I feel like in a semi dream state like some reality dividing happened or is still happening. Like some people are in a reality where they are feared to death from this deadly virus and they believe in that with all their being and people who are skeptical, but the propaganda and all these measures are so aggressive that more and more of them are falling under that.

Yeah feel the same.

not that I have a death wish or anything but I'm like, if I die that's fine if not that's fine too. Ive become very comfortable with the idea of death, no fear when I think About it. I get a feeling of calmness, have felt this way since things kicked of over here, never felt like this before when contimplateing death, it might be seeing people react like they are, turning into animals everyone for themselves, I'd rather not be a part of it and will happily depart when it's my time to go. Anyway that's how I'm feeling..
What do you all think the chances are that since there have been more protests against governments around the world, governments are taking all these lock down and isolation steps to prevent protests? Or to stop the people uniting against governments?

As Adaryn noted, the Yellow Vests didn't get the memo, or they filed it in the circular file cabinet.

BUT, it does seem that there is a possible connection. Just before this, people were marching and rioting all over the planet. It was really getting out of hand. So, they had that elite meeting (where was it, Davos?), and just after, we have a certified pandemic! Never mind that they had to change the definition of pandemic to squeeze it in there!

I'm like Neil, this is NOT a real pandemic - the death rates hardly register for me considering all I know about the death rates of other historic pandemics, not to mention the steady drumbeat of deaths in the background of our reality from so many other causes from flu to starvation to war.
Maybe It's all about food for 4D STS. From the latest session something came to us from portal on middle east also programing is complete and "end is near" so maybe the final battle is near and 4D STS want more power to fight so they are generating on "cito" fear and sadness in people. Asteroid 1998 or2 would be near on april, maybe it's somehow connected with it.
Yeah feel the same.

not that I have a death wish or anything but I'm like, if I die that's fine if not that's fine too. Ive become very comfortable with the idea of death, no fear when I think About it. I get a feeling of calmness, have felt this way since things kicked of over here, never felt like this before when contimplateing death, it might be seeing people react like they are, turning into animals everyone for themselves, I'd rather not be a part of it and will happily depart when it's my time to go. Anyway that's how I'm feeling..

I feel like in a semi dream state like some reality dividing happened or is still happening. Like some people are in a reality where they are feared to death from this deadly virus and they believe in that with all their being and people who are skeptical, but the propaganda and all these measures are so aggressive that more and more of them are falling under that.

The Cs warned us that the world will change that we could not recognize it. It is happening and it is so fast.
So, take a good seat and watch the show.

My brother told me yesterday that this world situation is looking like a bad movie, as if reality was knocking at our door.

it's like we have daily task, like taking the subway. At that moment everything is fine but as soon as it breaks down, it creates a tear in reality on an individual level. The brain does not integrate this void this change of routine. Ho lala the subway breaks down, there is a bug in the matrix (matrix that we have created for ourselves in a certain way). There with this "virus" and this declaration of pandemic, it causes a gigantic bug on the collective scale of those who are used to their daily individual matrix. Just a thought
Bombards Body Language website have posted an interesting video of the Feds Jerome Powell and ECB Christine Lagarde both looking extremely relaxed when talking about the economy and covid19. Their normal emotional state is usually one of quite high stress.
I would have thought it would be more stressful at this time.
Well, it seems the French Yellow Vests didn't get the memo. Shame!!

Yeah, I saw that after I asked the question. The YV's have been going for such a long time now and against much resistance that I doubt much will put them off when I think about it. I kind of feel as though things have been heating up here in Australia, particularly after the govts poor performance in the bushfires and the clean up and it could perhaps have been close to more people wanting to join protests. There are small gatherings and meetings kicking off in each state, nowhere near high enough numbers involved to cause too much of a concern because there are different camps with different idea's.

Part of the rationale for the cancelling of big events and isolation/quarantine for the infected here in Australia is to give consideration to those who are more likely to die from the virus - this has never been a real consideration in the past, at least not to the point where they are prepared to push the economy down further. So it seems off that it would be a consideration now.

As Adaryn noted, the Yellow Vests didn't get the memo, or they filed it in the circular file cabinet.

BUT, it does seem that there is a possible connection. Just before this, people were marching and rioting all over the planet. It was really getting out of hand. So, they had that elite meeting (where was it, Davos?), and just after, we have a certified pandemic! Never mind that they had to change the definition of pandemic to squeeze it in there!

I'm like Neil, this is NOT a real pandemic - the death rates hardly register for me considering all I know about the death rates of other historic pandemics, not to mention the steady drumbeat of deaths in the background of our reality from so many other causes from flu to starvation to war.

I think it's a pandemic alright, but perhaps the people are the pandemic from the perspective of the rulers because more and more are developing a kind of mind virus and waking up under greater pressures of injustice and cruelty. Maybe the chills that C's mention are being experienced by the rulers.
Unfortunately I don't see any signs of this fizzling out any time soon. Instead, all seems to go into the opposite direction right now with governments (like the german one) even priming the public to have it continue and worsen till "the change to the next year". The C's didn't allude to it fizzling out as far as I know either. They said things will get crazier on a number of occasions instead. Which fits the bill quite well. It is going on for over 3 months now and the hysteria seems to increase instead of fizzling out while some governments/organizations/media are seemingly using it for nefarious/nihilistic goals/ends even if just unconsciously (maybe fueled by "hungry" 4D STS types that work though people/organizations).

On the other hand, on the Asian side of the story, things seem to calm down quite a lot. Western governments/organizations/medias on the other hand, I strongly suspect "never let a good crisis to waste" (and have a good track record in that regard) and so are probably rather eager to have it artificially continue for a longer time than in eastern countries that are not as infected by "Pathocracy".

Well, the public and official response my be pandemic in nature, but the virus itself was discussed in the last session. That's what I was referencing above...

A: Oh indeed! You ain't seen nothing yet!

Q: (L) Oh boy. [laughter]

(Joe) Give us a percentage of the coronavirus becoming a REAL pandemic in the sense of global and LOTS of people dying.

A: Low.

Q: (Joe) That's what I thought. It's something else.

(L) But that doesn't mean that there's not another one waiting in the wings that's really serious.

A: Yes

One of the things I'm hearing now which is contributing to the ongoing emotional combustion is that Italy's mortality rate due to the CV is around 7%. Yikes!


"Italy, however, is also reporting an above average mortality rate at 4%. The average age of coronavirus patients who have died because of the virus in Italy is 81, according to the National Health Institute. Italy, which has one the world’s oldest populations, could be facing a higher mortality rate as a result of its above-average elderly population. “Italy is the oldest country in the oldest continent in the world,” says Lorenzo Casani, the health director of a clinic for elderly people in Lombardy told TIME. “We have a lot of people over 65.”

"Casani also suggests the mortality rate might be higher than average because Italy is testing only the critical cases. “We are not doing enough,” he said.

"Casani says that pollution in northern Italy could be a factor in higher death rates. According to a report by the Swiss air monitoring platform IQAir, 24 of Europe’s 100 most polluted cities are in Italy. “Studies have shown a high correlation between mortality rates from viral respiratory conditions and pollution,” Casani says. “This could be a factor.”"

I went out with dogs to see how the ambiance was after the new regulations. Nobody on the streets apart other people with dogs. Streets void, like a phantom city. No cars. Nothing apart some people in the big store in front of my apartment. But I did not like my walk. There is something in the air, a strange odour an savor like soap, something very disagreeable, almost taking my breath out. I really had a little difficulty to breath normally. Nope. I will not go outside again, the air is not good at all. And I have a good nose, like the majority of smokers.

Hopefully I have a big rooftop so I can bring the dogs there, they can do their business, I clean and that's it.

There is something in the air that I don't like at all... Something artificial. In fact the air would be suppose to be better because less trafic. So what is happening here!
I wonder if this information could be cross-referenced. How do you explain such a high rate of resignations of big bosses around the world last year and at the beginning of this year?

In 2019, a record number of 1640 CEOs resigned from major corporations. For January 2020 alone, the number was 219, indicating that CEO departures could reach an even higher number this year

Why Is There a Boom in CEO Resignations?
We had a guy quit yesterday out of concerns of waiting on the public. So I was a little worried being down a server on a Friday night but, turns out we didn't need him as the business was about half of what it normally is. The owner is going to let the guy come back to work after this all blows over.

Sometimes we just have slow nights, however. We'll see what happens tonight. I'm guessing tomorrow day shift will be slow for sure as we get most of our business during the day on Sundays from church goers. A lot of churches are closing their doors for now.

My boss is all into it. He listened to Trumps hour and a half briefing yesterday. He's instructing us all on what to do and not do. Him and his mother are the owners. I gave her the usual hug goodbye when she was leaving last night and he's all; "don't do that!" :lol:
The whole situation is quite strange, and it is obvious that this virus monomania is being used to achieve certain ends that are very draconian in nature. If a large scale "terrorist" attack happened today, we would never see such a coordinated lockdown across the globe. And I think that our political leaders are in the dark as much as the rest of the population about what is really happening, so there isn't necessarily a grand conspiracy going on, they probably think they're doing some sort of service to us all. The C's did say something along the lines that 4D are getting desperate as we near change, so maybe this whole situation is a manifestation of that; 4D STS trying to maintain a grip on power. And if so, it could be that "something wicked this way comes" and probably very soon, but not in the form of Covid-19.
I went out with dogs to see how the ambiance was after the new regulations. Nobody on the streets apart other people with dogs. Streets void, like a phantom city. No cars. Nothing apart some people in the big store in front of my apartment. But I did not like my walk. There is something in the air, a strange odour an savor like soap, something very disagreeable, almost taking my breath out. I really had a little difficulty to breath normally. Nope. I will not go outside again, the air is not good at all. And I have a good nose, like the majority of smokers.

Hopefully I have a big rooftop so I can bring the dogs there, they can do their business, I clean and that's it.

There is something in the air that I don't like at all... Something artificial. In fact the air would be suppose to be better because less trafic. So what is happening here!
I had the same feeling yesterday during shopping. It is like calm before storm. Probably, we are accustomed to see lot of people whom we are not seeing now. May be, it is like going to our old college ( after a decade) alone to find every thing has changed, the familiar faces disappeared, the memories/emotions that doesn't fit in to what we see. It's like sort of emptiness that triggers hidden anxiety for social beings. May be there is some thing in the air our subconscious feels, but we can't name it.
I think it's a pandemic alright, but perhaps the people are the pandemic from the perspective of the rulers because more and more are developing a kind of mind virus and waking up under greater pressures of injustice and cruelty. Maybe the chills that C's mention are being experienced by the rulers.

From that perspective, it definitely IS a pandemic - a created panic that is becoming endemic.

Geeze, who would have ever thought they would make their move this way?

Again I say, I'm sure thankful for the Cs.
The perfect STORM is upon us, let's celebrate cause tomorrow we may be in a different mindset.
Thank you for your input it is very helpful:
loreta - liam1310 - Anthony - Laura - seek10 / I just simultaneously translated to my partner the last few posts and she INSISTS that I write this: (and hey we wear tinfoil hats sometimes) Context: we live in an area where very seldom we hear 1 or 2 planes at very high altitude in 1 week. In the week or so previous to our getting sick, for several days in a row at pretty much precisely 4h30 am until 5am planes criss-crossed the sky above our houses, enough for 2 neighbours to mention it. Then bang the flu came! Also LORETA, we have noticed that the air has changed smell (l'air a changé d'odeur, c'est clair) And there are more coincidences...

We are 49th parallel North, in Québec. (OK I'm taking my hat off). Love and faith are being seriously tested!
Watching Trump and US officials press conference at noon - the general feeling seemed to be upbeat.

Basically the US vows to allow medical testing and care for all - insured and uninsured touched by virus, businesses are covered for losses, and they seem to be confident that they have all the pebbles in place. There was even a tidbit comparing the expected reaction efficiency to that of S. Korea.

Spring time is here, Easter/Passover are in a month, and I expect a strong rebound when markets open on Monday.

This will go way in two weeks, if not days.
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