"Let the Creative Statistical Games Begin!!"
The Public will know nothing about this, and attempting to explain this would be a challenge.

Look at the numerator of this formula. The variables a and b are specific to each vaccine. Now, consider what would happen if an extremely dangerous vaccine were introduced that resulted in 20 times as many AEs of all types as all the other vaccines to which it gets compared.

The PRR remains invariant in the scaling of adverse events!

This means that one vaccine that kills and cripples 20 or 50 or 1,000 times as much as a very safe vaccine will show the same PRR (mild adjustments for variables c and d notwithstanding), and no safety signal will be identified by the CDC.
It is not necessary to scale all of the AEs to hide a signal with this function. The numerator-fraction of the PRR changes only slightly when a handful of AEs scale up, even for extreme values of the scalar, k. Here is an example where AEs of various kinds are reported in numeracy (55, 7, 6, 11) for one vaccine, and 20 or 1,000 times as many of the first two AEs are reported for another:

Since the numerator does not change all that much as the AE numeracy scales, and the denominator remains unchanged, the potential for a signal changes very little.
A very enlightening article showing some devilish/devious means of hiding "information" through mathematics.

View attachment 47635

Basically saying antibodies from jab wane between 3 to 6 months so hello boosters.

Same as usual:

"This thing we made you do didn't work, so we're going to make you do more of it."

Come to think of it, those would be fitting words to engrave on the gravestone of western civilization. It captures the entirety of the decline of the last century.

Resonated with what you said about just wanting to get your life together, and the world always getting in the way. That's been my experience too. Every time I get somewhere, something pulls the rug out from under me. Just one damn thing after another it seems. The curse of our generation I guess.

At any rate, it's taught me to prioritize things other than material success. Which is for the best. You don't get to take it with you after all.

Yeah... I may vent a little bit here too...

I certainly don't appreciate being locked in my house, and my life turned in a cycle of going to work, then go back home and so on. Like you guys, every idea I had gets somehow blocked by external events and I reached the point where I know I can't plan on anything anymore. Honestly, all I do is to see the day by day and see what happens, because the future is completely uncertain. Overnight, and week by week, things change completely. From "just use a mask", to stores closed down permantly, schedule limitations with the police asking for permits (Essential workers), health passes (Which it's some form of vaccine mandate in disguise), walking among zombies and God knows what's next. I must fully understand that this world it's not the same world we had few years ago, and while the psycopaths in power were still shooting at us, it would the first time I experience it in such a global scale in my life.

You know, my energy is getting depleted not only because of that, but I also have to support my loved ones both emotionally and economically since I'm the only one working in my household. I would lie if I tell you that sometimes I don't break down and cry like a kid, because it's overwhelming at times. It's been affecting my health and I don't have the time or energy to go to a doctor for a full check out. It doesn't help that I don't own a car so I lack the mobility.

How do I keep my sanity for the most part? It's such a mixed bag. For one, I remember the C's material and other sources I've read in my life, reminding myself "Hey, this is a school. Lessons is all there is", "We came here to learn and move on", "It's supposed to be hard, I didn't come here to have a beach day". So I read, I distract myself with some series, reading the news or this board, I also play videogames (I'm big on RPGs and story-heavy games), I sadly can't play Dungeon and Dragons anymore (Pathfinder actually) since we can't gather together anymore so I sometimes write or draw to vent some creativity and my friends also joined the COVID team.

All in all I'm also hoping for things to come to a dramatic conclusion because I also feel this drag and it's wearing me out.
Yesterday a brave Italian doctor, De Donno Giuseppe who was curing covid patients with hyperimmune plasma donated from those who have recovered from covid thus helping many people to overcome the covid much more smoothly has been found dead by hanging.

When I've heard the news I was shocked, i remembered his journey last year while curing covid patients with hyperimmune plasma and how the government and their minions were doing their best to discredit, demonize, ignore and eventually control him, he nevergave up but unfortunately he wasn't aware of the true nature of the forces that were trying to stop him from spoiling their despicable fun games.

After one year of harassing they've finally got him unfortunately by pushing him to the edge.

It really shows how extremely important is to KNOW what's happening in this reality, the forces at play in this whole drama if you are about to face the said dark forces and survive afterwards.

May you rest in peace Mr. De Donno.
Another thing, just heard that the French parliament has approved the green pass despite people's protests all around France in the last days. The free will of the most of the French people has been violated without the blink of an eye. Will see how that will play out on the cosmic level because there are always consequences in cases like these.

So I guess we here in Italy are next to be shown the middle finger by the PTB...
Another thing, just heard that the French parliament has approved the green pass despite people's protests all around France in the last days. The free will of the most of the French people has been violated without the blink of an eye. Will see how that will play out on the cosmic level because there are always consequences in cases like these.

So I guess we here in Italy are next to be shown the middle finger by the PTB...
When the Supreme Court fails, the Cosmic Court listens to the plaintiff. 😉
I saw a short video by professor Saveliev (link is at the end), where he put out a theory, that COVID-19 infection "waves" are not a normal behavior for a spreading virus. I will try to summarize this theory as such:
- the virus has 30,000 base DNA pairs and codes 29 proteins (established facts)
- with the speed of propagation from a person to person, when the number of these propagations (there is a recombination taking place at every propagation) reaches approximately 20% or (6,000 pairs changed), the morbidity and aggressiveness of such viruses should be dropping down to the levels of the common flu.
- Instead, we are observing regular "waves" of the increased morbidity/aggressiveness, that can't be explained by the current scientific knowledge of the virus development/spread.

Prof.Saveliev concludes that someone is holding the un-mutated viruses that retain their high aggressiveness and releases them periodically, when the main virus, propagated everywhere, looses "the steam". It could have been done at the public events where masses of people are gathered and can be, for example, sprayed with water contaminated with the virus material.


The video is in Russian language:
The free will of the most of the French people has been violated without the blink of an eye. Will see how that will play out on the cosmic level because there are always consequences in cases like these.
When a truly unique situation like this is created - either on a personal level or [nowadays] on a 'mass soul level'-: the mass suffering of souls triggers / activates a special state of profound "deep hurting in the soul". This awakens powers that are simply reality-changing. I know / remember well this type of hurt - happened to me several times by now, with always ending the same: a reality-shift. Where the cause of the 'deep soul hurt' was fixed / averted, my life was redirected on a different track. I know that a higher power intervened and I always thought it to be the soul / higher-self, because I have no knowledge of a higher power on a personal level..

But now:
What happens when a large crowd of souls / Higher-selves gain access to directly change reality this way? Yellowstone erupts? Because the changes were big on a personal level! So I can't fathom the reaction / result to this scale of mass Free Will Violation..
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