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3 months before the official beginning of the "pandemic", ID2020 and partners launched a program of digital vaccine ID. Prophetic, isn't it?

I am replying to the gene therapy video. His assumption is directed not to the wider public as it might seem but to the investor group, which makes me to believe even more that the Vax in its application is nothing more than a controlled return of an initial perhaps conditional, blue sky investment, see the type of contracts it was based on and the associated mandates. Sure, the Vax might have been a known flop, but it was an ice breaker, safe and effective because it was fully paid. And if you think about it along those lines, nobody even lied about it.

Cell therapy was at that time and still is very expensive, so was personalized medicine based on individual genetics. Although it was heralded as the future of medicine, by the way of a solid and sustainable business case, it could not have been proven as a base for the huge investment needed as the individual genetic information pool was very small. That is were the swabs came in as a very lucrative way to collect the very much needed information to allow this new medicine to flourish and to assure its sustainability.
Congratulations on being successfully vectored into throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
What on earth are you talking about? That I doubt the official narrative coming out of the 'medical experts' and politicians mouths? That they are so efficient in 'correctly' analysing many tens of thousands of PCR's in a day? NO medical institution is that efficient or competent.
Did you miss the post (much) earlier in this thread about a lady that tweeted her recording speaking to a lab technician who could not answer what the positive test was specifically indicating i.e. what virus or bacteria?
Or maybe you missed the parts where it was discussed how easily false positives or negatives are achieved?
Or maybe who is funding and supporting all the lies and educational institutions and 'approved' programmes that spit out our 'experts'?
I will stop there.
There is MUCH reason to be sceptical and cautious and aware as far as I can see but if you think you have the full story then good for you. I am not that confident in this particular knowledge. Too many variables.
Let us do a simple arithmetic calculation. Since the introduction of the pcr test for Covid, I estimate that at least 5 Billon tests have been made. If a test costs around 50 euros, the medical testing including labs and primer and lab equipment manufacturers have benefited at least 250 billion euros. No wonder Billy G and his pal G Soros invested in a lab in UK. Perhaps this figure is 50% underestimated. Adding the Emergency funding given to world governments the covid pool of expenditure might beat the trillion. Where did all this money come from in such a short period of time? What a stupid question! The money came from the printing zeroes press. The more clever question would be what Supreme entity or entities have the control on the supreme money tap? I am asking this question because it seems that the same entity assumed control over the entire world population irrespective of government.
Why is this said to be in Russia?
In Bjorn's original post, it said: "Breaking news! Harbin city (near Russia)," so you may have missed that.

As for the video's, one is never certain of the contrast of them in terms of time, space or reason. Are they for construction workers? Is the train image taken out of context? It says one place, is it another?

Don't know the answers for this one, just posing the questions should someone find better sources (and Chinese translations).

Michel Chossudovsky has a few examples of misleading circulating news (mostly mainstream) such as this one. Originally, the story was something completely different from reality. It was so bad, even wiki had to maintain some semblance of correction:

The Chinese media accused Western media of reporting with inaccuracy and little independent cross-checking. The Chinese state-run newspaper China Daily claiming Western media deliberately misrepresented the situation. The newspaper stated that The Washington Post used pictures of baton-wielding Nepalese police in clashes with Tibetan protesters in Kathmandu, claiming that the officers were Chinese. The article stated that Chinese citizens had been angered by what they saw as biased and sometimes dishonest reporting by Western media.[136] There was also criticism of CNN's use of a cropped picture that shows only the military truck but not rioters who were attacking it.[citation needed] John Vause, who reported this story, responded to the criticism saying, "technically it was impossible to include the crashed car on the left".[137] The CNN image was later replaced with one that was cropped differently. On 24 March, the German TV news channel RTL Television disclosed that a photograph depicting rioters had been erroneously captioned. Separately, another German station, n-tv, admitted that it had mistakenly aired footage from Nepal during a story on Chinese riots.[138] The Agence France-Presse reported that Chinese students abroad had set up the website Anti-CNN to collect evidence of "one-sided and untrue" foreign reporting. Media accused of falsified reporting include CNN, Fox News, The Times, Sky News, Der Spiegel, and the BBC. Der Spiegel has rejected the accusations in an article.[139][140] According to The New York Times, CNN apologized on May 18 over some comments made on April 9.[141]

As Michel notes in the fist link:

Four Notorious Cases of Media Distortion

These are four examples and there are many more. The manipulation of videos and images is routine. In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media. In most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say “sorry” we apologize: they will then point to technical errors. “we got the wrong video”.

What is important to emphasize is that these media distortions are invariably deliberate.

Bellingcat, is another prime example of implementing distortions.
Dr. Rima Laibow, back in 2009, talking about WHO and world hiden powers plans for depopulating "useless eaters", information, she got from her patient, member of world elite, she was treating in her "no drug clinic", back in 2003.

And there is another one, when Alex Jones was unsuccessfull trying to get her back to USA, to get interview with her and turned to Jesse Ventura, to find her and get her statement on the topic. Also from 2009. She lived in Panama then and only came briefly, to give that interview
My in-laws from the Netherlands are visiting us here in sunny southern Portugal since Saturday. They are true convid beliebers and have been since the very beginning. In the Netherlands, the measures against the uninjected have very recently been intensified and one needs a QR code for just about anything, while politicians seem to do their utmost to create a divide in society.

For 3 days now, i have been observing and listening to them and i find it absolutely amazing to observe that they live in a completely different reality. For them it's all over, they have resumed their pleasures like the bridge club, travelling, restaurants, terraces, bars, theater, cinema, golf club plus clubhouse, etc., while oblivious to the reality that freedom is a thing of the past and that a huge part of society is getting excluded! In their minds, it's like 'the government and all their experts know best, so what is your problem, you can have all this too, and if you do not wish to be injected, you bring all negative consequences of that on yourself and you deserve to be excluded. It's your choice.' Then they tell us that quite a few of their friends have recently died from strokes or who are suffering from severe heart problems, but of course they account all that to old age and for the youngsters who die or get maimed, they refuse to look beyond what the media and PTB tell them to think. They literally do not see it, i think they really can't. I am reminded of James Lindsay's article about the creation and existence of pseudo-realities and the use of paralogic and paramorality. Truly fascinating.

I notice in myself that i experience no bodily sensations like i used to when having had to spend time with them, like a tightening of the solar plexus or feelings of aggression and such. I tried to be very considerate, like treating an other self, an expression of the Creator, how i would like to be treated. To the very best of my ability! That seems to work well. I do not even feel particularly drained whereas in the past (hadn't seen them for 2 years) it would cost me days to recover.
You might want to rethink this paragraph. There are indeed issues such as:

1. Process inventor Kary Mullis stating on numerous occasions that PCR is not a diagnostic tool and if used as such will provide false data.
2. The entire pandemic was fundamentally built on the back of Drosten PCR test which was thoroughly debunked back in November 2020 by some of the worlds leading experts in an independent peer review in which they outlined no fewer than 10 major scientific flaws. This test has been used worldwide to justify the need for further lockdowns etc.
3. The protocol setting of PCR levels at 40+ cycles by bodies such as the CDC and WHO guaranteed a test-demic because all literature associated with the product as well as multiple studies reveal this leads inexorably to a tidal wave of false positives.

No its not PCR's fault. Yes there is a problem with PCR used this way. I'm sure that's what you meant but perhaps it would have been better to focus on this instead of claiming what you did, don't you think?
When I saw Ryan's comment I did not feel motivated to try to challenge what was in it. That was my intuitions talking. But seeing that you have taken the time to address it, I will do my small part to clarify where I was coming from when I wrote this.

However the issue of what is the PCR test actually doing is a valid issue as it is the bases of keeping the Illusion going. How Drosten so quickly had everything ready for testing smells to high heaven of preplanned "stage props". Plus much of what is written in that article partly covers what is in Ian's article.

PCR test from the very start was challenged in 2020 as not being the right tool for the job. Testing people without any symptoms for an illness on a mass scale WITHOUT a doctor present was something unheard of prior to 2020. Post 2020 that is now Normal.

In this New Normal a single test (yes, there is also the antigen test) offers a binary result , Positive/Negative, which is used to categorizes people "Free to Go" vs. "Go to Camp/Hotel". One group poses no danger while the over is suspect of being one.

Now if PCR ,as it is used today, was giving a reasonable assessment of danger, one could tolerate its use. But the truth is that the way it is used, it is not giving "a reasonable assessment" ,when in reality it could. So what's the problem ?

I'll just address two "issues".

1) PCR Test results as done today (I'm generalizing), do not provide information as to what it was that was amplified/copied. Was it
a) Live virus
b) Dead virus
c) Virus fragments
d) or what mixture of the above

it found in the sample. Not knowing this, it is impossible to tell if the asymptomatic individual is a danger to others. That poor soul in the airport or in the long lines in China.

2) Compounding the first problem is the number of cycles the test is run and then stopped. My understanding is that many labs run this test to a specific cycle number AND THEN STOP. For some it might be 30 or 35 or 45. There is no standard and all do it differently. Here I am going on hear say of what I have read on the internet, as I do not have personal knowledge of what goes on in the labs doing these test. Back in 2020 one Italian doctor showed one such test report and outlined the various shortcoming of it. OK, one does equal all, but that is the world we live in today. No transparency.

Now the issue here is that one cycle number does not fit all situations, something that was known mid-2020. Even though it was know, nothing was done about it as it generated the needed "Cases reported today is ..." for the media. The "situation" being,
1) Just infected
2) Already sick (mild case or full blown)
3) Had the illness and is now OK
4) Was infected some months ago without even knowing it

All these cases could result in a "Positive" PCR result if run to a preset number of cycles. Is it possible to differentiate ? Yes, but not the way the test is run today, set cycle number and run. What is needed is to report the Threshold Cycle Number. What is this number ? It is the number of cycles the test is run and it then first registers as being Positive. So for situation 1) above it might be 23, for 3) 29 and for 4) 40.

The answer to why the test turns Positive for each of these situations at different magnitude of cycle number is found below. However not to pussyfoot around I say it in simple words, "viral load". In a person who has the full blow illness it is very high, for the rest it is low, with the qualification that "low" is a relative characteristic. In someone who had the illness or was in contact with the virus this viral load will be very low. In a person who just recovered it will be low. The graph below explains best what I mean.

The following graph is from a french study of over 3000 PCR tests showing that if the person has high viral load the PCR test turns Positive at low Cycle Threshold values. When there are just fragments or the person is long past illness you need to go to a higher Cycle Threshold value BEFORE THE TEST TURNS POSITIVE.


Percentage of positive viral cultures of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 polymerase chain reaction–positive nasopharyngeal samples from coronavirus disease 2019 patients, according to Ct value (plain line). The dashed curve indicates the polynomial regression curve. Abbreviations: Ct, cycle threshold; Poly., polynomial.


Multivariate logistic regression using positive culture as a predictor variable (binary result) and STT, age, and sex as independent variables showed Ct as being significant (odds ratio [OR], 0.64 [95% confidence interval {CI}, .49–.84]; P < .001). This implies that for every 1-unit increase in Ct, the odds of a positive culture decreased by 32%. Increasing symptom to test time was also significantly associated with a negative culture (OR, 0.63 [95% CI, .42–.94]; P = .025). For every 1-day increase in STT, the odds ratio of being culture positive was decreased by 37%. Receiver operating characteristic curves constructed using Ct vs positive culture showed an area of 0.91 (95% CI, .85–.97; P < .001) with 97% specificity obtained at a Ct of > 24. Similarly, STT vs positive culture showed an area of 0.81 (95% CI .73–.90; P < .001), with 96% specificity at > 8 days. The probability of successfully cultivating SARS-CoV-2 on Vero cell culture compared to STT is demonstrated in Figure 3. The probability of obtaining a positive viral culture peaked on day 3 and decreased from that point.

OK, I think this information is sufficient to show what some of the issues (there are other) are with the PCR test as it is used today.

Misuse of this test is what's keeping the Public in the dark. Those not familiar with this test's details have only their intuition as a guide to conclude that the current situation is just one giant con game. The technical details are the ones that can show how it is misused but vast majority will not have it or understand it.

Thanks Michael for your effort to keep things on an even keel. We are in the end just sharing what we know, though that might be misconstrued as obfuscation by some at times.

PS: My original post had this,
I recall listening to XXX (I can not recall her name or find the video) who stated that what was accepted as anti-viral medication in the 80's is no longer mentioned in Medical School where her son studied.
XXX is Dr. Lee Merritt.

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Hi everyone

Not sure in this long thread PANDA was mentioned. They are a non profit organization running stats and information around the COVID pandemic:

There was an interesting interview released recently with Nick Hudson; the head of PANDA summarizing nicely the pandemic and the damage done:

This video was probably shared earlier in this thread, but since the subject of PCR is being discussed, here it is again. Questions about PCR being asked and answered by Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate Chemist and inventor of the PCR.

Mullis unfortunately died in Aug 2019, prior to that he'd been campaigning during the late 80's and 90's against the use of PCR as a diagnostic during the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Given the rising number of excess deaths and heart attacks, the following two tenders by UK government and London council services from June and July 2021 are worth bringing back to mind.

Temporary Body Storage Service

NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England

Value: £3 billion
Delivery: 01 Nov 2021 to 31 Mar 2024

Foreknowledge is foreprepared.
This is interesting. I have recently been noticing just how many of the elderly in the care home in which I work (until tomorrow that is) have been prescribed Eliquis (Apixaban) an anticoagulant supposedly used for treating AF or prophylactically after knee or hip replacement surgery. None of the residents have had replacement surgery recently and only a few have AF on their medical notes. As the incidence of operations to replace knees and hips is at a very low level during the so called Pandemic, it must be that everyone is developing AF. Very strange and obviously a sign that the bosses of the NHS are psychic.
I notice in myself that i experience no bodily sensations like i used to when having had to spend time with them, like a tightening of the solar plexus or feelings of aggression and such. I tried to be very considerate, like treating an other self, an expression of the Creator, how i would like to be treated. To the very best of my ability! That seems to work well. I do not even feel particularly drained whereas in the past (hadn't seen them for 2 years) it would cost me days to recover.

That's great! I really like this way of looking at things, and trying to act.. I've been attempting similar when interacting with my extended family, and also, well this isn't quite what you were talking about I think, but..... sort of opening up to them - in SOME areas - eg telling them ways in which I admire them (where appropriate & when it comes up naturally in conversation)..the kind of small thoughts and feelings I've never before been accustomed to saying out loud.. Basically trying to extend and adapt the idea of networking out of the "esoteric" (or whatever you'd call it, ie this forum) and just into all aspects of everyday life.

For me, maybe it's the way I was brought up or something, not sure, but in the past I would have felt a bit embarassed to give someone a heartfelt compliment. Those feelings would've just remained unspoken. It feels like it's sort of expanding my relationships with these family members...not only in letting them know some things I think about them, but also the act of telling them seemed to change how *I* see *them*, and I became more able to just sit and listen to them and really see what they're all about. (this all sounds like really obvious stuff, now I type it out, hah...I don't know how meaningful it is to anyone else.. but it's what I happened to start doing after thinking lots about "networking". Like if the PTB want to isolate everyone, build walls between us all...well it feels natural to me to want to open doors in those walls in order to keep hanging out with everyone).

Anyway I still haven't had any recent catchups with the more covid-obsessed members of my family, so still waiting to see how it goes when I eventually see them again.. When I do I'll try to keep your words in mind Laurs, "an other self, an expression of the Creator". I did finally get to see my sister and her husband and my little 3 year old nephew the other day, for the first time in months, and yepppp it was very much like they were in a different reality, when covid stuff came up. We only talked about it briefly though, I think they're sick and tired of the whole thing even while seeming to 100% believe what the TV says.
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