November 14th 2021

"The boosters aren't only a bonus they're essential"

Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today

Holy doppelgänger, when I listened to this, without a visual of that creepy little freak Fauci, he sounds so similar to Christopher Walken! This freakish 3D reality of “Art imitating Life, imitating Art” is starting to get on my nerves, :wow: Sure, it could just be fatigued and faulty pattern recognition on my part, but still, here is a sample of Walken himself in conversation , as well as others imitating him:
I'm wondering when the pile of egregious lies gets so high it finally reaches a tipping point and comes crashing down . . .

After Formal Demand, CDC Concedes It Does Not Have Proof Of A Single Instance Of A Naturally Immune Individual Spreading The Virus


And for your amusement, the Freudian Slip compilation [3:58]:

Caught these before YouTube banned dislikes


Clearly YouTube banning dislikes to prevent our leaders from embarrassment, like North Korea or China would do. The people apparently dislike everyone currently in power for some reason. But yet, they remain in power.

From comments:
Flema day ago
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." -- President Harry S. Truman.
And evidence - complete gene sequence "on paper" - would immediately show this isolated Covid virus was manufactured, man made.
Way earlier in this thread I pointed out that scientists in India discovered HIV inserts in the SARS-CoV-2 very early on in the scamdemic. How could they do that without an isolated virus? Of course, that inconvenient tidbit was "vanished" from MSM and never spoken of again so everyone would forget about it if they even heard of it at all. The info Ryan provided a few pages back makes it quite clear that the virus has been isolated and of course, we know from the Cs there was a real virus and not just a computer code sequence. It certainly seems there was the original that escaped Ft. Detrick that was proving to have an unwanted effect by the PTB, thus necessitating creating an amended version to counteract it. I presume that one was released in China? Either way, the viruses have mutated and the original has run its course, OSIT. It would seem ADE is more what we're seeing now and is driving the supposed rising infections/cases along with the faulty PCR tests. My 2 cents.
Glad to see that there is still a Kennedy left in the fight
Indeed - his latest:

From Rock Star Icon to Villain -

Eric Clapton Tells Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - This Has Gotta Stop

On "The Defender Show," Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talked with musician Eric Clapton about the backlash he experienced after going public with his COVID vaccine injury.
Eric Clapton, one of the most influential musicians of his time, is also now one of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s heroes.

On CHD.TV's "The Defender Show," Kennedy and Clapton discussed the musician's severe adverse reaction to the second dose of AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine. The injury left Clapton permanently disabled, he said.

Clapton told Kennedy how he came upon "the rabbit hole" of vaccine information, and described what happened when he went public with his vaccine injury. He also shared why being sober helped him cope with the entire ordeal.

[57:05 vid]
That image makes no sense

I saw it already a week ago from a colleague but quickly felt that it made no sense. Even from a perspective of pro injections. Nobody would put the sentence in, “don’t forget to donate your children’s organs” next to it. It would basically confirm that there is something seriously off with the injections.

My bet is that the image has been photoshopped and the “What ?!” is just a cheap way to syphon bad vibes from people.

The link didn’t contain any information, either. At least I couldn’t see any further background information.

Ooops. I see now that @RflctnOfU already commented on the photoshopped image 👍
Did you know ?
(The Irony)

That the famous German youtuber Mai Thinguyen-Kim, also known under “maiLab” with 1.2 million subscribers, who together with Dr Drosten (the PCR Drosten !) got the Bundesverdienst Orden, the highest rank of appreciation from the German Government in Sep 2020…

Well maiLab, pretty, sharp and successfully verbal in a way that captures millions… She goes all in for popular scientism. and totally pro vaxx. She is “of course” against mandatory vaccination but at the same time she just happens to be FOR FORCED vaccinations :umm:, because the situation is so serious and exceptional right now. (All this double speak, uh) Was she burning “witches” in her former life ? Now a gal with silver tongue.

Well guess what. Her husband just happens to be the Vice CEO of a company who makes NANO LIPIDS for the Pfizer / BioNTech’s genetic injections.

So, in other words - another “rolling my eyes moment”

The information came out via Nuoviso/ in the lastest “Home Office” session No 174.
The birthday of Saint Nicholas on the 5th December is a huge celebration for children in The Netherlands, and this past weekend saw the traditional arrival by boat of Saint Nicholas and his Black Peters in every town or city that has a little facility to organize such. But... only for the injected parents and their kids. I saw some pics on Telegram that in some towns people were erecting fences to keep out the uninjected and their little ones, complete with black tarp so the kids couldn't see anything.


Imo, people who would do such things are called stupid in this applicable and interesting thread on stupidity and these types of actions, marked by cruelty and intolerance, remind me starkly of what Wilhelm Reich wrote in 1949:

What amazes us is the sudden turn from the rational beginning to the irrational illusion. Irrationality and illusion are revealed by the intolerance and cruelty with which they are expressed. We observe that human thought-systems show tolerance as long as they adhere to reality. The more the thought process is removed from reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are needed to guarantee its continued existence. (Reich, 1949; this author’s emphasis)

Knight-Jadczyk, Laura. Almost Human (The Wave Book 7) (pp. 40-41). Red Pill Press. Kindle Edition.

Very devious of the PTB to play this blackmail trick on the uninjected parents (who are also banned from zoo's, theme parks, swimming pools etc). My heart goes out to them and their kids, hope they stay strong.
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