Well France just announced that all restaurants, cafes, cinemas and non-essential shops will be closed as of midnight tonight.

The reason? In his speech, French PM Edouard Philippe said that this morning he remarked along with his colleagues that the French were still going out to restaurants and cafes despite the measures announced Thursday evening, so they decided to enforce stronger measures. Not very credible as a reason tbh.

I know what you mean Eboard10 but from the authorities point of view, they don't like the fact that people are making their own mind up - and in France that is a protected tradition! In other words, stop exercising your common sense and PANIC MORE! Stop romancing, laughing, socialising and do as we say - LOCK YOURSELF AWAY - WILLINGLY! Oh you won't?! So we'll close access and enforce it our way.
Toilet paper is a luxury item for most of Indians and very few big shops sell and that is in small sizes. They use water to clean the body with left hand and bucket of water to flush. Even when, it became affordable, few wanted to buy as they find water is much more cleaner than toilet paper. Of course, it is more work for women to clean the squat seat daily with short broom. Last few decades, sitting style toilets became common, this is what they use, if they have western style toilet.
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-12 at 11.15.19 PM.jpeg
Well, your predictions will be archived here and I'm putting my money on the Cs.

Can I disavow myself from these predictions? They aren't even mine :whistle:

Many commentators who've been tracking the virus are all saying it hence why I documented it down.

Here's an example of one

Ps, it's pretty much an open secret the US is moving into an explosive phase but recent news is the population is being mobilised and are therefore taking counter measures which should hopefully cover for the ineptitude of the CDC and flatten that curve at its peak.

Let's wait and see how things play out!

On a more cheerful note, Russell Brand just made a video about the virus and as you'd expect, he's seeing things from a metaphysical angle

In the UK, the gov has taken the OPPOSITE strategy to the recommended WHO actions which is essentially to lock down and minimise spread. In the UK, the action is to allow spread so as to hit some magical % of infected where herd immunity is achieved.

Here's the chief medical scientist himself

Brits are not happy being involuntarily subjected to this herd immunity experiment! Boris will either have to change tact or hope UK doesn't turn to Italy otherwise he's on the chopping block I think.

In the US, Trump's taken a gamble by being somewhat late to mobilise the government but the policy now is somewhat in line with WHO minus the really aggressive testing.

So looks like both leaders have taken a gamble to differing degrees rather than played the WHO line as prescribed.

Rest of Europe are now following the standard WHO line from what I can see.... Lockdown.
Remembering the session of October 16th 1994 (bold is mine)

So, I might be way out but as an hypothesis, since "Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist... are getting desperate as we near the change" and since now we have a so-called Pandemic, maybe it is a part of the plan and next step could be something like that they have found a vaccine and since it is a pandemic, all the governments would have the right to force the vaccination of all it population. But I might speculate too that they could put a microchip in the vaccine in order to have the total control of the population.


That's what is in my mind here and there for more than three weeks. I say "here and there", because I would become completely crazy if I had this in mind all the time! But, as future is open, I allow us other ends of this malevolent thing happening, no matter what they show us, no matter which part of this is a will and/or excuses to shield themselves against whatever might threaten their existence or goals.
The US as a societal complex/body is a different animal than any other nation, except perhaps Japan and Russia.
Multiple factors here: multi-racial, distribution of population, infrastructure and consciousness level, especially among the elderly.

I'm having difficulties understanding your message, mbww. Could you please elaborate what you mean
The perfect STORM is upon us, let's celebrate cause tomorrow we may be in a different mindset.
Thank you for your input it is very helpful:
loreta - liam1310 - Anthony - Laura - seek10 / I just simultaneously translated to my partner the last few posts and she INSISTS that I write this: (and hey we wear tinfoil hats sometimes) Context: we live in an area where very seldom we hear 1 or 2 planes at very high altitude in 1 week. In the week or so previous to our getting sick, for several days in a row at pretty much precisely 4h30 am until 5am planes criss-crossed the sky above our houses, enough for 2 neighbours to mention it. Then bang the flu came! Also LORETA, we have noticed that the air has changed smell (l'air a changé d'odeur, c'est clair) And there are more coincidences...

We are 49th parallel North, in Québec. (OK I'm taking my hat off). Love and faith are being seriously tested!
Usually I love to go outside but not this afternoon. It was so charged. Maybe my spirit was charged also. I think all the sadness of what is happening was in my difficulty to breath. (Thanks Hesperides for the insight). Then this evening in my Yoga Laugh suddenly I cried. Not for me but for everyone, for the hard times that maybe are coming, for the Italians, for the Spanish, for all of us, it was very good to cry and I think the exercise of laugh helped to open a tied knot that I had inside me since few days. Cry is not bad at all, it liberated and clean. I feel better now.

Later I will go again outside to see. It is an act of rebellion! Yes indeed. (I am joking). But dogs need to walk and humans also. What they think we are? Cockroaches that can live in a room without taking air?
For those who speak German, there is a Youtube talk with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, who in 2009 was mentioned in this thread.
Dr Wodarg has some information to share about influenza and Corona type infections. From what I understand about 10 % of the people affected by infections in the airways each year have corona viruses if testet. He also says that viruses do not operate alone, but just like we have several bacterias and micro organisms in the digestive system, so we also carry around more than one virus. To determine which one is the one that makes us feel sick is not always easy to determine and little is know about the possible synergetic effects among the viruses.
The link is here: Lungenfacharzt Wolfgang Wodarg spricht jetzt LIVE über die Auswirkungen des Corona Virus Frontal21 FB Link
Edit: There is a page here where he explains his position in words: Hier die Slideshow mit weiteren Infos

Without PCR-Tests there would be no reason for special alarms.

We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.

by Wolfgang Wodarg

The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.

Evidence based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media and ministries.

The carnival in Venice was cancelled after an elderly dying hospital patient was tested positive. When a handful of people in Northern Italy also were tested positive, Austria immediately closed the Brenner Pass temporarily.
Due to a suspected case of coronavirus, more than 1000 people were not allowed to leave their hotel in Tenerife. On the cruise ship Diamond Princess 3700 passengers could not disembark., Congresses and touristic events are cancelled, economies suffer and schools in Italy have an extra holyday.

At the beginning of February, 126 people from Wuhan were brought to Germany by plane and remained there in quarantine two weeks in perfect health. Corona viruses were detected in two of the healthy individuals.
We have experienced similar alarmist actions by virologists in the last two decades. WHO's "swine flu pandemic" was in fact one of the mildest flu waves in history and it is not only migratory birds that are still waiting for "birds flu". Many institutions that are now again alerting us to the need for caution have let us down and failed us on several occasions. Far too often, they are institutionally corrupted by secondary interests from business and/or politics.

If we do not want to chase frivolous panic messages, but rather to responsibly assess the risk of a spreading infection, we must use solid epidemiological methodology. This includes looking at the "normal", the baseline, before you can speak of anything exceptional.
Until now, hardly anyone has paid attention to corona viruses. For example, in the annual reports of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) they are only marginally mentioned because there was SARS in China in 2002 and because since 2012 some transmissions from dromedaries to humans have been observed in Arabia (MERS). There is nothing about a regularly recurring presence of corona viruses in dogs, cats, pigs, mice, bats and in humans, even in Germany.
However, children's hospitals are usually well aware, that a considerable proportion of the often severe viral pneumonia is also regularly caused or accompanied by corona viruses worldwide.

In view of the well-known fact that in every "flu wave" 7-15% of acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) are coming along with coronaviruses, the case numbers that are now continuously added up are still completely within the normal range.
About one per thousand infected are expected to die during flu seasons. By selective application of PCR-tests - for example, only in clinics and medical outpatient clinics - this rate can easily be pushed up to frightening levels, because those, who need help there are usually worse off than those, who are recovering at home. The role of such s selection bias seems to be neglected in China and elsewhere.

Since the turn of the year, the focus of the public, of science and of health authorities has suddenly narrowed to some kind of blindness. Some doctors in Wuhan (12 million inhabitants) succeeded in attracting worldwide attention with initially less than 50 cases and some deaths in their clinic, in which they had identified corona viruses as the pathogen.
The colourful maps that are now being shown to us on paper or screens are impressive, but they usually have less to do with disease than with the activity of skilled virologists and crowds of sensationalist reporters.

We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.

Wherever such the new tests are carried out - there about 9000 tests per week available in 38 laboratories throughout Europe on 13 February 2020 – there are at least single cases detected and every case becomes a self-sustaining media event. The fact alone that the discovery of a coronavirus infection is accompanied by a particularly intensive search in its vicinity explains many regional clustersi.

The horror reports from Wuhan were something, that virologists all over the world are waiting for. Immediately, the virus strains present in the refrigerators were scanned and compared feverishly with the reported newcomers from Wuhan. A laboratory at the Charité won the race at the WHO and was the first to be allowed to market its in-house tests worldwide. Prof C. Drosten was interviewed on 23rd of january 2020 and described how the Test was established. He said, that he cooperated with a Partner from China, who confirmed the specific sensitivity of the Charitè-Test for the Wuhan coronavirus. Other Tests from different Places followed soon and found their market.

However, it is better not to be tested for corona viruses. Even with a slight "flu-like" infection the risk of coronavirus detection would be 7% - 15% . This is, what a prospective monitoring in Scotland (from 2005 to 2013) may teach us. The scope, the possible hits and the significance of the new tests are not jet validated. It would be intersting to have soe tests not only on airports and cruising ships but on german or italian cats, mice or even bats.

If you find some new virus RNA in a Thai cave ore a Wuhan hospital, it takes a long time to map its prevalence in different hosts worldwide.

But if you want to give evidence to a spreading pandemic by using PCR-Tests only, this is what should have been done after a prospective cross sectional protocoll.

So beware of side effects. Nowadays positive PCR tests have tremendous consequences for the everyday life of the patient and his wider environment, as can be seen in all media without effort.

However, the finding itself has no clinical significance. It is just another name for acute respiratory illnesses (ARI), which as every year put 30% to 70% of all people in our countries more or less out of action for a week or two every winter.
According to a prospective ARI-virus monitoring in Scotland from 2005 to 2013, the most common pathogens of acute respiratory diseases were: 1. rhinoviruses, 2. influenza A viruses, 3. influenza B viruses, 4. RS viruses and 5. coronaviruses.
This order changed slightly from year to year. Even with viruses competing for our mucous membrane cells, there is apparently a changing quorum, as we know it from our intestines in the case of microorganisms and from the Bundestag in the case of political groups.

So if there is now to be an increasing number of "proven" coronavirus infections. in China or in Italy: Can anyone say how often such examinations were carried out in previous winters, by whom, for what reason and with which results? When someone claims that something is increasing, he must surely refer to something, that has been observed before.

It can be stunning, when an experienced disease control officer looks at the current turmoil, the panic and the suffering it causes. I'm sure many of those responsible public health officers would probably risk their jobs today, as they did with the "swine flu" back then, if they would follow their experience and oppose the mainstream.

Every winter we have a virus epidemic with thousands of deaths and with millions of infected people even in Germany. And coronaviruses always have their share.
So if the Federal Government wants to do something good, it could learn from epidemiologists in Glasgow and have all clever minds at the RKI observe prospectively (!!!) and watch how the virom of the German population changes from year to year.

Some questions for the evaluation of the current findings:
  1. Which prospective, standardised monitoring of acute respiratory diseases with or without fever (ILI, ARI) is used for the epidemiological risk assessment of coronavirus infections observed in Wuhan Italy, South Korea, Iran and elsewhere (baseline).
  2. How do the comparable (!) results of earlier observations differ from those now reported by the WHO? (in China, in Europe, in Italy, in Germany, etc.)
  3. What would we observe this ARI-season if we would ignore the new PCR-testing?
  4. How valid and how comparable are the detection methods used with regard to sensitivity, specificity and pathogenetic or prognostic relevance?
  5. What is the evidence or probability that the observed corona viruses 2019/2020 are more dangerous to public health than previous variants?
  6. If you find them now, how can you proove, they were not there (e.g. in animals) before.
  7. What considerations have been made or taken into account to exclude or minimise sources of bias (sources of error)?
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I was talking with Family and friends in France today and had to remind them that the "swine flu" epidemy in 2009/2010 (seems most of them forgot, barely 10 years ago) had about 2 millions people infected in France (344 death)... suddenly put things into context compared to the 4500 cases reported as of now.

Coronavirus: France on lockdown with shops closing and people urged to stay inside

Édouard Philippe, the Prime Minister of France, called coronavirus France's 'biggest health crisis in a century' and has taken measures to attempt to stop its spread

France has become the latest country to go into lockdown in the war against coronavirus.

Restaurants, some shops, cinemas and cafés will shut for the foreseeable future in Édouard Philippe's nation.

Public transport will remain open but Mr Philippe encouraged his citizens to limit their use.

He labelled coronavirus France's "biggest health crisis in a century". More than 90 people have died of the virus there so far and a further 4,500 are infected. 🤦‍♂️

I guess he forgot WW I and WW II. And a lot of other stuff before, after and in between.

Indeed, might be in a parallel reality ...
Jacques Attali wrote this in 2009:

"History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: it then first sets up defence mechanisms; sometimes intolerable (scapegoats and totalitarianism); sometimes futile (distraction); sometimes effective (therapeutics, if necessary discarding all previous moral principles). Then, once the crisis has passed, it transforms these mechanisms to make them compatible with individual freedom and to make them part of a democratic health policy. »

For Attali, "The pandemic, at its beginning, could trigger one of these structuring fears", because it will raise, "better than any humanitarian or ecological discourse, the awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested altruism. »

"And, even if, as we obviously hope, this crisis is not very serious, we must not forget, as we did with the economic crisis, to learn from it, so that before the next - inevitable - crisis, prevention and control mechanisms are put in place, as well as logistical processes for the equitable distribution of medicines and vaccines. To that end, we will have to put in place a global police, global stockpiling and therefore global taxation. We will then come, much more quickly than would have been possible for economic reasons alone, to put in place the foundations of a real world government. »

"It is moreover through the hospital that the establishment of a true State began in France, in the seventeenth century."
One of things i'm finding peculiar about the coronavirus thing is how indecisive it actually is, downright confusing even, when one tries to sit back taking an objective, unbiased stance.

On one hand the virus can be taken as a serious danger that already killed over a thousand of people and is likely to kill much more if not properly contained. The other hand would naturally be the virus being just another infectious disease, mortal in some cases but not particularly harmful to humankind as a whole. Both these positions have legitimacy in my eyes, and i'm unlikely to be alone in thinking that way.

If virus was either an obvious major threat or just another strain of flu, there wouldn't be such conflicting opinions and division among people right now, even though the world as we know (knew?) it would probably end violently in case of the former. But, no. Here we're confronted with necessity to decide: does the danger justify enforced restrictions on freedom and (more importantly IMO) self-restrictions in society?

I don't think there's a human-devised plan behind all this, but maybe the above is the point from the 4D PTB perspective? To have people divided, or rather make them take positions, over a major but inconclusive issue? If what we're seeing is the beginning of some new major soul-bidding set-up, i'd expect much more to come before coronavirus evaporates, as what's currently going on has the "initial stage" vibe to it. Maybe the plan includes turning up the threat factor at some stage, in order to create more pressure on those unsure. Or maybe the social changes are expected to run on their own, which would be more effective in terms of soul enslavement, i guess. Limitations are meant to be lifted up or at least relaxed at some point, IMO, and the real question is what remains and what will be the shape of our spirit afterwards.

Just some "maybes".
To that end, we will have to put in place a global police, global stockpiling and therefore global taxation. We will then come, much more quickly than would have been possible for economic reasons alone, to put in place the foundations of a real world government.
Interesting that the panic began (or was begun?) in China. And interesting that others bought into it so uncritical. With global communication and the Belt and Road initiative what was missing was the support from the people.
And if the following is still more or less valid then one could consider:
A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.
At the moment the countries of Europe are setting up problems that might need some fixing.
I heard that they are going to close all my town and only people who have pass can go outside, because of the virus, well i think is not, because of the corona, but they are fooling again the people that in one second they can make you more in prison :) and you belive that, because of this you need to stay sepperate....... I feel very very sad about all that what is happening to all the people in the world
What will happen with the solitude? Many solitude will be in some houses. Many distress. Many fears that you can not share with others. Men that every day meet to play domino, take a beer, talk, laugh, now will be at home, how they will deal with all of this? Fear, solitude, terror to die alone, far away from humans, away from family, away from friends.

Perhaps you need to look at these tweets to find some optimism that the pressure can be dealt with in a real human manner. I remember C's saying something along the lines that when hard times come for many people will be actually easier to make up their (unconscious) minds and decide which part of themselves to side with. I grabbed the videos from Twitter using simple search 'italy quarantine':

And then we have this article (interestingly also from Italy):

A Russian doctor returned from China and gave some numbers to the Russian Channel 1 News, which are attached
Old people in general, especially above 80, which is not surprising considering:
Question: Who else is at risk?
- The risk groups include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, and any diseases which are accompanied by immunodeficiency.


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