Although there is someone driving the money bus.

yes, there is someone driving that money bus and more it may appear. Take a look at this article, maybe he is on something with is agenda ID2020,

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.

Although there is someone driving the money bus.

Well done Joe, I especially enjoyed the closing quote from the Onion 🤣
Joe Rogan hosts an interview with Michael Osterholm:

From the show notes:

"Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info."

I should note regarding this interview:

It's a mixed bag. For instance, both Rogan and his guest are very Pro-Vax; they brought up an old black & white photo of two children, one covered in smallpox welts and the other not; "See? One was vaccinated the other was not!"

The thing they did not mention was that malnutrition was a big factor in disease spread at that time. While there is much legitimate debate as to the value of vaccines on both sides, and there does appear to be evidence that some drugs do work as advertised, there is just a lot left out of the picture, such as the effects on how the soul is seated in a 'container' body after enough drugs have been administered.

I wanted to include this interview partly because there appears to be some legitimate fact sharing, but also to take the pulse of current popular discussion. Rogan has arguably more of the public ear than the entire MSM combined. Keep your critical wits about you if you watch as the truth mileage may vary.
My wife and I spoke with about 10 different people about the coronavirus yesterday at work and got some different perspectives on whats going on here in Rhode Island. For example we spoke with a couple guys who work at a big company, some retired people, a teacher, a 20-something recently graduated from college, a CNA who works in a nursing home, a counselor who works at a nursing home and a veteran still in active duty and a woman who works at Pfizer.

Most of the people I spoke with seemed a bit baffled by the current panic and many of them brought up the comparison to the seasonal flu and how many people die from it each year. From what I can tell almost everyone had some level of concern, worry or fear and I was feeling worked up myself by the end of the day from talking about it. I think most of the fear for the people I talked to was related to the economy and possibility of "lockdown" or "quarantine" like what is going on in Italy and what that would mean for us here in the states. I heard that they suspended mortgage payments in Italy but I don't think anyone is expecting that here in the US.
Here is what is pulled from the situation in French hospitals:

march 12 2020

[...] the profile of people admitted to intensive care units is changing. Until two or three days ago, the men and women who came to these services for respiratory distress were mostly frail, elderly, already sick. Now they are no longer the only ones. It's no longer rare to see young people in their 30s and 40s without pathology," says Gilles Pialoux. That's the reality in the field. The circle is widening."

As proof, 86% of patients who died from influenza in France between 2011 and 2019 were over 75 years old, compared to 50% of Covid-19 deaths in China. Joined, Catherine (first name changed), a nurse in a hospital, confirms it: "We have young people, with no medical history, in a very serious state."

"The Chinese have shown that a patient can be fine and suddenly, on the second week, on the 8th or 10th day, he finds himself in intensive care."

I want to link this dot with another information:
This would be a variation of the virus within the same species. These variations are manifested in the "nucleotide polymorphism" as the researchers call it. In humans this may characterize variations that explain why some people are more susceptible to a disease or respond better to a drug, notes L'Obs. According to this study, the "L" type of VCOS-RAS is the most common, occurring in about 70% of reported cases of Covid-19, while the "S" type is found in only 30% of the cases studied.

Researchers believe that the "S" type of the virus would be the oldest, and would come from animal strains, it would also be the least aggressive to humans. As for the "L" type, it would have evolved from the "S" type, and would have adapted to the human population, it would thus be more contagious and more violent than the older type.

So, in this respect, I think there is a real thread for hospitals to be submerged with patients requiring heavy medication.

BUT for me, the PTB agenda clearly appear when you know there's a treatment which is not used. And I mean a treatment for the mass, issued from the PTB itself.
1/ The chloroquine treatment had been validated and used with success by Chineses.
2/ One of the world expert (if not the one) on infectious threads say: "Yes, yes, go for it! Give it to patients quickly, it greatly lower the viral charge so nobody will need intensive care" (Raoult)
3/ The treatment cost nothing: 10c x 2 for ten days... 2€
4/ This medicine is known and used since 70 years

But it's not used because the authorisation to use it for Covid-19 is not approved. More tests have to be done, Chineses reports can't be trusted, blabla... Raoult clearly state that, what the PTB want, is a vaccine.

The Chines report:
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies.
Gao J1, Tian Z2, Yang X2.

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) virus is spreading rapidly, and scientists are endeavoring to discover drugs for its efficacious treatment in China. Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China. The drug is recommended to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China for treatment of COVID-19 infection in larger populations in the future.

Extract form Raoul Wikipedia page:
Didier Raoul

According to the Thomson Reuters source "Highly Cited Researchers List", Didier Raoult is among the most influential researchers in his field and his publications are among the 1% most consulted in academic journals. He is one of the 99 most cited microbiologists in the world and one of the 73 most highly cited French scientists.[10] He is a world reference for Q fever and Whipple's disease.[11] In April 2017, on Google Scholar citations,[12] he cumulated over 104,000 citations and an h index of 148. He is also on the list of the 400 most cited authors in the biomedical world.[13]

Raoult's team was the first to discover very large size viruses.

In 2003, Didier Raoult identified with Bernard La Scola a giant amoebic virus, mimivirus,[16] and in 2004 established its genome.[17]

In 2016, this team found in mimivirus a defense mechanism preventing the implantation of virophages in the virus plant (MIMIVIRE).[18] Finally, it has been shown that this virophage could be integrated into the cells in the form of a pro-virophage and that it could be associated with transposon-like structures called transpovirons.[19]

They also discovered Marseilleviruses[20] and Faustoviruses.[21]

The discovery of giant viruses seriously undermines the classification of viruses. Didier Raoult has several times reported that giant viruses are of a different nature than other viruses and that they constitute a 4th branch of microbes known as TRUC for "Things Resisting Uncompleted Classifications".[22][23]

Another dot I would link is the August 23rd 2014 session about Ebola virus:
(Odyssey) We have some Ebola questions. What is the specific protocol to protect us from Ebola, because there's a lot of information out there?

A: Each situation can have variables, but in general a serious boosting of the immune system via diet and cold protocols can provide great resistance.

Q: (Odyssey) There are people all over the world that have Ebola symptoms, and they're saying that they're testing negative. Is this test accurate, and are the negative results true?

A: Not true in many cases because they have limited knowledge about Ebola.

Q: (Odyssey) There was a video going around YouTube about how the quarantine centers and the detention centers line up on a map. Is there a link between this immigration situation and Ebola?

A: Only partly. It can be used as a cover for deliberate spreading of virus

Can it be applied to this virus too? So something that can be easily managed is deliberately managed with anxiounes and more or less effective actions that let the medical staff exhausted.

Transmarginal Inhibition process?
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Joe Rogan hosts an interview with Michael Osterholm:

From the show notes:

"Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. Look for his book "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Deadly Germs" for more info."

His credentials don't matter. If he is saying anything else other than it's equivalent to the flu, then he is wrong.

There's a massive grand conspiracy being enacted on gullible people by all these actors, governments and all sorts to create undue panic, bring down the economy, panic everyone to extinction and all other evil type based stuff that my mind can't think off.

I think all restrictions should be lifted, life should continue as normal, people should be allowed to go to the gym God dammit! The virus shall spread to everyone, the weak shall die and the remaining will be fit to progress humanity to the upcoming age?

This is what I'm getting now?
I don't disagree with any of your excellent observations, but my current thinking about the reasons for all this is slightly different. I just don't see a grand conspiracy to push the things you mentioned. The response of the various governments strikes me as rather erratic and helpless, showcasing how far gone most of them are for a long time now.

Again, who knows about such things? The STS mindset is all about illusions and lies and wishful thinking. Maybe some at the very top know about it, and they might be grateful for the Corona craze and use it, but again, I don't think this is part of a grand plan, at least not on a human level.

Maybe some at the top feel it in their bones that something's up, maybe some even know it, but again - not a plan IMO. Just STS doing what STS does - lying, covering up, denying, twisting...

Indeed - the STS mindset will go into overdrive in such a crisis. Fear of losing control, fear of "being found out", will lead them to suppress and lock down everything ever more brazingly.

Not to say that there isn't some Cosmic plan behind it all. But I think seeing the STS mindset as the enemy is more helpful than pointing fingers at the "Deep State" or some human conspiracy. Because as opposed to the Deep State, we can actually fight the STS mindset! In ourselves, in others by being role models and helping them, by embracing truth in ourselves and the world despite the pain, by being courageous and unafraid...

I'm with Joe here:

Hi Luc. And I don't disagree with you either. I'm not buying into 'a grand conspiracy' meme either - its obviously much more fluid, subtle and nuanced than that. But despite your correct assessment that the vast majority of vested interests are more than happy to keep the whole planet - through whatever means, be it financial, political, legislative, military, pharmaceutical, etc - at a variant of perpetual simmering point in between valuable states of chaotic boiling, I think to some degree all the possibilities I suggest are in the mix at some level.

Yes sts are to our minds, generally stupid and blind to the implicit consequences of them trying to force reality to fit their shallow paradigm, but that doesn't mean there aren't some very clever, very aware, and very purposeful elements (shall we say the sts human interface the C's call the 'Consortium') in the same way we are purposeful, that at least have some kind of grasp on historical cosmic facts and implications - after all its reasonable to state that this preoccupation is what has kept secret societies alive for millennia. What was that figure the C's once said when they compared the Consortium types knowledge to Laura's and it was still way higher? The gap has undoubtedly closed since but I think its unwise to think that there is not a small but intensely connected body of parties here on earth that have a lot of info at their finger tips relating to impending events here on earth surrounding the Wave that they have no control over. And I don't mean the visible types we see and know on a daily basis mouthing in the media - but unknown, unknowns. This virus hysteria is no doubt its own phenomenon - but its timing, its scale, its undoubted psychological and systemic impact going forward on many layers of the system, means it will be lasting. The goal posts have been shifted - again. And the driving need to get total control (via say digital monopoly over all global financials/assets, the full spectrum dominance of 'the internet of things', censorship, mass mandated vaccination, etc) all seem purposeful and all in line with even what we know is being touted as Agenda 2030. Time is running fast - they need such significant paradigm shifts to happen and quickly, so big jump starts (and the programming is complete we should remember) will most likely become more regular and 'commonplace'. It's logical, if only sts logical.

At the moment as per Joe's article I'm with the follow the money hypothesis (be it profit from mass vaccinations, a readjustment of the financial sector through another economic crisis, etc) but I think there are those who only see this as merely the next necessary stepping stone at a much deeper level to other future actions that require this event to happen now so as to achieve their long-term goals. Game theory in other words.

Deception is the sts platform. It comes in multiple simultaneous levels, often designed with multiple red-herrings, blind alley ways and circular paths (some perhaps set in motion by interference from the 'future') so as to protect the observer from the true nature of the observed. If one looks deeply into say the JFK case from this perspective you get to see - even 60 years ago - just how brilliant, layered and purposeful this process is - and just how difficult it is to unravel its coded information. 'They' have this approach in their pocket, by now thoroughly battle tested and resourceful, as the essential ticket to what they want to achieve in the end. That's why I suspect you and I are both right and wrong - this thing has many, many possible tails (sic) and some essential elements are probably beyond our foresight.

ps That's why my faith is in the righteousness of the cosmos to solve and sort this riddle in the end. And we have to play our part - by keeping that faith, and keeping our minds and being fixed openly on objective truth (where possible) left and right. Greater thought forms than ours are in motion.
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Interesting part with this media hype is how stock market behaved. It fell more than Chinese stock market fell during the last month. It fell more than 30% since Feb 12th high. At that time, China was going through rough time, but markets still went up. Media went into hype and viral toilet paper video's, every thing went down from then. May be it is related to death rates increase in Italy ( and in Europe where open borders is part of emotional part of psyche) , it created panic?

Even when China's market is stabilizing, it didn't help Wall street meltdown of this week. Now, Fed pumped 1.5 trillion dollars into the market. One has to wonder, who will get big pie from this 1.5 trillion dollar. Is it the same folks who sold 30% from the market? Trump needs strong stock market to get elected. Probably this "Quantitative easing" become a new normal until the elections are over?
I will chime in with my sad observation: why mortality rate in Italy, USA (and other western countries) is going to be much higher than in China, Russia or India. Last year, I have translated this book "Extinguishing the fires of hell" by Grand Genereux.
I have absorbed the facts and conclusions of the book and had back and forth communications with the author.

One of the major conclusions is that the excess of vitamin A (when the liver is full of it and can't safely store anymore) is the cause of many (if not all) autoimmune diseases. There are 100,000,000 people diagnosed with various autoimmune diseases in Northern America. Like: Krohn, Alzheimer, IBS, exhemas... There are about 80 of them classified in this category. The official explanation is that " person's autoimmune system goes crazy and attacks its own body cells". And, their causes, that makes "immune systems to go crazy" are UNKNOWN.

I got to the punchline. The most popular drugs, that are used to treat autoimmune diseases, are suppressing the immune system of the patient in various ways. Needless to say, the suppressed immune system is not better, but a worse protector, when it comes to novel virus infections...

Then, the author of the book shared this article with me: "Retinoic acid modification of cell culture used for reproduction of enteropathogenic viruses". It is written in 1989 by Russian medical scientists.
The abstract:
The 0.001-0.005% retinoic acid injection into the growth cultural medium of prime and continue cell cultures 12-24h before inoculation considerably raised the cell sensitivity to animal entero- and coronaviruses. The entero- and coronaviruses concentrations in cultural medium increased by 10(1.58) and 10(1.68)TCID 50/1.0 respectively. The optimized parameters of the cell culture processing for the enteropathogenic viruses reproduction improvement are proposed.

The meaning of it is clear: the cells exposed to retinoic acid (it is vitamin A metabolite in the human body) are more sensitive, that is, easier infected by coronaviruses.

We have a recipe for a perfect storm!
Download and read the book that I linked. Make you own conclusions. And stay away from any food with Vitamin A, if at all possible.

PS. I posted on Vitamin A on the forum earlier: Vitamin A aka retinol free diet
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The experience of an Seattle woman who diagnosed with coronavirus and cured with simple measure little quarantine and clean hygene.

Does anyone else think that the timing of whipping up this Corona hysteria is suspicious? I mean, for the 'deep state' and other dirty tricksters this seems just too perfect...just as people were sorta waking up from the SJW and liberal madness, some celebrating Brexit, Trump looking invincible and getting excellent result with the economy, the US Dems making one idiotic blunder after another, the MSM getting exposed as complete liars etc.. As everyone is distracted with the Corona hysteria they are now vulnerable to being manipulated with other devious things and ideas, and people will probably gladly accept more strict regulations and laws. Are we witnessing 'The Shock Doctrine' in action?
I should note regarding this interview:

It's a mixed bag. For instance, both Rogan and his guest are very Pro-Vax; they brought up an old black & white photo of two children, one covered in smallpox welts and the other not; "See? One was vaccinated the other was not!"

The thing they did not mention was that malnutrition was a big factor in disease spread at that time. While there is much legitimate debate as to the value of vaccines on both sides, and there does appear to be evidence that some drugs do work as advertised, there is just a lot left out of the picture, such as the effects on how the soul is seated in a 'container' body after enough drugs have been administered.

I wanted to include this interview partly because there appears to be some legitimate fact sharing, but also to take the pulse of current popular discussion. Rogan has arguably more of the public ear than the entire MSM combined. Keep your critical wits about you if you watch as the truth mileage may vary.

This interview was posted earlier in the thread - by someone who said they watched it and fell into confluence with the panic and hysteria, then took days to emerge from it!

The interviewee claims this is 'not just the flu', and yet his prediction of 460K deaths from COVID-19 falls within range of the annual global average from flu deaths (290-500K). It's mostly mainstream talking points, and completely overlooks the statements even from WHO experts that they still have no clue what the true baseline extent of exposure/infection is.
I think it is very strange and mysterious that so many politicians have the Corona virus. Is this a vengeance from the Cosmos? Here in Spain also many politicians have this virus.

Yes, VIPs and celebrities everywhere are now 'confirmed' to have it.

Which probably means millions of people have it or have been exposed to it.

Which would mean it's just another winter flu.
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