I tried to confirm this claim and cannot find anything linking Darwinian Chemical Systems to Moderna. The former was headed by three professors who never worked in the medical industry, as far as I can tell. Here is a summary of their creepy project:

One obvious link between Darwinian Chemical Systems and Moderna is Jack Szostak who in the Award Abstract was listed as Principal Investigator. He is currently Board Chairman of Moderna's Scientific Advisory Board.

Dr. Szostak was appointed chair of the science advisory board in August 2011. He is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, and the Alex Rich Distinguished Investigator in the Department of Molecular Biology and the Center for Computational and Integrative Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Szostak’s early research on telomere structure and function, and the role of telomere maintenance in preventing cellular senescence, was recognized by the 2006 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award and the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, shared with Drs. Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider. In the 1990s Dr. Szostak and his colleagues developed in vitro selection as a tool for the isolation of functional RNA, DNA, and protein molecules from large pools of random sequences. Dr. Szostak’s current research interests are in the laboratory synthesis of self-replicating systems and the origin of life. Dr. Szostak is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The link I found is this one, not implying that DCS found Moderna. He's at the top of the list, if that means anything I don't know but it could.

Apologies Hi-Henry - missed you had already covered this.
Here's the graphic truth of Ohio's CV-19 deaths:

And with the above in mind:

Notwithstanding the above, this should surprise no one:

But wait - there's more!


Not long ago Sanjay Gupta ,the expert "doctor" used by CNN, went on the Rogen Show to "take a few things back", lies his Network was telling. Well it was obviously a PR ploy as you will see shortly.

On the Sesame Street Show Gupta is clearly LYING TO CHILDREN and LYING BIG TIME !!!!
Hearing the word "abuela" leads me to think that perhaps they are targetting this to Hispanic kids.
Either way, This is Ugly Propaganda worthy of North Korea !!!

Geert just did another interview last night mainly concentrating on jabbing kids. Having listened to it, I think the main thing he's saying which he hasn't said before or which no one else has articulated can be found between 53min to 56ish min. Essentially I think he's explaining the main way autoimmunity will be initiated in kids but I don't fully understand it. Can someone explain?

I dunno, seems to be plenty of room up front to me. Frequency vs a vax'd heart?. . . athletes are stressing their vax'd hearts, weightlifters are losing their edge after being vax'd or so it seems.

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There was definitely a lot of room and he wasn't being crushed, but more importantly, the kid doesn't show symptoms of a heart attack. He's undergoing some kind of shakes, muscles seized and spasming. I'd assume something neurological - under exertion, a clot migrating and causing a stroke? That would be my best, barely educated guess.

Edit: In 'normal' circumstances, I'd see that kid and assume epilepsy. I'm sidestepping that possibility because I doubt there were a dozen cases of epileptic attacks, although that is in the realm of the possible, it somehow seems more unlikely than the dark, yet simple explanation...
I think we need to start considering anyone who pushes the "Sars-CoV-2 has never been isolated" line as disinfo. It's a lie. Here's something I posted on the FOTCM Reading Workshops thread yesterday:
With all due respect Ryan, I think we need to be careful with either line. It's already been argued, I believe and is at this point not worth going down that road again.

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors in this charade, obviously and keeping the attic open/cup empty-ish is a good thing imo. E.g: maybe don't invest too heavily in your linked article("It's been isolated"). Or anyone who suggests "it doesn't exist".

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There was definitely a lot of room and he wasn't being crushed, but more importantly, the kid doesn't show symptoms of a heart attack. He's undergoing some kind of shakes, muscles seized and spasming. I'd assume something neurological - under exertion, a clot migrating and causing a stroke? That would be my best, barely educated guess.

Edit: In 'normal' circumstances, I'd see that kid and assume epilepsy. I'm sidestepping that possibility because I doubt there were a dozen cases of epileptic attacks, although that is in the realm of the possible, it somehow seems more unlikely than the dark, yet simple explanation...
I've seen that reaction just after people get the shot whilst they wait their 15 - 20 mins before being released to go. The unlucky ones fall down and start shaking like crazy. In the news report, they definitely said a number were having cardiac incidents.

Another thing to bear in mind is chances are a good proportion were intoxicated probably... talking alcohol plus probably other stuff too. So who knows... It's weird though that so many went down like this. The other videos essentially show that panic started when people started going down like this kid. Some of the ones who were down were then getting trampled on. I heard an account that numerous kids were down having some sort of medical incident. Seen videos of people getting on stage telling them to stop the show but the show still kept going on... it was weird. One person described it as a concert in hell as they wouldn't stop playing the music despite it being very obvious something was going on.
Costa Rica is the first country (to my knowledge) to make the vaccine compulsory for the children aged five and up. Actually it's quite consistent with the history of rampant pedophilia in the this country.

I've seen that reaction just after people get the shot whilst they wait their 15 - 20 mins before being released to go. The unlucky ones fall down and start shaking like crazy. In the news report, they definitely said a number were having cardiac incidents.

Another thing to bear in mind is chances are a good proportion were intoxicated probably... talking alcohol plus probably other stuff too. So who knows... [...]
Exactly. I'd assume nearly all members of this forum have seen multiple instances of violent shakes induced either near-instantaneously or after a delay of days/weeks. I didn't explicit a parallel because I have no clue whether it is the same physiological pathway, I'd suspect not. I'd suspect the instant reaction is likely some kind of shock (including neurological, as the blood-brain barrier is transparent to the poison), whereas I'd suspect the delayed reactions to be more indicative of actual neurological damage, from sustained inflammation, possibly something like neuromyelitis.

So, I'm not saying you're wrong, I've indeed also seen this type of instant reaction, I simply didn't intend to limit the possibilities yet. That's also why I didn't want to fully rule out something like a coordinated epileptic attack - it can happen from TV shows, I'm sure it can happen in booming-flashing light shows as well. Maybe the intoxication 'helped' some heretofore 'unsuspected' neurological damage. Maybe the exertion caused clots to migrate. Maybe tens of thousands of connected cellphone devices 'helped' feed the hydras.

I don't know. But I sure would love to.
What if the Covid illness is caused by the Spike Protein, the virus acting only as a trojan horse?
Besides, has the virus been isolated at room temperature? So far I have only read about VERO conditions, meaning, cryogenic state, which begs the question of why the need of keeping the Pfizer vax in cryogenic state.


Wasn't the requirement of Pfizers genetic injection having to be stored at -70°C, because of the combination of extreme fragile (albeit artificial) mRNA being incapsulated within the nano lipids ? Otherwise they would fall apart, including the lipids themselves, too.

Quality Issues

On the other hand, the way Pfizer mix the components (of which several ones are made by other companies), leaves a lot to be desired at many levels (and still does - which Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee only recently pointed out).

Originally, the issues were outlined for the first time by Dr Schmidt-Krüger in the end of Jan 2021 at the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin. Pointing out that there have been quality issues with the Pfizer Jab. (Contaminations, broken mRNA snippets, issues with the vials, etc) The European EMA made 50+ notifications to Pfizer, yet didn't put a stop to their emergency authorization for the jab to go en masse (in order for Pfizer to address the issues). That was back in Nov/Dec 2020.

Well the new Executive Director of the EMA is Emer Cooke, a lady who backs the Pharma Industry as she was herself active within the field of pharmaceutical affairs for many years, before she was recruited to lead the EMA on 13 July 2020 ... go figure.

An Interesting date

by the way: because it was around that time of 20 July 2020 the EU 'silently' took away crucial laws and regulations for genetic interventions en masse on the public; the technology that was strictly forbidden to be used on humanity. 🧐

What are VERO conditions ?

Wasn't the text related to E6 VERO cells in which the corona virus supposedly was cultured in ?

Virus vs spike protein

I do feel that Ina's question is interesting, regarding what is it that causes illness; is it the spike protein or the virus, or both ? My guess is that the virus is, according to the principles of GermTheory, responsible for the replication once inside a human cell. While the spike proteins are responsible for the docking mechanisms, but at the same time being a highly potent factor of illness all by itself. In fact, the spike protein usually doesn't come in touch with the blood stream. Respiratory viruses are active in the respiratory tracts, not in the blood - and the immune system is highly effective in fending off corona viruses ! It is only when for some reasons, the mucus membranes are weakened or damaged, the spike proteins can come into the blood stream and wreck havoc in the blood vessels and organs through hyper inflammation.

Dr David Martin

I got the impression that Dr. David Martin pronounced that there is 'no virus', because it is an entity that's been artificially created/altered (gain-of-function research), which makes it above all: A Bio weapon in the first place. (Albeit he did claim that the virus was not isolated - so here I would love to know why he said it; on what grounds and details exactly. In order to understand his side of argumentation).

Natural vs Artifical

The different types of Covid-19 injections are artifical creations - and have not much in common with "natural virus". (This also includes the many candidates that are still in the pipeline - of which some are claimed to be made 'in the traditional vaccine way' - but that is a lie. The new candidates are still made with gene altering methods, belonging to the category of medical gene therapy interventions.

When it comes to the spike protein in the existing injections; those are all artificial. Which means they don't even exist in nature. The artificial ones are extremely resilient (1000x more than natural spike proteins, according Dr Stephanie Seneff), and as we know, capable of creating severe disease and death, once in the blood stream.

(I often use the argument in conversations with other people who defend the "vaccines" as being the good guy. Yet, spike proteins are the absolutely last thing you ever want in your blood stream. And hey... that's exactly what the "vaccines" are doing. Instructing your body to create a toxic pathogen... without an off-switch).

It ain't the virus that is the threat, regardless origin, isolated or not.

The biggest danger comes from tampering with the Code of Life - with help of artificial coding and models (loosely based on Corona viruses) delivered through the genetic injections under the name of "Covid Vaccines".
I've seen that reaction just after people get the shot whilst they wait their 15 - 20 mins before being released to go. The unlucky ones fall down and start shaking like crazy. In the news report, they definitely said a number were having cardiac incidents.

Another thing to bear in mind is chances are a good proportion were intoxicated probably... talking alcohol plus probably other stuff too. So who knows... It's weird though that so many went down like this. The other videos essentially show that panic started when people started going down like this kid. Some of the ones who were down were then getting trampled on. I heard an account that numerous kids were down having some sort of medical incident. Seen videos of people getting on stage telling them to stop the show but the show still kept going on... it was weird. One person described it as a concert in hell as they wouldn't stop playing the music despite it being very obvious something was going on.

Whole thing is very weird.

My guess is that it's something like this: most of these kids were vaxxed, and a number of them were suffering from subacute myocarditis. They go to the concert, get their freak on with some Bolivian marching powder and thereby stress their hearts. Music starts; at a certain point there's a particularly intense bass line. Infrasound from the bass + the effects of the nose snow + vaxx damage then results in a number of them having spontaneous heart attacks.
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