
• Fauci's order of genocide in US
(500.000+ ?) as "covid-19 deaths" march-oct 2020.

• Gilead's anti-viral drug Remdesivir - is lethal drug

FDA knew all along of the severe side effects (before using "vaccines") in Oct 2020 !

• First wave deaths in the US were deliberate killings, by Fauci as the primary puppet deploying the genocide.

• Covid 19 vaccines extreme high death toll (45.000, but most likely more than [another] 500.000+)
I've also watched this 'sitzung' and think that the things Brian told were disturbing for sure! The thing about Fauci and him recommending Remdesivir for it to be used as the only treatment, for so many months, and knowing that it is lethal just goes to show that these people do have a clear desire to kill people whenever they have a opportunity where the risk of getting caught is minimal. Maybe genocide isn't their primary motive, but psychos like Fauci appear to enjoy causing deaths here-and-there, every now-and-then. I think it was said in one of the 'dark romance' novels, that destruction and extermination of people is a central part of their evil religion (whatever that is) – they need to feed the beast every now and then because they believe that that's what gives them the power to rule.

I was also impressed by psychologist Mattias Desmet who followed later in the sitzung. He had an interesting theory of how and why mass hypnosis and what he calls totalitarian thinking (like the one we're seeing now) occurs. According to him the process is ripe to start when four specific conditions are met (in place) in the societies (he also says that the media propaganda is essential, but doesn't do it alone without these four conditions):

1. A lot of socially isolated people, people who experience a lack of social bond.

2. A lot of people who experience a lack of sense making (meaning) in their life.

3. A lot of free floating anxiety (people can't determine the cause of their anxiety)

4. A lot of free floating psychological discontent (people can't determine the cause of discontent)

So, this has clear parallels to what Lobaczewski was saying.

You can watch the segment with Mattias starting HERE.
Attached file

(From page 4)
Letter from Judith Rodin
President of the Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation supports work that expands opportunity and strengthens
resilience to social, economic, health, and environmental challenges — affirming
its pioneering philanthropic mission, since 1913, to “promote the well-being” of
humanity. We take a synergistic, strategic approach that places a high value on
innovative processes and encourages new ways of seeking ideas, to break down silos
and encourage interdisciplinary thinking.
One important — and novel — component of our strategy toolkit is scenario planning, a
process of creating narratives about the future based on factors likely to affect a
particular set of challenges and opportunities. We believe that scenario planning has
great potential for use in philanthropy to identify unique interventions, simulate and
rehearse important decisions that could have profound implications, and highlight
previously undiscovered areas of connection and intersection. Most important,
by providing a methodological structure that helps us focus on what we don’t know —
 instead of what we already know — scenario planning allows us to achieve impact more
effectively. The results of our first scenario planning exercise demonstrate a provocative
and engaging exploration of the role of technology and the future of globalization, as
you will see in the following pages. This report is crucial reading for anyone interested in
creatively considering the multiple, divergent ways in which our world could evolve. The
sparks of insight inspiring these narratives — along with their implications for
philanthropy as a whole — were generated through the invaluable collaboration of
grantee representatives, external experts, and Rockefeller Foundation staff.
I offer a special thanks to Peter Schwartz, Andrew Blau, and the entire team at Global
Business Network, who have helped guide us through this stimulating and energizing
process. Leading this effort at the Rockefeller Foundation is our Research Unit, which
analyzes emerging risks and opportunities and thinks imaginatively about how to
respond to the complex, rapidly changing world around us. This outward-looking
intelligence function adopts a cross-cutting mindset that synthesizes and integrates
knowledge that accelerates our ability to act more quickly and effectively. It has also
helped to shape and build the notion of “pro-poor foresight” that is committed to
applying forward-looking tools and techniques to improve the lives of poor and
vulnerable populations around the world. I hope this publication makes clear exactly
why my colleagues and I are so excited about the promise of using scenario planning to
develop robust strategies and offer a refreshing viewpoint on the possibilities that lie
ahead. We welcome your feedback.
Judith Rodin
The Rockefeller Foundation

Once crossed, these axes create a matrix of four very different futures:
LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian
leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
CLEVER TOGETHER – A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies
emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues
HACK ATTACK – An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which
governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge
SMART SCRAMBLE – An economically depressed world in which individuals and
communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems
(From pages 18-19)
Scenario Narratives
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with
limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike
2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely
virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly
overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of
the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them
healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies:
international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating
industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling
shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and
The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa,
Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the
absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment
was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens
from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just
within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better — China in
particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory
quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all
borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other
countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its
citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world
flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory
wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces
like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more
authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even
intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global
problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and
rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval.
Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more
paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more
tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had
more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this
heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and
tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.
In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and
agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
– GK Bhat, TARU Leading Edge, India
(From page 23)
While there is no way of accurately predicting what the important technological
advancements will be in the future, the scenario narratives point to areas where
conditions may enable or accelerate the development of certain kinds of technologies.
Thus, for each scenario we offer a sense of the context for technological innovation,
taking into consideration the pace, geography, and key creators. We also suggest a few
technology trends and applications that could flourish in each scenario.
Technological innovation in “Lock Step” is largely driven by government and is focused
on issues of national security and health and safety. Most technological improvements
are created by and for developed countries, shaped by governments’ dual desire to
control and to monitor their citizens. In states with poor governance, large-scale projects
that fail to progress abound.
Technology trends and applications, we might see:
Scanners using advanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology
become the norm at airports and other public areas to detect abnormal behavior that
may indicate “antisocial intent.”
In the aftermath of pandemic scares, smarter packaging for food and beverages is
applied first by big companies and producers in a business-to-business environment,
and then adopted for individual products and consumers.
New diagnostics are developed to detect communicable diseases. The application of
health screening also changes; screening becomes a prerequisite for release from a
hospital or prison, successfully slowing the spread of many diseases.
Tele-presence technologies respond to the demand for less expensive, lowerbandwidth, sophisticated communications systems for populations whose travel is
Driven by protectionism and national security concerns, nations create their own
independent, regionally defined IT networks, mimicking China’s firewalls. Governments
have varying degrees of success in policing internet traffic, but these efforts
nevertheless fracture the “World Wide” Web.
This study has presented an exposé of the ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and
International Development’. It is a document that comes from the Rockefeller
Foundation. It has existed since 1913 with the mission to promote the well-being of
Humanity. It seeks to identify and accelerate breakthrough solutions and ideas to solve
global challenges through various scenarios envisioned for the future, their future. It is
very troubling to see how similar their scenarios are to what the world is facing right now
in the wake of COVID-19 plandemic. The latest rendition of their plans came in 2010. It
is practically a play-by-play of what one can see unfolding in today’s world.
Furthermore, the Rockefeller Foundation’s Scenarios for the Future of Technology and
International Development is coupled with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. It is a
future where every person, animal, plant, water, air, on Earth will be ‘owned’,
inventoried, tracked, and technologically controlled by a small group of individuals who
are not known. They are the ones that have been working in the shadows. They are the
entities that determine Humanity’s course. They are the ‘hidden hand’ Secret Societies
guiding the whole world to this insidious fate of its own destruction. It will be a 3-year
operational magic ritual, 2020-2021-2022 for achieving total control. The majority of the
people in the world are not awake to the reality unfolding in this Luciferian initiation and
transformational ‘Reset’. The division among the peoples of the world has been created
by those that want to own all of Humanity through technology and will but temporarily.
This study brings to the front the concept of ‘LOCK STEP’. From page 18, LOCK STEP
envisions a world of tighter top-down government controls and more authoritarian
leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback. In the page 19
excerpt, it paints a scenario in which the world has entered the ‘globalist’ plan or a ‘New
World Order’. The goal of the Luciferian Globalists is the ultimately establish their
‘Authoritarian State’ that is ruled by 1 man, it will be the Biblical AntiChrist. He will rule
the masses through technology that will employ a ‘Digital Population Control Network’.
Such technologies will incorporate the 5G+ wireless grid, Nanotechnology, DNA
modification/manipulation vaccines, Artificial Intelligence, and vast synergistic
integrations, etc. It is all this that will help create their Luciferian dystopian façade that
scratches only the surface of the likes of the ‘fictitious’ novels of George Orwell’s ‘1984’
and Aldous Huxley’s ‘A Brave New World’. They are now the reality and in ‘LOCK
STEP’ to each other.
Main Sources


TheI got some information from the inside about mandatory vaccination in France and it concerns people who work in the army or the military police (gendarmerie). I know nothing about national police but I don't think it applies to them for now since we would probably already have heard something about it now (French police has strong syndicates but military can just shut their mouth). In France, we have a police system based on 2 corps : National Police and Military police. The govt splitted the country into various zonesandallocated it to each police. Basically, they do the same jobs but the military one regularly works abroad and their working methods differ sometimes.

In fact, since May, it already became mandatory for those who travel abroad for various operations (French islands or other countries) except if they just had a covid but this exception appears to stand for 3 months max.

2 days ago, they received an internal message with an official text coming from the Military health department with the agreement of the Ministery of the Armies, saying that vaccination becomes mandatory for all men/women joining the army and gendarmerie, having a training course in a military school and/or working on the field in France and abroad. It means that nobody can be spared. There is almost no safe position that exists except maybe a few hidden ones in some offices but it will become hard for them too with the general pressure put on them by their hierarchy...

The text says that all individuals will have to be vaccinated by the 15th of September. From now, pressure is high on themtocomply and be operationnal for this date.

It's really interesting that no one seems to be aware of that. It's done under the radar.
They are losing the fight.

It is becoming patently clear that the question to now ask is “does the Vaxx work?” Failing that, it is becoming even clearer that this “Vaxx” was never intended as a cure for Covid. Which only raises the frightening spectre of yet another question: If it was never the intention for it to serve as a cure, then what exactly IS its purpose? Why the relentless, rapid desperation to get this into as many human arms as possible as quickly as possible? THOSE are the questions everyone needs to be asking – all else is superfluous right now. 125,000 at last count covering at least 38 states, and counting, in the US, are the numbers of fully vaccinated that have tested positive as of today. Something is radically off here, and even the most ardent vaxxtards are now seeing it. Word is even leaking out from the bowels of the Biden administration that “this is a disaster.” With gallows humour, others are saying that the vaxx works alright, but much like the terminology of Bill Clinton, it just depends on what your definition of “works” is.

They are also walking back, and quickly, all previous mandates as everything is collapsing around them as truth and light are prevailing over the mind control, propaganda curtain:

WTF is going on ?? In just 3 hours, they walked back their statement on the National Vaccine Mandate. IT'S OVER, people.​

r/conspiracy - WTF is going on ?? In just 3 hours, they walked back their statement on the National Vaccine Mandate. IT'S OVER, people.

r/conspiracy - WTF is going on ?? In just 3 hours, they walked back their statement on the National Vaccine Mandate. IT'S OVER, people.
Is this for real ?!!? 🤔

Video (Brighteon)
"Popular German Newspaper BILD, Issues Apology on Covid Deception"
(1 min 43 sec) slow link !

I have absolutely no idea if this is real or not, but made me raise my eyebrows for sure... I only noticed recently a discussion at the german alternative channel ("Home Office") mentioned to their surprise that the Axel-Springer publisher (e.g. in the BILD Tabloid 'news') had written rather critical Corona articles, which was unexpected (since they too whee part of the propaganda machine for a long time). So, the moderators at got confused about that (possible) "change of heart", yet weren't really sure about it. It was noticed that the general german mainstream media ever so slightly started to show critic against the Plandemic.

🇬🇧🇺🇸 "BILD" live

"To the millions of children in this country, for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you.

We ask you to forgive us.

Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation and loneliness.

Sorry for this policy and media coverage which, like poison, made you feel like you were a mortal danger to society. You are not a danger to society, don’t believe this lie. It's up to us to protect you.

What happened to our children, many people and Bild denounced it. Nothing happened. Merkel organized a summit for children? No ! Instead, we persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven. It was easy to force that on the kids, they can't defend themselves and they don't vote. When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided.

It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic. Those who wanted to contradict this propaganda were never invited to the expert table. Our policies would do better to open schools and sports halls rather than polling stations! Otherwise they will have on their conscience, and will leave in the history books, a multitude of innocent souls."

🇫🇷 "BILD" live

"Aux millions d’enfants de ce pays, dont notre société a la responsabilité, je veux exprimer ici ce que ni notre gouvernement ni notre chancelière n’osent vous dire.

Nous vous demandons de nous pardonner.

Nous vous demandons pardon pour cette politique, qui pendant un an et demi a fait de vous des victimes de violences, de négligences, d’isolement et de solitude. Pardon pour cette politique et cette couverture médiatique qui, comme un poison, vous a inculqué le sentiment que vous étiez un danger mortel pour la société. Vous n’êtes pas un danger pour la société, ne croyez pas à ce mensonge. C’est à nous de vous protéger. Ce qui est arrivé à nos enfants, de nombreuses personnes et Bild, l’on denoncé. Rien ne s’est passé. Merkel a organisé un sommet pour les enfants ? Non ! Au lieu de ça, on a persuadé nos enfants qu’ils allaient assassiner leur grand-maman s’ils osaient être ce qu’ils sont, des enfants. Ou s’ils rencontraient leurs copains. Rien de tout ça n’a été prouvé scientifiquement. C’était facile d’imposer ça aux enfants, il ne peuvent pas se défendre et ils ne votent pas. Quand un État vole les droits d’un enfant, il doit prouver que par là il le protège contre un danger concret et imminent. Cette preuve n’a jamais été apportée. Elle a été remplacée par de la propagande présentant l’enfant comme un vecteur de la pandémie. Ceux qui voulaient contredire cette propagande, n’ont jamais été invités à la table des experts. Nos politiques feraient mieux d’ouvrir les écoles et les salles de sport plutôt que les bureaux de vote ! Sinon ils auront sur la conscience, et laisseront dans les livres d’histoire, une multitude d’âmes innocentes."
Last edited:
A covid test using a mouthwash was just as accurate as cotton swab up the nose.

There appears to be another saliva test that only costs $7.

Why are they still sticking cotton swabs up people's noses or worse?

Most likely, they keep the cotton swap versions aka Drosten RT-PCR test (the guy who has shown, is neither a real doctor nor a real professor !), because it is exclusive, expensive, demands lots of other equipment and supplies - there by bringing tons of money to all those, who should have it in the first place... The RT-PCR cotton swap tests are at least as lucrative as the covid-19 vaccines, if not more...
I found a PDF file linked to that page MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_fusionado.pdf (beware of the pesky popups that would want to install something on your computer).

Here is some Google translation of a few pages
RESULTS: DESCRIPTION OF THE TEM IMAGES OF THE RD1 PROBLEM SAMPLE The TEM images of the RD1 sample in general SHOW A HIGH SIMILARITY with graphene oxide images from literature obtained by the same TEM technique, with magnifications Similar. An intricate matrix or mesh of translucent flexible sheets can be seen folded on themselves, with mixture of darker multilayer and monolayer agglomerations not folded of lighter color. Darker linear areas appear due to overlap local sheet arrangement and the local arrangement of individual sheets parallel to the electron beam. After the mesh, a high density of clear rounded and elliptical shapes appears without identify, possibly corresponding to holes generated by mechanical forcing of the mesh during treatment. We show here 3 images with progressive magnification:

View attachment 47694

Important NOTE: For a definitive IDENTIFICATION of GRAPHENE by TEM, it is necessary to complement the observation with structural characterization by obtaining by EDS of a Characteristic ELECTRON DIFRACTION PATTERN (such as the figure b shown below). The pattern corresponding to graphite or graphene exhibits a hexagonal symmetry, and generally has several concentric hexagons. It has not been possible at the moment obtain this pattern due to the shortage of sample available for your processing, and the chaotic arrangement and density of folds:

View attachment 47695

English (pre) Report
Graphene Oxide findings in Covid-19 Vaccine

In the attached pdf file, you have the 🇬🇧🇺🇸 English version of the preliminary report, revolving Graphene Oxide finds in Covid-19 vaccine. In the document, you see all the image samples though microscope & electron microscope that I earlier encountered in the spanish/german La Quinta Columna video, whose english version I never found on a common alternative video platform.

I got the pdf file via Telegram channel by Robin Monotti + ex Pfizer, Dr Mike Yeadon.

Interim report (I)
June 28, 2021
Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid
Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Bachelor of Biological Sciences ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE INGENIERIA

This is only a preliminary report, in the end stating:

2. The analyzes in this report correspond to ONE SINGLE SAMPLE, limited in total volume available for processing. It is therefore necessary to carry out a significant sampling of similar vials to draw conclusions that can be generalized to comparable samples, recording origin, traceability and quality control during storage and transport prior to analysis.


TheI got some information from the inside about mandatory vaccination in France and it concerns people who work in the army or the military police (gendarmerie). I know nothing about national police but I don't think it applies to them for now since we would probably already have heard something about it now (French police has strong syndicates but military can just shut their mouth). In France, we have a police system based on 2 corps : National Police and Military police. The govt splitted the country into various zonesandallocated it to each police. Basically, they do the same jobs but the military one regularly works abroad and their working methods differ sometimes.

In fact, since May, it already became mandatory for those who travel abroad for various operations (French islands or other countries) except if they just had a covid but this exception appears to stand for 3 months max.

2 days ago, they received an internal message with an official text coming from the Military health department with the agreement of the Ministery of the Armies, saying that vaccination becomes mandatory for all men/women joining the army and gendarmerie, having a training course in a military school and/or working on the field in France and abroad. It means that nobody can be spared. There is almost no safe position that exists except maybe a few hidden ones in some offices but it will become hard for them too with the general pressure put on them by their hierarchy...

The text says that all individuals will have to be vaccinated by the 15th of September. From now, pressure is high on themtocomply and be operationnal for this date.

It's really interesting that no one seems to be aware of that. It's done under the radar.
It anyone deserves mandatory vaccinations, it's the police. Let's see how they like not having autonomy over their own bodies!!

Don't feel very sorry for them given they are the PTB boots-on-the-ground busy terrorising peaceful protestors every single weekend.

Added: oh wait, I see the national police are being spared 😭😭😭
Work stress has set me off, in part because I impulsively decided to play with fire a bit.

Given that Google, Disney, and the like are forcing clot shots on people - if you are running a corporation that hasn't been completely ponerized, this is an unprecedented opportunity to pick up talent - so, me being the enterprising team lead, I decided to try to pick up talent that is likely to jump over this. Talent I wanted also wanted to know that corporation hasn't been completely ponerized and wouldn't try to force clot shots on people, so I raised the issue with management.

About to find out in about three days if I have to go find another job and/or find an attorney. 😱

The last time corporate psychopathy resulted in me having to find another job, I made an extra $40k/yr on the jump, so maybe it works out to be a good thing even if this blows up in my face, but I really don't need more stress right now!
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