An ER doctor in the province of Alberta in Canada makes an impassioned response to the government's focus on vaccines rather than restrictions -

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Dr. Joe Vipond here is obviously upset. The video lasts just under 7 minutes and is worth a view (imo).
He is 2x Vaxxed himself - and I think, appears very clueless, sounds intellectually impaired already, as far as I can see. He probably feels in his gut / suspects, what is waiting for him and his fellow sufferers - The Damned 2x Vaxxed - at the end of the tunnel that the DemonRats currently occupying The Capitol dug for them.
We have a much better word in Hungarian for his situation. Its raw translation is "FateBuddy" / fatebuddies: Companions in Misery, because apparently misery loves company. In English: If you play in the dirt, you're gonna get dirty!
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As many are aware, the most vocal opponents of the official Covid narrative have been categorized as the "disinformation dozen":

Majority of Covid misinformation came from 12 people, report finds

The vast majority of Covid-19 anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories originated from just 12 people, a report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) cited by the White House this week found.

CCDH, a UK/US non-profit and non-governmental organization, found in March that these 12 online personalities they dubbed the “disinformation dozen” have a combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms, with Facebook having the largest impact. CCDH analyzed 812,000 Facebook posts and tweets and found 65% came from the disinformation dozen. Vivek Murthy, US surgeon general, and Joe Biden focused on misinformation around vaccines this week as a driving force of the virus spreading.
I got an email from two of those dozen, Charlene and Ty Bollinger of TTAC (The Truth About Cancer) regarding their notorious status:

Thanks to James Corbett’s creative genius, today we present the REAL “Disinformation Dozen” in this article which showcases the twelve people and organizations who have ACTUALLY done the most to spread disinformation and panic among the public over the past 18 months.

Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen

By James Corbett
July 27, 2021

Originally published on
Have you heard of “The Disinformation Dozen” yet? They’re the twelve people that, according to The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), “are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms.”

You see, you might think that it is well-documented research about the known short-term effects and unknown long-term effects of the unapproved gene therapy injections that are making people hesitant about sticking the COVID “vaccines” in their arms. But you’d be wrong.

According to the CCDH’s super serious and rigorously researched report on the subject, it is in fact this small group of dedicated disinformationists who have single-handedly warped the minds of millions of poor, innocent social media users. These loathsome liars and avid anti-science activists are, the CCDH informs us, the true source of the public’s misgivings about the jab.
Don’t trust your lying eyes! Believe our good old friends at the mysterious CCDH (who studiously avoid the question of where they get their own fund in the “About” section of their website) when they tell you that it’s this handful of cranks and charlatans who are creating hordes of tinfoil anti-vaxxers with their cunningly crafted tweets and their perfectly persuasive Instagram posts.

So, who are these online gurus, exactly? Who are the social media Svengalis leading the online hordes off of the digital cliffs? Who should we as a society be living in mortal fear of? Why, THESE people, of course!

Are you scared yet? No? Well, how about if we distort the image so they look a little more unhinged?

How about now? Are you suitably terrified?

Yeah, I thought not. Because this is transparent nonsense, of course. It’s a garbage report written by an “advocacy” group whose sole purpose is to eliminate “wrongthink” from the internet and it should not be taken seriously. Sadly, though, as you’ll see in the conclusion to this article, there are people taking it seriously. At the very least, the report is serving its intended purpose of making it seem like there’s some sort of grassroots support behind a campaign for mass government censorship online.

Well, we get the picture literally! Bet Del Bigtree is disappointed he didn't make the cut! The article goes on -
But if they can do it, so can we!
It is in that spirit that I offer today my own “Disinformation Dozen” article listing the twelve people and organizations who have done the most to spread disinformation and panic among the public over the past eighteen months
- and each of the real dirty dozen from that collective image at the top gets the Corbett treatment - pictured as outlaw WANTED posters!

[Hmm - no mention of Dead or Alive . . . :halo:]

This is all a bit of fun, isn’t it? Making up “Wanted” posters and describing the misinformation that the purveyors of the official COVID-1984 narrative have spread in the past 18 months.

Sadly, no, this is not a game. At least, not for the CCDH, which, in addition to writing their nonsense reports on online “disinformation” are also busily lobbying to censor those voices that they disagree with. Their website lists another dozen censorship campaigns (disguised as “anti-misinformation” campaigns) that they are currently engaged in and they even brag about their success in getting David Icke deplatformed from all of the main social media sites last year.

And any guess whose report Amy Klobuchar is citing in her latest push to pass a bill that will “hold platforms accountable for misinformation during health crises”? Why, the CCDH’s Disinformation Dozen report, of course.

This is not a game. There are many overlapping agendas that are playing out in this scamdemic, but make no mistake: one agenda item for the globalists is the elimination of the online alternative media outlets that have been opposing their efforts for decades now.

To be absolutely crystal clear: I am NOT calling for the REAL Disinformation Dozen to be censored in any way. In fact, I want them to be given a platform to speak, because I genuinely believe that it is only in the free exchange of ideas and information (even misinformation) among free peoples that we can possibly hope to discover the truth. I am also not stupid enough to think that if I (or anyone I associated with) somehow magically found themselves in the position of being able to wield the power of censorship, that that power would never be wielded against me in the future.

No, censorship is not the answer. Exactly the opposite. Censorship is the hallmark of tyrants. So when you see these “Disinformation Dozen” lists come out of nowhere from shadowy groups and get bandied about as a basis for deplatforming people online, you should know exactly what kind of enemy you’re up against.

Back to the Bollinger's email that repeats Corbett's final conclusion:
No, censorship is not the answer. Exactly the opposite. Censorship is the hallmark of tyrants and their minions. So when you see these “Disinformation Dozen” lists come out of nowhere from shadowy groups and get bandied about as a basis for deplatforming people online, you should know exactly what kind of enemy you’re up against. Here is part 1 and part 2 of an exposé we wrote on the CCDH and their “cancel culture” mentality.​

And so the fight continues . . .
Article claims that everyone should be able to vote in the Americon election. Even if you are not an American. Even dead people casts votes these days so I think the author makes a fair point.

Should be in the Biden thread. Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Hi, about the recent news regarding CDC claiming that the pcr tests aren't so reliable "as previously thought", it got me thinking lately and a thought popped up, don't know maybe some of you already mentioned about what i'm about to write, so here it goes.

Considering that recently different countries around the world are pushing the green pass in order to have access to different indoor/outdoor places, a pass one can get by taking the job or as a second option by doing a pcr test.

I'm working in the hospitality field and I've noticed that a good number of our foreign guests are coming to Italy by taking a pcr test instead of deciding to take the jab. So I'd think that the PTB aren't pleased about people choosing to pay willingly some extra cash for a pcr test in order to be able to travel and so on instead of taking the job. So you the PTB, since you kind of don't need anymore the pcr test to use as a tool to further your agenda and are kind of annoyed that people are using this tool of yours as a backdoor in order to avoid to take the jab you decide to take it off the worldwide market by instructing your minions from world institutions and governments from all around the world to follow suit.

And so there you have, the only option left is taking the jab in order to get the green pass otherwise the only thing you will be able to do will be to go to work (not everyone is able to do even that without taking the jab unfortunately since the jab is mandatory in different countries for certain fields), to go to your local small grocery store and stay home, to live as a recluse basically unless of course you decide finally to bend with your pants down while holding in one of your hands the Vaseline. I'm sorry for this last vulgar and brutal example.

Aren't they charming, the PTB that is?

So basically we are waiting for the earth changes to kick in thus hoping for a change since it seems that the PTB doesn't give a snap of two fingers about people protesting, France is an example.
Israel to offer Covid booster shot for over-60s, PM Bennett says amid vaccine efficacy worries
Israel is set to roll out a scheme to give a third Covid jab to people aged over 60, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has announced, in a bid to increase protection amid fears vaccine efficacy diminishes over time.
I think the 2x Vaxxed will show signs that they are in big trouble in August already. Then as we head into the usual flu season their situation will get obvious.
Governments will desperately continue try to avoid leaving any significant number of people unVaxxed in autumn, because they fear they'll get attacked, once the remaining still healthy & strong civilians realize the real purpose of the Con-19 Jabs was depopulation.
Hi, about the recent news regarding CDC claiming that the pcr tests aren't so reliable "as previously thought", it got me thinking lately and a thought popped up, don't know maybe some of you already mentioned about what i'm about to write, so here it goes.

Considering that recently different countries around the world are pushing the green pass in order to have access to different indoor/outdoor places, a pass one can get by taking the job or as a second option by doing a pcr test.

I'm working in the hospitality field and I've noticed that a good number of our foreign guests are coming to Italy by taking a pcr test instead of deciding to take the jab. So I'd think that the PTB aren't pleased about people choosing to pay willingly some extra cash for a pcr test in order to be able to travel and so on instead of taking the job. So you the PTB, since you kind of don't need anymore the pcr test to use as a tool to further your agenda and are kind of annoyed that people are using this tool of yours as a backdoor in order to avoid to take the jab you decide to take it off the worldwide market by instructing your minions from world institutions and governments from all around the world to follow suit.

And so there you have, the only option left is taking the jab in order to get the green pass otherwise the only thing you will be able to do will be to go to work (not everyone is able to do even that without taking the jab unfortunately since the jab is mandatory in different countries for certain fields), to go to your local small grocery store and stay home, to live as a recluse basically unless of course you decide finally to bend with your pants down while holding in one of your hands the Vaseline. I'm sorry for this last vulgar and brutal example.

Aren't they charming, the PTB that is?

So basically we are waiting for the earth changes to kick in thus hoping for a change since it seems that the PTB doesn't give a snap of two fingers about people protesting, France is an example.

I think so too, that's what they are shooting for, eliminating any alternative to the jab. It is really interesting how desperate they are all of a sudden about forcing people into taking the jab. It's almost as if they knew their game is over (because something else will kick in soon in earnest, such as extreme weather?) and they make one last brazen dash.
I think so too, that's what they are shooting for, eliminating any alternative to the jab. It is really interesting how desperate they are all of a sudden about forcing people into taking the jab. It's almost as if they knew their game is over (because something else will kick in soon in earnest, such as extreme weather?) and they make one last brazen dash.

A slightly different take on the situation is that they keep feeding us vaccines in a last ditch effort in the hope that this will keep our consciousness and state of awareness down.

Perhaps this is also linked somewhere to the thinning of the veil. Since the UFO/alien phenomena and perceiving it seems to be linked to the state of our consciousness. The more it rises, the more we are able to see? At least I thought so. And now it has reached a breaking point?

When we all start to see glimpses of what lies behind the veil to what extent can they control us and the perception of how we look at ourselves, the universe, and creation in general?

Their authoritarian grip is what is going to set the Eart Changes in motion.

Either way, it reaches into despair and they are doomed to lose control.
I think so too, that's what they are shooting for, eliminating any alternative to the jab. It is really interesting how desperate they are all of a sudden about forcing people into taking the jab. It's almost as if they knew their game is over (because something else will kick in soon in earnest, such as extreme weather?) and they make one last brazen dash.
Another idea came to my mind. As the pcr tests are used to detect the coronavirus and its variants (wrongly of course), do they finally want to use other tests in anticipation of a next virus (like a super flu) which would not be detectable if we continue to use PCR tests? especially since it is necessary to take the time to do the analysis with PCR, if a large scale disease that is deadly and spreads quickly, it is necessary to do tests with chemical reagents to indicate the positivity or not and this would allow the PTB to flee to their bunker as quickly as possible and give them enough time to do what is necessary. This is just an idea that I'm posting here and that crossed my mind
BTW - heard on the Foxnewsradio today that Pfizer is set to make multiple billions more with the sale of their vax.

Pfizer Forecasts $33.5 Billion in Covid-19 Vaccine Sales

Pfizer Inc. PFE -0.82% expects sales for its Covid-19 vaccine this year to reach about $33.5 billion, up nearly 30% from its forecast three months ago, as the shot plays a growing role in global efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

With concerns rising over the highly infectious Delta variant, Pfizer also said that booster shots would likely be needed to ensure protection against the virus.

U.S. officials haven’t authorized the use of booster shots, although they are studying the issue. Pfizer and partner BioNTech SE plan to seek regulatory approval in the U.S. for a booster shot in August. A clinical trial testing an updated version of its vaccine targeting the Delta variant is also set to start next month, the company said Wednesday when announcing second-quarter earnings.
Sooo - we're starting to see the reason for "speeding up" pressure to vax all:

Deaths from COVID Vaccines Are 407% Higher than All Cumulative Previously Reported Deaths from Other Vaccines

Norway has announced vaccine injury compensation for at least three claims following AstraZeneca vaccination. An Oxford man has called for a review of U.K. Government vaccine injury compensation after he developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome following AstraZeneca vaccination.

A 16 year old boy in Singapore suffered a cardiac arrest when exercising after his Pfizer vaccination.
Some new medical reports exploring endocrine issues following Pfizer vaccination: one looking at a case of necrotising pancreatitis following the second dose of vaccine, and two looking at the development of Graves’ disease in two health care workers in Mexico.

The U.K. VITT Organ Donor Study Group has published a report of an analysis of organ donation and transplantation from U.K. donors with VITT (blood clots) to understand the implications. It concludes that transplantation from VITT donors should only proceed with caution due to a variety of possible complications in multiple organs.
Way earlier in the scamdemic, I wondered about blood transfusions and organ transplants from those who've been vaxxed - "proceed with caution" meaning only after scores show obvious injury or death will consideration be given to halting such. And to say stop now would give credence that there's something dangerous about organs from vaxxed people.
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