Personally, I think that the most effective form of protest is a strike. If people organize and decide to not go to work or offer their services, causing a disruption in the everyday life of many people, the authorities might pay attention.
I also think this is more the way to go. It might not make big changes but it is standing up to the lie and the manipulative powers of the rulers and thus sending a small signal to the universe. Alternatively what kind of signal to the universe is it, if everyone bows down to the lie and submit to it?
Irony in that is that it will probably happen but not by strikes but by enviromental changes-chaos,violence, martial law, and no go zones outside government control.
It could also be a powerful electrical event like a solar flare or other cosmic electrical discharge event, which fries all the electrical systems and renders all the surveillance and tracking apps obsolete. Such an event could grind the control system to a complete standstill.
That begs the question whether receiving a blood transfusion from the vaxxed can be harmful to you or literally give you a kind of vaccination yourself.

I wonder if hospitals are differentiating between blood donations of both groups...
Del Bigtree got sick and needed a blood transfusion. Refusing vaccinated (or unspecified) blood, he ended up going to Mexico where they guaranteed him that the donor was unvaccinated. He recounts the story in this video highwire episode 218
Fast forward to about the last 20mins.

So it has happened then. Wow!

What will French members do now? Are you expecting much disruption to your day to day life? Are people thinking this will all just blow over? What are the French members thinking?
Here is a video of an Italian doctor who was set to promote the COVID vaccine for a television commercial, but instead spoke the truth! Right on :thup:!

It could also be a powerful electrical event like a solar flare or other cosmic electrical discharge event, which fries all the electrical systems and renders all the surveillance and tracking apps obsolete. Such an event could grind the control system to a complete standstill.
I thought about that when writing enviromental factors and that is why I got two big Faraday cage bags to protect against EMP where I put my batteries, flashlights, night vision, IR laser for night vision, walkie talkies and other equipement. Better be ready then sorry.
Here is a video of an Italian doctor who was set to promote the COVID vaccine for a television commercial, but instead spoke the truth! Right on :thup:!

I have a black screen and I only hear the voices, is it normal? (both links)
Everything is speeding up like crazy...

Hello Americans, looks like they are coming for you too. No one to be spared in this western world?
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