The shoppers in my neighbour bought many toilet paper (there was none at all at 8 pm), candies, croissants, all sugar items, milk, fruits, almost nothing when I went to the store, no vegetables also but... but the section of ham, bacon and all the good things was full. Ja!

Yes, and I find myself feeling INCREDIBLY grateful for this place here. Heck, it seems that everything we did and do prepared us for precisely this kind of thing. I was neglecting the prepping thing lately, but the diet, the knowledge, the habits, where I live, the mentality, every bit of applied knowledge, imperfect as it may be, is absolutely PRICELESS. Thank you, thank you, thank you
The shoppers in my neighbour bought many toilet paper (there was none at all at 8 pm), candies, croissants, all sugar items, milk, fruits, almost nothing when I went to the store, no vegetables also but... but the section of ham, bacon and all the good things was full. Ja!
Same here. I went to the shop, I saw people fill their cart with toilet paper (this reminded me about this thread :-D ). I went to the section of dried fruits and guess what? There was sales on dried elderberries! It was only 1,50€ the 100g bag. There was 20 bags, so nobody seemed to buy any. I bought all ! :lol: . I was surprised because this shop never sell that; it was as though the universe sent them to me :umm: . Or rather, the signs are here, things are around us, but we don't see them until we are aware. Cf the Cs/ Laura: "receiver capacity".

As Luc said, we are saved not by collecting materialistic things and goods but by collecting knowledge and applying it.
Me too: thanks thanks thanks :love:
Hi Luc. And I don't disagree with you either. I'm not buying into 'a grand conspiracy' meme either - its obviously much more fluid, subtle and nuanced than that. But despite your correct assessment that the vast majority of vested interests are more than happy to keep the whole planet - through whatever means, be it financial, political, legislative, military, pharmaceutical, etc - at a variant of perpetual simmering point in between valuable states of chaotic boiling, I think to some degree all the possibilities I suggest are in the mix at some level.

Agree 100%. All I'm saying is that we all should keep a cool head, and this includes how we think about the reasons for all this and the different levels involved. As you said, it's a very complicated and nuanced mix, and it's our job to look at reality as best we can. The problem is that our minds long for explanations, for answers that solve the riddle once and for all. But no dice! There are many different, valid and nuanced angles from which to look at this, some of which are in conflict. But taken together, we might get somewhere. But I think we can learn the most about what's going on if we always keep in mind possible explanations based on our direct knowledge and experience. So for example, the George Soros angle - yes, power-brokers like him dream of ever more control, hence their think tanks come up with all kinds of scenarios that would help with that - wishful thinking? That doesn't necessarily mean that he, or anyone else, is kind of an evil mastermind who has planned this whole thing for objective XY. It's much more complicated than that. But if we give in to the temptation of coming up with simplistic "this explains the whole thing" answers, we miss so many opportunities of gathering knowledge from this situation, such as psychological mechanisms, how the STS mindset plays itself out, how the people in governments and administrations really think and work, how certain patterns play themselves out, etc. OSIT
My new laptop apparently has a sensitivity issue that is causing me lots of frustration - the last post wasn't intentional as I was still composing - some little slip or pressure set it off! So, there's more to what I was writing:
At the same time, health officials warned of a disturbing development: Dozens of patients with vaping-related lung illness were rehospitalized shortly after discharge, and seven died after being discharged, suggesting that the illness must be closely monitored and may worsen in older patients with chronic conditions.

“We don’t know why they worsened so suddenly,” Schuchat said.

Of 1,139 hospitalized patients who were discharged by Oct. 31, 2019, 31 were readmitted to the hospital within about four days, on average, after initial discharge. The median age of those readmitted to the hospital was 27. The other seven patients died within about three days of initial discharge. They were more likely to have underlying conditions, such as heart disease, sleep apnea or diabetes, and they tended to be older, with a median age of 54.
Among the other findings, the reports show that the vaping-related outbreak was a new phenomenon and not an illness that had gone unrecognized, Schuchat said. Emergency department visits increased sharply beginning in June 2019 and peaked in September. Since then, emergency room visits for vaping-related illnesses have declined, although new cases continue to be reported.
The report on vitamin E acetate offered two theories for how the compound could harm the lungs. When vitamin E acetate is heated through vaping, that process can disrupt the material on the lining of the lungs, and that might interfere with the lungs’ ability to expand, Schuchat said. The second way could be a chemical injury from a byproduct that is released when vitamin E acetate is heated to very high temperatures. That byproduct, called ketene, could also provide “a possible mechanism by which vitamin E acetate could cause respiratory dysfunction,” the researchers wrote.

A study by Minnesota health officials also found that THC products seized by law enforcement officials during 2018, before the outbreak, did not contain vitamin E acetate. But 20 out of 20 THC-containing products seized by Minnesota law enforcement authorities during September, at the peak of the outbreak, contained vitamin E acetate.

CDC researchers noted that vitamin E acetate, which has a viscosity like that of pure THC oil, began to appear in the black market in late 2018 or early 2019, and gained popularity in 2019. Industry sources have said black market operators used vitamin E acetate to cut THC oil to increase profits.

The Food and Drug Administration has said most of the THC vaping fluids linked to patients contain vitamin E acetate, with concentrations ranging from 23 to 88 percent. By contrast, the FDA has found no vitamin E acetate in 197 nicotine products analyzed so far.

On Friday, the FDA and Drug Enforcement Administration seized 44 websites advertising the sale of illegal vaping cartridges containing THC. Selling THC vaping products over the Internet is a violation of federal law, the agencies said. The move was part of Operation Vapor Lock, which is investigating the supply chain of vaping products associated with the lung injuries. So far, however, none the advertised products has been linked to any cases of lung injury.

In view of this latest information, one has to wonder if some form of corona virus was involved and it was covered up - especially if it might have come from Fort Detrick. Many years ago I read that Fort Detrick was responsible for the initial Spanish flu outbreak and then made it even worst twice! I imagine impossible to find that info now.
The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.
Ok - this idea has already been explored (post 1758) by journalist Larry Romanoff . I think I read it but then forgot - information overload by so many coronavirus articles, vids, forum posts. So yeah, that whole e-cigarette vaping illness was very likely a cover-up of escaped Covid-19.
If some members of the US team at the World Military Games (18-27 October) had become infected by the virus from an accidental outbreak at Fort Detrick it is possible that, with a long initial incubation period, their symptoms might have been minor, and those individuals could easily have ‘toured’ the city of Wuhan during their stay, infecting potentially thousands of local residents in various locations, many of whom would later travel to the seafood market from which the virus would spread like wildfire (as it did).

That would account also for the practical impossibility of locating the legendary “patient zero” – which in this case has never been found since there would have been many of them.
The short answer is no, I don't have an anti China bias but I'm not happy they introduced covid-19 to the world and now we all have to deal with it.
Archaea said:
I'm very much anti-China, I think they embody the very STS nature and draconian state tendencies that the Cassiopaean people have been working against for years now. Why is this thinking wrong?
Guess you two plus all other like-minded persons will have to realize that the good ole USA is the culprit in this situation and probably at the apex of the STS pyramid! :evil: 'r' US! It figures that the Wuhan seafood market was initially fingered as the source of the virus - those Chinese cretins who eat bat soup! Was there any vitamin E acetate in that soup? [I'm shaking my head in total disgust right now] Well, we are dealing with psychopaths after all! 😱
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Yes, VIPs and celebrities everywhere are now 'confirmed' to have it.

Which probably means millions of people have it or have been exposed to it.

Which would mean it's just another winter flu.

There has to be a way to find data that supports or disproves whether this assessment is accurate. For example, the R0 rate would probably have to be very high - or at least higher than the currently given estimates. Are there any studies that support that?

The fact that hospitals in the seemingly most affected areas are becoming overwhelmed suggests that it is more than just another winter flu. And on that too, we probably need more data, eg. are there really many more ICU patients now than during a flu wave?

The best thing would be of course large scale testing with the antibody tests to see how many people had the virus and already overcame it.

The fact that the WHO is still insisting on a far too high mortality rate of 3.4% while at the same time, the Spanish Flu mortality rate was downgraded in February from 10-20% to 2-3% by the same WHO - all this suggests strongly that they want a panic. Probably so that people accept more draconian population control and police state measures.

On the other hand, no matter how serious this virus really is, the quarantine measures by the governments will cause economic problems and possibly supply chain disruptions. So stocking up on food and necessities for at least a couple months seems like a prudent thing to do and not craziness, in my opinion.
The shoppers in my neighbour bought many toilet paper (there was none at all at 8 pm), candies, croissants, all sugar items, milk, fruits, almost nothing when I went to the store, no vegetables also but... but the section of ham, bacon and all the good things was full. Ja!

I was wondering about this madness around...toilet paper! Here in Belgium, people are fighting for toilet paper whereas other items which are basicaly more important, are ignored.
Yesterday I went shoping with my wife, and what I noticed was that things like: milk, bread, pasta, veggies, and toilet paper, were sold out. So I came to the conclusion that this issue of toilet paper may be due to a psycological reason associated with a diet rich in carbs and fibers, and a nervous system imbalance (which is de effect of the diet).
Actually, we (my wife and me) were happpy to follow a Keto-carnivore diet, because we could find all we needed :-)

Yes, and I find myself feeling INCREDIBLY grateful for this place here. Heck, it seems that everything we did and do prepared us for precisely this kind of thing. I was neglecting the prepping thing lately, but the diet, the knowledge, the habits, where I live, the mentality, every bit of applied knowledge, imperfect as it may be, is absolutely PRICELESS. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Ditto...THANK YOU!❤

I listened to this podcast by Ivor Cummins called The Fat Emperor, where he had a chat with Dr. Paul Mason on corona virus and the protective role of colesterol and paticularly LDL levels against this virus.
Around 17:30 minutes of talk they start to speak concretely about LDL
68 cases on infection and two deaths in Poland. Restrictions for shopping centers, all the shops in them are closing except grocery stores, pharmacies. Individual small shops are allowed to function normally. Banks are allowed to be open, restaurants can only deliever food or do take-aways. Everything else is banned - theaters, cinemas, cultural events, museums, religious events etc. - as Kmicic and Nem informed already.
That being said, i find it very dubious that Polish gov't is working according to some globalist malevolent agenda. It's more like sincere concern, desire to show vigilance and effectiveness, plus mild authoritarian tendencies, combined.
I don't know if one can fully agree to that because Health Minister of Poland told some time ago, before any infections in Poland, on TV, that "this virus for sure will come to Poland it is a matter of time", I didn't liked his attitude about it because it was like he were so sure about it long time ago and instilled the fear in people back then by stating that, in my opinion. Of course it was obvious that sooner or later Poland also will have some cases, but he didn't asked for being calm and mind your hygiene as it would be in case of sincere concern, he said that "we will have it" so here they play the same role as everywhere, following scenario of fearmongering very much on MM and now closing, quarantining, restricting. Also don't forget that election is ahead so they need to show how great they are to stay in charge of the country ;) anyway it is so kind from them that they are caring about us so much :D
Loreta here is also the same, they changed some lawbooks on the 2nd of march, added some new definitions, and voila, almost like in times of war.
Let's see.
Thanks for every update everyone! :flowers:
Just chatting to my wife in bed this morning and one her her clients has a friend who works at a Hostpital in London.
She was in the salon yesterday and Jo's client advised that the friend from London had said in reality it's nearly impossible treat anyone 80 or over so they won't be wasting resources on them. I was shocked to hear this but not surprised.
Then just to back it up on sky news this morning the front pages of one of the paper said the same thing the most frail will be left to die. Couldn't find the link as I'm rushing but the headline stated something like the most frail won't get care. Who judges frail?
It's already been said it's easy to speculate and virtually construct conspiracy theories about every detail of the situation. Personally I would love to know the origin of the virus and how it came to pass. That's the wishful thinking over!
Notice how very fast martial law conditions can be implemented pretty much globally in the name of "the well-being of the peoples/societies" when it is "threatened" by a "pandemic" that "warrants/necessitates" quick decisions in order "to prevent the worst" in a globally connected world. One country after the other follows suit in that regard, changing and overriding crucial laws, with hardly anyone protesting, even those who would do so normally under other circumstances that don't threaten their own personal well-being. What would normally create a lot of backlash (restricting the freedoms of people / creating harsh martial law conditions/environments etc.) in any other scenario seems to be implemented very easily in a matter of days/weeks now when you are dealing with a "dangerous pandemic". The PTB might have just found their ultimate tool through which they can achieve what they always wanted; total control with hardly anyone protesting the unlawful changes and overrides of freedoms.

There is also a lot that can be said about the dynamic of hysteria/panic/fear itself. Once you get the hysteria rolling via a "virus-pandemic" it is very hard to stop it and it follows a cascading effect which can get very dangerous both economically and socially. Once hysteria is on the roll everyone just follows suit, largely simply by the "beehive" phenomena brought up earlier that doesn't really need much of a conspiracy to begin with.

I just saw yesterday how that works even in small villages. I was driving around in my car and saw that gatherings, flea markets and such that were supposed to happen soon and were advertised on placards and billboards are now written over with the statement "cancelled" one after the other. So the organizers of those events simply followed suit to what everyone else does; Closing down and cancelling crucial parts of the economy and social gathering events. They are certainly not part of "the conspiracy". They see what everyone else does and just follow suit. I think the closing down and cancelling of one event, shop, company and social gathering after the other is largely based on this dynamic. Once for example a city or state decides to close down every cinema, school or whatever, other small and big cities and states simply follow that measure out of the hysteria dynamic. Sort of an out of control negative feedback loop based on hysteria.

Same thing about the toilet paper thing. I just discovered yesterday how basically a negative feedback loop has started there too. There were/are obviously quite a lot of people who bought so many of those toilet papers that they were/are sold out in markets, based on the Coronavirus hysteria. But now something interesting happens, people who find/found this hysteria crazy and overblown and made fun of those who bought the toilet papers are now also contributing to the scarcity of toilet paper! They see that none or very little is available in the markets, so they too start hording/buying the toilet paper, not based directly on the Coronavirus hysteria itself, but simply out of worries because they fear not to have enough toilet paper to clean their behinds. End results is that even more toilet papers are bought now, demand is increasing while the supply/stock is decreasing even more.

Also, it becomes ever more dangerous to simply make fun of the hysteria and the Virus itself, since ever more people don't find anything about it funny anymore. I made a joke to a work college yesterday (who had a joking mood about it previously) and he immediately got into a safe distance from me and told me in all seriousness that "now you/we can't make jokes about it anymore" telling me how out of control it is because "the numbers explode" and everything gets shut down. Largely I think with "numbers" he meant what the media just announced about one event/place after the other being closed also in germany. Obviously not an objective assessment of the true situation and "danger". He is in the hysteria mode now. For a lot of people "things being closed/shut down" now equates/proofs that the "situation" is getting worse in terms of the spread of the "deadly disease". Again, the fast emotional thinking all Kahneman being in full swing rather than the slow thinking.
Notice how very fast martial law conditions can be implemented pretty much globally in the name of "the well-being of the peoples/societies" when it is "threatened" by a "pandemic" that "warrants/necessitates" quick decisions in order "to prevent the worst" in a globally connected world. One country after the other follows suit in that regard, changing and overriding crucial laws, with hardly anyone protesting, even those who would do so normally under other circumstances that don't threaten their own personal well-being. What would normally create a lot of backlash (restricting the freedoms of people / creating harsh martial law conditions/environments etc.) in any other scenario seems to be implemented very easily in a matter of days/weeks now when you are dealing with a "dangerous pandemic". The PTB might have just found their ultimate tool through which they can achieve what they always wanted; total control with hardly anyone protesting the unlawful changes and overrides of freedoms.

There is also a lot that can be said about the dynamic of hysteria/panic/fear itself. Once you get the hysteria rolling via a "virus-pandemic" it is very hard to stop it and it follows a cascading effect which can get very dangerous both economically and socially. Once hysteria is on the roll everyone just follows suit, largely simply by the "beehive" phenomena brought up earlier that doesn't really need much of a conspiracy to begin with.

I just saw yesterday how that works even in small villages. I was driving around in my car and saw that gatherings, flea markets and such that were supposed to happen soon and were advertised on placards and billboards are now written over with the statement "cancelled" one after the other. So the organizers of those events simply followed suit to what everyone else does; Closing down and cancelling crucial parts of the economy and social gathering events. They are certainly not part of "the conspiracy". They see what everyone else does and just follow suit. I think the closing down and cancelling of one event, shop, company and social gathering after the other is largely based on this dynamic. Once for example a city or state decides to close down every cinema, school or whatever, other small and big cities and states simply follow that measure out of the hysteria dynamic. Sort of an out of control negative feedback loop based on hysteria.

Same thing about the toilet paper thing. I just discovered yesterday how basically a negative feedback loop has started there too. There were/are obviously quite a lot of people who bought so many of those toilet papers that they were/are sold out in markets, based on the Coronavirus hysteria. But now something interesting happens, people who find/found this hysteria crazy and overblown and made fun of those who bought the toilet papers are now also contributing to the scarcity of toilet paper! They see that none or very little is available in the markets, so they too start hording/buying the toilet paper, not based directly on the Coronavirus hysteria itself, but simply out of worries because they fear not to have enough toilet paper to clean their behinds. End results is that even more toilet papers are bought now, demand is increasing while the supply/stock is decreasing even more.

Also, it becomes ever more dangerous to simply make fun of the hysteria and the Virus itself, since ever more people don't find anything about it funny anymore. I made a joke to a work college yesterday (who had a joking mood about it previously) and he immediately got into a safe distance from me and told me in all seriousness that "now you/we can't make jokes about it anymore" telling me how out of control it is because "the numbers explode" and everything gets shut down. Largely I think with "numbers" he meant what the media just announced about one event/place after the other being closed also in germany. Obviously not an objective assessment of the true situation and "danger". He is in the hysteria mode now. For a lot of people "things being closed/shut down" now equates/proofs that the "situation" is getting worse in terms of the spread of the "deadly disease". Again, the fast emotiona thinking all Kahneman being in full swing rather than the slow thinking.
Couldn't agree more same here in the UK.
Many companies are going 2 or 3 week shut downs. This is unprecedented. In the news they were saying 38 million can get effected by this ( almost 10% of US population).

What I find interesting that this hysteria in US doesn't correlate with the amount of testing and sampling that US has done in comparison to toher countries. Here's the relevant statistics. Or it just shows the capitalist nature of US, where its population is expected to pay for the tests from their pocket maybe?

ADDED: Well, I got my answer. The mainstream media in the US blaims Trump administration.:rolleyes:


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The madness continues. Even more restrictive measures in Macedonia.
All coffee shops, restaurants can work max to 6 pm. During the day when they are open people must be at least 1.5 m apart.
I cant understand this like the virus is more contagious during the night and not so much during the day.

Then, Macedonia closed some of the borders so people cant enter the country from the risk countries, and as we can see almost every country is now considered risky.
One area in the western part of the country is in total lockdown. No in or out from there for anybody

Yesterday, my son was playing basketball in front of the building with his friends and at 6 pm, police patrol came and told them to go home because it is forbidden to be out later than 6 pm.
What ?? Are we all under a curfew?
I guess we are and probably the measures will become more and more restrictive. And all this just because few people have a cold.

I noticed one interesting thing. Some people who are intellectuals and who talked and commented on social media, very reasonably about global politics and local problems, now even they failed to see the bigger picture of all this.
Now they are the loudest and they demand the whole country to be in a total lockdown, where just big markets and pharmacies can work. They are literally screaming for that. They accepted that there is a pandemic of a very lethal virus. They are no questioning that anymore. They are screaming for more radical measures and a literal hunt for those who are not "socially responsible"

And very quickly now there are 2 separate categories of people. The ones that are socially responsible ( the ones who yell all the time to shut down everything and to live according to the official guidelines ) and the second group are socially irresponsible people ( people that do not accept that this virus is a real threat and trying to not fully follow the restrictive measures)

The real virus here that is spreading so fast and that is so dangerous is not a Corona. It is the pathocracy. The mind of every human being is infected with this and they are not aware of it.
I feel like in a semi dream state like some reality dividing happened or is still happening. Like some people are in a reality where they are feared to death from this deadly virus and they believe in that with all their being and people who are skeptical, but the propaganda and all these measures are so aggressive that more and more of them are falling under that.

The Cs warned us that the world will change that we could not recognize it. It is happening and it is so fast.
So, take a good seat and watch the show.
Notice also that this "Virus-Pandemic" hysteria seems to be the perfect tool to target both the liberal as well as the conservative mindset alla Jonathan Haidt in his book "The Righteous Mind". Both camps of thinking seem to be largely following this hysteria. For example, the AfD in germany (new conservative party in germany, who was right on the money and against the PTB agenda in other areas) who appeals to (and is based upon) the conservative thinking is now screaming why the government is not doing more in terms of people getting vaccinated:

The conservative part of the society now also naturally demands more restrictions on borders.

As a german, if you watch a youtube video about Corona, a banner now appears under the video linking to the german "Federal Center for Health Education" of the goverment [BZgA = Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung]. There any german can now "educate" himself about the Virus with simple Questions and Answers. For example, in the answer to the question "Who is particularly at risk?" the german can now learn quickly that there are two categories right on top. One is "elderly people" and the other is "smokers"!

And the primary other name for the website of this official german "Federal Center for Health Education" is given as, who would have guessed, (which means in english ""). The second directly associated website is [which means in english].
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