COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US

By Larry Romanoff

Global Research, March 11, 2020

It would be useful to read this prior article for background:

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?

By Larry Romanoff, March 04, 2020


As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus almost certainly originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.

We also had the Japanese citizens infected in September of 2019, in Hawaii, people who had never been to China, these infections occurring on US soil long before the outbreak in Wuhan but only shortly after the locking down of Fort Detrick.

Then, on Chinese social media, another article appeared, aware of the above but presenting further details. It stated in part that five “foreign” athletes or other personnel visiting Wuhan for the World Military Games (October 18-27, 2019) were hospitalised in Wuhan for an undetermined infection.

The article explains more clearly that the Wuhan version of the virus could have come only from the US because it is what they call a “branch” which could not have been created first because it would have no ‘seed’. It would have to have been a new variety spun off the original ‘trunk’, and that trunk exists only in the US. (1)

There has been much public speculation that the coronavirus had been deliberately transmitted to China but, according to the Chinese article, a less sinister alternative is possible.

If some members of the US team at the World Military Games (18-27 October) had become infected by the virus from an accidental outbreak at Fort Detrick it is possible that, with a long initial incubation period, their symptoms might have been minor, and those individuals could easily have ‘toured’ the city of Wuhan during their stay, infecting potentially thousands of local residents in various locations, many of whom would later travel to the seafood market from which the virus would spread like wildfire (as it did).

That would account also for the practical impossibility of locating the legendary “patient zero” – which in this case has never been found since there would have been many of them.

Next, Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University in Washington, said in an article in Science magazine that the first human infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere and then spread to the seafood markets. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019.” (2) (3)

China’s New Coronavirus: An Examination of the Facts

Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally.

Description of earliest cases suggests outbreak began elsewhere.

The article states:

“As confirmed cases of a novel virus surge around the world with worrisome speed, all eyes have so far focused on a seafood market in Wuhan, China, as the origin of the outbreak. But a description of the first clinical cases published in The Lancet on Friday challenges that hypothesis.” (4) (5)

The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report. “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases”, they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link”, says Daniel Lucey . . . (6)

Earlier reports from Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization had said the first patient had onset of symptoms on 8 December 2019 – and those reports simply said “most” cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on 1 January. (7)

“Lucey says if the new data are accurate, the first human infections must have occurred in November 2019 – if not earlier – because there is an incubation time between infection and symptoms surfacing. If so, the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan – and perhaps elsewhere – before the cluster of cases from the city’s now-infamous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was discovered in late December. “The virus came into that marketplace before it came out of that marketplace”, Lucey asserts.

“China must have realized the epidemic did not originate in that Wuhan Huanan seafood market”, Lucey told Science Insider. (8)

Kristian Andersen is an evolutionary biologist at the Scripps Research Institute who has analyzed sequences of 2019-nCoV to try to clarify its origin. He said the scenario was “entirely plausible” of infected persons bringing the virus into the seafood market from somewhere outside. According to the Science article,

“Andersen posted his analysis of 27 available genomes of 2019-nCoV on 25 January on a virology research website. It suggests they had a “most recent common ancestor” – meaning a common source – as early as 1 October 2019.” (9)

It was interesting that Lucey also noted that MERS was originally believed to have come from a patient in Saudi Arabia in June of 2012, but later and more thorough studies traced it back to an earlier hospital outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in Jordan in April of that year. Lucey said that from stored samples from people who died in Jordan, medical authorities confirmed they had been infected with the MERS virus. (10)

This would provide impetus for caution among the public in accepting the “official standard narrative” that the Western media are always so eager to provide – as they did with SARS, MERS, and ZIKA, all of which ‘official narratives’ were later proven to have been entirely wrong.

In this case, the Western media flooded their pages for months about the COVID-19 virus originating in the Wuhan seafood market, caused by people eating bats and wild animals. All of this has been proven wrong.

Not only did the virus not originate at the seafood market, it did not originate in Wuhan at all, and it has now been proven that it did not originate in China but was brought to China from another country. Part of the proof of this assertion is that the genome varieties of the virus in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.

It would seem the only possibility for origination is the US because only that country has the “tree trunk” of all the varieties. And it may therefore be true that the original source of the COVID-19 virus was the US military bio-warfare lab at Fort Detrick. This would not be a surprise, given that the CDC completely shut down Fort Detrick, but also because, as I related in an earlier article, between 2005 and 2012 the US had experienced 1,059 events where pathogens had been either stolen or escaped from American bio-labs during the prior ten years – an average of one every three days.


(1) 猛料:这只超级蝙蝠终于出现了!

(2) New coronavirus threat galvanizes scientists | Science

(3) Science; Jon Cohen; Jan. 26, 2020
Wuhan seafood market may not be source of novel virus spreading globally



(6) 武汉市卫生健康委员会

(7) 武汉市卫生健康委员会
It stated in part that five “foreign” athletes or other personnel visiting Wuhan for the World Military Games (October 18-27, 2019) were hospitalised in Wuhan for an undetermined infection.

Sorry, but is it me... but does 'World Military Games' make you suspect... even slightly... that good old Uncle Sam infected its own or someone else's military athletes/personnel and then popped them over to Wuhan on a plane counting 5, 4, 3, 2...!

Excuse the tin hat moment...

But if it's true these athletes were the original source...hang on....!
I was riding the bus the other day, and this young lady with red dyed hair - black hair with red stripes - and I smelled alcohol and it caught my attention, then I could hear her rubbing her hands together. And I thought: Well, that's understandable, virus hype and all.

And there was two people in the seat in front of her, looking forward, minding their own business. But I noticed she began touching the hand rails afterward, and I thought that peculiar, since she just went through the effort of sanitizing her hands. And the passenger in front of her was seated and her back touching the railing she was touching, and it seemed odd.

So, we all assume this is spread by contact with one who is already afflicted, coming from a patient zero. But this virus doesn't seem very lethal, and so that being the case, it can be spread manually and intentionally, for the effect that it has been having.

Anyway, there were reports of people deliberately doing what appears to be spreading germs, and so this is my report. I didn't think it too suspicious at the time, but in reflection, it's possible.
Another question I have, are the SOTT and forum team worried about this i.e. worried about catching it or is the strategy to do everything to avoid catching it?
If you read again through this and other threads, you will see that forum members, and very probably a significant number of SOTT readers are taking precautions to not catch the illness, and to minimize its effects if one gets it anyway. This is very different from panicking and falling into the hysteria of fear. It's keeping calm, searching for solutions, and acting upon the gathered knowledge in the more rational way possible given the available data.
And then, in the middle of all this, US indexes close today at over 9% (biggest spike since 2008 apparently and it took just 30 minutes for it to happen), while gold drops from $,1700 to little over $,1500 this week - most significant drop since 2011. I'm not market expert but this can't be sane.
With regard to this topic, I've been thinking about the C's session from a few years back that mentioned the Walmart closures. Wonder if the closures that were discussed in that session have anything to do with what we're now seeing develop regarding the Coronavirus scare..

It could be. It's interesting that they mentioned cosmic influences.

Why were these stores closed?

A: Influences of a cosmic nature.

(L) So what does "cosmic influences" mean?

A: Full spectrum dominance of 4D STS helpers.

And in the last session we had this:

Q: (L) Oh, there was this weird video that Niall found. It was really weird.

(Niall) It's a video shown a couple of weeks ago supposedly somewhere south of Aleppo. That's near the big war zone in Idlib. It's looking up in the sky fixed on a cloud and there are like waves rippling up through the cloud.

A: We told you long ago that there is a large portal over the Middle East. This was a breaching of the realm curtain.

Q: (L) So... Was something coming in, or getting out of here?

A: Coming in!

Q: (Artemis) Something came in... Prepare for the worst!

(Chu) Something like what?

A: We told you that there would be strange cosmic phenomena!

Q: (Pierre) They didn't say what was coming in.

(L) I guess we have to wait and see.

(Joe) It was the Kraken. Godzilla!

A: Paying close attention helped you spot this. Wait for more and observe results and effects.

Q: (Artemis) So let's see what happens next.

What happened next was a complete shutdown of a planet!
Isn't that a bit far-fletched? If the food supply breaks down, there will be panic anyway and plenty of opportunity to put in place control over citizens...

Worth noting that in 2015 George Soros and fan club ran this:

In it they game played a scenario that in 2020 a set of factors - including disease - would break the global food supply system.


With disruptions to the global food supply becoming more common and severe in recent years, we have a responsibility to better understand the drivers behind these events and develop ways of preventing them. If allowed to reach the crisis stage, the effects on communities, livelihoods, and entire regions can be profound.

The events of 2007/2008 that culminated in the Arab Spring, for example, pushed an estimated 130 million people into poverty and contributed to civil unrest in more than 40 developing countries.

The trigger: a complex interplay of seemingly unrelated factors. Droughts in major grain-and cereal-producing regions. Increases in biofuel production. Long-standing structural problems.

These events serve to highlight the critical importance of understanding the interdependencies within the global food system. Food Chain Reaction is a simulation game designed to help high-level decision makers better comprehend the cascading effects of their actions on global food security.

On November 9, players walked out of 2015 and into the year 2020. As a global food crisis was unfolding before their very eyes, did they succeed in finding a path to a food-secure future?

Stay tuned, as we reveal the post-game analysis in January 2016.

The online results are a whole load of meaningless a-typical double speak. My favorite was:
We need to develop systems that will allow decision-makers to act together and act quickly in times of crisis. Food security should become a bigger picture topic in foreign policy, and long-term measures need to be put into place to curb food shortages in the wake of climate change. For example, nations could choose to create cross-border carbon taxes. If action is not taken, food security will cause instability, conflict, and human migration.

However what was really going on was game testing what stress factors would be needed to create a perfect storm that would break the back of the world food supply system without people noticing!

Bill Gates has the answer of course - in a clip included in the 1st video below by Ice Age Farmer (and I think his assessment of the potential of Coronavirus to be a significant tipping factor in global food supply collapse, is worth thinking about) Gates pompously decrees at Davos 2017:

"An epidemic - either naturally caused or intentionally caused - is the most likely thing to, say, causes 10 million excess deaths... and its pretty surprising how little preparedness there is for it. Now its tricky because this is global problem so how do countries work together... which country should put up which resources....

Yes he did say that. And clearly it is no slip of the tongue.

Disease and food and two interlinked weapons. The two combined cover a lot of bets and can cover a lot of nefarious goings on. And together they create untold panic - and untold need for order.

The simple argument to the public will be - sorry but the coronaviruis lock down that we did to protect you has unfortunately severely impacted international trade - that's why you are now seeing empty shelves folks... not our plan... not our fault... but PANIC (yes you need us even more)

Food is very much going to be in the mix in the months ahead, particularly come post the autumn and another round of failed crops (not our fault, nothing to do with us, and certainly nothing to cyclical events over which we have no power, its all coronavirius and man made blah, blah...)
Well contrary to most of the rest of the world it's business as usual here in Oman.
Festival of Colour at the Al Bustan Hotel is going ahead to day.


I had a meeting with the head of medical technologies for the Miniistry of Health. He mentioned that the surgical mask company tried to sell the masks for $12.50 (they normally buy them for $1.00) He told them no thanks we don't need them.

They are not buying into the madness.
I think this is my last post on this thread. My genuine conclusion is that the current Covid-19 terrible situation is the practical application of a pandemic simulation in order to ascertain the accuracy of the simulation algorithms and its assumptions:
capacity of response, population reaction, etc. Similar will be the NATO military ground tests that are quick to follow (Btw, many thanks for the translated article). If I remember correctly, this trend started with several stress tests in the banking and financial sectors, and I firmly believe that because of the perceived success, it has been extrapolated to the social migration stress test and now to a pandemic stress test. I will not be surprised if the stress tests to follow would be in energy, natural resources and climate that form the anchor variables for Carbon emission and tax assumptions.

My only questions are why and why now? The most stupid answer I found is that the old guard sitting on 90% of this world’s money and resources are old and want to put as many controls as possible so they can rule beyond the grave.

I agree, the Old Guard's setting up extra controls that automatically "Grandfather clause" their wealth to flow into the coffers, to keep their multinational and international business's operating at a profit. Their protégé's, next in succession have been born and nurtured in wealth and opulence and are more prone to squander the family's fortunes.

"the stress tests to follow would be in energy, natural resources and climate" ...

Merkel says coronavirus situation more extraordinary than banking crisis

The coronavirus crisis is proving more of an extraordinary situation than the banking crisis, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday,
adding that her government's focus now was not how its budget works out.

Germany: No need to take stakes in key companies due to coronavirus at moment

German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said on Friday that he did not currently see any need to take stakes in key companies
due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Factbox: The economic remedies for the coronavirus
Policymakers and government leaders have taken a range of measures to shore up financial markets and economies
in the face of a coronavirus pandemic. Here is a list of how some of the world's biggest economies and economic blocs have reacted.

Markets suffer record meltdown as global coronavirus alarm grows
Global markets suffered record falls
on Thursday as alarm over the coronavirus intensified, and governments from Ireland to Fiji unveiled new measures to try to slow the spread of a disease that has infected more than 127,000 people worldwide.

Air pollution clears in northern Italy after coronavirus lockdown, satellite shows
Air pollution over northern Italy fell after the government introduced a nationwide lockdown to combat coronavirus, satellite imagery showed on Friday, in a new example of the pandemic's potential impact on emissions.

Airlines seek cost cuts and aid to survive coronavirus

British Airways warned of job losses and Norwegian Air said it had "weeks not months" to avert collapse, as airlines look for cost cuts and government help in the face of a crippling travel slump brought on by the coronavirus.

Global airlines call for government aid and United warns of cuts to U.S. routes
Airlines on Thursday appealed for urgent government financial support
as U.S. carriers rushed to cut flights to Europe in the wake of new U.S. travel restrictions aimed at combating the coronavirus outbreak, while United Airlines warned of U.S. travel disruption as the virus spreads domestically.

U.S. airports expect to lose at least $3.7 billion as coronavirus cuts air travel
Major U.S. airports told the White House on Thursday they were bracing for massive losses because of the falloff in travel demand due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Dutch PM says the country is ready to support aviation industry (Carbon credits?)
The Netherlands' prime minister said on Friday the country is looking at measures to help support the Dutch aviation industry,
including Air France-KLM subsidiary KLM and Schiphol airport.

Portugal to help firms through coronavirus, tough measures in place
Portugal moved to help businesses weather the coronavirus epidemic on Friday with a 2.3 billion euros package, including delaying some tax payments and granting soft loans, while tough measures to contain the spread were put in place.

EU to redirect funds to virus-hit parts of economy
The EU will boost spending on coronavirus-hit sectors of the economy, it said on Friday, also clearing member nations to run bigger deficits as Germany diverted state funds to cushion businesses against the impact of the epidemic.

Closing Border's:

Spain's Catalonia requests regional lockdown over coronavirus

The regional government of Spain's Catalonia asked Spanish central authorities to help it block access by air, rail and water to guarantee the confinement of the whole region due to the coronavirus epidemic, regional leader Quim Torra said.

EU grapples with border curbs as coronavirus spreads
Any border restrictions imposed inside the European Union's zone of free travel
to contain the spread of the coronavirus must be coordinated to ensure they are not counterproductive, EU ministers said on Friday.

Denmark shuts its borders for one month to curb spread of coronavirus
Denmark announced on Friday it would shut its borders to most foreign visitors for a month from Saturday, in a move unprecedented in peacetime as part of efforts to halt the spread of coronavirus.

Suriname confirms first coronavirus case, authorities will close borders
Suriname on Friday confirmed its first case of coronavirus infection in a person who traveled to the South American country last week from the Netherlands, the vice president told the national assembly.

Poland to close borders to foreigners from Sunday
Poland will ban foreigners from entering the country from Sunday and impose a 14-day quarantine on its citizens returning home
in a bid to curb the spread of coronavirus, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday.

Montenegro bars gatherings, closes schools, ports and border crossings
Montenegro barred public gatherings, closed schools for at least two weeks and adopted an array of other measures on Friday,
including a ban on arrivals of ships at its Adriatic ports, in an effort to pre-empt the onset of the coronavirus outbreak.

Pakistan limits flights, shuts borders and schools over coronavirus
Pakistan shut all its schools and land borders
on Friday and decided to limit international flights and discourage large gatherings to try to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

Kuwait gears up for coronavirus lockdown, minister urges calm
Citizens and residents of Kuwait got ready for a virtual nation-wide lockdown
by rushing to supermarkets as authorities took exceptional measures against coronavirus, including banning all commercial passenger flights starting Friday.

Singapore to bar recent visitors to Italy, Spain, Germany, France
Singapore will deny from Monday entry or transit to visitors who have been in Italy, France, Spain or Germany in the last 14 days
as part of measures to control the fast-spreading coronavirus, the health ministry said on Friday.

Mexico frets about U.S. coronavirus spread, could restrict border
Mexico could consider measures at its northern border
to slow coronavirus' spread into its relatively unaffected territory, health officials said on Friday, with an eye to containing a U.S. outbreak that has infected more than 1,800 people.

Ukraine to block entry to residents registered in separatist-held areas to stop coronavirus spread
Ukraine's government at a televised meeting on Friday decided to ban citizens registered in separatist-held territory in the eastern Donbass region from entering government-controlled areas.

Ukraine has first coronavirus death, shuts border to foreigners

Ukraine has recorded its first coronavirus death and foreign nationals will be barred from entering the country for two weeks to contain the spread of the illness, officials said at a televised briefing on Friday.

North Macedonia bars foreigners arriving from 'high-risk countries' over coronavirus
North Macedonia's outgoing government barred public gatherings on Friday and said it would deny entry to foreign nationals arriving from "high-risk countries" affected by the coronavirus.

Iraq puts Germany and Qatar on coronavirus entry ban list
Iraq has banned entry to travelers coming from Germany and Qatar,
its health minister said on Friday, bringing the total number of countries on its entry ban list to 13 as it tries to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Czech government bans most travel in and out of country to fight coronavirus
The Czech government has imposed a ban on foreigners entering the country and Czechs traveling abroad
as of Monday as it tries to curb the coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Friday.

Czechs shut borders to travelers from 15 countries
The Czech Republic will close its borders to travelers crossing from Germany and Austria and also ban the entry of foreigners coming from other risky countries to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Thursday.

Denmark advises against all non-essential travel to all destinations
Denmark's foreign ministry on Friday advised against all non-essential travel all over the world to curb the spread of the coronavirus in Denmark and other countries.

Latin American countries ramp up travel bans, school closures over coronavirus
Several Latin American countries stepped up measures on Thursday to slow the spread of the coronavirus, halting flights to and from Europe, banning public gatherings and closing schools.

'Stop it,' Dutch PM tells coronavirus panic-buying shoppers

Shoppers browse near-empty shelves at a supermarket in Amsterdam as people hoard food because of the coronavirus outbreak, Netherlands March 13, 2020. REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told shoppers stockpiling pasta, canned food and toilet paper to "stop it" on Friday, saying there was no shortage of groceries, a day after the government imposed restrictions to try to curb the coronavirus outbreak.

Soccer suspended and shoppers fill trolleys as coronavirus bites in Britain
Empty shelves are seen on the toilet roll aisle inside an Asda supermarket in Liverpool,Britain, March 11, 2020 . REUTERS/Phil Noble
British shoppers stripped some supermarkets of pasta, toilet paper and canned food on Friday and major soccer matches were suspended just hours after Prime Minister Boris Johnson resisted imposing stringent measures to contain the coronavirus outbreak.

U.N. headquarters in New York to slash staff presence for four weeks over coronavirus
The United Nations said it will slash its staff presence at its New York headquarters for four weeks, starting Monday, after a Filipino diplomat became the first person at the 193-member world body known to have tested positive for the coronavirus.

PM Johnson warns Britons: more loved ones are going to die from coronavirus
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a news conference addressing the government's response to the coronavirus outbreak, at Downing Street in London, Britain March 12, 2020. REUTERS/Simon Dawson/Pool
Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned on Thursday that many more families would see their loved ones die from coronavirus, as the government's chief scientific adviser said Britain likely has as many as 10,000 people infected.
And then, in the middle of all this, US indexes close today at over 9% (biggest spike since 2008 apparently and it took just 30 minutes for it to happen), while gold drops from $,1700 to little over $,1500 this week - most significant drop since 2011. I'm not market expert but this can't be sane.

The Rollercoaster Ride Has Begun

Market volatility is of such interest to market watchers that it has its own index, the CBOE Volatility Index (better known as the VIX). In fact, market volatility is such a key early warning sign of market panic that the VIX has a nickname: the fear index. As any trader worth his salt will tell you, big up and down swings in stocks are a clear sign that the market is about to take a major turn. Now, true, that “major turn” could be a turn to the upside or a major turn to the downside, but I think we can all agree that if stocks are going any direction as a result of this massive global economic disruption, it will be to the downside.

So take a look at the VIX right now. If you extend the chart to its “MAX” setting, you’ll note that in the past week the VIX has reached levels (54.18, to be precise) that have only been seen once before in the entire 30-year history of the index. Want to guess when that was? That’s right, in October of 2008, when the VIX topped out at 59.89.

Translation: The fear index has never been more certain that we’re about to have a major market disruption than since the Lehman collapse threatened to wipe out the global economy.

Keep in mind the VIX index goes back only thirty years. How about this fact: In the last 120 years, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has experienced back-to-back-to-back gains and losses in excess of three standard deviations over the average daily return only six times. Three of those six instances took place at the start of the stock market crash of 1929, and one of them took place this week.
..Es una pena que el conocimiento espiritual está tan desligado del Mercado de Valores porque esa es la razón por la que no se comprende todo esto. Da la impresión que el Mercado baja después de la noticia negativa y es al contrario, la noticia negativa es creada a sabiendas de dicho movimiento. Para los que nos encanta ver gráficas de los mercados durante años (hay gente muy rara por ahí) era evidente que una caída así vendría ahora lo que no sabíamos era la noticia que iban a "colocar". No tengo ni idea de quién mueve los hilos, no pretendo meterme donde no sé, simplemente me gustaría que alguien comience a ver el gran engaño desde el Mercado de valores que es donde se mueve el dinero y analizar los ciclos de este ( ciclos Fibonacci tanto en precio como en tiempo y se puede saber su final). Por la exactitud en los movimientos del Mercado en precio diría que no es movido por gobiernos de la 3D al menos, más bien parece algo que va más allá y explica los movimientos erráticos de los gobiernos ante un colapso de este tipo. La "colocación" de esas noticias ya es otra cosa, alguien sabe lo que va a pasar y se adelante con la noticia. Digamos que pienso que no podemos crear el movimiento del mercado sino la noticia para que parezca causa y efecto, un engaño que es muy obvio desde el conocimiento de las gráficas.

Perdón por el idioma y todo lo demás, yo simplemente os leo y quiero seguir así, lo hago durante años y pienso que merecía una pequeña contribución.
The shoppers in my neighbour bought many toilet paper (there was none at all at 8 pm), candies, croissants, all sugar items, milk, fruits, almost nothing when I went to the store, no vegetables also but... but the section of ham, bacon and all the good things was full. Ja!
Just an idea, because all these restrictions, that to me, doesn't make much sense.

What if TPB knows this virus isn't natural and really isn't that dangerous, and if that's the case, they would then fear someone or something were behind it that could release further viruses, potentially.

If it wasn't them, that is.

So this whole "ordeal" would then just be a test on society and preparation in governments to handle further crisis in the future with the expectation of new viruses appearing.

If the C's are right, and if governments really are concerned, then they would be forced to take a serious look on vaccines.

Or can someone explain why all the actions taken now by the governments is happening?
The shoppers in my neighbour bought many toilet paper (there was none at all at 8 pm), candies, croissants, all sugar items, milk, fruits, almost nothing when I went to the store, no vegetables also but... but the section of ham, bacon and all the good things was full. Ja!
Same here in US. I went to costco today, to find lot of empty shelves. they are wiping the carts after each use. paper stuff is completely empty. rice, eggs, chicken, water are empty. But beef, vegetables are half empty , but still there ( I guess it is related to food preference of the shoopers). No body touching clothes though. I never saw Costco this empty. It is like Home depot before hurricane. Same with Walmart.

Many companies are going 2 or 3 week shut downs. This is unprecedented. In the news they were saying 38 million can get effected by this ( almost 10% of US population). some medical authorities even saying that this is good preparation exercise, even if it turn out to be not bad and will be useful, when it becomes bad.
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