I'm not sure if this comment belongs entirely in this thread, but I'm sharing it in case it might be helpful to someone else.
This past weekend, I got sick with the flu again, I think this is the third time since covid started, I did not take the covid test and neither did I and my family have the covid vaccine.
Then it started with a strong pressure in my chest and an intense headache, I don't have ivermectin and I don't know how to get it at the moment, but a few weeks ago I read a very interesting article about melatonin, that talked about it helping to fight covid, so I did what I had in hand, (Here you can find the article: Melatonin linked to significantly reduced COVID-19 mortality)
-I took at least 3 times 1000mg doses of vitamin C, and at least 3 times doses of 10 milligrams of melatonin, I spent a whole day lying in bed, but fortunately I am still recovering, especially from the chest congestion. This was my specific case, I suppose it can vary from person to person.
It may seem like a very annoying and unpleasant time, but it is amazing to see how quickly the body can recover.
* No, neither my family and I don't have covid vaccine.
* No, neither my family and I don't have covid vaccine.
English is not my first language, but I believe that the proper sentence construction that clarifies what you meant would have been,
*neither my family nor I have gotten...

Btw, on the topic of Neil Young, I found it interesting to learn that he came out with an anti-monsanto album just a few years ago. It makes it even more obvious that 'his' pro-pharmaceutical stance is a manipulated front...
So after backpedaling on the vaccine mandate following its collapse in the courts, the university that employs me has now abruptly decided (a few days ago) that we have a week to get jabbed, whether we work from home or not.

Of course, even after being vaxxed, one must still get tested once a week, and wear a fitted KN95 mask. Those additional measures are necessary because the vaccine doesn't protect against transmission, which is why it's so important to get vaccinated, since it protects against transmission.

The first time they pulled this I got really angry. Now I'm just laughing because it's so absurd. The narrative has collapsed entirely, but the demented soulless liberal NPCs of the managerial class are blissfully oblivious to the fact that the ethical and scientific justification for the mandates has evaporated like snow in spring.

I'm really just so very, very done with these people.
These people are also very, very done with you. Which is why reality is splitting.
Darkness is expelling its last luminous members and light is reclaiming its brightness.
Honk, honk! 🚚🛻🚛

I feel that, too. As much as I'm vexed by those still demanding I be vaxxed, I also find that I can't care all that much. They're basically saying "if you don't do what you want you can't have what we're offering", and I'm like, yeah maybe that's for the best.
In Germany, the police raided a school. It's quite gruesome:

Heavily armed German police officers raid ‘illegal’ mask-free school started by parents

The children were separated from their parents and gathered on the second floor before being questioned individually for four hours.

Featured Image

German police

Mon Jan 31, 2022 - 11:33 am EST

ERLANGEN, Germany (LifeSiteNews) — A German school not registered with the government, where children were being taught in a mask-free environment, was closed following a raid by heavily armed police on January 20.

The school had been set up by parents in an effort to protect their children from some of the most traumatic and long-term damaging effects of COVID restrictions
such as mask mandates currently imposed on school children in Germany.

According to local reports, the raid took place after the police was tipped that school-aged children were being taught at a private property in a small town near Erlangen in Bavaria during school hours.

Following the raid, the city of Erlangen stated that the school, which was “operating without a permit,” had been closed.

According to German online website reitschuster.de, there had been previous unsuccessful searches at the school, including an attempt by police to gain access to the building without a warrant.

One of the mothers told reitschuster.de that on January 20, some 30 to 35 police officers successfully stormed the property in full gear, masked in black, and equipped with batons and automatic weapons.

The entrance door of the school was broken open with a battering ram
. This was later confirmed by the office for press and public relations of the city of Erlangen.

The 15 children, aged 4 to 14, who were present on that day attempted to flee to the upper floor but were stopped by the officers. They were then separated from their parents and gathered on the second floor before being questioned individually for four hours.

According to the reitschuster.de, the police used intimidation tactics in order to obtain information from the children, telling them that they would be placed into juveniles’ homes if they refused to provide their names. The police also told the parents that they would have to file a missing person’s report before their children could be returned to them.

Money and school equipment were also confiscated by the police. The city of Erlangen stated that any confiscated property would be returned following an investigation.

In their previous schools, the children had been forced to wear a mask from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., even while using the restroom. When eating, the mask could only be lifted, but not removed completely.
Mercola has an article (check it out as it is under the 48 hour watch):

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths​

January 31, 2022
I've been thinking as fog clears here in Canada that failed hospital protocols and no really accessible information for prevention or early Covid have contributed hugely to the fatalities. If this were ever to be calculated, my feeling is it would be 75% mismanagement of the disease. In early days, OK, unknown properties of the disease, but by summer 2020, protocols had been developed. I recall Dr Kory of the FLCCC presenting in December to Congress (I believe), ten minutes of high intensity that should have ignited a fire. I think that fire was ignited in India, Mexico, other places, but none of North America, EU or UK, for sure.
On behalf of the “people of the United Kingdom”, 16 individuals have been charged with genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression.

The 16 individuals include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
Nuremberg v2.0 Preliminary Preparations Announcement
In an interview published on FWM, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich said that the data now available show a series planned acts: “From my point of view as a lawyer, there is incontrovertible evidence of premeditated murder.”
On January 31st, 2022 lawyers Viviane Fischer and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich announced they are working together with USA and South African law experts to immediately begin preparations for establishing:
1. A framework of charges for a grand lawsuit regards Crimes Against Humanity during the Plandemic
2. New Judicial System that directly serves the People and is For The People bypassing Deep State control

This - I understood - will be the preliminary preparations to establish Nuremberg v2.0.
Hopefully to create a Global Civilian Authority with significantly extended powers of the earlier, deliberately made toothless 'Civilians Arrest' rights to break the spine of the WEF Schwab Deep Cabal and stop its stranglehold on humanity.
Sorry if has been posted already.

"Correlation between the personalities who attented the World Economic Forum or the World Young Leaders program and the level of repression they exert"

Notice a caveat: BoJo is not most repressive. It might due his partying while he was ordering the population the stay confined and wear masks.

Hello, everyone!
I can't find a suitable branch, so I decided to write here. Interesting article in Natural News

Technological parasitism: Covid vaccines appear to contain self-assembling “nano-octopus” microparticles​

(Natural News) A video put out by La Quinta Columna reveals that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” contain “nano-octopus” and other microparticles that have the ability to self-assemble once injected into the body.
The Wireless Nano-Sensors Network (WNSN) that is generated through this process is laid out in further detail in a paper published in the Journal of Communications.

“WNSN is the network interconnecting microdevices and nano-nodes or nano-sensors. Nano-nodes, which are devices with a nanometric size, are composed of nano-processor, nano-memory, nano-batteries, nano-transceiver, nano-antenna and nano-sensors, which operate at nano-scale level,” explains the Daily Exposé.

La Quinta Columna‘s Ricardo Delgado further writes that the nanotechnology used in these injections is a recreation of communications technology that is already in use, except in this case it gets inserted into the body.
“We’re talking about nano-communications,” Delgado says. “All of them are nanotechnology for nano-communications.”
By “all of them,” Delgado is referring to every single one of the currently available covid injections. These include the mRNA (messenger RNA) shots from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, as well as the viral vector jabs from AstraZeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).

Covid jabs, Elon Musk and the push to turn human bodies into a transhuman borg​

Mik Andersen explains that nano-arrays centered on the human body require the use of special nano-antennas that operate in the terahertz band. These just so happen to be the same type as those found in covid injection samples.

“The explicit mention of the type of antenna and the technology of intra-body nano-networks would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, vectors for the installation of nanotechnology, or nanodevices in the human body,” says Dr. Pablo Campra, who compiled images collected from covid “vaccine” samples.

“However, beyond pure coincidence, the authors make explicit the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes, as necessary elements for this network model.”

It turns out that billionaire narcissist Elon Musk is part of this operation, which aims to convert human bodies into transhumanist machines controlled by tiny intra-body nano-networks. And covid jabs are the delivery vehicle for their components.

A 24-slide presentation explains how the process works using simple diagrams and easily digestible bullet points. You can either view online or download that presentation at the link above.

In essence, these so-called “vaccines” for the Fauci Flu connect human bodies to the “Internet of Things.” They essentially lay the groundwork for human anatomy to both function through and be controlled by an IoT Network.

Injected bodies will no longer be autonomous, but will instead function within the “cloud” of trans-humanity. 5G technology is part of the equation, too, as it will power and connect the IoT network and everyone who exists within it.

Another term being thrown around to describe this new emerging virtual reality is the metaverse. It is possible that only the “vaccinated” will be equipped to participate in the metaverse – and once fully there, the “vaccinated” will never be allowed to leave.

“The idea, over time, is to connect all the vaxxed to a ‘hive mind,'” is how one commenter at the Daily Exposé puts it.

“Klaus Schwab (founder of the World Economic Forum) explains it here in his book / manifesto (free PDF version), see Shift 1: Implantable Technologies, p. 110-111, etc.,” wrote another, linking to Schwab’s The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Another pointed out that the graphene oxide particles contained in the injections appear to act as electrical conduits, which would serve the purpose of powering the transhuman bodies that have been injected with it as part of the “vaccination” and “booster” process.
Author: Ethan Huff
Sources for this article include:




Hi all, I would like to share with you some observations related to the official covid narrative pushed by the PTB in Italy and its minions for the past 2 years.

Starting about one week now the narrative started to change in a similar way as in other countries around the world.

The government keeps implementing the draconian measures that's true but it seems that there are some changes being planned behind closed doors and what kind of changes they might be it remains to be seen. Don't know, I get the feeling that there is definitely something going on, as if someone is instructing it's minions to get ready, to mobilize their resources and prepare for the next step whatever it may be.

Definitely nothing good for us.
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