As I look back, Batman had a profound impact on my childhood. I wanted to be just like him: strong yet delicate, undercover yet exposed.Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?
I wanted to "fix" the world, to make people see what I saw, to give back to people what has been taken from them.
However, I realized that most people couldn't care less if I avenged them. They wanted pleasure. They wanted to forget. Any heroic effort on my part was like overstepping rigid boundaries, so I let the Universe do its work.
In the following clip, Batman reflects on willing to force a romantic outcome, but Alfred intervenes with a "Cs-like" response:
"Vengeance blackens the soul, Bruce."
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