How horrible :( What you said seems possible to me, even if they didn't happen to be intoxicated. I don't know what the band playing that gig was, but the only live music event I've been to in the last 15 years was completely insane. I didn't know or like the band, only went because a friend had been given free tickets and asked me to go so as not to be there alone.. I was right at the back of the room, with earplugs in.. when they started playing I also covered my ears with my hands...and was still deafened for a few hours afterwards. The bass pressure waves were squashing my heart, like actually terrifying, continuous palpitations.. my trousers were literally flapping in the bass waves like i was skydiving or something. It was an hour of hell... and all the kids up the front seemed to love it. I used to play in bands, not a stranger to loud music, but this was like nothing else I've experienced... I don't really know but I imagine that kind of volume is more and more the norm nowadays..
I believe it was a hip-hop artist called Travis Scott that was playing, so not a band per se.
Given the rising number of excess deaths and heart attacks, the following two tenders by UK government and London council services from June and July 2021 are worth bringing back to mind.

Temporary Body Storage Service

The Authority seeks to procure a framework agreement for temporary body storage in the event of an excess deaths situation for the 32 London boroughs and the City of London, led by Westminster City Council. The framework agreement will appoint a single provider and will be for a period of 4 years. This will be a contingency contract, only called upon in the event that an excess deaths situation arises in the future and existing local body storage capacity needs to be augmented.

NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England

Value: £3 billion
Delivery: 01 Nov 2021 to 31 Mar 2024

NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England. Also known as Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs). Period of Framework: 01/11/2021 - 31/04/2024 with an option to extend (at the Authority's discretion) for a further period (or periods) up to a total of 12 months (i.e. total possible framework duration of 41 months)

Foreknowledge is foreprepared.
Given the rising number of excess deaths and heart attacks, the following two tenders by UK government and London council services from June and July 2021 are worth bringing back to mind.

Temporary Body Storage Service

NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England

Value: £3 billion
Delivery: 01 Nov 2021 to 31 Mar 2024

Foreknowledge is foreprepared.
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs)—dabigatran (Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), edoxaban (Savaysa), and betrixaban (Bevyxxa) are anticoagulation pharmacotherapy used for the prevention of thrombosis in several cardiovascular contexts.

( So, treatments to finish those who survive the jabs? )

"[ Direct Oral Anticoagulant Use: A Practical Guide to Common Clinical Challenges​

Originally published15 Jun 2020 of the American Heart Association. 2020;9:e017559


Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have quickly become attractive alternatives to the long‐standing standard of care in anticoagulation, vitamin K antagonist. DOACs are indicated for prevention and treatment of several cardiovascular conditions. Since the first approval in 2010, DOACs have emerged as leading therapeutic alternatives that provide both clinicians and patients with more effective, safe, and convenient treatment options in thromboembolic settings. With the expanding role of DOACs, clinicians are faced with increasingly complex decisions relating to appropriate agent, duration of treatment, and use in special populations. This review will provide an overview of DOACs and act as a practical reference for clinicians to optimize DOAC use among common challenging scenarios. Topics addressed include (1) appropriate indications; (2) use in patients with specific comorbidities; (3) monitoring parameters; (4) transitioning between anticoagulant regimens; (5) major drug interactions; and (6) cost considerations.]"
Human: Oh, no! I broke my finger!
PTB: We have a cure. It's very safe. It's called Fingersivir.
Human: Oh, no! I broke my hand!
PTB: That's unfortunate. Fortunately, our scientists are working on a solution called Handesivir.
Human: Oh, no! I broke my arm!
PTB: We are happy to announce our all-new, FDA-approved Armdesivir!
Human: Oh, no! I broke my leg!
PTB: Go easy next time. Legdesivir is here to help you.
Human: Oh, no! I can't feel my left side!
PTB: Fear not, Leftdesivir is in the pipeline awaiting FDA approval!
Human: Oh, no! I can't feel my right side!
PTB: We are very sorry for you. We are on your side. We recommend mixing Rightdesivir and Leftdesivir until symptoms disappear.
Human: Oh, no! I can't move my legs!
PTB: Don't worry, you should be fine. You have already taken our powerful, single-dose Legdesivir!
Human: Oh, no! I can't move anything!
PTB: This is a wonderful opportunity to experience our new, all-in-one Anysivir!
Human: Oh, no! I can't breathe!
PTB: You should be fully-aware that you are fully-vaccinated. You should be proud of yourself.
Human: Oh, no! I am going to pass out!
PTB: Pass on the message to all those who haven't yet submitted to the New World Order.
Human: Look up! Nature just approved PTBsivir!
Ian's first sentence I believe is correct but why no comment on the second ?
Because the commenter is clearly not making an effort to understand, or is intentionally trying to obfuscate.

However the issue of what is the PCR test actually doing is a valid issue
There is no "issue". The PCR test has been around since the early 80's. The reason it was so quickly prepared was due to it being a tried and tested process for detecting viral DNA. As Ian pointed out, technology has advanced to the point now where viruses can have their DNA completely sequenced before a PCR test is formulated for mass usage.

So I'm on the fence with this one but won't dismiss the person outright.
As stated so well by the C's, sometimes sitting on the fence makes you the perfect target for snipers.

With all due respect Ryan, I think we need to be careful with either line. It's already been argued, I believe and is at this point not worth going down that road again.
No, we don't need to "be careful" with it at all. It's obvious BS for those with eyes to see, and there's enough information to review as is without undiscerning fruitloops with a solipsism fetish pushing that nonsense. Every time I check this thread I'm amazed by the amount of garbage that's given air. I think it's about time we locked it and require any extra posts to have moderator approval before being added. Some people here need a reality check by the looks of things.

At this point, I, for one, am unlikely to believe anything coming from 'down under' either in the medical or political field. SO many players have been corrupted and compromised, there is no-one telling the truth IMO.
Congratulations on being successfully vectored into throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Newsmax Denies It Will Force Vaccine, But Employees Who Refuse It Face an Invasive Weekly Alternative

In the aftermath of reports that the conservative media company Newsmax would comply with President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, the company itself said that’s not quite true.

The company said Sunday it will not force vaccinations.

“Newsmax has no vaccine mandate nor do we require it for employment,” Newsmax wrote in an editorial on its website in which it called the rule “a dangerous overreach of federal power and opposed by Newsmax.”

The Newsmax editorial said that the company “informed our staff of the upcoming federal rule. At the same time, we have notified staff we will create an easy opt-out for any employee who does not want to be vaccinated.”

“Under the rule, any employee who is not vaccinated will be tested for COVID on a weekly basis,” the editorial continued, adding, “Newsmax is going beyond the OSHA rule to provide free weekly testing on its company premises.”

As noted by USA Today, the rule does not force employers to bear the cost of weekly testing, meaning that if they should wish, employers with more than 100 people could force unvaccinated workers to pay those costs themselves.
The editorial said the company will work with employees.

“No Newsmax employee will be forced to receive the vaccine or be fired for not doing so,” the editorial said.

The balance of the editorial discusses the merits — or lack of same — concerning the mandate and the vaccine. It calls the OSHA rule “not good and probably illegal.”

“The Biden administration’s decision to implement an OSHA requirement is a dangerous overreach of federal power,” the editorial read, noting that states have been shepherding their populations through the pandemic, and there seems to be no need for federal intervention.

“Now the Biden administration is using authority intended for workplace safety to bypass the traditional governmental approach to health safety,” the editorial continued, adding that “by engaging in an unprecedented power grab, the Biden administration is taking its eye off the ball.”

The editorial states that the vaccine “which has been demonstrated to be safe and effective, is clearly playing a role” in the decline of COVID-19 deaths; however, it did point out that the vaccine is not the only contributing factor.

Children Are Dying – Funeral Director John O’Looney

[Hour long vid/audio in article]
John O’Looney joins us again with an update on what he is seeing in his profession, since the roll out of the vax to children. This is not a nice subject to cover, but it must be covered.

The test you can get is a D-dirmer, to see if you are expected to get blood clots.

STUDY: Covid “vaccines” kill nine out of 10 babies in first trimester of pregnancy

New research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are not even close to being safe for pregnant women like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims they are.

This is an excerpt from a TTAC/Ty and Charlene email and their recent Nashville conference:

Hot Topics of Discussion:
  • First C0V!d autopsy findings in Europe
  • The American Heart Association knew that spike protein attacks your blood vessels…
  • before it was released in the “jab” for alleged “emergency use”.
  • New England Journal of Medicine published research finds that the S spike protein directly damages your blood vessels.
  • The Lancet publishes an Italian study that proves L-arginine, by producing nitric oxide, restores blood vessel function damaged by the S spike protein.
Now there is scientific certainty about how to protect and maintain your vascular health.

In fact, we’ve done a deep dive into the fascinating facts about the clinically proven way to keep your cardiovascular system and blood vessels healthy – something John Hewlett has been teaching for over 12 years.

… Nitric oxide supplementation. Now, thousands of people are getting their nitric oxide needs from Cardio Miracle.
Pfizer is making money off the vaccine, that's why!
Welcome to our forum, tiedyedinthewool! Could you please go the newbies section and introduce yourself? Your introductory post doesn't have to be overly personal, just how you found us, whether you are familiar with Laura's work, have you been reading SOTT, what are your interests and so on. Thank you! :welcome:
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