By Dr Nicole Delépine. The truth is coming out of the mouths of insurers [1]: the vaccine is experimental Biomedical experience, exclusion case In the event of death due to the vaccine, how will your insurance company react? It has just appeared, in the exchanges between tweetos, a very concrete truth: if you have a death benefit on a life insurance, the capital will not be transferred to your beneficiary if you die as a result of a "vaccine" therapy.
genic or even classic, but under experimentation. It seems to be comparable to death from suicide. Apparently some assurances (at least because not all have yet answered) [2] that you voluntarily participated in an experiment. Which is true, consciously or not, depending on what you have agreed to learn and read or listen to about these drugs being tested and curiously put on the market before the theoretical pre-marketing phase 3 does be completed.
Some other testimonies: “My father called his insurance, he was clearly told: 'Sir, if you choose to volunteer, we will not take care of anything. Nobody has any hindsight on this vaccine, we are sorry ”. Here is the clear answer of his insurer of more than 20 years. It is crystal clear. The insurance would apparently not work because the said "vaccine" is considered experimental. Take it for granted. ! "(Discussion on Twitter following the above post." We just have responses to insurance policyholders confirming that in the event of a problem, no payment because we are in a biomedical experiment, case of exclusion " . Compensation goes to the State which has released the companies and professionals from any medico-legal liability Others testify to the logic of the insurance response: the conditional fixed-term MA in principle short was given at the same time as the State protected the laboratories from all lawsuits in the event of trouble and secondarily granted the same. privilege to doctors and other personnel who will inject the famous vaccine. At the source of this RNAa, Pfizer received billions of dollars from Britain, the US and Israel, an advance to find a vaccine. “Pfizer has accepted, but accepts no responsibility.
very quickly they adapt the mARN, intended for cows. our chefs rejoice, buy, without any guarantee. It's crazy ! »Specifies another tweeters. And now, although the epidemic is on the way out, they must be sold very quickly, including the incredible promotional madness, including via the Minister while drugs reimbursed by Social Security are prohibited from advertising. But Véran has all the rights and the mayors follow BFM TV [3] but they will not be protected from the courts. Unbelievable but, as professionals are sued for potential medical errors or insufficient result, you are here in all liability without verifying that the minimum subsistence level has been done.
The questioning of family history, personal history of your current condition, etc. Has the Frenchman lost all his common sense? Demonstrating responsibility for the vaccine, an obstacle course [4] The guinea pig is reassured by thinking that in the event of an accident, or even death, he will be able, as expected, to turn to ONDIAM, the solidarity organization which will provide compensation (with your taxes). But of course you (or your heirs) will have to establish the causal link between the injection and the accident or death. If death has occurred within a few hours of the injection they may get there but if the delay is longer it will be an obstacle course. 20 years minimum. Some already awaited for 10 years to be compensated within the framework of the vaccination against the H1N1 and the serious complication of narcolepsy (phase of sudden and uncontrollable falling asleep of the subjects accused all normal life impossible and without known treatment), more of 800 in France whose lives are ruined for a so-called terrible pandemic which has only affected a few hundred people in France.
Thank you Mrs. Bachelot and her visit to the sheaves under the watchful eye of the cameras. And yet insurers are right: vaccines are experimental The media that follow AFP lie with her. AFP claims that current use of covid-19 vaccines is not experimental and complies with the Nuremberg Code. These two statements are false! Current anticovid-19 vaccines are all experimental A treatment is experimental until the phase three trials have been completed, analyzed, published and validated by health agencies and doctors independent of pharmaceutical companies.