Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?
As I look back, Batman had a profound impact on my childhood. I wanted to be just like him: strong yet delicate, undercover yet exposed.
I wanted to "fix" the world, to make people see what I saw, to give back to people what has been taken from them.
However, I realized that most people couldn't care less if I avenged them. They wanted pleasure. They wanted to forget. Any heroic effort on my part was like overstepping rigid boundaries, so I let the Universe do its work.

In the following clip, Batman reflects on willing to force a romantic outcome, but Alfred intervenes with a "Cs-like" response:
"Vengeance blackens the soul, Bruce."

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Remember you're a bad ass cosmic agent 😜 and you're here to cause some disruption to the plans of those crazy Lizzies and 4D STS consortium.

Oh yes. We are “system busters”

Wasn’t that phrase channeled by the Pleiadians in the book of Barbara Marciniak’s book “Bringers of the Dawn” ?

I love that expression. It even allows a sense of playfulness in it, too. Additionally I have to think of Ripley in the movie Aliens 2 “Punch it, Bishop !!” :lol:
Sorry, I cannot resist the following remark regarding suffering, unnecessary or otherwise.

“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

That really has nothing to do with it whatsoever.

Unnecessary suffering= is essential, staying stuck in suffering deprived of the Ego. Or doing harm to others that can be prevented. Or suffering caused by not accepting one's lessons over and over.

Of course, in the end. All there is lessons. But hopefully, I made it understandable now.

If you see someone hurt themselves over and over. It hurts you to, right? So you hope that this person will learn his/her lessons quickly.

I believe this was one's better described in more detail in the casswiki, or so I believe. (but no longer online) It's not just a term I made up.
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Sorry, I cannot resist the following remark regarding suffering, unnecessary or otherwise.

“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

Reacting with fear

is perhaps not fully avoidable. That reaction inside, I mean. It is part of our 3D nature e.g., through which we live our present lives right now. But the key is to overcome your fear, bringing yourself (reminding/reconnect in yourself) of a higher level, which ALSO EXISTS inside of you - where you can access creative ways and powers, to solve the problem whatever comes into your way. You see clearer. It will enable what is needed to do. To have faith into your higher abilities - despite the presence of fear !

It has never been about avoiding fear. It is about you growing above it, through deeper knowledge, well guided instincts and faith, into and through your higher levels of being

As Ripley said: “Punch it” (do it).
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I have a question. How are people perceiving the encroaching situation with regards the sense of fear and danger they feel?

Are you feeling it whispering to you to surrender and submit? How does submission look like? Will there be a release of tension when the needle goes in and the cold liquid is injected deep into your veins? I'm curious to know how others perceive this in relation to themselves as sometimes I almost feel this little devil on my shoulder whispering to me to just submit and things will be easy. He says it'll only take a second and I won't feel anything and it'll all be done before I know it.

Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?

Do you think you incarnated to be a soldier in this fight? Do you think by learning all we have over these many years provided you with what you need? Do you trust there are others out there who will not succumb and who are even more prepared than you? Do you see yourself as alone or flanked by others who are of a similar nature, with the connection between you and them being in the choices you make in each moment?

How do you perceive the encroaching sense of danger and fear? Where do you see yourself in relation to this moment?
A good question...my son told me today that he has had his first jab. He's in the military, so I knew it would be an issue. I feel numb this evening. He knows it's all a crock of shit, but he also knows his life would be made impossible...I'm not sure what I expected him to do, I just wished it could have been otherwise. My daughter will start back at university in September and the talk is of her needing a jab to attend lectures...again, what road will she take, I don't know. She's always been very anti the whole mandated vaccine issue so her eyes are open, but I'm not sure they are open enough. It's hard not to feel heartbroken at this point. I don't know what my Mum will do either...she's 75 and hasn't had the jab yet...she's lonely enough, the added curtailments on her life would be horrible. It's not that she's particularly social, but she should not be an outcast!

At work it's going to get tough. If they manage to push their agenda, I could be out of a job by September, because surely if pub customers have to be vaccinated, then so do staff? Nobody talks about it much, well, not round me, they know my stance, but I truly get the sense of the inevitable. The pub housekeeper has been off sick for the last few days and has taken the rest of the week off sick too...I have no idea why, but she's a wonderful hardworking lady who loves her job and taking time off is not something she would do lightly...she's fully jabbed and has felt tired a lot recently and not looked too healthy of late...I hate that I immediately think that the jab has done something, but obviously it's my first thought.

Sometimes I think this is a warriors path, other times I think this is a spiritual path, oftentimes both. I question a lot what it is I am resisting. I mostly feel quite lonely in my thoughts. I think of ways to evade it, like claiming that the Red Cross are going to need unvaccinated blood at some point...how effing ridiculous is that?? I also carry on each day and work hard and laugh and joke and hope so much that people can do that enough to see that it never went away.
Fear is the driving energy behind soul enslavement so for me the counter measure is to calm those I can. With family, friends, and strangers emoting fear the work of kindness has greatly intensified.

I have been nudging others to avoid fear since the onset of this scamdemic and seeing the slowly they are realizing the importance of this mindset. To me it is more important to send the message of calm rather than discussing the issues. When confronting someone who is stressed out, I'll calmly discussed their perceptions of dread and danger. Then redirect them to the obvious reality that there is no need to wallow in the negative so find the reason for being happy. Even if it is just for the day.

Since the strategy of the dark ones is to herd the masses to their doom, I'll try to guide and calm those I can away from the pits of darkness. I will not waste my time or even think of fighting the dark ones.

Not a soldier but a peacekeeper.😌
My Dad said, often, "You don't send soldiers to do the job of a peacekeeper."
I have a question. How are people perceiving the encroaching situation with regards the sense of fear and danger they feel?

Are you feeling it whispering to you to surrender and submit? How does submission look like? Will there be a release of tension when the needle goes in and the cold liquid is injected deep into your veins? I'm curious to know how others perceive this in relation to themselves as sometimes I almost feel this little devil on my shoulder whispering to me to just submit and things will be easy. He says it'll only take a second and I won't feel anything and it'll all be done before I know it.

Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?

Do you think you incarnated to be a soldier in this fight? Do you think by learning all we have over these many years provided you with what you need? Do you trust there are others out there who will not succumb and who are even more prepared than you? Do you see yourself as alone or flanked by others who are of a similar nature, with the connection between you and them being in the choices you make in each moment?

How do you perceive the encroaching sense of danger and fear? Where do you see yourself in relation to this moment?

Great question, and great and fascinating answers from everyone.

For me, I see this as war, and I see myself as a soldier in that war. Not a shooting war, not yet at least. It's a spiritual battle first and foremost. Those around us succumbing to the propaganda, submitting to the vaxx - they're casualties of war, and it's on us to help them as possible, mourn as necessary and when time permits, but also to harden our hearts and remember: this is a war, and while it is not a conventional war, people die in war. That is after all the enemy's goal. And in this case it isn't only bodies they're trying to kill.

So, I've approached this with the goal of keeping myself spiritually and physically strong, maintaining situational awareness, tending to the emotional and other needs of my comrades, and generally doing my duty as I understand it.

As to the type of soldier, like Sottreader I see myself as something of a deep cover agent. I'm embedded in a geographical area and an institutional context that is as establishment as it comes, surrounded by the brainwashed and hypnotized. Just by being here, and refusing to submit, I serve as an irritant and an observer.

To extend the metaphor, so far this has felt like siege or trench warfare - a slow, boring grind. I'm personally looking forward to tactical innovations that speed things up a bit. Call me impatient, but I'm getting rather bored with the nonsense in this chapter, and I want to find out what happens next.
I have a question. How are people perceiving the encroaching situation with regards the sense of fear and danger they feel?

Are you feeling it whispering to you to surrender and submit? How does submission look like? Will there be a release of tension when the needle goes in and the cold liquid is injected deep into your veins? I'm curious to know how others perceive this in relation to themselves as sometimes I almost feel this little devil on my shoulder whispering to me to just submit and things will be easy. He says it'll only take a second and I won't feel anything and it'll all be done before I know it.

Or do you perceive the situation as the moment you've been waiting for? The moment to be the hero in your own movie, to persevere, to display strength and walk the walk? If wars are fought through choices, do you see yourself as having the opportunity to help the effort of the light as it were in the face of the darkness? Does this give you strength even when you feel like you're fighting alone, seemingly surrounded on all sides? Do you remember of the heroes in the movies and the strength they displayed, the glory they experienced by being true to themselves and doing what was objectively right?

Do you think you incarnated to be a soldier in this fight? Do you think by learning all we have over these many years provided you with what you need? Do you trust there are others out there who will not succumb and who are even more prepared than you? Do you see yourself as alone or flanked by others who are of a similar nature, with the connection between you and them being in the choices you make in each moment?

How do you perceive the encroaching sense of danger and fear? Where do you see yourself in relation to this moment?
In a strange sense, I'm not as worried about forced vaxxer psychopaths as much as I'm worried about the chaos that's coming down the pipe because of them. Them trying to jab everyone just isn't going to work - I've faced more imminent threats to life than this. So, chilled out, enjoying the show, and doing what I can to be ready for when things get really spicy. Seeking joy where I can, y'know?

The whole focus on the actual act of injection and language around it vibes slightly pornographic, IMO.

Something that has been hammered in with work lately is that I can't afford ego and self-importance anymore. Just going to focus on staying alive with my DNA intact and serving when appropriate. No notions of heroism, only... Take care of people, take care of business, try not to get abducted by PTB goons, and enjoy life!
This is the moment to step up guys. If not now, there will not be any other time. So feel the fear and danger but don't let it get to you. Remember you're a bad ass cosmic agent 😜 and you're here to cause some disruption to the plans of those crazy Lizzies and 4D STS consortium. 🤺
Is this really the only time to "step up"???
The encroaching situation comprises more than just vaccinations. With only half of the people fully jabbed they would have to confront the other half of the population, those that are not so likely to surrender and submit.
I think time is on our side.

I do have a sense of fear regarding weather, famines and social upheaval but I'm trying to concentrate on living my life on a day-to-day basis.
I figure we've got, what, 8 months to go, give or take, before there's a real plague? How about an ice age? War? Famine? Space rocks? Use this time while we've got it, before there are much bigger problems.
Hi, Just to share something, I don't know if it belongs to this thread or any other in health, but it is about the covid virus, at the end of last year I got a moderate flu but I had symptoms similar to covid, muscle pain, loss of smell-taste, etc...I didn't want to do the test or go to any medical center for reasons of privacy or not having any history with my name or data in the system that has to do with covid.

And, several days ago I got sick again with the flu, along with my little daughter, she got a mild fever, but for me, in this case I got some intense headaches, in the upper part of my head, fortunately my immune system works well, I feel recovered now, but sometimes, in recent months, I feel very sensitive in my head, sometimes a little discomfort in the upper part and in the lower part between the head and neck.
I wonder if anyone has had these same discomforts, or if they are related to the virus or solar radiation, etc. .... :huh:
CDC recommending bringing back masks in the US. The fully vaccinated should wear masks indoors again they say.
I suspect this is a sneaky way to get the vaxxed peeps turn against the non-vaxxed. Like “Those selfish bastards who are refusing the jab are forcing us good people to still wear masks, because they are keeping the transmissions going and creating new variants”. Pure evil.
I suspect this is a sneaky way to get the vaxxed peeps turn against the non-vaxxed. Like “Those selfish bastards who are refusing the jab are forcing us good people to still wear masks, because they are keeping the transmissions going and creating new variants”. Pure evil.

Yeah, that's their new story - "the unvaccinated are literal factories for variants which then threaten everyone, therefore we need 100% vaccination rate".

So from the top of my head, here are a few changes in their metrics since it all began (applies to Germany but probably most countries):

  • Hospitals will be overwhelmed, so we need to flatten the curve for 2 weeks
  • Hospitals are not overwhelmed, so now we need to lower the "R value", which is an indicator of how fast the disease spreads
  • The R value actually looks very good, so let's just count deaths, it looks scary
  • Not many deaths, so now we need to look at "cases"/incidences, ignoring the number of tests performed of course
  • We need to be below 100 cases per 100k inhabitants of a randomly defined region; no it's 50; no 30; shit, we reached that number, so let's make it 10...
  • Incidences are so stubbornly low goddammit, so now let's look at some new complicated number that involves models we can just make up
  • Herd immunity doesn't help, forget it
  • Except that it does help if immunity comes from the vaccine
  • We need 50% vaccination rate, oh no 60, nah, 80
  • Vaccination rate is actually pretty high, so herd immunity doesn't work anymore, because the unvaxxed are factories for new variants
  • Ergo - lockdowns and fascism are always necessary, no matter what happens in reality!

That's just for the metrics...
All very interesting answers and perspectives. Always interesting to hear how others of a similar nature are perceiving things! I think sharing stories is a good thing in such times!

I have to say that I do experience some levels of fear but I don't let it take over me. I'm mostly fearful of the brainwashed because this is who I know will be the foot soldiers of the other side.

However, I don't particularly feel scared or fearful of nature, earth changes or the like. I see these as the things that will save us, the things with the ultimate power to disrupt the agenda. I see nature as a provider and ally whilst respecting its power and destructive potential. I'm under no illusions that I can fall victim to nature's power but this doesn't scare me.

I don't necessarily feel sorry for people as if I'm somehow in a better situation as I consider that hubris but I respect them for their decisions. I appreciate that some of the decisions others make may not be good for me e.g. in believing the lies so whilst I respect their right to their decisions I act appropriately to ensure I don't give myself to them and their choices or agenda if it doesn't align with who I am.

I don't particularly have any image of the future as I think we're now at the edge of what we know and things will play out in an unpredictable way.

I don't think we will win per se as there are enough people who are making choices in the opposite direction and allowing themselves to follow the other agenda, however, I hope a parallel reality or world opens up that allows us to step into it so we can have the opportunity to live a different way. My hope is to one day see this other reality and know I played a role in bringing it to materialisation in whatever form or shape it takes.

I also find myself being more spiritual as the situation escalates and appreciating the power of looking beyond the physical and immediate situation. I also have a developing appreciation of inevitability.
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