I personally don't really have a problem believing the fatality rate is 3%, even if I'm skeptical about their statistical comparisons, because for me it's immaterial whether the fatality rate is 3% or .3%, that is still essentially nothing. In terms of "black swan events," nothing of any consequence has happened on this planet in so long that people must dramatize anything that falls slightly out of the norm just to give some excitement to their monotonous lives, and the media is happy to provide it because it equates to some macabre form of entertainment revenue. If the fatality rate really is 3%, there will be a lot of people who know somebody who knows somebody who died from it and it will be the subject of around town gossip for awhile, but that population can be replaced in a couple of years. In the grand scheme of things it hardly qualifies as a footnote. When the Cassiopaeans said plague all those years ago, I'm thinking Black Death types of numbers and so anything less than 20% doesn't really move my needle at all. If the 20% pandemic comes around, I would probably wear gloves everywhere and maybe invest in a respirator if I had to go into a hot zone, but otherwise life would go on. It would take 50-60% for me to really start getting nervous, and that would depend on how desperate/violent people became. In that case, I would probably join the whole bug-in/lockdown crowd and be more accepting of the army patrolling the streets. Since doing the diet and some supplementation protocols, I've only been flu-like sick for two days out of the last 10 years and have become pretty much teflon-coated when it comes to disease. I guess it's made me a bit complacent.

As for what's going on in my neck of the woods, the toilet paper ran out a couple of days ago and there are a few people who are freaking out about it (mostly northerner/snowbird types). The locals kind of consider it to be like a big 'ol hurricane and most people in my social millieu consider it to be overhyped. My "hurricane stash" includes about 6 months worth of food and propane, and I buy toilet paper in huge bulk packs anyway, so I've got about a month's supply left in that. I also bought all kinds of disinfectant/alcohol, a couple of gallons worth in fact, to go with my giant economic collapse first aid kit I bought about 5 years ago, so right now it's all pretty much fun and games for me. My main concern at the moment is having to burn through too many of my supplies to get through the fake pandemic/economic collapse that I won't be prepared for the real one.
I personally don't really have a problem believing the fatality rate is 3% even if I'm skeptical about their statistical comparisons because for me it's immaterial whether the fatality rate is 3% or .3%, that is still essentially nothing. In terms of "black swan events," nothing of any consequence has happened on this planet in so long that people must dramatize anything that falls slightly out of the norm just to give some excitement to their monotonous lives, and the media is happy to provide it because it equates to some macabre form of entertainment revenue. If the fatality rate really is 3%, there will be a lot of people who know somebody who knows somebody who died from it and it will be the subject of around town gossip for awhile, but that population can be replaced in a couple of years. In the grand scheme of things it hardly qualifies as a footnote. When the Cassiopaeans said plague all those years ago, I'm thinking Black Death types of numbers and so anything less than 20% doesn't really move my needle at all. If the 20% pandemic comes around, I would probably wear gloves everywhere and maybe invest in a respirator if I had to go into a hot zone, but otherwise life would go on. It would take 50-60% for me to really start getting nervous, and that would depend on how desperate/violent people became. In that case, I would probably join the whole bug-in/lockdown crowd and be more accepting of the army patrolling the streets. Since doing the diet and some supplementation protocols, I've only been flu-like sick for two days out of the last 10 years and have become pretty much teflon-coated when it comes to disease. I guess it's made me a bit complacent.

As for what's going on in my neck of the woods, the toilet paper ran out a couple of days ago and there are a few people who are freaking out about it (mostly northerner/snowbird types). The locals kind of consider it to be like a big 'ol hurricane and most people in my social millieu consider it to be overhyped. My "hurricane stash" includes about 6 months worth of food and propane, and I buy toilet paper in huge bulk packs anyway, so I've got about a months supply left in that. I also bought all kinds of disinfectant/alcohol, a couple of gallons worth in fact, to go with my giant economic collapse first aid kit I bought about 5 years ago, so right now it's all pretty much fun and games for me. My main concern at the moment is having to burn through too many of my supplies to get through the fake pandemic/economic collapse that I won't be prepared for the real one.

The % comparison reminds me of how some people view violence in media. Not everyone has the same level of sensitivity. So for example, to some people the movie kill Bill is not really violent, but to others, it's too violent!

For plague, it looks like some people's sensitivity is quite low, so they need a very high case fatality rate before they blink an eye. Not even 20% of humanity potentially being wiped off will get there temperature up as it were... Yet others, even seeing a drop of blood will lead them to faint, let alone seeing even a single dead person.

We're a diverse species, guess that's what makes us so durable!
We - in Québec, 49th N parallel - experienced at the end of November 2019 to mid-December the worst FLU like symptoms that both my partner and I have ever lived in our lifetimes (53 & 60 years old) to our recollection, aching bodies and fever which have subsided now being March 2020. Some symptoms took months to disappear (runny noses, runny eyes even?)
Good point I think. There are so many possibilities... And what if that whole thing fades, we end up with a few hundred dead or whatever, show over? Of course, politicians will claim victory over the virus etc., but this time it's rather hard to go back to normal as if nothing happened, because unlike climate change and all the other scare stories, people have experienced a real turmoil, a real panic, and emotional memories stick around. I'm sure many people will ask why the heck there was such a hysteria for nothing? Or maybe all of this will play out completely differently, who knows. As you said, the unexpected seems to be the norm, so we should expect it :)
Most of the sophistication in our living comes from interconnected world through technology. Now, they are slowly shutting down piece by piece and hope to reboot it again soon. This is assuming that there nothing else will happen. Those people who couldn't digest Hillary's loss until now, can they see the danger? Luckily most of the majority some how tend to come back to senses with some pain, though powerful minority could whip up frenzy initially. I mean election of leaders like Trump.

Interestingly, one of my coworker suggested to me stop eating meat( they know my diet) as they heard that coronavirus hits meat eaters more.
Sweden does not understand the Danish panic. They still enjoy an evening in town. But the borders with Sweden and Germany are closed from 12 hours today for all unjustified travel. The EU recommended yesterday not to close the borders, but the Danish PM and the Government did so anyway only seven hours later. The German administrations in the municipalities south of the border say that the Schengen agreement now is void, though perhaps not if one asks in Berlin. At any rate the police will now be more involved with protecting the border than with other duties. Frankly, considering that the livelihood of many people is being changed and their income vanishing, how will this develop?

One article took the cue from a virologist and said: Next logical step is curfew, and the global chief of strategy at the Nordea Bank, holds that the decision about closing down was correct, but came too late. It seems the banks are behind, and they will close many of the filials from Monday. Others wil reduce service of being able to take out cash.

But there are other reflections on the developments. One researcher, with speciality in the occupation during WW2 and the welfare society says that he is proud of the steps taken, because they are limited in time. Others are more nuanced like the article State of Emergency by Martin Krashnik, chief editor at Weekendavisen, trained in Jerusalem and Copenhagen. He is of course a strong supporter of globalism who argues for open immigration etc. He explains the justification for the government to act as it does, which whether true or not is believed by many:
And the welfare state's innermost task, the real contract, is to do what it does now. Trying to take care of the weak, the sick and the old. The argument that society could actually withstand 4000 or 5000 deaths due to COVID-19 completely ignores which country we are talking about. Precisely the Danish state would not be able to withstand the deaths of thousands of infirm and elderly people and was rejected in the door of the hospital due to lack of manpower and resources. No Danes would accept it.
That is the way they presented it. It is interesting that the very policies they have put in place risk creating a situation where many more will suffer. Consider the 3000 dead at 9/11 and all those who died because of the reaction and the policies implemented to this day. If the potential death of 4000-5000 people, mainly elderly, is a valid reason for instituting the present controls, then little is needed to continue. In two weeks one could say, well we took the steps and as a result they did not yet die, but they still might and therefore more sacrifices are needed. Probably the Government knows this. To put 5000 extra deaths in perspective, There are 5 822 763 inhabitants, the life expectancy is 80 years and about 54,000 died in 2019. 5000 would be less than 10% and even it was 40,000, it would be less than double. And the Soviet Union lost 26 million during WW2.

The author continues:
It is not just about ultimately being the legitimation of monstrous tax pressure, but about a political culture with a 100-year history. It is the difference between the political culture that the American health care system expresses, the culture that unfolds in Southern or Eastern Europe, and the Danish one. Our confidence in Mette Frederiksen, precisely Mette Frederiksen, would quickly evaporate if she were to stand at the door of the National Hospital and prioritize among the sick patients, and then the state of emergency would no longer feel like a common concern, but as a mere exercise of power.
This government probably had to act the way they did to maintain their power. Or at least they would have to change the narrative so much that some would need an explanation. Now nobody asks for more explanation, although some are a little concerned as we shall see.

Th author continues with the perspective of power and pushes his own globalist conviction to the maximum:
When the crisis is over and the state of emergency lifted, it will have reminded us of two crucial truths. That globalization is an incredible good for a small, open country like Denmark. The pandemic will hardly put an end to our urge to travel, communicate and trade with the outside world. On the contrary. The crisis reminds us how much benefits globalization has for us and how much we take it for granted. In a few days we can't wait to come out again. In a few months we will be back to normal.

A politician, Morten Uhrskov Jensen had an article published in Jyllands-Posten. He takes the analysis of Krashnik, add his own observation and reaches his own conclusion. But notice they are both convinced of the need, only the estimation of the consequences are different.
He [Karshnik] does not question whether it is necessary for the government to do what it has done so far to contain the severe crisis caused by the corona. Neither do I as a starting point. I have also been convinced that action must be taken quickly and resolutely, as only the state power can.

But it is impossible for me not to think that this government, under the leadership of Mette Frederiksen, since it was formed, has come to power to an extent where one could get the idea that the government's leading members are even enjoying the immense power they have got into their hands by introducing emergency mode.
What I think will happen is that the Government will do whatever they are scared into doing, just as they did now. At the moment all is calm, but the Government is probably aware that they navigate in a situation that can lead to chaos socially and economically. Within a couple of weeks there will be other factors than only taking into consideration the capacity at the hospitals to treat people that fall ill.
Denmark has taken a historical decision by closing the borders but will it help?
Denmark closes the borders, but can not say no to asylum seekers And that may be why they also want to test the people coming, but they can't, so what is the point of the whole exercise, some may ask.

Someone was completely fed up with all the Corona talk, commenting instead on recent Femen like demonstrations for equality:
Women throw their clothes in the name equality but how many of them takes a job one can die from?
Others were upset because the state radio broke off an interview with a popular singer to inform them about the message from the PM about Corona.

It looks as if the Corona panic is now being replaced slowly with other perspectives. People are recovering from the Corona shocks and lockdown surprise and are thinking about the possible futures. It has taken more than a week. According to this article until now it was uncertain who was number two in the Government, whether it was the climate/environment minister, the minister for children, the minister for taxation, but now it is clear that number two is the minister of economy. For instance they have realized that there has to be food in the shops and laws about rest for the truck drivers have been put aside for the moment, as have laws not allowing diesel trucks in some environmental inner city area due to the environment. Pragmatism is setting in.
Stocked up on bacon and sausages today 😋, already have lots of steaks and homemade beef mince burgers in the chest freezer. Hopefuly Picking up a whole butchered pig next weekend for canning 🕺, if it's ready, if not ready definately will have it the following weekend. Better to be safe than sorry have everything in order sit back and watch the show unfold, ordered extra tobacco aswell should be good for the next few months 😎..Ive no need to rely on the supermarket except for butter and chickens for the cats. Had to go to three shops today all were out of chickens, found some in a butcher's.

Things feel very strange out there at the moment. When out and about People ask what I think about this virus, I say not much it's just a bad flu no need for all the panic, They look at me like ive ten heads and say nothing😆. Stay safe everyone and be smart.
I don't know if one can fully agree to that because Health Minister of Poland told some time ago, before any infections in Poland, on TV, that "this virus for sure will come to Poland it is a matter of time", I didn't liked his attitude about it because it was like he were so sure about it long time ago and instilled the fear in people back then by stating that, in my opinion. Of course it was obvious that sooner or later Poland also will have some cases, but he didn't asked for being calm and mind your hygiene as it would be in case of sincere concern, he said that "we will have it" so here they play the same role as everywhere, following scenario of fearmongering very much on MM and now closing, quarantining, restricting. Also don't forget that election is ahead so they need to show how great they are to stay in charge of the country ;) anyway it is so kind from them that they are caring about us so much :D
Loreta here is also the same, they changed some lawbooks on the 2nd of march, added some new definitions, and voila, almost like in times of war.
Let's see.
Thanks for every update everyone! :flowers:

My guess is that they weren't able to properly test for the virus before March the 3rd, or so, when first batches of new testing kits arrived, so they practically knew the virus was here but since the older tests were considered not fully reliable, they didn't announce their conlcusions to the public. The "virus will come" message was meant to even out future reactions to the announcement of first cases, which they expected to arrive with deployment of new testing kits. Rightly, as it turned out.

I just can't imagine any representative of our current government being initiated into knowledge reserved for global elites. Even if they aspire to belong there, which is in itself doubtful, they're simply not deep enough. There must have been meetings or conferences with EU officials, epidemiologits and whatnot, but whether the real agenda behind the "pandemic" to come, if there's one single agenda at all, has been revealed to them - i find it highly unlikely.
About this virus starting in November and it's possible that millions already have been infected. Late December 2019 lots of people in my area got sick having the same symptoms as this corona, including my partner (recovered in 3 days taking vit C and silver) most of her family got it, some in my family got it. It was rampant and very contagious. I didnt get it, was just taking colliodal silver at the time. Maybe that was this corona and people dont know they already had it and recovered no problem, or it could of been just the regular flu, I dont know, just thinking..
What do you all think the chances are that since there have been more protests against governments around the world, governments are taking all these lock down and isolation steps to prevent protests? Or to stop the people uniting against governments?
Another possible natural treatment option.

MUST READ! China’s Secret To Controlling The Covid-19 Outbreak Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Concoctions Used Alone Or In Conjunction With Antiviral Protocols

Licorice root has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and also in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for eons especially for respiratory ailments and diseases including pneumonia.

On the 3nd Of February, the Chinese government started getting their TCM teams mobilized to test out various TCM concoctions and ingredients and in most cases, all contained licorice root.

It was demonstrated in various studies in China that for patients in the early stages of infections conditions, usage of TCM alone was sufficient to reduce the fevers, symptoms and viral loads to be deemed as ‘recovered’ while in the cases of patients in sever conditions, the usage of TCM in conjunction with various antiviral protocols, helped the patients to recover.

In a new peer reviewed study published in the Lancet (Traditional Chinese medicine for COVID-19 treatment) it was shown that out of 102 confirmed infected patients in one study at Hubei exhibiting mild symptoms of the Covid-19 disease, almost all recovered just on TCM concoctions alone with symptoms and fevers disappearing even shorter compared to using antivirals and CT scans showed drastic improvements to the lungs coupled with NATS (nucleic acid tests) that showed negative presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (note that residual dormant amounts of the virus will exist in all recovered as the NATS cannot pick up viral loads less than 90 copies per ml properly )

In addition, in the cases of patients with severe conditions, the administering of these concoctions along with various antiviral protocols helped to accelerate the process of recovery.

From the 16th of February onward, almost 87% of all treatments nationwide in China included TCM as part of the treatment protocols.

Based on traditional TCM protocols, 4 major concoctions showed efficacy including the Qingfei Paidu decoction(QPD), Gancaoganjiang decoction, Sheganmahuang decoction and the Qingfei Touxie Fuzheng decoction. (Any TCM shops in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia will know how to prepare this mixture of herbs).

In all the concoctions, Licorice root was the main ingredient used in a larger proportion.

The Qingfei Paidu decoction(QPD) was most favoured as it demonstrated the highest efficacy and been rebranded as different names including ‘Formula One’ In Guandong, The ‘TCM Antiviral’ In Shanghai, etc with state pharmaceutical and TCM companies mass producing it for sale in China but it has been restricted for export.

The exact ingredients for the Qingfei Paidu decoction(QPD) concoction is listed as Ephedrae Herba, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeprata cum Melle, Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Gypsum Fibrosum, Cinnamomi Ramulus, Alismatis Rhizoma, Polyporus, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Poria, Bupleuri Radix, Scutellariae Radix, Pinelliae Rhizoma Praepratum cum Zingibere et Alumine, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, Asteris Radix et Rhizoma, Farfarae Flos, Belamcandae Rhizoma, Asari Radix et Rhizoma, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Aurantii Fructus Immaturus, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, and Pogostemonis Herba.

However we at Thailand Medical News notes that another important ingredient had been deliberately omitted from the list of which that particular herb is also being currently patented at the moment by the Chinese government.

This TCM preparation has been adopted since as a general prescription in the diagnosis and treatment plan of COVID-19 in China.

In another study of 701 confirmed cases treated by QPD, 130 cases were cured and discharged, clinical symptoms of 51 cases disappeared, 268 cases of symptoms improved, and 212 cases of stable symptoms without aggravation. The effective cure rate of QPD against COVID-19 is over 90 %.

Hard liquor being the only palatable form of licorice for me, i think i'll maybe just get a bottle of absinth.
I found a really good video on COVID-19. It's by an MD and he actually uses statistics to show that, while it's spreading and hazardous to the elderly, it's not a world-ending scenario. Furthermore he also talks about the public mental health costs of panicking and fear-buying without actually thinking things through. He also brings up some of the skepticism/paranoia around China may have contributed to more of these conspiracy theories about bioweapons and the like.

Here's a video doing more statistical analysis of the outbreak. The site consulted actually was mentioned about ninety pages back in this thread. The video also talks about the health benefits of Zinc in combating coronavirus infections, which I thought was a good thing to add to the presentation. A study linked therein emphasizes the importance of chloroquine as a shuttle for helping Zinc ions cross cellular membranes to where they can inhibit viral integration.

It just got me thinking that obviously pretty much everyone is now more or less up in arms about this Corona stuff and might fuel it by that fact alone even if it is just thinking about it in terms of craziness and so on and how bad the measures are. So it might be a good idea I would think to refocus at least a bit and concentrate on other important stuff instead that is now easily neglected in all this focus on Cornona? Turning the tide essentially at least on a personal level by refocusing and thereby maybe helping others in a sort of butterfly effect? Maybe that is one of the reasons/effects to this whole Corona thing; a distraction/trap/lure/dissociation for the mind that could use the same energy for something more productive/engaging? At least partly?

I agree.

I spent quite some time on Twitter yesterday and today to tweet Gaby's excellent article to some Dutch right-wingers who seemed to have completely lost it. Although I don't expect they will read the article some of their followers may.

I spent some time outdoors today (the sun was shining for once, so I wanted to make the most of it) and made sure I was completely focused on my garden while singing a song, just to counter all these negative vibes that are hanging over us.

I saw a small video clip of some Italians making music together, standing on their separate balconies. That was great!
What do you all think the chances are that since there have been more protests against governments around the world, governments are taking all these lock down and isolation steps to prevent protests? Or to stop the people uniting against governments?

Well, it seems the French Yellow Vests didn't get the memo. Shame!!
Remembering the session of October 16th 1994 (bold is mine)

A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move...

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. L*** {Laura’s then husband, now ex-husband}.

Q: (L) What do you mean about L***?

A: Guyana.

Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.

Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc...

A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.

Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?

A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?

Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you going to?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

So, I might be way out but as an hypothesis, since "Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist... are getting desperate as we near the change" and since now we have a so-called Pandemic, maybe it is a part of the plan and next step could be something like that they have found a vaccine and since it is a pandemic, all the governments would have the right to force the vaccination of all it population. But I might speculate too that they could put a microchip in the vaccine in order to have the total control of the population.

About this virus starting in November and it's possible that millions already have been infected. Late December 2019 lots of people in my area got sick having the same symptoms as this corona, including my partner (recovered in 3 days taking vit C and silver) most of her family got it, some in my family got it. It was rampant and very contagious. I didnt get it, was just taking colliodal silver at the time. Maybe that was this corona and people dont know they already had it and recovered no problem, or it could of been just the regular flu, I dont know, just thinking.. liam1310

Very much the same happened here, most of our friends got sick at once, some had a rough going as in pneumonia. Nobody near us died of it but 2 people close to us were hospitalised, then returned home.
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