I am flabbergasted! the show is fantastic. One by one the actors make their appearance, like little robots. Maybe they are brain-washed by a superior force. And like parrots they talk and say the same discourse than the others. It is like a dance, very well synchronised. And they come in front of the theatre one by one, like little plastic soldiers. To see this is something! Thanks C's. You are right. We should enjoy the ride.
Here in Mexico City, people are flabbergasted because the president had not made yet draconian measures. :rolleyes:
I'm not :lol: I'm suprised that people area so gullible to keep believing in the msm panic news. And, sadly the country will enter to the quarantine, close schools, etc ...
I know I know. Here same: people were very nervous because the government wasn't doing anything, and I think it is made on purpose to put people more scare,more nervous, more hysterical. And histeria contagiosa thanks to social media. And then... VLAN!!!! The horror.
Lassa fever outbreak in Negeria. 23% mortality rate...

Nigeria is already dealing with a deadlier viral outbreak than the coronavirus epidemic
March 8, 2020

The detection of Covid-19 coronavirus in Nigeria raised early concerns about the country’s capacity to handle a major epidemic but so far local public health officials have been commended for handling the outbreak with aplomb.

But the coronavirus is not the only viral outbreak in Africa’s most populous country. Nigeria is currently dealing with what is turning out to be the world’s largest epidemic of Lassa fever, a viral disease deadlier than coronavirus.

Lassa fever is a severe viral hemorrhagic fever
(VHF) like Ebola and Marburg that occurs throughout the year in Nigeria and was declared an “active outbreak” by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) five weeks into 2020. The epidemic which occurs during the annual dry season (roughly November through March) has spread across half the country.

The Lassa fever virus is transmitted to humans through contact with food or household items contaminated with urine and feces of a rat. It’s also known to spread from person-to-person through contact with the body fluids and organs of infected persons, which has resulted in healthcare workers easily getting infected; some have died.

The epidemic, whose rapid escalation started right from the second week of the year, had by the end of the ninth week seen 774 cases and 132 deaths spread across 26 of Nigeria’s 36 states and the federal capital territory.

Lassa fever is known to have a high mortality rate with Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) as high as 23% recorded for the first quarter of 2019—far deadlier than the Covid-19 coronavirus which currently has an estimated CFR of 2%.
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Just wanted to say I love Baking Soda. I have been drinking a 1/4 cup every 2nd day for 10 years now. At first it was for stomach issues, then skin issues, then I just started to like the taste. ;-D

Don’t know if it has been mentioned before or how effective it can be against the virus™, but half a tea spoon of baking soda and half a table spoon of pink himalayan salt solution for the neti pot does wonders for me.

Every time I feel a little tingling in the sinuses or my throat, I use the neti-pot and gargling the above mentioned solution and 9 out of 10 times I stop it right there. Even if the bug holds it defintly feels milder. Of course at that point I’m also taking large doses of Vitamin-C.

My son-in-law just stopped in to collect the puppy I was watching overnight and today as daughter was ironically dogsitting via Rover (earns extra $). He immediately asked me if I had been to the grocery store. I said no and why. People are buying the store out of toilet paper and all the other items we've talked about. I said little wonder with the governor's announcement of schools closing now, limits on gatherings, etc. etc. plus officials saying that more and more people are going to get this bug - along with the same things happening in other cities and countries. So (sh)it has arrived . . .
I think it is very strange and mysterious that so many politicians have the Corona virus. Is this a vengeance from the Cosmos? Here in Spain also many politicians have this virus.

Don't know to me all this attention from MM regarding famous people (presidents, politicians, football players, actors) being inffected by the coronavirus is manna from heaven in order to push even harder the hysteria thus voluntarily helping the feckless politicians to implement even harsher restrictions on people under the pretext of "caring" and "protecting" them. So far it seems that the lockdown scenario or harsh restrictions may play out on a global scale, off course it remains to be seen if it will happen or not. The C's were saying that the PTB will try "overpowring" everybody and that they will fail because of their wishful thinking, and i think they are right on the money because as Laura mentioned here earlier you may never know what this move from the PTB may attract over our heads, there are just to many factors that may skew their plans in the meantime, it's not all black and white and that gives me hope.
Just watched a ABC Special Report on youtube, and in the presidents speech about travel restrictions, he is having breathing problems. Not too bad, but noticeable.

It might be not out of the ordinary for Trump. There were photos of decongestant medication (Sudafed) in his desk drawer circulated a couple of months ago. Granted, it was a libtard site called Crooks&Liars, so they put the worst spin on it ("He's on uppers!! Abusing a restricted med!!!"), but geeze, the guy is 73, and under a boatload of more than the usual stress. Who wouldn't be a little short of breath?

A french up-to-date detailed report of 12/12/20 evening after summarizing the numbers and political decisions taken in Luxembourg, France, Germany and Belgium (the website is for cross-border workers working in luxembourg) :

Here's the link to the auto-traduction in english by google : Click here
Meanwhile, check out the video in this article:

"NASA’s STEREO observation mission has spotted what fans of conspiracy theories said is a gigantic UFO flying past the Sun. The incident itself occurred on 29 February, but the footage of it was posted just recently on the channel “Hidden Underbelly 2.0” dedicated to mysterious events and sightings. According to the host, STEREO’s camera filmed the humongous object for four seconds after which it turned off and began working only after the UFO passed. "

Inquiring Minds would like to know what that thing is

Suspicious0bservers covered it the same morning. Having been watching the sun through his daily news since 2011, I can confirm that we've seen it before, and he's covered it in the past. It's a reflection that only happens with a specific alignment below the ecliptic, and comes back every 4 years.

Edit: Explanation starts at 1:26
The guy in this video makes a series of very good points in 10 minutes. One thing I am still not sure about is how he downplays the existence of corona virus as such. He claims there's no real test for Covid-19 and that it is a hoax. Perhaps I am still missing something when it comes to what Covid-19 actually is and how it is being diagnosed. One of the YT commenters disagrees and says it is real and the test can be found here:

Features, Evaluation and Treatment Coronavirus (COVID-19) - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

I cannot comment on that but for the rest the video pretty much sums up what has been discussed in this thread... PTB invented a pandemic for nefarious purposes - covering of financial meltdown by all parties, conveniently getting rid of debt that would otherwise be blamed on politicians and banks, imposing more control, testing public response. The part about 30.000 US troops moving to Europe for war games is also interesting although these events are usually planned well in advance and it might be a stretch to claim it has something to do with corona hysteria but who knows. If they knew by the end of 2019 (or even earlier) that the Wuhan thing was taking off then it could come handy and be used to establish a strong military presence in Europe (V4+ project as a wedge between Germany and Russia).

Edit: It should be 20.000 US troops really, 37.000 altogether according to this:

Unless there was some addition in the meantime. Some sources mentioned 30.000 US + 17.000 other countries.
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