Stew Peters is apparently known for ‘bombshells’ and exaggeration, so I’d take this with a grain of salt
USA might have monetized bombshell scandal reporting.

All such investigative reporters / broadcasters - making excellent points with amazing energy on camera - think the Communists are planning to get them and probably China is sneaking around the corner. So just to be safe.. listen.. watch the videos.. and if you like buy advertised stuff on sale.. just in case the Communists take over or more recently the UN-forces army invades the USA.

They broadcast bombshell, blockbuster news about the Clinton Mafia investigated by the FBI, then other Super-Rich are being very seriously investigated for this scandal or that horrible crime by this and that committee and OMG the consequences will be totally profound!! Then we wait.. ... we wait.... . . . then no followup, nothing happens at all. I guess those cases are swallowed in Broadcasters Sinkhole™.

Fresh news value of these shows deflate fast as we see no results ever. At least I never saw any follow-up. The audience is just constantly taking the hits like from a never ending egg-sized hail, courtesy of Deep State.
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Ending Covid restrictions for double-jabbed citizens increases risk of vaccine-resistant strains emerging, fresh study warns
A study released on Friday has raised fresh concerns that easing Covid restrictions before countries have achieved full inoculation could significantly increase the risk vaccine-resistant strains emerging, allowing them to thrive.
Modelling conducted by Austria’s Institute of Science and Technology, in a pan-European study with the Bank of Spain and University of Geneva Medical School, advised officials to maintain Covid restrictions until they have achieved full vaccination or herd immunity to avoid the rise of vaccine-resistant variants.
So now everbody - especially the Anti-Vaxxers - must be Con-19 Jabbed to begin clotting their blood dutifully and join the ever increasing masses of poor 'intellectual & physical invalids', who pose no threat to the government at all and can be safely herded anywhere with any claim.
I just listened to this and have to disagree slightly with those who’ve said this was compelling. The evidence she presented appeared to me as plausible but open to interpretation. The connections she presented went fairly quickly so I might have missed the ‘bombshell’ aspect of them. She also appeared emotionally charged saying things like (paraphrasing): “We’re all gonna die!” All in all she might be on to something, but at least this interview gave me the impression that she thinks she found something and now she’s ‘running with it’ without much second thought. Stew Peters is apparently known for ‘bombshells’ and exaggeration, so I’d take this with a grain of salt.
Just watched this as well, and I get the impression it might be misinformation. She mentions a vaccine patent by Moderna, but displays a patent by the Shanghai National Engineering Research Center For Nanotechnology Co, Ltd on the screen.

Notice also that she's a former Pfizer employee but only talks about the Moderna vaccine? And that mention of graphene oxide in patents filed in western countries is specifically absent due to "trade secrets"? And the frequent references to China during the lipid particles discussion? And the emotionally-charged language about depopulation and sterilisation? It looks to me a bit like another "blame China" vector by conservatives that aren't thinking this through critically enough.
It never ceases to amaze me that doctors, scientists, epidemyologists et al are so polarised about the covid and vaccination scenarios. The scientific communities of a state, country etc must be quite bonded with widespread dissemination of knowledge by reading each others papers, research etc. I know from my experience in years of nursing in the UK that doctors know of doctors. They have either worked with them, gone to University with them etc. They keep themselves up to date with current research. However with covid the divide is huge. The pro-everything, the Government is right, all hail Whitty and Vallance camp seem to be wilfully ignoring what their colleagues are discovering about Covid. Presumably they must be reading the research by the medically and scientifically trained covid detractors even if just to see if they can pick some holes in it. Why are they not recognising what we can all see as obvious or have they put all their metaphorical eggs in the Government's basket of lies and obfuscation?

I very rarely see my GP I am glad to say but I consider her to be one of the best doctors I have ever come across. If I do have to see her I will ask her what she makes of the masses of scientific papers stating that the wearing of masks is not only pointless but dangerous in the long term on many levels. Also her opinion of vaccinating masses of people during a pandemic.....:nuts: Sadly she is pro vaccination in a big way. :-O
I very rarely see my GP I am glad to say but I consider her to be one of the best doctors I have ever come across. If I do have to see her I will ask her what she makes of the masses of scientific papers stating that the wearing of masks is not only pointless but dangerous in the long term on many levels. Also her opinion of vaccinating masses of people during a pandemic.....
My GP had a sign taped on the front door of her office building - at the beginning of this mass insanity - that "if you are not sick do NOT wear masks.." Same was stuck at the entrance of our grocery market. I noticed later as the Deep State plan progressed, she took it down. These signs disappeared for good.
Just watched this as well, and I get the impression it might be misinformation. She mentions a vaccine patent by Moderna, but displays a patent by the Shanghai National Engineering Research Center For Nanotechnology Co, Ltd on the screen.

Notice also that she's a former Pfizer employee but only talks about the Moderna vaccine? And that mention of graphene oxide in patents filed in western countries is specifically absent due to "trade secrets"? And the frequent references to China during the lipid particles discussion? And the emotionally-charged language about depopulation and sterilisation? It looks to me a bit like another "blame China" vector by conservatives that aren't thinking this through critically enough.
I think you are nit picking. I think she was actually holding off when it comes to wild conspiracies. In short i didn’t pick any of things you mentioned but i might be wrong. And lets face it China plays a big par in all these so why would you want to spare them?
I think she was actually holding off when it comes to wild conspiracies.
That's why I think it was misinformation, not disinformation. She wouldn't be the first educated professional to put the pieces together incorrectly.

And lets face it China plays a big par in all these so why would you want to spare them?
Do we know that for sure? So far, it seems like China has been the victim throughout all of this, and now the US is trying to make them the patsy now that information is coming to light about the man-made origins of Sars-CoV-2.
I just caught the following on SOTT after reading a related Dutch story I'll post here as well.

Busting the myth that vaccination prevents transmission --

Source (Dutch only): Ingeënt personeel vormt risico in het ziekenhuis, toch mag het met klachten doorwerken

Corona infections
Inoculated staff pose risk in hospital, yet allowed to continue working with symptoms

The Outbreak Management Team is concerned about the possible spread of the corona-virus by vaccinated healthcare workers. However, vaccinated hospital staff may continue to work with symptoms.

Johan van Heerde - 29 July 2021, 23:11

People who work in health care, have long been fully vaccinated and yet are now receiving Covid-19. Do they pose a danger at work? Infections with high contagiousness are found among vaccinated healthcare workers in the Netherlands and so there is a chance of transmission of this virus to vulnerable patients, the Outbreak Management Team reported this week.

In Israel, a forerunner when it comes to vaccination, the corona-virus broke through the vaccine in half a percent of vaccinated healthcare workers, according to the first hard data on this, published in the scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine. The tests were conducted at the beginning of the year, when the alpha variant of the corona-virus dominated. Now the more contagious delta variant of the virus is dominant, which other Israeli research says breaks through vaccinations more easily.

Stuffy noses and airways

Most "breakthrough infections" among healthcare workers are accompanied by mild or even no symptoms, but sometimes there are persistent symptoms, such as a stuffy nose or respiratory distress.

This poses a problem. In the Dutch healthcare sector, too, (young) healthcare workers get infected with corona after their full vaccination. In the last three weeks, 7051 healthcare workers in the Netherlands tested positive, compared to 724 in the previous three weeks. It is not known how many of those care workers had already been vaccinated. However, it is known that the vaccination willingness among health care workers is very high, often above 90 percent.

Image didn't load; see article.

corona infections among healthcare workers
number of infections per week

Those people work in nursing homes, among other places. In that care sector there is suddenly a sharp increase in infections visible. Yesterday the RIVM reported that in 133 nursing home locations over the past 28 days at least one infection has been reported. Ten days earlier that figure stood at 56 nursing homes.

According to Verenso, the association of specialists in geriatric medicine, it is also possible that a vaccinated employee brought the virus with him/her. However, introduction of the virus can also have happened by non-vaccinated employees, or family, or visitors of residents, we do not know, Verenso emphasizes.

Cees Hertogh, professor of geriatrics and member of the OMT, thinks the same. "The idea is that those infections were caused by, among other things, introduction via care staff. We know that the vaccine does not work one hundred percent against infection and certainly not against transmission."

Always a propagation risk

The clinical profile of those residents, who are often also vaccinated, is usually mild. Nevertheless, the nursing home sector is vigilant. Hertogh: "The infections show that we cannot let go of infection prevention measures; there is always a risk of propagation.

Funnily enough, a new guideline for healthcare workers has just come into effect. This states that healthcare workers with complaints indicating the presence of the corona-virus may still work, provided they are fully vaccinated. This goes against the RIVM's classic credo that people with complaints should stay at home.

The Federation of Medical Specialists is responsible for this guideline, which was published before the OMT expressed its concerns about infections among vaccinated healthcare workers. When asked, the FMS states that there is no reason to revise the guideline again. The document states that a mouth mask must always be worn in case of direct patient contact. Tests are also carried out immediately.

Alertness is necessary, acknowledges clinical microbiologist Heiman Wertheim, one of the fourteen compilers of the guideline. "We are constantly weighing up the risks. In that sense, discussions in the OMT and at the FMS are not always synchronous," says Wertheim. "The fact is that in healthcare you work with vulnerable people and the guideline is a minimum requirement. A hospital can as well say: just stay home for a day. That also depends on how high the need is, whether all hands are needed at the bedside."

Translated with (free version)

Other coverage in Dutch:
Ingeënt personeel vormt risico in het ziekenhuis
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Vaccinated Australians will get special rules to avoid some lockdown restrictions once 70 per cent of the eligible adult population have had two vaccine doses, and international border rules will be loosened to allow more people to come home.
Dot points:
  • Privileges for the vaxxed once 70% target is reached.
  • No more lockdowns once 80% target is reached.
  • States will have to individually hit targets as well as the entire nation.
  • Delta variant "lesson" is the need for "early and stringent lockdowns".
  • Government 'hopes' 70% target can be reached by the end of the year.
  • Less border restrictions at 70% and 80% targets respectively.
  • Government promoting the AstraZeneca vaccine, oddly enough.
Now, see what the academics who are pushing the government policy have to say:
University of Melbourne professor of epidemiology Tony Blakely backed the idea of a vaccination target as a way to motivate people but said the country could not ease all restrictions once the target was reached.
Professor Blakely said some of the modelling was “the right answer to the wrong question” because governments would have to offer vaccines to everyone, including children, and adjust their settings in light of the results.
A vaccination target of 80 per cent was a likely goal, he said, but new variants and further breakouts would mean that no vaccination rate was likely to allow Australia to open its borders without restriction.

“We talk about opening the borders but it won’t be to all countries all of the time,” he said. [interesting that a professor of epidemiology knows so much about future Australian foreign policy]
Professor Blakely said Australia would need a vaccination rate of 90 per cent of the population to reach herd immunity, while a rate of only 50 or 60 per cent would not be high enough to avoid further lockdowns.
So the government's policy is essentially BS because the academics are pushing for a "vax everyone, no removal of restrictions" policy. With the military being deployed in NSW as part of restrictions enforcement, it seems that this is intended to pacify the unruly masses after the recent demonstrations. With only about 12% of the population voluntarily vaccinated and further demonstrations scheduled, I guess we'll see fairly soon if this PR stunt has any affect.
Do we know that for sure? So far, it seems like China has been the victim throughout all of this, and now the US is trying to make them the patsy now that information is coming to light about the man-made origins of Sars-CoV-2.
Nah. It's all one big globalist mess. They were all in on it. It was obvious for the last decade. Experts from all continents went to China to train their teams. Chinese teams worked on it for years, publishing their own GOF research with bat coronaviruses. They, everybody wanted it to happen!

Trying to put the blame on any one country is already falling victim to the misdirection.
Nah. It's all one big globalist mess. They were all in on it. It was obvious for the last decade. Experts from all continents went to China to train their teams. Chinese teams worked on it for years, publishing their own GOF research with bat coronaviruses. They, everybody wanted it to happen!

Trying to put the blame on any one country is already falling victim to the misdirection.
I totally agree...HOWEVER...

The "China did it" narrative favors and implies the "Fauci is a crook and sleeze bag for funding Wuhan" and "Covid is potentially a dangerous bio-weapon" and "the vaccine is ALSO potentially a bio-weapon too" narratives which all undermine the control narrative.

Still an exploding clown car but with some added fun of the narratives all coming unravelled with more people waking up.
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