Every day it seems clearer and clearer that so many are living in such a different reality. Take this piece of 'news':

As per 14th January, Germany requires 3 injections for a valid covid pass. So Dutch people who have been injected and boostered with J&J, in order to have dinner in a German restaurant or shop in a German shop, need to have had 2 extra mRNA shots after the J&J shots to count as 'boostered' according to German rules, as clearly 3 injections are needed.
Because, apparently, this is such a major issue for many Dutchies (they call it 'booster chaos'), the Dutch Minister of Health will now request the Dutch Health Council if people who are injected with the J&J shot can have an extra shot, so the requirements for German rules are met! Really! For your health? Hahaha, wouldn't be surprised if the Council appoves within no time.

And of course no one even raises an eyebrow: the shots are for doing fun stuff, and money needs to be made 🤑
We recently watched the series "Counterpart", and part of the story is sort of a dystopian world - and they show a public announcement that is veery eerie considering it's pre-Covid:

Goes to show that such tyrannical ideas about "pandemic" control had been going around for a long while...
This sort of behavior after 2020 has suddenly become OK.

California bill would allow kids 12 and up to get vaccines without parents​

Only five other states allow minors to get vaccines without parents' permission.
ByMary Kekatos
27 January 2022, 12:06

Now a few words about the Rogen vs. Neil Young (Canadian), Joan Mitchell. These 60's singers suddenly poping out of the box in the attic were a bit of a surprise to me.

I asked myself "How can they have beef with Rogen ?". They are just singers without any interest in medicine other than those pills they used way back in the 60's and the current ones to stay alive. But for some strange reason they "poped out".

My guess, they got a phone call from their old 60s handler's people asking for a favor. Sort of like that movie star who likes pedaling, Tom Hanks the creep. Hanks was one of the first stars to "normalize" isolation on a Star Level.

Tom showed us in March of 2020 that even Stars catch the evil bug, as the Con-19 PsyOp started. Remember ?
But this is not about Tom, but people like him, Stars. In this case stars who spent a lot of time in the 60's in Laurel Canyon.

While other musicians who had a passing association with Manson during the period have not-surprisingly distanced themselves from the whole murky affair, Young has never really had any qualms with his relationship with the cult leader, singing his praises openly in his biography Shakey, referring to Manson as “stone-brilliant”, “a frustrated artist”, and “real smart” throughout the book’s pages.

Young, in a monumental understatement, retrospectively described Manson as being “a little too intense” in a documentary, but nevertheless openly fuelled his dreams of pop stardom, even going so far as to recommend Manson to Mo Ostin, president of Warner Brothers. Young, for his part, was genuinely impressed with Charlie’s music, telling another executive at his label, Reprise: “This guy, you know, he’s good. He’s just a little out of control.”

Manson seems to recall his friendship with Young favourably, stating from his Vacaville prison cell in 1995 that all the other Laurel Canyon musicians wrote him off, and “didn’t give a shit” – except for Neil Young.
Byrd David Crosby, meanwhile, teamed up with the Springfield’s Stephen Stills and ex-Hollie Graham Nash (who had arrived in Laurel Canyon in December 1968 – and soon after moved in with Joni Mitchell) to form a band first known as the Frozen Noses, a name inspired by the trio’s fondness for cocaine. By the late 1960s, the drug that would later become the drug of choice of the disco crowd had already begun pouring into Laurel Canyon. As glam-rocker Michael DesBarres recalled, “Every drug dealer was in Laurel Canyon.” Along with the drugs came lots of guns and huge piles of cash. Before long, according to Laurel Canyon chronicler Michael Walker, “cocaine became a pseudo-currency, like cigarettes in prison.”

Note in the above article. Neil Young made it in the TIME Magazine. The word underground is that TIME Magazine is part of the Deep State.

Strange people and strange stuff.

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It turns out that SyrianGirlpartisan, who made many videos about Syria, at some stage moved to Australia, at one stage was employed by Pfizer. A video from an open air event, and uploaded on December 2, 2021:
Ex-Pfizer Employee Speaks Out Against Virus Mandate at Parliament house Perth Australia
I can't find it posted, but it still might have been. She may not say much that nobody else has said, but it was said in Australia, and that was good.

In Denmark, the Government does not skip a beat. Tomorrow the restrictions are cancelled, and today the headlines indicate a new shadow. It has no name, but all are expected to understand that there is a powerful country in the east, Russia and by extension China:
Does that mean that Eurasian power games have a higher priority than even CO2? That is quite possible.
We recently watched the series "Counterpart", and part of the story is sort of a dystopian world - and they show a public announcement that is veery eerie considering it's pre-Covid:
I watched this series in 2020 just as the Con-19 started. When masks were a must safety equipment in 2020, I noticed in one of the episodes that when Howard made one of his first crossovers that there were a few people on the street with these black mask. Not all but just a few. My reaction was just to smile at what surely must have been a coincidence.


A hapless UN employee discovers that the agency he works for is hiding a gateway to a parallel dimension that's in a cold war with our own, and where his other self is a top spy. The war slowly heats up thanks to spies from both sides.
Does that mean that Eurasian power games have a higher priority than even CO2? That is quite possible.
Nope. They are marching ahead. Expect higher electric/energy bills. More messaging to convince kids meat is bad and masks are good. Davos never sleeps, as the puppet agents are still in place like termites in a rotting house.

The Future looks great.

More analysis and pictures of what appears nanotechnologies contained in the Pfizer vaccine:

Here’s the picture of one drop of New Zealand’s Pfizer COMIRNATY “vaccine” under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor.


These images below are after a new computer with decent graphics was purchased along with software for the camera.


Increase the magnification on the image below and look closely.


Here is the link to the full article: archive.md
Article worth reading.

Google Translated: Entrevista a Leemon McHenry: Cómo la industria farmacéutica manipula la información “científica” y usa universidades e investigadores para fabricar señales de prestigio fraudulentas que sólo responden a sus intereses de marketing – eXtramuros

Leemon McHenry Interview: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Manipulates “Scientific” Information and Uses Universities and Researchers to Fabricate Fraudulent Prestige Signs That Serve Only Their Marketing Interests​

John Kirby : We spoke with Leemon McHenry, who is the co-author of the book The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine. If you could tell us who you are, and a little about what you do…

Leemon McHenry : I am a professor emeritus of philosophy and bioethics at California State University, Northridge, and I am a consultant to a law firm called Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman in Los Angeles, California. And this book, which you just mentioned, grew out of a series of cases that I worked on as counsel to Baum, Hedlund. In particular, I worked with a psychiatrist named Jon Jureidini from Australia. We wrote a series of articles together on the issues of corrupt industry, and sponsored clinical trials. And eventually, we thought we had enough for a book. Thus the book The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine was finally produced after trying to find a publisher who would have the courage to go ahead with it.

I want to see what is included in that book. But first, I'd like to go back to an article that you wrote, a research paper that you titled “Sophist Doctors and Bias. Industry-Sponsored Ghostwriting and the Crisis of Academic Medicine”. So first of all let me ask you, what is medical ghostwriting? How does it work? And how did you find out it was happening?

I was working on a case where GlaxoSmithKline was going up against Eli Lilly over competition to sell their best antidepressants. One of the main issues that came up was the problem of withdrawal syndrome, or what they call discontinuation syndrome. One of the lawyers asked me to take a look at some documents that were produced in the case. During the discovery and testing phase, many of these were medical journal articles that were published on this withdrawal syndrome, particularly for Paxil. I went back to him and said, you don't have a case, the medical literature is firmly against it. And he said, all of that is written by a ghost. You do not understand? The pharmaceutical industry is manufacturing it.

With all these medical journal articles being done in the background, basically for marketing purposes, I was amazed because I had tremendous confidence in medical journals. I thought that of all the types of scientific literature that is published, medical journals should be the most rigorous and the most reliable. And it turns out it's the opposite. I am now of the firm opinion that medical journals, for the most part, should not be classified as scientific journals. Because, not only because of the ghostwriting problem, but also because of the problem that the peer review system is so weak that we really can't trust what's going on in the medical literature.​
Here is the link to the full article: archive.md
It is chocking and interesting to read the article. The text is easy to understand, as he just describes his methodology and his results. He is asking for more research, and people can of course do it, and they should, but from all over the world we have these reports. Is this going to be shared like the UFO reports? Old Vera has a point, (Vera actually means "true"): SOTT Focus: Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav: Never Again Is Now, Unless We All Resist, but they were not even allowed to speak to the people:
EDITOR'S NOTE: Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was scheduled to deliver her remarks below on Sunday in Brussels at a rally protesting COVID mandates. After the rally was abruptly canceled because police threatened protesters, Sharav and other rally speakers gave their speeches at a restaurant.

The Covid handling as an opportunity for some people to see the world in a new way
Before Christmas, a song by a vocalist and healer, Lena Bella, was shared,: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fascism (a Christmas Carol) Now, she has made something rather different:, Left Vs Right Psyop - Talks with Lena Belle, where she talks about her time with BLM, her involvement with woke culture and what she learned there, as well as about psychopaths in power, George Soros, suppressed US history etc. Perhaps she is an example of the transformation of understanding that is a possible outcome for some people.
Apparently, not offered in Canada, how reassuring:

Dr. Hoffe: “Canada doesn’t have a vaccine injury reporting system; they pretend to…
January 31, 2022

Old Vera has a point, (Vera actually means "true"): SOTT Focus: Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav: Never Again Is Now, Unless We All Resist, but they were not even allowed to speak to the people:

Read the transcript of what Vera said (CHDL), and it was this part where she said:

They won’t need gas chambers this time round, the technology as far more sophisticated and far more dangerous actually, because they can do everything remotely with people not even knowing what’s happening
This sort of behavior after 2020 has suddenly become OK.

Now a few words about the Rogen vs. Neil Young (Canadian), Joan Mitchell. These 60's singers suddenly poping out of the box in the attic were a bit of a surprise to me.

I asked myself "How can they have beef with Rogen ?". They are just singers without any interest in medicine other than those pills they used way back in the 60's and the current ones to stay alive. But for some strange reason they "poped out".

My guess, they got a phone call from their old 60s handler's people asking for a favor. Sort of like that movie star who likes pedaling, Tom Hanks the creep. Hanks was one of the first stars to "normalize" isolation on a Star Level.

Tom showed us in March of 2020 that even Stars catch the evil bug, as the Con-19 PsyOp started. Remember ?
But this is not about Tom, but people like him, Stars. In this case stars who spent a lot of time in the 60's in Laurel Canyon.

Note in the above article. Neil Young made it in the TIME Magazine. The word underground is that TIME Magazine is part of the Deep State.

Strange people and strange stuff.

I think you're on to something here. I heard that the music artists that spoke out against Joe Rogan on Spotify (including Neil Young) are linked to this investment management company called Blackstone, whose chairman is Jeffrey Kinsler. He used to be the Ceo of Pfizer for four years until 2010. It is likely he still has ties to some of the higher ups there, to say the least.

The link? Blackstone announced a partnership with Hipgosis group, which is owned by Merck Mercuriadis, and he is the man who bought the rights to Neil Young's catalogue. It's a bit sad to hear, I really liked Neil Young's Heart of Gold.
I'm not sure if this comment belongs entirely in this thread, but I'm sharing it in case it might be helpful to someone else.
This past weekend, I got sick with the flu again, I think this is the third time since covid started, I did not take the covid test and neither did I and my family have the covid vaccine.
Then it started with a strong pressure in my chest and an intense headache, I don't have ivermectin and I don't know how to get it at the moment, but a few weeks ago I read a very interesting article about melatonin, that talked about it helping to fight covid, so I did what I had in hand, (Here you can find the article: Melatonin linked to significantly reduced COVID-19 mortality)
-I took at least 3 times 1000mg doses of vitamin C, and at least 3 times doses of 10 milligrams of melatonin, I spent a whole day lying in bed, but fortunately I am still recovering, especially from the chest congestion. This was my specific case, I suppose it can vary from person to person.
It may seem like a very annoying and unpleasant time, but it is amazing to see how quickly the body can recover.
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