Do all the smaller places have -70°C freezers now ?!

How come, that they can distribute the Pfizer clotshots everywhere these days, even at small places, and unusual places ? How come we haven't heard anything more about those extreme cooling requirements which made the whole 'vax' project so tricky to distribute ? That's why they opened special vaccine centers in the first place, which had to invest heavily into cooling equipments to hold those Pfizer jabs "stable"... Today we can get the Pfizer "vaccine" everywhere... 🤔

That's just strange.

Well, they have told us so many bs fairytales... Who is counting, really ?
How do you see yourselves claiming to be vegan :rolleyes: ? ... I doubt it would work, but this world is so stupidly insane that who knows?

No need to be vegan. The trick is to be grouped in a minority (using their tools against them, of course) and that as such they are being discriminated against, persecuted, etc. Then what you need is a legal representation, you take your case to the state and say that the vaccine goes against your beliefs (religious, ethical, etc.) and that they deserve to be respected.

Seriously, I've been thinking about this as a way to protect against an eventual mass vaccination mandate.

Wise as a serpent, docile as a dove....
Do all the smaller places have -70°C freezers now ?!

How come, that they can distribute the Pfizer clotshots everywhere these days, even at small places, and unusual places ? How come we haven't heard anything more about those extreme cooling requirements which made the whole 'vax' project so tricky to distribute ? That's why they opened special vaccine centers in the first place, which had to invest heavily into cooling equipments to hold those Pfizer jabs "stable"... Today we can get the Pfizer "vaccine" everywhere... 🤔

That's just strange.

Well, they have told us so many bs fairytales... Who is counting, really ?
The temperature requirements seem to go hand in hand with the mask requirements.
The logic is that there is no logic.

Fun observation: -70°C to 37°C represents a 107°C temperature change!
What a natural substance!
How come we haven't heard anything more about those extreme cooling requirements which made the whole 'vax' project so tricky to distribute ?
They talked about it in the media in February/Marsh.

Here in French Canadian media for example: Link

FR: « Pfizer et BioNTech avaient annoncé vendredi avoir formulé cette demande auprès des autorités sanitaires américaines.

Elles avaient déclaré avoir fourni des données démontrant « la stabilité du vaccin » quand il est stocké entre -25 et -15 degrés Celsius, soit la température de congélateurs médicaux courants. »

EN: "Pfizer and BioNTech announced on Friday that they had made this request to the US health authorities.

They said they had provided data demonstrating "the stability of the vaccine" when stored at -25 to -15 degrees Celsius, the temperature of common medical freezers."

So apparently around that time it as been approved by the FDA and equivalent instances in France, Canada, etc.
President of largest union of California state workers.
“If you feel that you should not get vaccinated, because this vaccine is not FDA-approved, you don’t trust this vaccine, you don’t know the long-term consequences of this vaccine, you don’t even know how this COVID came to America, if you have doubts on the U.S. government, stay strong. Stand your ground. This is America,” Brown said.
No need to be vegan. The trick is to be grouped in a minority (using their tools against them, of course) and that as such they are being discriminated against, persecuted, etc. Then what you need is a legal representation, you take your case to the state and say that the vaccine goes against your beliefs (religious, ethical, etc.) and that they deserve to be respected.

Seriously, I've been thinking about this as a way to protect against an eventual mass vaccination mandate.

Wise as a serpent, docile as a dove....

I am thinking about this as well lately. Mutual Aid communities, Non-profit organisations, modern variety of Fraternal Societies, etc. ... That's where ideas of John Naisbitt, Catherine Austin Fitts and Stefan Verstappen meet.
No need to be vegan. The trick is to be grouped in a minority (using their tools against them, of course) and that as such they are being discriminated against, persecuted, etc. Then what you need is a legal representation, you take your case to the state and say that the vaccine goes against your beliefs (religious, ethical, etc.) and that they deserve to be respected.

Seriously, I've been thinking about this as a way to protect against an eventual mass vaccination mandate.

Wise as a serpent, docile as a dove....
Don't we have that vaccine exemption in the FOTCM "Statement of Principles"? I've found that it's helpful to re-read it from time to time...

I might try to be "woke" about it and point out that, courtesy of being a transsexual and on hormone replacement (which puts you at a significantly higher risk of blood clots), taking the clot shot would be an unacceptable risk. We'll see what happens.
A FB post from someone that I thought was interesting (translated):

I just spoke to a nurse who works in the ICU of MC Haaglanden [hospital in the Netherlands]. I know her quite well. I asked her how many COVID patients there are now. Two hospitals together have a total of 10 patients at the ICU. Are all unvaccinated, she said. I asked when someone is considered vaccinated. Her answer: When one is fully vaccinated and 2 or 3 weeks have passed since the last shot. So I asked if the 'unvaccinated' didn't have any of the shots yet. Then came the surprising answer: They all already had at least 1 shot. And that's called unvaccinated

So... the number of vaccinated Covid patients who are in the hospital is likely higher than what is reported in the media, depending on how they define vaccinated and unvaccinated. Those who have had only one dose of the vaccine and those who've had the second one a week before hospital admission are not seen as 'partly vaccinated' or 'vaccinated with the second dose less than 2 or 3 weeks ago', but as unvaccinated. That's pretty sneaky.
A covid test using a mouthwash was just as accurate as cotton swab up the nose.

There appears to be another saliva test that only costs $7.

Why are they still sticking cotton swabs up people's noses or worse?
Even more accurately.
Why are they using this worthless lab procedure in the first place:huh::huh::huh:
Positive = You may not have covid but we'll say you do.​
Negative = You may have covid but we'll say you do not.​
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