Although there is someone driving the money bus.

Oh my, so we have to indirectly thank the pharma lobby after all - without their swine flu campaign, we wouldn't have a pandemic now! However, back then it was a lobbying campaign that managed to create a brief media hype; this time it seems to be something very different. The hysteria is just unreal!
Oh my, so we have to indirectly thank the pharma lobby after all - without their swine flu campaign, we wouldn't have a pandemic now! However, back then it was a lobbying campaign that managed to create a brief media hype; this time it seems to be something very different. The hysteria is just unreal!

This was the most interesting to me:

"the WHO, "in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics", removing the statement that "an enormous amount of people have contracted the illness or died" from its existing definition and replacing it by stating simply that there has to be a virus, spreading beyond borders and to which people have no immunity. "

So, in effect, according to the old definition, we do not have a pandemic right now at all. It's all a HOAX.
The Brazilian president now has it

Loooool Donald Trump and Mike Pence are in trouble now. They hosted the Brazilians recently!

Spain goes into state of emergency

UK said they are fully expecting people will get it so they won't even bother testing non-serious cases anymore. Non serious cases have been advised to self isolate and sit it out at home. Only serious cases will be tended to my the medical system. They said they reckon UK is 4 or so weeks behind Italy. Lies!!! My phone is blowing up with multiple offices up and down the countries having some employees being positive. I reckon we are already there here - full blown epidemic.
Indeed and there appear to be MANY folks that cannot extract that message, that is logically deduce for themselves via critical thinking and analysis, from the text which openly states just that. Stating that "We have redefined that word" is all I need to see.

As soon as I see something like this: "in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics" I'm suspect of what is going on. The essece of it reeks of deception as far as I am concerned. In fact I will point this out to my daughter and hopefully some of her friends later this evening and see what they "think" of it.

People here have seemingly lost their minds. But don't worry, they're acting in your best interest, and to preserve security.
Oh God! I must have contravened the forum rules? Can I get feedback as to how so I may rectify future behaviour to align by forum rules?

Thank you in advance.
....and as expected, in Germany also are closing schools; Almost all federal states close schools and day care centers.

Here is infor from Bonn and NRW:
The schools are closed from Monday until the end of the Easter holidays on April 19. The daycare centers will also be closed from Monday. The start of the summer semester at universities is also postponed until April 19. Retirement homes, nursing homes and hospitals may in principle no longer be visited. Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announced on Friday in Düsseldorf.

Laschet tried to explain to the population the dimension of the corona crisis in dramatic formulations. "Our country is facing a huge test, probably the largest in the country's history," he said. The insidious virus presented Europe with "one of the greatest challenges of all". It could become a deadly threat to weaker people. "We are dealing with an invisible enemy, the fight against which will lead our country to the edge of its powers." Laschet appealed to all citizens: "Avoid social contacts!"

It is about saving time and saving as many human lives as possible. For this, an overload of the health system must be prevented. Every bed and nurse would be needed. "To do this, you have to slow down the spread of the virus as much as possible." This is precisely the goal of the measures that have now been decided by the state government. Schools will be closed for at least five weeks, including the two-week Easter break starting April 6th.

The state's cultural institutions will also remain closed until April 19. "At the same time, the state government strongly recommends that all other cultural institutions (...) decide to do the same." All fairs that have not yet been canceled should now be canceled.
"Retreating into your own four walls must not go hand in hand with human retreat," said Laschet."To put an end to this crisis, we must now start with unprecedented solidarity." Under no circumstances should parents now engage grandparents in childcare because the risk of the virus is greatest for older people. "I am aware that this distancing of every family, the distancing of grandchildren from their grandparents, that each heart complains."

The city of Bonn announced in a press conference that all city facilities should be closed by April 19.The Bonn-Rhein / Sieg University of Applied Sciences announced that all exams, all teaching and other events from Monday, March 16, up to and including Sunday, April 19, will be canceled.

I was in the store today (since we live in an apartment and I don´t have a big fridge, so we usually go to store on Fridays to buy stuff for next week) and I´ve noticed again empty pasta, rice and toilette papers shelves (I still don´t get the fuss about toilette paper).
There is still plenty of meet, fruit and vegetables, so that was good enough for me :-D I mean, lemons are practically jumping out of the baskets, like no one buying it, but - no toilette paper....


Other infos from Germany overall:
3,343 confirmed cases in Germany according to

Robert Koch Institute reports that the overall risk to the health of the population in Germany is currently assessed as moderate.
Here is official chart (RKI had last update yesterday, so that is why probably numbers from and don´t match): RKI - Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19: Fallzahlen in Deutschland und weltweit
Case numbers in Germany
As of March 12, 2020, 3:00 p.m. (updated online at 7:30 p.m.)

By March 12, 2020, 2,369 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases had become known in Germany, 802 more than the previous day. Of these, 1,892 COVID-19 cases were electronically transmitted to the RKI.

stateNumber of confirmed cases
(including deaths)
of which electronically transmitted
(including deaths)
Areas particularly affected in Germany
Baden-Wuerttemberg454 (1)331 (1)
Bavaria500 (1)317
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania2316
Lower Saxony12981
North Rhine-Westphalia688 (3)688 (2)Heinsberg district
total2,369 (5)1,892 (3)
Here in Québec it had all seemed 'over there' like... But his JUST CHANGED IN AN INSTANT: Holy chameleon! The QUÉBEC government has just shut down ALL SCHOOLS & NURSERIES, all events or gatherings of more than 250. Thus many government bodies such as CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES. Sorry for lack of more details, I am somewhat stumped. And after watching some videos from people in Italy, it seems to me that THE ZOMBIE MOVIE is a worldwide production, we are all EXTRAS on the show, and our payday will be PRICKY!!! Haha... It is NOON here on the 49th N. And I'm a running to the village get some beer "fore they shut it down...
Wonderful, well done !

I have a story to share, and a link.

First the link : I posted your infographie, I would suppose that you are fine with this ? (team working :-) )
Here's the link to : Bicarbonate-VSCorona
Do we say "share it ?" You decide Łukasz :)

Story is that yesterday, i thought about doing something more for all people, i wrote a text but did not post it, i'm used to go in details. But the main idea was the following : summarize to people WHY VitC, Bicarbonate, Elderberries and Zinc are proven to be useful, by bringing knowledge. And I wrote the idea to make PDF first, (then videos) which explain that rapidly, 1st page of the PDF would the summary, and all other pages are more details and proofs (studies, experiments, etc ...) are given for those who want to know more (yes they exist, all can change, and this virus is the right knock-on-the-head schock that they needed to decide to read the detail, and learn some pure and simple truth, and who will probably spread once convinced, let's start a virtuous circle, knowledge is the key)

And you did it, so short and so well summarized.

Now, think about all the different summaries and "long version" that could be created for the 4 ones : VitaminC, Bicarbonate, Zinc, Elderberries, in various languages, there's plenty of work to be done. Is it worth it ? Who could help to ?

I'll work to traduce your last infographi it in french.

I was wondering, why not inaugurate a team-work ? Community-work ? People here would send you traductions in various languages and you rapidly create a traduced version, if you have time to do it of course. As i'm used to play a little bit with 2D I work now no the french version, will post it here soon. We can create an independant post in another forum to summarize all the links to the document (that will be hosted somewhere, simply), anybody can then go on this page to copy a link when spreading the information to his family :)

I have good ideas at this moment, I'm working on solutions, it's my ... well, i feel this is what has to be done, dunno ^^

I'm glad that you like it dredger. Feel free to do with it whatever you think is appropriate :-)

When it comes to your idea, I support it and would gladly participate and help to spread some knowledge. I had a plan already to prepare something regarding Vitamin C as well as some other ideas related to coronavirus. If anybody here would have any idea for the infographic I will be happy to make it happen.

Inspired by Ellipse post I prepared this one:

Share it if you think it's relevant. Maybe it will help somebody to get some distance to the coronavirus.
This interview was posted earlier in the thread - by someone who said they watched it and fell into confluence with the panic and hysteria, then took days to emerge from it!

The interviewee claims this is 'not just the flu', and yet his prediction of 460K deaths from COVID-19 falls within range of the annual global average from flu deaths (290-500K). It's mostly mainstream talking points, and completely overlooks the statements even from WHO experts that they still have no clue what the true baseline extent of exposure/infection is.

I must missed that earlier posting.

Rogan is a strange quantity; I can't put my finger on why/how the Matrix allowed him such a prominent role in media. On the one hand, I can see a lot of remarkable and useful information flowing from his work; he was the base which launched Jordan Peterson into greater public awareness, advocates for a meat diet, general exercise and a number of sane approaches to life. But at the same time strikes me as a kind of drug pusher. I find it curious, in that context, that Peterson had such a miserable time in his own experience with drugs; anti-depressants came close to killing him.
The measures in Denmark now also include a strong recommendations to return from travels outside the country, - it is like 43,000 km2 a house arrest.
Jyllands-Posten writes
The whole world is now at least colored orange on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' world map.

The ministry now discourages all unnecessary travel across the globe. This is stated by Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod at a press conference together with the Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Erik Brøgger Rasmussen.

“Let me be clear: If you are going abroad, please don't. If you are abroad, come home as soon as possible, ”says Jeppe Kofod.

The request is generally valid for one month until April 13, but may be extended.

The extraordinary measure is due to the concern that Danes are stranded on travel because more countries are sharpening their corona readiness.

"The decision was made on the grounds of stopping contagion, but also to prevent Danes from going abroad if other countries shut down," says Jeppe Kofod.


Erik Brøgger Rasmussen says about the question why the authorities have not previously invited Danes to go home or completely leave:

“We used the data that was available. No one could have predicted that it would develop as it did. "
Today, it also became clear that the laws passed yesterday valid for one year includes a scenario that the educational institutions on all level will be closed (or turned into digital distance learning) much of next winter as they expect a second wave from December to March.

At the same time there was a new item, probably already mentioned, but not it came up in a Danish paper that the first case of Corona already was identified on November 17. This brings one closer to the time frame of the military games, which I think I commented on many many pages back and then concluded it did not fit as the first case being December 1st, meaning the initial infection would have taken place in November and not in late October which was when the military game took place.
I will chime in with my sad observation: why mortality rate in Italy, USA (and other western countries) is going to be much higher than in China, Russia or India. Last year, I have translated this book "Extinguishing the fires of hell" by Grand Genereux.
I have absorbed the facts and conclusions of the book and had back and forth communications with the author.

One of the major conclusions is that the excess of vitamin A (when the liver is full of it and can't safely store anymore) is the cause of many (if not all) autoimmune diseases. There are 100,000,000 people diagnosed with various autoimmune diseases in Northern America. Like: Krohn, Alzheimer, IBS, exhemas... There are about 80 of them classified in this category. The official explanation is that " person's autoimmune system goes crazy and attacks its own body cells". And, their causes, that makes "immune systems to go crazy" are UNKNOWN.

I got to the punchline. The most popular drugs, that are used to treat autoimmune diseases, are suppressing the immune system of the patient in various ways. Needless to say, the suppressed immune system is not better, but a worse protector, when it comes to novel virus infections...

Then, the author of the book shared this article with me: "Retinoic acid modification of cell culture used for reproduction of enteropathogenic viruses". It is written in 1989 by Russian medical scientists.
The abstract:
The 0.001-0.005% retinoic acid injection into the growth cultural medium of prime and continue cell cultures 12-24h before inoculation considerably raised the cell sensitivity to animal entero- and coronaviruses. The entero- and coronaviruses concentrations in cultural medium increased by 10(1.58) and 10(1.68)TCID 50/1.0 respectively. The optimized parameters of the cell culture processing for the enteropathogenic viruses reproduction improvement are proposed.

The meaning of it is clear: the cells exposed to retinoic acid (it is vitamin A metabolite in the human body) are more sensitive, that is, easier infected by coronaviruses.

We have a recipe for a perfect storm!
Download and read the book that I linked. Make you own conclusions. And stay away from any food with Vitamin A, if at all possible.

PS. I posted on Vitamin A on the forum earlier: Vitamin A aka retinol free diet
I read that book. Didn’t the author say that it was only the artificial vitamin A that was dangerous? Surely not the natural vitamin A in real food but only the artificial vitamin A in processed foods.
Nice short 5m video in french posted on the E&R french information website, here's the link to youtube
I would say : it should be an "efficient" video to share to french people who remain suspicious about VitC, but it's just my 2 pences suggestion :

Edit : it's great to see that even such site are relaying this information, I would not be astonished to have some people maybe active members of E&R who are also members here - it's anyway a very good news, the information is spreading, this community is much active in France.
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