It's terrible to say this, but I hope the real pandemic will start before they manage to get that vaccine out. Trying to curb the population of old people is evil enough.

It seems that the PTB

gets bolder and bolder. I sometimes hear the saying that the elite is getting scared. And frankly I am not so sure about that - because a lot speaks for it, and a lot speaks against it. When I try to 'emulate' the "psychopathic thinking" - then I am not so sure if they are really scared.

I get more the feeling of that they now truly smell the "blood", and get drunk of having their goals almost in reach (given how badly things have gone in many places of the world, and how bold many government puppets have become in making new totalitarian laws and demands).

Our hope is to be intelligent enough to discern and utilize the mistakes they are doing, because as they get so aroused from the almost-in-reach-victory... they make a lot more mistakes. The boldness clearly leaves much larger trails behind - which even the average citizen starts to - at least partially / to some degree - see that something isn't quite right. And the awakened lawyers are on it like sharks. It should count for something...

I also believe that the massively increased noise from critics all over the world - have started to make a larger impact on people in general. If that is enough, I can not say. I trust in that when a cold front swoops down over the lands - a counteracting warm power does the same - but in the opposite direction !
Trying to curb the population of old people is evil enough.
Indeed, and what about the people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities... Can't help but think of the term 'useless eaters'....

In Portugal:

People with Down syndrome and who are over 16 years old will be included in the priority groups for vaccination against covid-19, the director-general of Health Graça Freitas confirmed today​

In The NetherlandsThe Netherlands: Obese people, people with Down Syndrome and people with neurological respiratory problems will be vaccinated as a priority with the AstraZeneca toxxination:
Mensen met zwaar overgewicht (een BMI hoger dan 40), het syndroom van Down en met neurologische ademhalingsproblemen worden met voorrang gevaccineerd met het AstraZeneca-vaccin.

In India:
NEW DELHI: India plans to prioritise people with Down syndrome for covid-19 vaccination, after the US’ centre for disease control (CDC), UK and Spain included those with the genetic condition in the list of 'high-risk’ individuals.

In the UK:
And adults with Down's Syndrome have already been offered a jab, in priority group 4, as part of the UK's target to vaccinate 15 million people by mid-February.

I am also looking for information of county and state closures. I’m considering a Arizona to Florida trip. My thoughts are that at any time “something” could happen and “you are where you are” and that’s it! I don’t want to be away from home when that happens, but what am I going to do? If I feel I have to go, I'll just go. Anyway, I found this: a Covid-19 travel restriction state by state, and it has been updated to March 1, 2021 (yesterday!)

I’m assuming these have to do with flights. If I go, I will be driving, and “assuming” that would make it even easier to slip on by. I can call ahead and see if the local hotels have any restrictions. That should also be any indicator of freedom of travel on the interstates.

The web page:

FYI: California has for years had a border stop “going in only” they say its for checking fruit, but it's oppressive looking, and has plenty of police, dogs, etc. around. I haven’t gone through it since last May, so I can’t say if they are asking any COVID-19 questions. Also, north of Yuma Arizona (well within the US border) there is a stop, where you will be asked where you are going. Not sure who runs that one, police or military.

I hope this helps, and please pass on anything you may learn.

I am also looking for information of county and state closures. I’m considering a Arizona to Florida trip. My thoughts are that at any time “something” could happen and “you are where you are” and that’s it! I don’t want to be away from home when that happens, but what am I going to do? If I feel I have to go, I'll just go. Anyway, I found this: a Covid-19 travel restriction state by state, and it has been updated to March 1, 2021 (yesterday!)

I’m assuming these have to do with flights. If I go, I will be driving, and “assuming” that would make it even easier to slip on by. I can call ahead and see if the local hotels have any restrictions. That should also be any indicator of freedom of travel on the interstates.

The web page:

FYI: California has for years had a border stop “going in only” they say its for checking fruit, but it's oppressive looking, and has plenty of police, dogs, etc. around. I haven’t gone through it since last May, so I can’t say if they are asking any COVID-19 questions. Also, north of Yuma Arizona (well within the US border) there is a stop, where you will be asked where you are going. Not sure who runs that one, police or military.

I hope this helps, and please pass on anything you may learn.
Thank you. I will.
For sure I won't be headed to the west coast!

I get the same weird vibe when I look at Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Martin, as I get with Prime Minister of New Zealand Janica Ardern. This strange obsessive (?) staring, chilly look in their eyes is.... I can't put finger on it.

But both play now in the same ballpark.
Although it doesn't matter much, when compared to all the damage that's going on, she(Marin) managed to get her face to Time's front page. Pure coincidence...right.

I have also noticed the same thing in her, when compared to what she was like years ago. Makes one wonder, what kind of treatment she and the likes around the world have received. As mentioned in this thread, they seem to have almost exact same script to follow.

They obviously have a blast, when playing all their cards. After that, what is left. Perhaps "third man's"(or whoever their handlers are) empty hand.

It just makes me furious to see all that happening, and having a feeling, that I'm not able to do anything to help the ones, especially elders, who are forced to take the vaccine, facing lethal consequenses.

Sorry about the rant, just thinking out loud.

My husband told me yesterday, that on Saturdays in Stockholm, there are long queues in front of many stores in Stockholm, due to the restrictions of the max amount of allowed people in a space. Seeing something like that, during peace times, in a country that has not had any war for over 200 years - is surreal.

At Medborgarplatsen Plaza in central Stockholm City, my husband also observed - feeling it was touching & a bit sad - as people lined up at a stand - where food bags where given out. Because even here, we have plenty of people with no economical margins and no jobs... :-(
I get the same weird vibe when I look at Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Martin, as I get with Prime Minister of New Zealand Janica Ardern. This strange obsessive (?) staring, chilly look in their eyes is.... I can't put finger on it.
Is it when pressures from outside, fatigue, insecurity, derailed mother instincts, and drives to stay in power leave them as programmable as a broken specimen among Pavlov's dog? Are they to be pitied, despised, ignored or simply observed? As I look closer, I wonder if they are so different from many other people who are forced to put on a mask when they go to the store? Now, watching a movie where people do not wear masks and do not keep social distancing almost appear like a fantasy of an escapist.
Texas gov lifts mask mandate & OKs businesses to operate at 100% capacity
This is the kind of good news I wanna read more frequently.
Feels a little bit like the announcements of chocolate rations increases in 1984, but I take it.
Yes, our dear leader has decided to lift his mandate. But why wait until March 10? Will the virus magically disappear on that day? He was under pressure due to various things, one of which the legislature was working on a bill against the mask mandate.

Maybe now I'll be able to walk around and not see 99% of people masked. I think many will still wear masks though. I heard one woman say yesterday that she'll just keep wearing her mask until she gets her vaccine!
Texas gov lifts mask mandate & OKs businesses to operate at 100% capacity
This is the kind of good news I wanna read more frequently.
Feels a little bit like the announcements of chocolate rations increases in 1984, but I take it.
Mississippi joins Texas.

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