - compared to the various official used tests to determine illness/reactions/disease - but instead receives resistance and physical threats in the past.

5) She is brilliant in quickly giving you facts and stats about vaccine damages, definitions, and ingredients, what they do - and how they are related to why today's young generation is much sicker.

6) About mRNA vaccines and "covid-19" being essentially a re-used label for just normal corona virus aka influenza.

7) About the excellent treatments for covid-19 conditions, that nobody needs to die, nobody needs to wear masks or hold distances

8) She talks about the pharmaceutical industry, e.g. one famous CEO in 1997(?) said "if your medications do not cure people, then we create diseases that can be cured with our medications",

9) by studying the economical outlook projections made in the past by the industry - for the odd timeframe of 2020-2025 - she discovered that the Pharma Industry and pension funds etc - made peculiar projections with significantly more illness, and reactions, lower life expectancy (!) in people, while at the same significantly more profits for the Industry - adding some extra dark spots to the whole PTB game set (which is now playing out as we entered year 2020....)

More I can't remember out of mind - but she is a good communicator who delivers dense facts and info in a manner, easy to understand. The Interview as a whole is 1 hour 30 minutes - but those flow very well, very interesting to listen to !

A simply brilliant Interview !

Below is a photo from Oct 2020

I took of her, when she spoke in Stockholm, at the meeting of the World Doctors Alliance. It was funny, because it was only 2 days earlier I heard for the first time of their existence - and they would come to Stockholm !! I remember that Dolores Cahill had a very strong, very bright resonance radiating wide and far.

I used to get flu and hay fever every winter until I fixed my diet and mental hygiene with help from homeopathy. So, now, I am still picking up the same or mutated viruses but they don’t cause any harm and probably raise my awareness level each winter as I discover more asleep people around me.
Reading the above brought to mind hearing many years ago about why children always seem to have colds in non-summer months, the reason being that they were first encountering all the many variations of cold germs/viruses. But as they got older and well into adulthood, having by then accumulated a great deal of exposures to many variations of cold types, there were less cold germs/viruses that could still induce illness in them as adults. Perhaps the same is true for influenza to some degree or it has more to do with genetics/general health. Neither I or any of my family have ever had the flu and never, ever got flu shots. I've had plenty of colds over the course of my life, though. Of course, how much of the population yearly runs out to get their flu shot to keep themselves healthy only to subsequently come down with the flu! These are the same people who can't connect the Covid vaccines to any resultant Covid-like illness or adverse effects! They just mentally can't make that conclusion! I guess that's the result of unrelenting brainwashing.

On another note, I was watching episodes of the San Diego Zoo on TV and I heard one of the caretakers say they were using Ivermectin as a dewormer - can't remember if this was in regards to goats or flamingos or some other zoo animal. I just decided to google dewormer Ivermectin and all kinds of links popped up advising NOT to use that designated for animals as a treatment for Covid:

Don't Take Your Horse's Dewormer: Ivermectin Unproven as ...​

thehorse.com › dont-take-your-horses-dewormer-iverm...
Apr 9, 2020 — Rodning said people commonly use ivermectin as an antiparasitic treatment in cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, and pets such as dogs and ...

FAQ: COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals | FDA​

www.fda.gov › product-safety-information › faq-covid...
Dec 16, 2020 — Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No. While there are approved uses for ivermectin in people and animals, it is not ...

Is deworming drug Ivermectin deemed a safe, effective ... - KSAT​

www.ksat.com › news › local › 2021/01/06 › is-dewor...

Jan 5, 2021 — Ivermectin is not FDA approved or NIH recommended right now for COVID-19 treatment and prevention, but people are still taking it off-label ...

Ha! :lol:


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