This is a really beautiful piece at Off-Guardian:

If you’re finding yourself muttering WTF a lot more than usual; every story in the news, every advert on tele, every letter from your child’s school, every shop you go into, every phone call with that person you used to like &/ or be related to etc…

Welcome to ‘the cult of WTF’.

I think we were previously known as ‘the cult of batshit crazy conspiracy theorists’, then it all came true & it got embarrassing.
So, how do we know who else is in the cult of WTF?
How do we find each other?
How do we know who we can talk to about all the WTF’s & know we’re in safe company?

The answer is simple: Smiling.
There are so many more of us than you’d ever know, & we’re quietly building a different way; one that doesn’t require permission to breathe.

The cult of WTF is really the New Earth in disguise.

The doors are always open, please feel free to join us at any time.


This is a really beautiful piece at Off-Guardian:
That's a good one psychegram. A good reminder that there many people all around the world that are seeing and feeling that something is wrong with the current global affairs.

And who knows with the help of PTB by acting according to their nature thus pushing harder their draconian agenda, thus wreaking more chaos all around them, inducing suffering and pain upon people thus impending them to create without which will lead people to create within which will lead to further chaos and suffering. Maybe then some more people will open their eyes and see, and then there will be enough of us in order to make a difference, to choose a different feature, reality for ourselves.

Don't know maybe I'm too optimistic here but I truly feel and have faith in the DCM that sooner or later this current nightmare will be over and we will step in a new and free world. Even those who will be ready to jump to the 4d, I feel that since the playing field will be leveled one will play on the same level with other players, especially the sts ones and I kind of don't think that in the 4d density you'll find yourself from certain points of view as defenseless and vulnerable as in the 3d. I guess with that I'm trying to say that, the whole cosmic play we are participating in currently is much more complicated than even we here are able to grasp therefore I'm trying to learn not to worry and be pessimistic pointlessly about our future or trying to anticipate what's in store for all of us here in 3d or in 4d. As the C's said, be calm and patient, have faith and love, it will pass and all will turn well eventually. We don't see it since we do have the perspective of the whole cosmic picture.

Just a few thoughts.
Last week Phil Valentine, a local conservative radio talk show host here in Tennessee has come down with Covid. He is currently in a hospital on a breathing machine. He volunteered to be on the machine out of an abundance of caution. Of course, all the usual suspect mainstream media outlets are having a field day making an example out of him. Valentine had been saying that getting the vaccine should be a personal choice. He chose not to get it because he was taking vitamin D and zinc and he had access to ivermectin. Strange that all this happened last week and strange his precautions, including ivermectin, reportedly did not work for him.

Also last week a number of Republican leaders have shilled for getting the jab, including Florida Governor Ron Desantis and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell. Marjorie Taylor Green says the newfound support for the jab among conservative leaders is due to worry about the economy, (read Wall Street).

Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine hospitalized with COVID-19
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — Conservative radio talk show host Phil Valentine is hospitalized with COVID-19, according to his family.
In a statement released Thursday, relatives said Valentine is “in very serious condition” and is suffering from “Covid Pneumonia,” along with other side effects. He is in the critical care unit of a Nashville area hospital breathing with assistance, but is not on a ventilator, his family wrote.

Valentine, who hosts The Phil Valentine Show on Nashville’s SuperTalk 99.7 WTN, confirmed July 11 on his Facebook page that he had tested positive for COVID. He spoke about his battle with the virus on his radio show.

“I think I’m on the other side of it,” Valentine said of the virus, as he described coughing, congestion, and fatigue that “hurts like crap.”
He added, “I’m certainly moving forward, it appears, but not in a straight line… It’s just one of those things. I don’t want it to linger on.”

Valentine had previously expressed his disagreement with mask mandates, stating that hospitals were never in danger of being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. He has also been critical of the virus vaccines, voicing his concerns over their safety.

Phil would like for his listeners to know that while he has never been an ‘anti-vaxer’ he regrets not being more vehemently ‘Pro-Vaccine’ and looks forward to being able to more vigorously advocate that position as soon as he is back on the air, which we all hope will be soon,” his family wrote in their statement. Their statement concluded, “Phil & his family would like for all of you to know that he loves y’all and appreciates your concern, thoughts & prayers more than you will ever know. Please continue to pray for his recovery and PLEASE GO GET VACCINATED!
So there goes Phil's message that getting the Covid jab should be a matter of personal choice.

This is all very sad but not surprising. Valentine was insightful and funny at times but had the usual conservative blind spots - faith in the system, blaming China and Russia for stuff for which the deep state is responsible, blaming democrats when most republicans are just as guilty of supporting globalist agendas, etc. Expect more flip-flops from influencers with monetary motives or who are obligated to corporate bosses. Maybe somebody called in a debt, or some other skullduggery was afoot, one cannot exclude any level of nastiness these days.

lots of cringe articles out there from the usual suspects about this now. However, Valentine is just one observation out of a population of millions. One cannot make a scientific argument for the effectiveness of the jab based on just one outcome. But people will make emotional arguments till the cows come home because he is a minor celebrity who took a moral stance against totalitarianism. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander, however. I'm sure there are many examples of celebrity vax advocates who have and will die of covid or adverse jab effects - which also will not make good grounds for scientific conclusions. Sadly, objective data is difficult to obtain in this environment.

Some of the comments in these articles leave me aghast at the ignorance and/or mean-spiritedness present in so many.

Phil Valentine and family look like very nice people. I don't think Phil meant to hurt others by scoffing at vaccines and masks. He has a good heart, that is quite obvious. However he was very sadly mistaken about vaccines and I almost think God made this happen. Because it is a blessing in disguise. Phil is telling people to get the vaccine now and many have listened to him. God brought us these vaccines - do you think Trump accomplished that all by himself? he certainly had divine help. That's why I don't mind calling it the Trump Vaccine because I think Trump and God worked hand in hand to bring us the miraculous vaccines. Nothing happens without God. - Joan S. Radio host Phil Valentine's COVID fight: How can people say he's getting what he deserves?
Dr. Peter McCullough seems to be a much sought after interview subject. This Stew Peter's interview [25:30] dated July 21, is quite exceptional as Dr. McCullough totally beats down the safe and effective narrative. For those being pressured and harassed to get the jab, play this video - the preeminent authority on Covid-19 says the vaccines are completely worthless and are creating the variants of which there are several.
  • His outstanding credentials and works regarding the treatment of Covid-19; provided governmental testimonies on pandemic response; etc.
  • Originally vax looked good but by Jan 22, they had already 186 deaths (one location) - beyond the alarm signal of 150 deaths; if there had been a data safety monitoring board, they would have shut it down Feb. '21; CDC acknowledged 12,000 deaths
  • March and June, FDA and CDC websites - deaths not related to the vax; doctors in his circles were questioning this as patients were immediately dying after the vax and two important analyses using the VAERS data showed 50% of deaths occur within 48 hours of injection and 80% occur within a week
  • It's McCullough's judgment that the vax is the cause of death in the majority of cases
  • @6:45 "but the proposition now of coming in for a vaccine or even being pressured or forced or coerced into a vaccine which for some people, it looks like it will be fatal, is an agonizing situation - I've never seen it in my career."
  • Analysis of non-fatal events go along four major organ systems: brain, heart, immune system, hematologic system; myocarditis within two days after injection, usually younger individuals, men more than women; prolonged effect
  • Devastating neurologic syndrome - cites completely healthy long-term patient within a month of vax and continuing has tremendous memory loss/tremor, definitely not right when perfectly normal before
  • Absence of CDC safety briefings, data safety monitoring boards; international paper 57 authors/17 countries "get the safety mechanisms in place on the vaccine program or shut it down"; blindsiding Americans and people all over the world on safety - take the vax without fair disclosure/balance on safety information
  • @15:27 explains the blank insert - because it's EUA - approved must have ISI, important safety information - should have been shut down in Feb based on safety
  • "it's going to go down in history as the most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history"
  • "The mechanism of action is clearly poisonous" - "we've never asked the human body to produce a foreign protein in the history of mankind"
  • "Under no circumstances" would he recommend vax for children - "at this point in time, I really just can't recommend it to anybody" - "it's fair to warn against it"
  • "the chances of running into Covid nowadays is less than 1% [,,,] a very low exposure" - it's eminently treatable - we have EUA monoclonal antibodies; they have just as good of an approval as the vaccines - plus his peer reviewed publications protocol
  • "The vaccine, once it's in the body we can't get it out and we don't know how to manage these complications, some of which are fatal"
  • "that people who take the vaccine probably ought to keep their distance from others" (including kissing/sex) until past potential shedding period of two to four weeks
why the heck did not so far the Deep State simply push through the FDA approval of the Con-19 Killshot Jabs?
From what Dr. McCullough said, approval would mean having to disclose all safety information concerning the vax which of course is a horror show! Torches and pitchforks by the masses! Also why PTB so anxious to get us all shot and bring about total pharmaceutically induced mind control, OSIT.

In a Dr. McCullough interview [38:25] with John-Henry Westen featured on (and I couldn't locate the vid on rumble for some reason), he talks about the six variants (@20:25) and how the vax is completely worthless now because original Covid is done. The real danger now is the vaccines themselves - Delta relatively mild, but another variant could emerge from continued vaxing that is highly dangerous - just like the Cs said:
Been working on previous post so have only watched first few minutes - new today on and same on BitChute:

Tidal wave of lawsuits coming against dangerous vaccine mandates - Thomas Renz interviewed by Mike Adams


[picture a little fuzzy in this one - both vids about 52 min]
From the page with the John-Henry Westen interview of Dr. McCullough:

McCullough highlighted “five key messages of scientific truth” surrounding the pandemic that need to be taken into account.
  • First, the virus doesn’t spread among asymptomatic people.
  • Second, asymptomatic people should not get tested, as it is “generating false positives, creating extra cases.”
  • Third, natural immunity gained after having the virus is “robust, complete, and durable.”
  • Fourth, COVID-19 and even the variants are easily treatable at home with early intervention.
  • Fifth, the coronavirus jabs by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca “right now are obsolete.”
[NOTE: I edited into bullet points from paragraph]

In fact, McCullough pointed out that the experimental “vaccines” must “be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.” He mentioned some of the dangerous side effects brought on by the injection. Meanwhile, he also said that safe and effective medicines and treatments have not been promoted, even though they have saved lives — and could save more.

McCullough noted that social and mass media companies have agreed to promote the notion that “vaccines” are safe, and to shun information on early treatment and vaccine injuries. He called this “an overt censorship program.”

He further stated that with growing disinterest of the public toward the COVID jabs, its promoters are “getting down to pressure, coercion, threats of reprisal, and even forced vaccination.”

Dr. McCullough said the vaccine program must be shut down, as it is “obsolete” and is causing more harm than good. He mentioned that as doctors and scientists, “we can under no circumstances attempt to pressure, coerce, or threaten patients into receiving something harmful to their bodies, such as the COVID-19 vaccines.”
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Popular German Newspaper “ BILD “ Issues Apology on Covid Deception
With a circulation of currently about 1.37 million copies daily, the BILD newspaper published by the Axel-Springer Publishing Company is Germany's largest and most popular tabloid.

> Investigative Corona Committee BerlinNo 62
"In the eye of the Storm"

Interview with Dr Bryan Ardis & Wolfgang Wodarg.
(starting 1h 37 min in 🇺🇸🇬🇧 english & some german)

I felt it was one of the heaviest contents in the Investigative Corona Committee series. I listened to it 2 times (10 hours) yesterday and went to bed like a stone, because it was so heavy, angering, and deeply disturbing. Today it was better, in order write about the info here in our forum:


• Fauci's order of genocide in US
(500.000+ ?) as "covid-19 deaths" march-oct 2020.

• Gilead's anti-viral drug Remdesivir - is lethal drug

FDA knew all along of the severe side effects (before using "vaccines") in Oct 2020 !

• First wave deaths in the US were deliberate killings, by Fauci as the primary puppet deploying the genocide.

• Covid 19 vaccines extreme high death toll (45.000, but most likely more than [another] 500.000+)

A brand new disease for children was created MIS-C in Oct 2020 (exactly equivalent to Covid vaccin damages) and before the vaccines were used on the American people.

Remdesivir side effects

are among other things acute kidney failure after 3-5 days. It induces many of the Covid-19 considered symptoms, as the kidneys get compromized, water is building up in the bowl, then in the lungs, leading to severe respiratory problems. Many Doctors are misdiagnosing, as they often can't distinguish x-rays, between pneumonia and pulmonary lung edema - by interpreting them wrongly as "pneumonia".

The drug was not FDA approved.

It showed out of 4 drug candidates, to be the most lethal of all four was the experimental Remdesivir (which originally was used against Ebola - in which the people died primarily from the drug). Remdesivir failed in the (covid19) trial, got prematurely taken out of the study, because it was so deadly. Even Fauci's own drug (unknown name), was the second most deadly of the four candidates.

Remdesivir Side effects:
• Multiple organ failure
• Acute Kidney failure
• Septic chock
• High Blood pressure (hypotension)

The treatment protocol in the US

used between March - October 2020, Fauci mandated that all US hospitals and doctors must only use Remdesivir, no other treatment was allowed for hospitalized covid-19 labeled patients. Hydroxychloroquine was forbidden. The latter was used at an early stage in 2020, but 10x overdosed - due to the deliberately faulty WHO protocol - leading to death for many people (see Bergamo, and some EU countries during April 2020)

This protocol Fauci ordered in the US - resulted into the highest death rates in the US of "Covid 19" - to scare the people into obedience.

In Oct 2020 the FDA had an internal meeting - prior the release of the Covid-19 vaccines (in Dec 2020). That information that was shown in a presentation, showed horrifying details: the FDA was fully aware of that the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines induce 110+ illnesses, including death, miscarriages of pregnant women, 5 different blood clotting disorders, etc

Oct 2020 • FDA • Children & Covid-Vaccines

The FDA created a brand new disease in 2020 called MIS-C (Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children) Given that SARS-CoV-2 / Covid 19 largely isn't affecting children - why would the FDA create a totally new disease definition, which just happen to be equivalent to the side effects that Covid-19 "vaccines" induce in children** ?!
**(younger than 12 years old)

Severe inflammations in multiple organs of the body
Eyes, brain, kidneys, spleen, skin, eyes, gastrointestinal system.

In VAERS not a single case is reported, while in the CDC own database, 4200 cases been officially reported.

Shedding / transmission to Children
from vaccinated parents

Reports on children as young as 2 having hours after parents got vaccinated, menstruation like ejections. Also reports from 4 and 6 year olds. Spike proteins and anti-bodies of vaccinated transmitted through skin, semen, sweat, coughing. Also (general all ages?) auto-immune diseases in other people caused from shedding.

All this was known in Oct 2020 at the FDA, in their documents.

It is atrocious !
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A covid test using a mouthwash was just as accurate as cotton swab up the nose.

There appears to be another saliva test that only costs $7.

Why are they still sticking cotton swabs up people's noses or worse?
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