Looks like this story has more to do with black-and-white, paralysed beaurocracy during a 'panic' than the actual virus.
Yes, that was what I was saying today to my friend (who is in TOTAL panic).
All I could read so far is that Italy basically put 14,5 milion people in carantene - and then what?!
Were there any military/volunteer/any help brought to them in form of i.e. trucks driving trough the area and supplying people with necessary supplies and medicaments? I´ve red that there were trucks, but only announcing people not to go out... I mean, that´s not help.....
As from photos on internet, all stores were/are empty, pharmacies also.
Maybe some of those people were diabetic or having heart problems and didn´t have necessary medicaments and they died.... Who knows.....
Yes, that was what I was saying today to my friend (who is in TOTAL panic).
All I could read so far is that Italy basically put 14,5 milion people in carantene - and then what?!
Were there any military/volunteer/any help brought to them in form of i.e. trucks driving trough the area and supplying people with necessary supplies and medicaments? I´ve red that there were trucks, but only announcing people not to go out... I mean, that´s not help.....
As from photos on internet, all stores were/are empty, pharmacies also.
Maybe some of those people were diabetic or having heart problems and didn´t have necessary medicaments and they died.... Who knows.....

Its looking more and more like this "solution" is an "authoritarian type" wet dream.:rolleyes:

I must admit I am actually being very entertained by all this. Pass the popcorn. :cool:
I hope this is just like the flu as it looks like the UK government policy is on herd immunity so need like 60% of people to get infected which now aligns with their policy of essentially keeping the country open (unlike the policy other governments are taking)

Ps, if I've contravened forum rules, please let me know.
We are in State of Emergency here. I have to read what it means and I will give you news from that. There is also State of Rumors, and this is another kind of state that is very common in time of war. Oh, those cute rumors...

People buying like crazy in the stores, like if the end of the world was here. And in fact it is. :cool2: Mothers buying huge, huge huge quantities of candies for their kids that will be at home for many weeks without being able to go outside.

Books: I create a sort of Book Club via wassap with the leaders, like me, of a club book in the island. We will talk about the books we are reading and also we will smile and be calm.

I try to see this situation like something that will teach us knowledge. And it is a fantastic adventure.
See ya.
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Why are children not being seriously affected by this virus I'm wondering. Its being investigated but answers are unclear, here are a few speculations. I don't like the idea of adding gloom to this situation or more conspiracy as there is more then enough but this thought has crossed my mind more then once lately, so I'll say it. That is, the murals in Denver Airport where only the children are left.


It's not entirely clear why children seem to be escaping the worst effects of the virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV. But a similar pattern holds for many infectious diseases, from the familiar, such as chickenpox and measles, to the newly emerged, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), doctors say.

"One hypothesis is that the innate immune response, that is the early response that is aimed broadly at groups of pathogens, tends to be more active," in children, he said.

Why are children not being seriously affected by this virus I'm wondering. Its being investigated but answers are unclear, here are a few speculations. I don't like the idea of adding gloom to this situation or more conspiracy as there is more then enough but this thought has crossed my mind more then once lately, so I'll say it. That is, the murals in Denver Airport where only the children are left.

View attachment 34198

It's not entirely clear why children seem to be escaping the worst effects of the virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV. But a similar pattern holds for many infectious diseases, from the familiar, such as chickenpox and measles, to the newly emerged, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), doctors say.

"One hypothesis is that the innate immune response, that is the early response that is aimed broadly at groups of pathogens, tends to be more active," in children, he said.

They are ready to vaccinate everyone. Maybe this virus is made on purposed also to not attack the children and then they will say: look, children are spared because of the vaccines we gave them.

I am suspicious of everything. Sorry...
We are in State of Emergency here.
Here in Portugal, the state of emergency is also being declared today.

I went grocery shopping today and so far, no craziness, shelves were fully stocked with all products, just saw one lady putting on plastic gloves before rolling out her trolley. People are going about their business, but many in the tourism industry (almost everyone here in Algarve) already feel the impact of the corona virus.
I'm with Neema: Pass the popcorn.
Yeah, me too
This was the most interesting to me:
"the WHO, "in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics", removing the statement that "an enormous amount of people have contracted the illness or died" from its existing definition and replacing it by stating simply that there has to be a virus, spreading beyond borders and to which people have no immunity. "
So, in effect, according to the old definition, we do not have a pandemic right now at all. It's all a HOAX.

It still appears that they HAVE to "Tell the Truth" in there somewhere, though, don't they?
I mentioned the use of the acronym "PHEIC" way back on page 4 of this Thread, on January 24, 2020.
The news caster brought up the organization called" Public Health Emergency of International Concern".
She then used the acronym, "PHEIC"

Phonetically spoken, in english, is "FAKE".

This is the official page of the " Public Health Emergency of International Concern":

[...]The Emergency Committee also gives advice on the determination of the event as a PHEIC in circumstances where there is inconsistency in the assessment of the event between the Director-General and the affected country/countries. The Emergency Committee continues to provide advice to the Director-General throughout the duration of the PHEIC, including any necessary changes to the recommended measures and on the determination of PHEIC termination. WHO maintains an IHR roster of experts and the members of an IHR Emergency Committee are selected from this roster and/or WHO expert advisory panels and committees. At least one member of the Emergency Committee should be an expert nominated by a State Party within whose territory the event arises.
Indeed and there appear to be MANY folks that cannot extract that message, that is logically deduce for themselves via critical thinking and analysis, from the text which openly states just that. Stating that "We have redefined that word" is all I need to see.

As soon as I see something like this: "in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics" I'm suspect of what is going on. The essece of it reeks of deception as far as I am concerned. In fact I will point this out to my daughter and hopefully some of her friends later this evening and see what they "think" of it.

People here have seemingly lost their minds. But don't worry, they're acting in your best interest, and to preserve security.
That is similar to what they did with blood pressure a year ago, redefined the parameters in order to qualify more people for medication.
That is similar to what they did with blood pressure a year ago, redefined the parameters in order to qualify more people for medication.

Same thing with mental illnesses and a host of other things. Like "war means peace" and "black is white."

We really are in 1984 - a full-blown global pathocracy.

The Cs said "change will come" and I sure hope it's soon.
In this moment Polish government officially announced that from tomorrow Polish borders are closed for everyone, the large markets, restaurants and other things like that in all country are being closed
Yup, from sunday on restaurants can only deliver food. Grocery stores, those not in big shopping centres, still open.
They also restricted group meetings of more than 50 people. (Not sure about religious meetings though)
Everyone coming back from abroad forced to do a 14-days self-quarantine, and right now only Polish citizens or those foreigners that can prove they are working/living here can cross the border. International travel suspended.
It's getting more and more bonkers, duh!
In this moment Polish government officially announced that from tomorrow Polish borders are closed for everyone, the large markets, restaurants and other things like that in all country are being closed

Actually they not just merely announced it. Prime Minister in every second sequence proudly emphasized how we're avantgarde on the coronavirus front, being one of first EU countries to introduce such far fetched means of prevention. I guess now we can feel more European than ever.
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