Investigative Corona Committee Berlin
> Meeting 62 “The Wave”
It was a very interesting meeting, and i am still only half way through the 6 hour video.
As this meeting is also about the many strange whereabouts and underpinnings related to the flooding catastrophe - which i will bring up in a different thread later when i have the time, because i am at work right now. Such as in the thread (‘crazy storm weather around the world’). The meeting also spoke about vaccines, healthcare systems starting to degrade in Germany in the 80s and how it accelerated (same happened in Sweden by the way, since the 90s)
Also a very interesting interview by a guy (Matthew Ehret, from Canada (held in english) about the similarities behind today’s push of the ‘great reset’, which also was performed back in the early 1930s - and how the PTB in so many ways supported it, e.g. Hitler and Fascism in order to pull through their agenda of a Great Reset. Highly fascinating and i believe most of it known to the forum. But still, for me it was a good lesson (i still have to finish listening to that part)
The german held interview of the nurse/healthcare worker, Christine Pelz,who was in person present at the meeting was fascinating to listen to.
She appeared to me as both a professional, very human knowledgeable but also highly sensitive person. Her statements of the people around her who got vaccinated - in which she observed a rapid decline in people; their movements, their walk, coordination, the faster progress of illnesses they had before vaccination, the faster loss of muscle mass, especially in visible on their arms, and a strange sense of that their eyes had a “veil” - a different kind of look, as something felt “missing”.
In my personal opinion I believe these are the things a sensitive person can sense and observe but is overlooked by most other people, plus they often tend to play it over, reject it as illusions. I was impressed by Christiane Pelz’ clarity of her observations in her long profession within the German healthcare system