Dagobah Resident
The pregnant women of today would probably have little or no knowledge of the devastating effect of the drug Thalidomide back in the 1950's and early 60's. My own mother was offered this drug to treat her morning sickness whilst pregnant with one of my brothers although it was also used for other symptoms. She declined it thankfully. It was widely deemed to be quite safe and effective after exhaustive trials on rodent embryos but apparently more extensive trials of the drug were not carried out. It caused horrible malformations of limbs and also resulted in miscarriages, and many babies died within six months of birth from various causes connected with the drug. Of the thousands of babies worldwide affected by the drug only about 3,000 remain alive today.A very sobering and (if true) heart-breaking overview of the impact on the shots on pregnancy. Dr Northrup and Dr Thorpe estimate that in the US there have been at least 100,000 fetal deaths above the norm for those who get the injections in the first 20 weeks or pregnancy. Dr Northrup also reports in a dramatic rise in stillborns being reported by drs in hospitals as well as the very few undertakers willing to speak out.
OBGYN Whistleblowers: Dr Northrup & Dr Thorp On The Devastating Impact Of The Experimental Shots
When I was growing up I came across several examples of children who had been damaged by Thalidomide. It was a dirty word and most people knew it. Unfortunately today's pregnant women seem to think that it is an acceptable risk to take into their bodies (permanently) an experimental drug with no long term risk stats. The belief in an all-powerful authority that knows everything there is to know about the effects of the vaccines appears to be absolute and unassailable. The women who took Thalidomide in early pregnancy were probably told something very similar and came to regret it bitterly.