I don't know what will happen but I'm quite steadfast in my conviction that if it comes to a choice between my soul and my body, I'm choosing the sanctity and integrity of my soul, no matter what that means.

I admire your courage and your conviction that dying is not the worst thing that can happen to us but I'm not sure that I agree with the above statement. Maybe what matters the most for our souls is not whether or not we take the vaccine but rather why we choose one way or the other. In one situation you could choose to avoid the shot to the death because you've had enough of this suffering and want out, in which case your might align your soul with the STS path. In another situation you could take the shot for the sake of other people who depend on you or need your help, in which case you would be aligning your soul with the STO path.

These are very difficult choices, for sure. We don't have all the answers so we have to try to see the unseen and have faith. The C's said that all of this will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. That many people would be lost and confused and in need of help. That those who endure to the end shall save (help?) others. That it is our choice to be at the vanguard of the new reality.

... this world was never meant for us and we have no right to be here it would appear.

I've had similar thoughts before but the thing is, I was deeply asleep in this world until I was 31 years old. I don't know if I would have learnt all these lessons if I wasn't here.
Remember back in April the brave Canadian/Polish Pastor Artur Pawlowski who kicked 'Nazi' cops out of his church during Passover:
Gestapo came to intimidate Church parishoniers during the Passover (Canada). This pastor threw them out:

I want to hug that man!

He went on a four month speaking tour in the US and came back to Calgary on Monday. They wasted no time and he was arrested on the tarmac, he was not even allowed to greet his wife and kids and his luggage, including his laptop, has been searched, like he is some common criminal.

From the article below:
"We preach freedom. We preach hope. When you don't have hope in society, then the people are turning for that hope to the government. I think the government wants to become God, to be worshiped. And anyone else or anything else that competes with that has to be destroyed."

Pawlowski faces a court date on Oct. 13 regarding separate civil charges against him related to his church gatherings.
The first criminal charge, Pawlowski explained, was levied against him for failing to wear a mask in public, despite a medical exemption from his doctor. The second was for organizing an illegal church gathering. Both were related to offenses in March and June. His civil and criminal charges carry a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment, though his lawyer said such an outcome is "highly unlikely."

Pawlowski is unsure of how the ruling will play out, but even if he has to return to prison, he remains hopeful. "I am optimistic that this story is going to end well for me because of the pressure right now that the government has," he said, noting how his case has drawn the eyes of many Americans, f.i. Eric Trump.

Let's hope his case and his ordeal get so much traction, that it inspires more and more people to stand up against the dystopian state that Canada has become!
Merging with aliens? The PTB reveal sinister plan in Venom (2018 film).
Dora: Drake sent a ship on a recon mission. On the way back, they found a comet.
Eddie: A comet?
Dora: Onboard computers indicated the presence of life. Millions of organisms...
Eddie: When you say "millions of organisms", what do you mean?
Dora: We brought back some specimens.
Eddie: You're talking about aliens? Like aliens... [mimics E.T.]
Dora: Yes. But we don't call them that. We call them symbiotes. And they cannot survive in our environment without help. Drake believes that the union between human and symbiote is the key to our survival, but not here on earth.
Eddie: Drake is trying to put human beings and aliens together, just so they can live in space?
Dora: We call them hosts.
Eddie: That's nuts! Isn't it? That's completely insane!
Dora: Yes, there is no protocol for this thing. He's just feeding them in, if the match is exact.
The puzzle fits nicely when you SEE...
Merging with aliens? The PTB reveal sinister plan in Venom (2018 film).

The Venom character, while not new to comic book history, may well fit with what we are seeing. Now, I don't remember if this appears in the movie, but I do remember in the comics the weakness of the symbiote:

Sonic and Heat: The Symbiote is extremely sensitive to sonic and thermal attacks, making it vulnerable, although the degree of sensitivity has varied over time and the symbiote has built up a resistance.

Leaving aside the comic book and focusing on the real world, sound is frequency and vibration. Here we can see the role played by an individual's FRV if we connect the dots:

He's just feeding them in, if the match is exact. (Frecuency Resonance Vibration)

Translated: Covid: una cumbre en Roma lanza un grito de guerra contra los promotores del terror

Covid: a summit in Rome launches a rallying cry against the promoters of terror

Doctors and scientists from different countries presented their successful experience with early treatments that saved thousands of lives and exposed the malpractice imposed by official protocols. The historic Declaration has already been signed by more than 9,100 health professionals.
Could the timing be more apt?

Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online

"Voice For Victoria" posted a series of images explaining the state of the State of Emergency (the laws supposedly allowing them to do all the crazy stuff they've been doing) in Victoria, Australia:
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There is a lot of confusion about this online right now and a lot of very incorrect information. This summary is ONLY applicable to Victoria. Each state has its own SOE timeframes and powers.

The Victorian State of Emergency initially started getting used in March 2020. By 'used' I mean an Emergency was declared that enabled access to the powers. This legislation is, by all definitions, 'permanent'. It's existed for years without issue, it just hasn't been used and normally sits there.

Our VIC legislation only lasts for a period of 6 months maximum. This is meant to be a safety mechanism built into the legislation to stop an unending State of Emergency from occurring (not the best success story ever).

Within this 6 month timeframe however, the powers must be renewed on a rolling monthly basis. There is absolutely zero Parliamentary process required to do this, the CHO just does it. This is where the monthly 'end dates' appear on the public mandates that you see and create confusion where people think that it may actually end, but in reality are just sitting within the set monthly timeframes that are the maximum they can set until it's renewed again.

While this seems useless now, it's meant to be another built-in safety menchanism in the legislation that they require review every month, because of how broad the powers are.

Every state in Australia who needs to has renewed their SOE rolling every newnewal period eg Tasmania is every 12 weeks. Using Tassie as an example, every state in Australia who has needed to renewed these powers has done so every time without fail. The reason is they need them to run quarantine.

While on this point, no the SOE is absolutely not required to administer vaccines, not in Ausstralia. Provisional approval by the TGA here, our federal body (not FDA, that's US), requires nothing in state powers to support its approvals and administering it by qualified professionals. Common rumour.

Back to extending the SOEs. That's why Tassie, with next to no cases ever, has lived under a State of Emergency this entire time but the majory of the population has no idea. Stating this specifically to dispel the myth that the states require cases, lockdowns or anything else to 'justify' extending it. One of the biggest issues is that they don't need to justify it at all.

The exception to this is Victoria when the SOE legislation expires. This has already occurred twice. Once in September 2020, where it was passed through Parliament and extended for another 6 months.

The Second time was in March 2021 which was one of the most heated debates, where the infamous 'Crossbench 3' as they're nicknamed (Meddick, Ratnam & Patten) did a deal with the government to extend it for another 9 months on the promise of 'pandemic-specific legislation'. This means the current VIC SOE expires in December 2021.

At this point there are only two options for the government. Attempt to pass the SOE through Parliament again (less likely) OR attempt to pass what has been dubbed 'pandemic-specific' legislation.

This was actually called for by the majority of people in an attempt to limit the unchecked powers the government was using without fulfilling the transparency requirements in the legislation.

Please note that in the legislation they are currently using to enact all restrictions there are clear requirements to table the supporting evidence behind decisions. It's also been voted for/legally called for by Parliament. Twice. Still nothing. Do not for a second think this government is doing the right thing with these powers - they aren't.

One misconception is that these will enable 'permanent powers'. Technically speaking the SOE is 'permanent', it just normally isn't used. Happy to stand corrected, but how I have understood it is as follows:

If you think of the SOE as a bigger legal instrument like a law itself, the govt is just activating the powers WITHIN that instrument. That's why the rules are called mandates, not laws. Now, if they lose the SOE, they must pass legislation in order to actually make new laws, to give them powers because they don't have that instrument. In order to make new laws, standard legal rules are they cannot interfere/clash with other laws, including federal ones. This is why there is snowballs chance in hell they could get through Parliament all the micro-nonsense they're doing now.

Also why the 'what they're doing conflicts with xyz law' comment hasn't stacked up so far. When faced with having to legislate individual powers, they're in for a whole different ball game. The reason for proposing the new ones in the first place is the government cried in March that they needed the powers to run quarantine (not untrue), however it's obvious why they need to lose the rest of the powers. So the deal was struck that the extension only happened on the promise of limited powers being created to allow them to run quarantine and maybe a few basic other things, depending what they could even legally get across the line.

This deal was in reality struck with the Crossbench 3.

This is where it gets grey. Because they only need those Crossbench 3 votes - they only have to deal with them. This is an active choice being made by the government to refuse transparency.

The reason these three have so much power is that Labor do not hold the majority in the Upper House of Parliament (thank god) which all legislation must pass through. The 'crossbench' is typically the term for any MPs that aren't a part of either of the two maor parties. In the VIC Upper House we have 12 crossbenchers total mostly made up of different, smaller parties. Our Upper House looks like this: [image]

Given there are only 40 seats/votes and Labor hold 17, they only need 3x other votes in order to get what they want through the house. This comes to them as 'the Crossbench 3', also known as: 1. union-linked Andy Meddick of the Animal Justice Party. 2. the Labor-footstool-Greens in the form of Samantha Ratnam, who previously spectacularly cut her maternity leave short to suddenly appear in Parliament on voting day without warning to make sure the government got the SOE extension vote they wanted and of course, 3. Fiona Patten, aka Fifi, from The Reason Party, who can generally be relied on to do what's best for her above pretty much anything else.

The rest of the crossbench have all been voting against the extensions since 2020 given the extreme overreach/misuse of the powers and continued lack of required transparency from the governent.

The Crossbench 3 have come out and said they support the more limited legislation and Fifi has even been on [radio station] 3aw saying she does not think the emergency powers will be required after December. Needless to say, that's being taken with a huge grain of salt.

Given our SOE expires in December, which means they need to have whatever replaces it in place by then, I would assume we'd see the draft laws either late October or mid-November, based on the scheduled sitting dates you can see here. [image]

Deal or no deal, they still have to pass whatever they go for through Parliament. Can't wait to see if they do what they did last year where they use their majority in the Lower House to vote to gag debate so opposing MPs can't speak, to attempt to ram it through under 'urgency' requirements so the other MPs have less than 48 hours to read the entire document before being expected to democratically debate it in detail and suggest ammendments.

If you're new to this - it's been quite the outrageously undemocratic 12 months on this topic.

Have been keeping an eye on all of it for months so once they come out with whatever it is they plan to try, which we have no way to be sure what that is, we can campaign then.

Unfortunately until we know what they are planning to do or what it looks like, we can't do much except try to educate people on what is happening now and will be coming up.

Well done to anyone who made it to the end of this.

I have no doubt that 'they' can find ways to pretty much just do whatever they want, but still, it's a little bit nice to think about: Could this be another reason for the Victorian govt's "try to trick everyone into being vaccinated real quick RIGHT NOW" panic - that they know they might not be able to keep up all the restrictions (threats) after December? (leaving aside potential impending earth changes etc and the govt's possible knowledge of them).

The writer of the article does assume that passing the SOE through parliament again is "less likely", which seems like an obvious weak point. I mean, of course among sane humans it'd be unlikely to be accepted again... but it's a single point 'they' can apply force to to continue to get their way without all the hassle of making actual laws (which don't conflict with federal laws like the current mandates apparently do)
I admire your courage and your conviction that dying is not the worst thing that can happen to us but I'm not sure that I agree with the above statement. Maybe what matters the most for our souls is not whether or not we take the vaccine but rather why we choose one way or the other. In one situation you could choose to avoid the shot to the death because you've had enough of this suffering and want out, in which case your might align your soul with the STS path. In another situation you could take the shot for the sake of other people who depend on you or need your help, in which case you would be aligning your soul with the STO path.

These are very difficult choices, for sure. We don't have all the answers so we have to try to see the unseen and have faith. The C's said that all of this will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. That many people would be lost and confused and in need of help. That those who endure to the end shall save (help?) others. That it is our choice to be at the vanguard of the new reality.

I see it differently but this is just my subjective view. I don't think anyone can say for sure whether they will survive or endure to the end - in fact, probability has it that you're more than likely not going to survive or endure. We're very fragile mortals...

For me it's about being the best you can be in the present. I'm realising this is where the fight is. Those who endure to the end? There's no end... I'm not sure this is a movie! It's not a pre-written script. It's not a question of keep your head low long enough and you'll have endured to the end. We'll all be called to action and we'll all have to make a choice which we will have to stand by - join the Borg or oppose the Borg. Instead of thinking about surviving, I think about how I wish to be remembered. When they look back at this time and they can see each person and soul that lived, what will they see when they see you?

What's at stake is not whether you inject something in your body or not, it's what that means, it's how you arrived at that choice, it's what's on the other end of that deal. There are forces here that truly want to devour and consume you, make you into a slave who might as well be one of these machines @lilies is describing. They want to own your body, your mind, your whole Being such that you are there's to do with as they please. I don't think it's a game. The stakes are immeasurable - I mean, this a war that appears to traverse different planes of existence? Unless you're ready to fight, I mean, no miracles will happen... the enemy won't pass you by and the enemy has made their intentions very clear. More than anything I truly believe you shouldn't let weakness into your mind - a tiny slither of it seeps in and that's it, you're done for. The means of war are not those we're used to - you really do have to defend your mind and make sure you won't be another one to be overtaken or subsumed in the advance of this devouring force. It's not a question of waiting for the right pressure to be applied, it's a question of saying their ain't no kind of pressure that can be applied - you have to be strong and ready otherwise you stand no chance. You will have been defeated before they even arrive at your doorstep.
The Venom character, while not new to comic book history, may well fit with what we are seeing. Now, I don't remember if this appears in the movie, but I do remember in the comics the weakness of the symbiote:

Leaving aside the comic book and focusing on the real world, sound is frequency and vibration. Here we can see the role played by an individual's FRV if we connect the dots:

This is going to be a bit off-topic, but curiosity got the better of me.

Although this is fiction there are some points that caught my attention. If any moderator sees that it is better to create a separate thread or move it to another thread where it fits better, I will appreciate it.

I happened to look up about the symbiote, and came across the following. I will put in bold the parts that I found most striking.

Symbionts feed on the adrenaline of their host, usually released into the bloodstream during the host's fight or flight response. They have also been shown to rely on their hosts for a constant supply of Phenylethylamine, a chemical found as a neurotransmitter in the human brain.

While this has been known to lead some symbionts to consume the brain of others, the chemical can also be found in processed chocolate that can be eaten by the host. While the symbionts are connected to a host, they raise the dopamine levels of their host. Apparently, they can be killed, or at least forced to remain in a sort of death-like state, by an overdose of dopamine inhibitor. Symbionts are not capable of binding with a host that has high levels of vitamin C in its bloodstream. There are several levels of biological symbiosis, or "bonding" that can be achieved between a symbiont and its host, each with different biological consequences.


Symbiotes can control the actions of their hosts at any given time. In some realities, the symbiote feeds on the lower emotions of its host, creating a much more hostile personality. The longer the host is exposed to the symbiote, the more dominant this mental state becomes.

Now one of the interesting things about phenylethylamine:

Substituted phenylethylamines form a large and diverse group of compounds that includes some alkaloids, neurotransmitters, hormones, stimulants, hallucinogens, entactogens, anorectics, bronchodilators and antidepressants.

Some association between phenylethylamine and the feeling of love has been raised following the theory proposed in the 1980s by physicians Donald F. Klein and Michael R. Liebowitz, of the Psychiatric Institute of Psychiatry at the University of California, Berkeley. Liebowitz, of the New York State Psychiatric Institute (United States), who postulated that its production in the brain can be triggered by events as simple as an exchange of glances, a touch or a handshake, suggesting that the brain of a person in love contains large amounts of phenylethylamine and that this substance could be largely responsible for the sensations and physiological changes that we experience when falling in love, such as wakefulness, excitement, tachycardia, flushing and insomnia.

The phenylethylamine structure can also be found in complex ring systems such as in the ergoline system of LSD or in the morphine morphinane system.

Searching a little more I came across this article in Japanese: http://guide.hamayaku.jp/library/gyoseki/Gyoseki_2011-2013.pdf (page 157)

Studies on the effects of β-phenylethylamine on the regulatory function of dopamine neurotransmission:

β-Phenylethylamine (β-PEA) is an endogenous trace amine found in the central nervous system (CNS). It is highly localized in the striatum, thalamus, and ventral tegmental area of mammals, and is also detected in high concentrations in the plasma and urine of schizophrenic patients, suggesting its involvement in mental functions. The localization of β-PEA in the ventral tegmental area has also been found, and it would be very interesting to elucidate the role of β-PEA in dopaminergic neurons in relation to psychiatric disorders.

It is curious to see that here is another substance besides syncytin that has a role in schizophrenia. But there is more. I continued to dig for information.
Phenylethylamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter and that neurotransmitter is encoded by the SLC18A2 gene, A.K.A Vesicular monoamine transporter 2.

And here comes the cherry on top:

Geneticist Dean Hamer has suggested that a particular allele of the VMAT2 gene correlates with spirituality using data from a smoking survey, which included questions intended to measure "self-transcendence". Hamer performed the spirituality study on the side, independently of the National Cancer Institute smoking study. His findings were published in the mass-market book The God Gene: How Faith Is Hard-Wired Into Our Genes.[11][12] Hamer himself notes that VMAT2 plays at most a minor role in influencing spirituality.[13] Furthermore, Hamer's claim that the VMAT2 gene contributes to spirituality is controversial.[13] Hamer's study has not been published in a peer reviewed journal and a reanalysis of the correlation demonstrates that it is not statistically significant.[13][14]

I have not been able to find any indication or relationship with syncytin, but curiosity led me to this with Phenethylamine.

Is it valid to ask whether RNA vaccines can alter VMAT2 gene? The evidence in the reports of schizophrenic states in vaccinees, increased violence and negative feelings, and a sudden shift to materialism or an amplification of materialism may be a consequence of the phenylethylamine disruption?
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The Venom character, while not new to comic book history, may well fit with what we are seeing. Now, I don't remember if this appears in the movie, but I do remember in the comics the weakness of the symbiote:

Leaving aside the comic book and focusing on the real world, sound is frequency and vibration. Here we can see the role played by an individual's FRV if we connect the dots:

I went to the range yesterday with my best friend, to-break in my first AR, non-restricted in Canada (tm). I didn't slip in my earbuds properly every time, so a couple of bangs got through and my left ear is still ringing a day later.

I can't say if this constitutes a strong enough sonic attack, but I observed unrestricted smiling following the treatment. I will have to go back to the range next week-end to test whether a hundred bullets can act as prophylaxis.

Wish me luck!
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