"There you go ! The EU wants the European Green Pass extended for another year! Until 06/30/2023!
So it's for life! The fight for freedom and sovereignty is the same! Freedom, Frexit, quick!"

There's nothing more permanent than a government temporary measure!

And come next year it'll morph into a general health pass or something. Basically freedoms in the EU won't be given back freely. I am now agreeing with the underlying principles of Brexit having been pro-EU. Brussels is unaccountable and dictatorial.

As much as I dislike the crimes committed by the UK government during the pandemic I'm glad that the accountability is laid at their doorstep when the truth comes out.
Information counter tactics.

Who are we?​

We are The People that are sharing the truth and fighting back against censorship of mainstream media by going directly to
the streets of the USA crowdfunded and fueled by The People and for The People.
We are your outlet to come together and Raise Banners of Truth.

We have raised over $200,000 in only a few months and have been able to put up over 100+ outdoor billboards across the USA,
500+ indoor billboards, 30 bus benches and more!


What are we doing?​

The VAERS System is the Vaccine Adverse Reaction reporting system that is maintained by the CDC & the FDA.
This information is being suppressed in mainstream media and to date, there are over 1 million cases reported.

We have raised over $200,000 in only a few months and have been able to put up over 100+ billboards across the USA !
We have over 500 Indoor Digital ads in over 400 venues throughout Minnesota & Iowa!

Iowa: Indoor Venues 150+, 200+ screens, 31 Cities, 851,858 Avg. Monthly Foot Traffic
Minnesota: Indoor Venues 250+, 300+ screens, 47 Cities, 1,267,000 Avg. Monthly Foot Traffic

From Natural News:

THE DIE-OFF IS HERE: Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate

In a little-known Reuters story that garnered almost no attention in the corporate media, Dutch insurer Aegon revealed its third quarter, 2021 life insurance payouts skyrocketed 258% compared to third quarter, 2020 payouts. The difference, of course, is found in covid vaccines. In 2020, vaccines weren’t yet available, so payouts for Aegon only reached $31 million. But after three quarters of aggressive vaccinations throughout 2021, the death benefit payouts hit $111 million, an increase of 258%.
From Reuters via Yahoo Finance:

Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the United States, said its claims in the Americas in the third quarter were $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier. U.S. insurers MetLife and Prudential Financial also said life insurance claims rose. South Africa’s Old Mutual used up more of its pandemic provisions to pay claims and reinsurer Munich Re raised its 2021 estimate of COVID-19 life and health claims to 600 million euros from 400 million.
So not only do we have an actual vaccine holocaust taking place in America right now, we have a holocaust cover-up being run by all the complicit, murderous parties, including Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media and Big Government. They’re all in on it. They’re all mass murderers, and they’re all working to cover this up as long as possible so they can coerce even more people into committing vaccine suicide before the body count becomes undeniable.

That’s the level of evil we’re dealing with in society right now, and it’s all being run under the banner of “science.”
The Hershey company, meanwhile, is firing all its unvaccinated employees, confirming that it is an evil corporation that denies faith-based exemptions from deadly vaccines. As The Epoch Times reports:

“I really thought I’d be OK,” Kim Durham, a payment analyst and sourcing buyer, told The Epoch Times. “I thought, you cannot question my faith. Nobody can question that.”

Durham asked for a religious accommodation in August and assumed she would get it.

“I thought this was behind me until September when I met with an HR representative. It was an interrogation on your religious beliefs. They twisted your words and tried to put words in your mouth. It was terrible. I was asked such personal questions that had nothing to do with religion.”

She was shocked when, in November, she received word that her request for religious accommodation had been denied.
More regarding Hershey:

Report: All-American Company Fires Unvaxxed Employees, Asks Them to Sign 9-Page Agreement to Stay Silent

Not only is Hershey firing employees who did not comply, but it is also asking the employees on the way out the door to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company and to talk about their experience there, The Epoch Times reported on Monday.

Signing the agreement would give the fired employees “special separation payment,” the report said. Many have declined to sign the agreement and so won’t get that money.

The Epoch Times reported that employees said the payment for the agreement was determined by an algorithm, and for some workers, it was as much as two months’ pay.
Most employees said that it was a great experience working for Hershey and that they were treated well.

“But it stopped being fun after months of human resources department meetings that employees say included education about the vaccines, asking if the employee had changed their mind about getting the shots, as well as uncomfortably invasive questions,” the Epoch Times reported.

Another employee said that it felt like harassment from the company.

“What does that have to do with me keeping a job? From the time we started this ordeal, we have had seven meetings about my vaccination status. It was like harassment. I felt like I wanted to crawl under a rock when I was done,” the person said.
This reported harassment came in spite of Hershey’s official statement that it would work to accommodate employees.

But then the company fired those who were unvaccinated and tried to entice them to not sue the company or talk about what happened.
This is corporate bullying, straight and plain.

If employees did not want to be vaccinated, Hershey tried to force their hand in a personal, private medical decision in which a company should have no say.

“I know people who got the vaccine just to keep their job. It wasn’t something they wanted to do, but they needed the job,” Durham said.
Hershey, however, is not the only company firing unvaccinated employees.

Columbia Sportswear, Citigroup, JP Morgan, Mayo Clinic are among those that have mandated vaccines, fired unvaccinated employees or were considering doing one or both, Newsweek reported last month.

Fortunately, many fired employees from Hershey reportedly did not sign the confidentiality and release agreement.

Perhaps they will file lawsuits against the company for harassment and show the nation how inappropriate it is to threaten and bully employees over the vaccine.

From comments:
...Hershey is getting hammered on social media. Their FB page is blistering them. Call them and tell them how you feel about their Global Fascism. Boycott Hershey...1-800-468-1714. Crush The Globalists.
The call to arms will be when these corporate food providers start letting Big Pharma insert nanoparticles in food and candy! Meanwhile, boycott the crap out of them!
Who's to say nanoparticles aren't already in their food and candy.
Hershey is owned by BlackRock/Vanguard....Look it up for yourselves...Every company that is trying to poison their employees with the Jew death Jab is owned by Blackrock/Vanguard and so NOT surprisingly they also own all the pharma companies making the Jew Death Jab
Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street Corp are the largest stockholders in the Hershey Company. They are the same three investment firms that control trillions of dollars in corporations around the world, all promoting the same destructive globalist policies mandating COVID jabs. The goal is total worldwide social control. Boycott Hershey products!
get woke go broke, after a lifetime of loving hershey's chocolate, IM DONE!

Certainly goes along with their newly announced makeover of their iconic M&M characters:

I used to live 10 minutes from Hershey - took the kids and othrs to Chocolate World and Hershey Park several times. My spouse lived near Allentown as a kid and he and his family toured the actual Hershey Chocolate factory. M&M Mars is located in my former town and it was heavenly to occasionally go outdoors to air that smelled like brownies! Of course other times, the Amish were applying manure to their fields . . .
Sounds promising:

Austrian government challenged to either prove COVID pandemic is real or end restrictions

The Austrian Constitutional Court (VfGH) has challenged the country’s federal government to prove that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are not based on lies. If they are based on falsehoods, the VfGH urged an immediate repeal of all COVID-19 restrictions.

The tribunal’s challenge came in the form of a list of questions sent to Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein on Jan. 26. The VfGH’s questions aimed to shed light on how the COVID-19 restrictions help alleviate an alleged “burden on the health system.” Mueckstein was given until Feb. 18 to answer the 10 questions.

Reaching Covid-19 “Turning Point of Critical Mass”: Is Nuremberg 2 Next? London Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation​

Sorry if this is a repost but the below article mentions the legal cases that have been filed in the UK and Netherlands against Project Covid. As mentioned in the article no UK MSM outlet has mentioned this Investigation.

But the influx of many recent current events and significant news breaking developments reflecting positive changes unfolding on this earth is the primary focus of much of this presentation.

After all, at least 1,011 scientific studies have now proven beyond any questionable doubt that the Covid-19 non-vaccines are in fact lethal.

That old “follow the science” line that the enemy keeps using ad nauseam just doesn’t wash any more. The deceivers are realizing that regardless of how many times they repeat their lies to those no longer buying it, it will only lead to their own downfall sooner than later. Clearly the despots’ narrative is quickly falling apart, smashed to smithereens by real science.

Along similar lines, when the Microbiology and Immunology Department head at the prestigious Tel Aviv University writes an open letter to the Israeli Health Ministry caustically calling out its gross failures that have virtually doomed one of the world’s most vaxxed nations, this glaring truth can simply no longer be ignored or denied.

A plethora of egregious scientific findings are pouring out recently to unequivocally demonstrate the pure evil of Big Pharma.

Pregnant mothers that accepted Pfizer’s experimental bioweapon during its initial trial phase that after only 108 days the FDA approved for experimental authorization use (EAU) only, according to its available database, Pfizer killed every single tracked unborn baby.

Despite such wholesale mass slaughter, after only three and a half months, the FDA still granted Pfizer the greenlight to continue massacring more babies at large after granting EAU status, and then on top of that, has the criminal audacity to refuse releasing its documentation for the next 55 years. In the first batch of released documents after the FDA was sued and forced to publicly report its data used prior to granting EAU, 28 babies died out of all 27 reported pregnancies included within the released dataset, with another 243 cases of unknown outcomes undisclosed among recently released documents.

In another table within the published data, the 28 fetal deaths resulted from 32 pregnancies with known outcomes, with the overwhelming majority resulting in spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) that to any sane person constitutes coldblooded murder.

Brave whistleblowing nurse of 17 years, Collette Martin spoke at a Louisiana Health and Welfare hearing last month:

As of now, we have more children that died from the COVID vaccine than COVID itself. And then the Health Department to come out and say the new variant has all the side effects of the vaccine reactions we’re currently seeing now. It’s maddening, and I don’t understand why more people don’t see it. I think they do, but they fear speaking out and, even worse, being fired.

Let’s face it, all the guilty parties at both the drug companies and their FDA whores, including medical staff knowing they’re wantonly violating their oath to do no harm, injecting poisons that are killing and injuring millions of people, all of these criminally bad actors need to be held accountable at their Nuremberg 2 trials that must be prosecuted far sooner than the 55 years that the murderers sought and plotted with Biden’s Justice Department in a vain attempt for self-protection, so they could all safely go to their graves without punishment, not unlike century long blackouts decreed in the UK to protect all its British VIP pedophiles.

Perhaps with this writing on the wall now, and victims’ fresh bloodstains lingering on so many of today’s breaking stories evading Tech and Media’s complicit censorship, the tide might be finally turning.

The FDA equivalent of the European Union, the EU Medical Regulators last week, warned of potentially serious health risks from taking booster shots every few months, in effect, “tiring out the immune system through its repetitive use.” That appears to be a lame, feeble, half-ass attempt later to be used to maintain a slightest degree of plausible deniability acknowledging the cold hard fact that bioweapons’ poisonous spike proteins responsible for Antibody Dependency Enhancement (ADE) are ultimately the common killer traveling to various bodily organs and instructing autoimmune cells to turn against themselves.

Two months ago even the MSM standard The Atlantic published a piece called “The Pandemic Is Ending with a Whimper,” and a month ago experts were optimistically predicting the end of the Coronavirus pandemic, citing the latest spreading Omicron variant to be more infectious yet far less aggressive and lethal. Professors and physicians at Hebrew University of Jerusalem also warned against the need for boosters since true herd immunity appears eminent. A recent January 17th article from middle of the road medium.com, entitled “The Pandemic Is Ending – According to Experts,” logically reasons:

Most experts believe SARS-CoV-2 will become endemic. As the disease moves from Pandemic to endemic, the health impacts will be less severe, and we as a society will be better able to manage the risks associated with COVID-19.

All these encouraging signs from both the scientific community as well as limited hangouts within mainstream media as of late have been accompanied by months and months of ferociously defiant pushback displayed worldwide by an angry public growing angrier, sending the very loud and clear message to their governments to back the f_ off, refusing to play their fictitious, yet devastatingly false high stakes game of continued enforced mandates, lockdowns and prohibitive passports any longer. Yet in so many Western nations, the elitist pandemic engineers are insisting on full bore restriction leading to even more drastic, draconian tyranny.

A turning point milestone was likely reached when the world’s #1 podcaster in the highly informed Joe Rogan at the end of December interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, a leading COVID vaccine critic credited as the mRNA inventor. As soon as it immediately went viral, the nail in the cabal coffin was hammered shut in the court of prevailing public opinion. Less disputed, essential facts are now in, and the cabal concedes that after nearly two years of a fake pandemic and a year of no longer hidden mass deaths and severe injury, the increasingly exasperated, rebellious masses are no longer so easily frightened, swayed nor controlled. They’ve drawn their line in the sand and are finally ready to fight for humanity’s survival.

Moreover, certain despotic nations like the United Kingdom are actually following the current trend and formally ending the pandemic.

While as globalist Prime Minister the bumbling Boris Johnson faces increasing calls for his resignation, this week his national government abruptly stopped its policy enforcing vaccine passports as well as mask mandates. Several explanations have been circulating beyond Johnson’s excuse that less COVID cases are occurring. The one that Boris won’t acknowledge is his waning popularity after reports emerged that all the while when he was issuing repeated lockdown restrictions including during recent yearend holidays for all Britons, rumors continue swirling of his own ruckus parties throughout the pandemic, hypocritically celebrating inside his plush 10 Downing Street address. The “do as I say, not as I do” meme characterizing virtually all policymakers everywhere always makes certain to publicly warn that living with the Coronavirus is here to stay, and that includes UK’s healthcare workers’ vaccination mandate despite 160,000 petition signatures. Boris digs his own grave.

The elephant in the room reason why Boris Johnson is suddenly calling off his Gestapo guard dogs only a month after initiating yet another of his many lockdowns is the Metropolitan Police of London have agreed to take on a criminal case investigating a legal complaint filed on December 20, 2021.

Not only is Britain’s largest police force now actively involved in the probe, but the Hammersmith Police alongside the International Criminal Court at the Hague in the Netherlands are also working conjointly together in what’s being called the world’s largest international crime investigation

Under the formal banner of the Hammersmith CID (Criminal Investigation Division) Police Station, Case Number 6029679/21, this landmark criminal case was lodged in conjunction with the International Criminal Court (ICC Case Number OTP-CR-473/21).

The head of the current UK police probe into all COVID related crimes is Met Superintendent Jon Simpson, former assistant to Metro Police Chief Cressida Dick. Exactly two weeks prior to the UK criminal complaint, a 46-page document was launched in the ICC, charging the usual suspects Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the onetime WHO veterinarian Dr. Peter Daszak, chiefly responsible as Fauci’s middleman promoting the gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 baton to Wuhan’s “bat woman” Dr. Shi Zhengli, compliments of $600,000 US taxpaid dollars’ worth of treason to America’s foremost adversary.

Though these monumental legal cases in both the Hague and UK have been confirmed legitimate, neither has been publicized whatsoever by the corporate lamestream press for the very same reason that MSM has been the principal truth-suppressing co-conspirator throughout the pandemic. These two enormously important lawsuits filed a month ago, in UK spearheaded by Dr. Sam White, MD, retired constable Mark Sexton and attorneys Philip Hyland and Lois Bayliss, is receiving further support from such international notables as Robert Kennedy Jr (JFK nephew and bestselling author of The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health), German-American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and former Pfizer Vice President Dr Michael Yeadon, along with dozens of other professional experts and authorities. The crimes against humanity involve charges of malfeasance and misconduct in public office, gross negligence, manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, murder and conspiracy to commit murder and genocide. For our future, these two cases filed on behalf of humanity, kept under such close Deep State wraps by the criminals, are both huge.

Since July 2021 attorney Reiner Fuellmich has headed the Corona Investigative Committee, interviewing numerous scientists, doctors, journalists and respected foremost experts on the entire Corona fiasco. Among those luminaries submitting evidence for premeditated mass murder is respected virologist and former Pfizer insider Dr. Michael Yeadon.

Reiner Fuellmich and his committee have carefully reviewed all available evidence to conclusively assert that beyond question the Covid-19 “vaccines” are designed to kill with clear malicious infliction of harm for the purposes of depopulating the planet. With experts like Dr Yeadon analyzing the data, according to Reiner, it has been determined that Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson as the most lethal kill shot producers have used certain specific batches with traceable lot numbers to attain the highest mortality rates amongst the global population, and that these manufacturers are collectively experimenting and actively, sequentially coordinating with each other in order to attain the optimal dosage allegedly with clear intent to exterminate the most people.

During a recent interview, Reiner stated he expects the court proceedings of a grand jury investigation to begin by the end of January 2022, when his team will start presenting evidence to seek criminal indictments against four co-defendants – Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the WHO’s Dr. Tedros Adhanom and German virologist Dr. Christian Drosten, maker of the false positive PCR test. Drosten allegedly pre-fenagled heads of WHO and Germany, Chancellor Andrea Merkel, to begin promoting PCR misdiagnoses in January 2020 as videos went viral showing Chinese dropping dead like flies in the streets of Wuhan.

Incidentally, the only WHO Director-General not a medical doctor, Tedros Adhanom is currently accused of violating multiple UN codes of conduct, running roughshod over the UN policy of neutrality. The WHO chief has a blatant history of interfering in the internal affairs of his own country Ethiopia, pulling rank and favoring cronyism, specifically the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), willfully undermining both his nation’s government as well as on the ground UN officials in its capital Addis Ababa.

When you run in the rarified circles of globalist elites like Bill Gates and Angela Merkel, obviously Tedros quickly grew a swollen fathead, full of self-inflated, hot air importance, openly operating to destabilize his own African nation. The TPLF dictatorship ruthlessly ruled Ethiopia from 1991 to 2018, with Tedros rising in its ranks as Health Minister to third man in charge as Foreign Minister, until taking over the Gates controlled WHO job in 2017. A year later in 2018, TPLF was overthrown, and the treasonous technocrat’s been opposing Ethiopia’s democratically elected government ever since. As the Gates go-between to China, Fauci, the Clinton Foundation and genocide, some allege that Tedros is a terrorist. Like his cronies violating the Nuremberg Code, he also needs to be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich believes that he and his legal team of 50 other lawyers have already gathered and filed enough compelling evidence at the Hague to sufficiently prove that in a Nuremberg-like court of law, pharmaceutical corporations, have globally conspired with major national governments, public health organizations, Big Media and Big Tech.

Proving premeditated criminal intent in using a vaccine bioweapon to commit acts of domestic bioterrorism against a preyed upon, frightened global masses should award guilty verdicts and punitive damages.

A third lawsuit in India filed in late July 2021 by attorney Dipali Ojha, an expert in the Nuremberg Trials and Reiner Fuellmich colleague in both the UK and Hague cases as well, is charging the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others with genocide.

This isn’t the first time Bill Gates has been indicted in India. In 2014, the Indian Supreme Court called for his arrest for illegally vaccinating tribal girls without parental consent in addition to jabbing thousands of children, resulting in deaths and permanent injury dating back to more than a dozen years ago. Damage to the Third World populations in Asia, Africa and South America, and now world, clearly shows a sinister, calculated passionate glee for eugenics killing.

As the cabal Corona duo designated by their puppet masters to go down with the viral sinking ship, Gates’ fellow mass killer Fauci is under attack on a near daily basis now.

Aside from Fauci’s crucial role during the chief White House medical advisor’s 2021 confrontative encounters in Senate hearings with Rand Paul, Fauci repeatedly committed perjury under oath, lying about having nothing to do with either gain-of-function research nor covertly handing more than a half million of taxpayer bucks over to America’s #1 enemy Red China to treasonously create today’s bioweapon.

As the nation’s highest paid federal employee, Anthony Fauci raked in $434,312 during his first big bonanza pandemic year of 2020, the same year he delivered on his crystal ball promise made just weeks after Trump’s inauguration that a pandemic would suspiciously show up before the end of his first term in office. Along with his wife Christine Grady, the National Institutes of Health chief of bioethics and human subjects research, under increasing scrutiny, Fauci and wife were forced to respond to frequent freedom of information orders disclosing his financial records, and their hefty $10.4 million investment portfolio.

Finally, look at the thousands upon thousands of noncompliant citizens taking to the streets all over the planet to resist humankind’s draconian slide into nightmarish control, enslavement and suffocating darkness. One retired Aussie Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi leading the Australia One party is openly challenging his brutal authoritarian police state.

The dominos in the cabal’s house of cards are freefalling.

With the writing on the wall, Britain’s island neighbor Ireland just opted to drop nearly all of its COVID restrictions. Last month’s trend to turn the unvaccinated into locked up criminals for not submitting to the jab in places like Austria as of February 1st was turned back. Widespread passport policies that were being strictly enforced in most European countries, along with Australia, New Zealand and Canada, New York and West Coast states, are ending.

Systematically locking the unvaccinated up on house arrest lockdown, prohibiting them from access to grocery stores, public buildings and venues is no longer being enforced. Police in Spain and France have joined the people in the streets protesters, unwilling to enforce the medical tyranny any longer. That trend is spreading. Despite five national leaders suspiciously dying soon after declaring their refusal to play the global pandemic game, recently Ghana’s red-pilled President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo publicly exposed the Rockefeller Foundation’s Lockstep pandemic playbook as well as key genocidal players Bill Gates and Dr Fauci.

Many brave and honest doctors, scientists and nurses around the world, despite shameful, criminally complicit censorship and harassment, heroically persisted in warning us of the inherent lethal dangers of the Big Pharma kill shots. And now because enough people heard and heed their dire message, the crime cabal’s equally persistent false narrative is rapidly falling apart, no longer believed. And now, clearly on the wrong side of history, the pharmaceutical corporations, the governments and their so-called public health experts like Fauci, the global healthcare system, Big Media and Big Tech, have all lost their credibility, and they will all have to account for their worldwide murderous rampage at Nuremberg 2 trials set to begin shortly.

This Irish sentinel article provides more details on Crime reference number. 6029679/21

Crime reference number. 6029679/21

For Misconduct in public office and Gross negligent manslaughter made at Hammersmith police station on Monday the 20th of December 2021.

1, evidence is being sent by Philip Hyland PJH Law, Lois Bayliss Broad Yorkshire Law, Dr Sam White and myself to and collated by The Metropolitan police at Hammersmith CID.

2, the demand to stop the V program remains a priority and The police are reminded of this daily.

3, PJH Law with the help of a senior QC are preparing an injunction to apply to the high court to stop the V program.

4, a number of world renowned experts many of whom are known, doctors, lawyers, virologists, immunologists, scientists, professors, data and intelligence experts have added their names and offered assistance to The Metropolitan Police to support this criminal investigation.

5, all Chief Constables in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales have been contacted and made aware of the criminal complaint and the crime number allocation.

They have also been made aware of the ICC application and their subsequent acknowledgment.

6, the office of The Mayor of London and Police Crime Commissioner Sadiq Khan has been notified of the criminal investigation and the ICC application.

He has been asked and for him to instruct (as is his lawful duty), The Metropolitan Police to make a public announcement to stop the V program immediately. They have a duty to protect the public from death, harm, injury and loss.

7, the Superintendent to Cressida Dick is aware and has acknowledged the criminal complaint. Also the credible witnesses making contact with him have been acknowledged and their details and evidence forwarded to Hammersmith CID by the Superintendent.

8, some members of Parliament have been made aware of the criminal complaint and the ICC application.

9, from today’s live interview with Reiner Feullmich, Dr Sam White was joined by Advocate of the Indian Barr Association lawyer Dipali Ojha. She confirmed a petition was filed in the High court in Bombay on the 25/11/21 against the V manufactures.

They have also instructed the CBI in India (central bureau of investigation) to investigate the murders by the V of a number of victims.

They cite Bill Gates and other executive officers of the V companies who have collaborated together as being responsible. Applications for compensation in the hundreds of millions of dollars have been made.

10, there are a number of people including retired and serving lawyers and retired police now working flat out, to obtain statements from those damaged by the V or who have lost loved ones believed from the V.

11, due to the sheer volume of victims out there and those coming forward it is impossible to make contact with them all. We are now recommending all victims of the V make contact with their local police force.

Due to the evidence being submitted to The Metropolitan police we believe each individual has a right to be classed as a victim of crime.

The injuries attributed to the V must be documented by the police and an appropriate crime number issued.

It could be anything from actual bodily harm through to Grievous bodily harm , manslaughter and ultimately murder.

We now know those in government, the NHS and the MHRA knew about the dangers of the V, were made aware (and proof of this is provided to The Met) and did nothing to stop it. In fact they continue to promote it as the only safe remedy when it is not.


12, if any police force refuse to treat you as a victim of crime or provide a crime number remind them of the national crime recording standards as detailed below.

If you believe you are a victim of crime and there is no evidence to the contrary a crime must be recorded.

13, if they continue to refuse ask them to take a victim statement of complaint including a victim personal statement and request it is forwarded, on your behalf, to The Metropolitan Police, Hammersmith CID quoting the CRIME NUMBER;


This is the actual crime number allocated to this investigation.


if you have already been sacked or forced to leave your job because you refused to take the V you have been blackmailed.

This is a criminal offence. (See below).

Nobody has a right to demand you take any kind of intrusive medication, V or gene therapy and then sack you or threaten you with losing your livelihood.

Again we are advising you to go to your local police station and make a criminal complaint as a victim of blackmail against the person who dismissed you. Saying it’s a government mandate is no excuse and this is unlawful. The individual is responsible for their actions in making unlawful demands causing you loss, not an organisation or government body.

Again, cite the crime recording standards. If that fails request that a victim statement is taken including a victim personal statement and ask for it to be forwarded to, The CID department at Hammersmith police station using crime reference number;

More legal action:

Update: Lawsuit May Doom COVID Testing Company Under FBI Investigation for Alleged $124 Million Scam

The state of Washington has filed suit against an embattled COVID-19 testing company, saying it never produced the results that it promised.

The lawsuit was filed Monday in King County Superior Court against the Illinois-based Center for COVID Control, which is co-owned by Akbar Syed and Aleya Siyaj. The state said the company never lived up to its promises, with devastating results.

“Center for Covid Control claims to offer crucial COVID-19 tests throughout Washington for free; providing results within 48 hours,” the lawsuit said. “In reality, Defendants lacked a license to operate almost all of their Washington testing sites, improperly took patient insurance information, and caused imminent and irrevocable harm to the welfare of the people of Washington by providing invalid COVID-19 test results or no results at all.”
Last month, the FBI searched the company’s headquarters in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.

According to The Hill, the federal government has paid more than $124 million for testing allegedly performed by the center, which at one time was doing business with 26 states.
Aren't all the COVID-19 tests invalid - and all the $$$ being ripped off from the taxpayers in the name of COVID! :mad:
Denmark signed out of restrictions, for now, but that does not mean all is well. Fortunately, some citizens understand that. A few have even raised the voices to ask for a debate, like one doctor of psychiatry.

Soren Ventegodt, who hosts the video channel, (Danmarks Frie Fjernsyn, Telegram and FB) and founder of OOC recently said that only 2 % of the Danish population are awake to what is happening, and that this is not enough to prevent the implementation of further totalitarian measures. The understanding is that although Denmark has felt the totalitarian push slightly less than a few other places, it is far from over, that the real evil (underlined) has not yet been faced.

Whether the real number is 2 % or 10 %, I interpret this to mean more realism has entered the stage, among the people that coming from left, right, center, new age and alternative groups realized they did not agree with the turn of events and were surprised to realize they might have something in common, despite previous differences. It also reveals a move away from a very local perspective to a more global, where the totalitarian measure in say Austria, Germany, France, Australia, or Canada becomes a concern not to be ignored the same way, as they have been in the medias, that however usually gladly suffer both talk time and keyboard frenzy when it is out of Russia or China.
Schwab is going to be madder than a mad hatter.

Looks like keeping those kids at home glued to the Internet is not having the desired effect. They are discovering INFORMATION AND TRUTH not seen in MSM.

But the Davos Club members will work as hard as possible to mold the young in the prisoner mentality. They are not giving up.

Well well, some big names in the US are coming out against the clot-shot publicly.
Last edited:
Pakistan Intel - Jan 30, 2022

Corona Committee Session 89:
About 50%+ Pakistanis took the first jab, because the government paid them 50 euros incentive money to do it - this is for many people there half their salary per month. Then Pakistanis started to think and since then.. vaxx-uptake is stalling. First lockdowns were enforced very harshly by police troopers carrying automatic-rifles forbidding people to leave their houses. People couldn't get food for a month, so many used the blackmarket and personal connections to get the basic necessities.

Since then there is very lackluster adherence to mandates / measures, which are only enforced in the big cities. But even there its largely just for show. The government receiving big Lockdown-Money, WEF-Cabal support from abroad must show that they are following in lock-step making strict restrictions, but in reality: masks are mainly seen thrown away in streets or used not on the face and for other purposes.

In the countryside everything is relaxed.
Most Pakistanis in the country live day-to-day, hand to mouth and have way more pressing problems than the fake mandates enforced by the remote evil demon Bill Gates, so Bill is generally ignored in Pakistan, while Bill is now wanted for mass murder in India. Also Pakistanis depend less on the government and they are able and used to self-govern and lead their lives independent of the government. Their only problem now is the inflation affecting the prices. They see increasing prices and that their meager salaries now can buy less because of this.

Nils - German citizen - giving this Intel in the first part of the above video - for example could get into a hotel without a Vaxx-Pass, because he convinced the management that if he was let onto an airplane and fly here, then he must be vaxxed, right? So this was enough and the hotel accepted him.
Jessica - his spouse - could also get into a bank (hurrying in) maskless recently, the guards only went after her in a lazy, lackluster way and rules weren't enforced in the end.

Restaurants were enforcing Vaxpass and masks, but not so much recently and only in big cities.
It's clear we're way way out from the land of sanity and into the land of protecting politicians and pharma in the face of these emergent truths about covid in the mainstream.

Two things have combined to what will become devastating effect probably resulting in the biggest political crisis in Western history

  • The vaccines don't work.
  • They went against western values and FORCED people to take them against their will.
Good luck to the PTB spinning this sh*tshow. They can play around with definitions and statistics but the truth is none of these will make people ignore the evidence of their own eyes. They can't even really revise history because the internet doesn't forget and the evidence of the crime (i.e. what they told the public Vs what actually happened) is a matter of public record (videos and articles).

We're now just watching the dance of them trying to weasel out of this without starting a global revolution. For sure a lot of these people will have made enough money to last generations and if I were any of the ones not in the public domain (the majority of them) I'd quietly be disappearing the covid money that somehow found itself into my bank account and resigning from whatever position I hold "to go spend more time with the kids".

Problem for them is they can't unleash an actual pandemic because they'd be f*cked too and they can't start an actual war with Russia because they'd be f*cked too. A checkmate situation is starting to take shape and now it's just a question of hiding facts / obfuscation or kind of proceeding as if covid is the actual black plague and hoping the pretence will hold (are people that stupid? I expect not). When fear fades, rationality kicks in and they'll become f*cked when the sheep realise they've been "sheep'ed"! Excuse the language.

I think figureheads will be sold and a lot of bandits will make away with their spoils and won't have actual motivation to burn down the system - to the contrary, now that they have real wealth they'll fight to protect the system so they live in opulence - throw the figureheads to the fire I expect will become their hidden motivation.
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