2-day symposium by Doctor for Covid Ethics is taking place. The first 5 hrs-long part has just ended, tomorrow another 5 hrs. Great presentations, variety of topics. Hosted by UK Column (life streaming). Thu 29th and Fri 30th from 17.00 – 22.00 BST (UK time),

Brief symposium overview:

Day 1 (today)

Session I: The False Pandemic with Prof. Martin Haditsch and his discussion partners: Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer, Ulrike Kämmerer, Denis Rancourt, Stefan Homburg, Josef Thoma, Harald Walach, Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe

Session II: The Going Direct Reset with Catherine Austin Fitts and her guests: John Titus, Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood with Taylor Hudak moderating

Day 2 (tomorrow)

Session III: First Do No Harm with Michael Palmer and fellow lead scientists Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon. The complicit role of the media and the drive for control through deployment of vaccination passports, with Taylor Hudak, Michael Meyen, Patrick Henningsen and his guests

Session IV: The Hour of Justice with Patrick Henningsen, Mary Holland, Reiner Fuellmich, Sucharit Bhakdi, Vera Sharav, and guest speaker

Closing Panel Session with Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts, Reiner Fuellmich, concluded by Sucharit Bhakdi

Full program pdf here. Not sure if, and where, it will be available afterwards. 90K views on rumble alone today. Some other platforms were streaming too.
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

That is one strong video… :scared:

The video felt chocking to be honest. Especially if there is deeper truth to it… My whole stomach goes in and out between wanting to cry, being angry at the same time feeling astonished.

Yes Jeep, you said it. Bombshell.
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
I read her as a reliable witness. I want to wake up from this bad dream and come to understand that I am a conspiracy theorist/nutjob. Every day, it is getting harder to consider the possibility that it might be the case. As far as sending the video to everyone, it is too late for the vaccinated. The ones I know would never sallow this. The unvaccinated (mostly) already know or suspect something sinister is up. Maybe a few newly remorseful people might rethink the 2nd injection.
. So I'd think that the PTB aren't pleased about people choosing to pay willingly some extra cash for a pcr test in order to be able to travel and so on instead of taking the job. So you the PTB, since you kind of don't need anymore the pcr test to use as a tool to further your agenda and are kind of annoyed that people are using this tool of yours as a backdoor in order to avoid to take the jab you decide to take it off the worldwide market by instructing your minions from world institutions and governments from all around the world to follow suit.

Maybe they just dont to have all the vaxxed tested positiv?
Members of Parliament of Brazil break into hospital that claimed to have 5,000 infected…

(well, is not quite what they found. Funny how that hospital-scare-scam is still repeated around the word)


Five members of the Brazil parliament went to hospitals under encouragement by president Bolsonaro to break into hospitals & check to see the number of patients there. This hospital was not even finished, but claiming it was treating 5000 people with COVID19 while 200 were already dead. Officials broke in to check the claims and found the hospital is an absolute mess, not finished, and no patients. The governor is frauding the state and nation and taxpayers and lying about the numbers to pad the numbers.

another comment under the Brazilian video writes:

Justine Miscia

I live less than 1 Km from a huge private hospital in Johannesburg, there have been no ambulances or helicopters landing there since lockdown March 2020. I went to the hospital for emergency foot treatment after breaking my foot 6 Oct.. there was 1 patient in the emergency section of hospital, also with broken leg, the entire hospital was empty and lights turned off .. the hospitals are in on this con
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

What she says is graphene oxide is in the vaccines but not disclosed as being in the vaccines. It's a highly toxic substance for humans but on top of that, it can be deadly if positively charged. The graphene oxide in the vaccines have neutral charge, for now. If they become positively charged then they'll likely cause severe tissue damage and God knows what else. On top of this, the speculation is this can be used to enable connectivity to an outside source, so we're talking transhuman type stuff here. The lady doesn't think we're there just yet as they are still testing and perfecting this in this live experiment going on.

Do I think the above is true? I think the case for graphene oxide being in the vaccines appears to be quite compelling.

I keep saying it, the jabbed are leading themselves to their own demise whilst thinking they are doing the opposite.
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

I've found it quite shocking and interesting too. I tried to find something more about what she says and found that Doug Billings has had quite a few interviews with her. There are several interviews on his Rumble channel, but this one here has some more about the specific topic she exposes in the interview with Stew Peters, it's towards the end, around minute 38:

It's good to take their conclusions with a grain of salt I think, but the data she exposes is interesting. The other interviews with her are also interesting so far.

What she says is graphene oxide is in the vaccines but not disclosed as being in the vaccines. It's a highly toxic substance for humans but on top of that, it can be deadly if positively charged. The graphene oxide in the vaccines have neutral charge, for now. If they become positively charged then they'll likely cause severe tissue damage and God knows what else. On top of this, the speculation is this can be used to enable connectivity to an outside source, so we're talking transhuman type stuff here. The lady doesn't think we're there just yet as they are still testing and perfecting this in this live experiment going on.

Do I think the above is true? I think the case for graphene oxide being in the vaccines appears to be quite compelling.

I keep saying it, the jabbed are leading themselves to their own demise whilst thinking they are doing the opposite.

Yes, the case is compelling.

I just watch a highly interesting video from La Quinta de Columna, in a pre-report analyzing the contents of the vaccine, showing very clearly the content identified as graphene oxide in many photos made both in visible light as well electron microscope. But since the video is on a telegram channel (“Unzensiert”), i first need to find the equivalent video on a common alternative video platform in order to be able to link it here.

for those who are 🇩🇪 German speakers (as the voices are dubbed), and have a telegram account, the link is this.
If they become positively charged then they'll likely cause severe tissue damage and God knows what else. On top of this, the speculation is this can be used to enable connectivity to an outside source, so we're talking transhuman type stuff here. The lady doesn't think we're there just yet as they are still testing and perfecting this in this live experiment going on.

Do I think the above is true? I think the case for graphene oxide being in the vaccines appears to be quite compelling.

I keep saying it, the jabbed are leading themselves to their own demise whilst thinking they are doing the opposite.

In any case, it can be charged by any emitted radiation (wifi, cell phones etc.).
In any case, it can be charged by any emitted radiation (wifi, cell phones etc.).

Positive charges particles…

Which in return turns on the Graphene oxide particles into lethal positive particles, disintegrating whatever it comes in contact with (e.g. cells).

Positive charged particles (lipids) have never been good for human cells, that was already been outlined in the Investigative Corona Committee meeting no 51 (? i believe) in the end of January, when Dr Schmidt-Krüger for the first time mentioned that such entities exist back then, in the Pfizer clot shots.

The lipid shell enters the cell, and release its mRNA contents, but the lipid shell particles then becomes positive charged inside the cells, creating extreme oxidative stress, forcing it to burst and commit suicide. So, the same goes for graphene oxide as well. Only that it appears to be able to get switched on, going from neutral to positive charge - which is really bad news at all levels.

And i assume that booster shots play a major roll, for the PTB not just to determine the dosage (how much you can inject into people) but also to keep the body from trying to reject too much graphene oxid over time: So they order top ups ! Maintenance. Upkeeping. In the most sinister way.

We are already seeing how the narrative has changed course; all steering towards booster shots - with help of the delta variant tales.

They knew all along from the beginning, if that stuff serves as an experimental “iOS” interface structure in the body, allowing interactions between AI into human beings… u need boosters. It fits the bill why already so outrageous many more vaccine orders have made… (1.8 billion shots for the EU citizens).
Today I was listening Podcast from the “VERITS” Celeste Solum- Human Enhancement Technology: From Carbon-Based to Silicon-Based Life Forms Part 1. July 22.

But I can’t summarize from podcast, because I am not good at listening and writing.
And they talked about “Hydrogel” , so I found another website for more information.

From Slovakia Hospital – COVID PCR Tests Found to be Tool for Genocide
By Edward Morgan April 24, 2021
I just received very disturbing news from Slovakia, where a hospital lab personnel in Bratislavia conducted a study on the COVID PCR Tests and concluded the test swabs that they jam up your nose all the way to the brain are implanting Darpa Hydrogels in your body.

Darpa is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. Originally known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the agency was created on February 7, 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhour, USA

From the study “Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a signal which a living cell understands and responds to. (see photo of beetle – Darpa Hydrogel was injected into this nerve structures and was controllable via a radio)”

“Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place.”

So, the Darpa Hydrogel is a key component, “these are actually nano-antennas”, to connect to 5G and allow the global elite to literally control people like robot beatles.

They cite their test results that show Darpa Hydorgel is also deadly to human blood cells. When used in conjuction with Lithium, which is highly toxic, can destroy the Pineal Gland. The report further states “From this information it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide in the population of Slovakia. This is a worldwide, thoughtful and carefully prepared event.
The below article contains a video leaked by a partner of a woman waiting to give birth in a UK hospital. The couple were told that their child will have a PCR test right after is born and when they opposed they were told it was not their decision to make because the baby wasn't their property after it was born.

So whose property is the baby? The government's - if they are the ones to decide what tests the baby undergoes? It reminds me of the Nazi's push for children to be brought up by the state. The context is different but the overall idea seems to be similar: children are a property of the government that gets to decide how they want them moulded:

Edit: grammar
Watching this Stew Peters interview relating to the graphene oxide in the Covid vax - I think bombshell applies here:

Stew Peters exclusively talks with Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She comes forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
I just listened to this and have to disagree slightly with those who’ve said this was compelling. The evidence she presented appeared to me as plausible but open to interpretation. The connections she presented went fairly quickly so I might have missed the ‘bombshell’ aspect of them. She also appeared emotionally charged saying things like (paraphrasing): “We’re all gonna die!” All in all she might be on to something, but at least this interview gave me the impression that she thinks she found something and now she’s ‘running with it’ without much second thought. Stew Peters is apparently known for ‘bombshells’ and exaggeration, so I’d take this with a grain of salt.
What she says is graphene oxide is in the vaccines but not disclosed as being in the vaccines.

I am also still on the fence about this claim. One argument presented by the "fact checkers" why there cannot be graphene or graphene oxide in the injections is that it has a black color:

Among other arguments, Diasio said that liquids containing graphene or graphene oxide in any significant amount tend to be dark brown or black. If the shots had “even 1% graphene or graphene oxide” (the claim states it has 99.9%), the liquid would look black or at least, dark, Diasio said.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a transparent or yellowish liquid (as visible here , here ), as are other available COVID-19 shots in the U.S. – Moderna ( here ), Janssen ( here ) and AstraZeneca ( here ).


However, with just a little digging it turns out that graphene can also be transparent when it is a thin layer on top of other substances:

Graphene powders are black, completely deeply black. Graphene single crystal sheets, on the other hand, are transparent but unfortunately they are bound to their lower layer, which is usually not transparent.

Would like to share a couple of photos I've found on a telegram channel that I've found interesting to say the least:
The sign says: "Covid Free
Are you vaccinated?
You may enter.
If you aren't vaccinated fu*k off"

The above sign has been spotted on a restaurant door in Milan after Draghi, the italian prime Minister announced a few days ago the implementation of the green pass in order to access bar, restaurants, museums and so on.

Below you can see a sign spotted on a church door located in the Piedmont italian region (where i live basically):
The sign says: "Who is not vaccinated represents a grave danger to others therefore it is not welcome in this church"

And the madness keeps intensifying each passing day...

Edit: grammar
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