It's clear we're way way out from the land of sanity and into the land of protecting politicians and pharma in the face of these emergent truths about covid in the mainstream.

Two things have combined to what will become devastating effect probably resulting in the biggest political crisis in Western history

  • The vaccines don't work.
  • They went against western values and FORCED people to take them against their will.
Good luck to the PTB spinning this sh*tshow. They can play around with definitions and statistics but the truth is none of these will make people ignore the evidence of their own eyes. They can't even really revise history because the internet doesn't forget and the evidence of the crime (i.e. what they told the public Vs what actually happened) is a matter of public record (videos and articles).

We're now just watching the dance of them trying to weasel out of this without starting a global revolution. For sure a lot of these people will have made enough money to last generations and if I were any of the ones not in the public domain (the majority of them) I'd quietly be disappearing the covid money that somehow found itself into my bank account and resigning from whatever position I hold "to go spend more time with the kids".

Problem for them is they can't unleash an actual pandemic because they'd be f*cked too and they can't start an actual war with Russia because they'd be f*cked too. A checkmate situation is starting to take shape and now it's just a question of hiding facts / obfuscation or kind of proceeding as if covid is the actual black plague and hoping the pretence will hold (are people that stupid? I expect not). When fear fades, rationality kicks in and they'll become f*cked when the sheep realise they've been "sheep'ed"! Excuse the language.

I think figureheads will be sold and a lot of bandits will make away with their spoils and won't have actual motivation to burn down the system - to the contrary, now that they have real wealth they'll fight to protect the system so they live in opulence - throw the figureheads to the fire I expect will become their hidden motivation.
Well, I can speak for my country Spain.

Here the news wall remains intact (if it's not on TV it doesn't exist, you know), and people don't even question a comma.

The most incredible thing for me is that heart problems are happening every day, everywhere, in the people that surround us all and nobody, nobody, says that perhaps the vaccines have something to do with it.

I don't know the actual numbers, but in adults over 90% are vaccinated (I was going to say 99 based on what I see around) and they just can't relate this problems.

They can not.

The slightest suggestion in that direction immediately triggers a programmed response and arguments cannot and do not work.
It's clear we're way way out from the land of sanity and into the land of protecting politicians and pharma in the face of these emergent truths about covid in the mainstream.

Two things have combined to what will become devastating effect probably resulting in the biggest political crisis in Western history

  • The vaccines don't work.
  • They went against western values and FORCED people to take them against their will.
Good luck to the PTB spinning this sh*tshow. They can play around with definitions and statistics but the truth is none of these will make people ignore the evidence of their own eyes. They can't even really revise history because the internet doesn't forget and the evidence of the crime (i.e. what they told the public Vs what actually happened) is a matter of public record (videos and articles).

We're now just watching the dance of them trying to weasel out of this without starting a global revolution. For sure a lot of these people will have made enough money to last generations and if I were any of the ones not in the public domain (the majority of them) I'd quietly be disappearing the covid money that somehow found itself into my bank account and resigning from whatever position I hold "to go spend more time with the kids".

Problem for them is they can't unleash an actual pandemic because they'd be f*cked too and they can't start an actual war with Russia because they'd be f*cked too. A checkmate situation is starting to take shape and now it's just a question of hiding facts / obfuscation or kind of proceeding as if covid is the actual black plague and hoping the pretence will hold (are people that stupid? I expect not). When fear fades, rationality kicks in and they'll become f*cked when the sheep realise they've been "sheep'ed"! Excuse the language.

I think figureheads will be sold and a lot of bandits will make away with their spoils and won't have actual motivation to burn down the system - to the contrary, now that they have real wealth they'll fight to protect the system so they live in opulence - throw the figureheads to the fire I expect will become their hidden motivation.
To supplement the above, I have a mini prediction:

As the net closes in a key figurehead will try and unleash an actual killer virus. Their thinking will be that they have to do this otherwise they'll end up in jail and lose their wealth including tarnish their family from now until deep into the future.

The problem here will be whilst the virus is likely to come out and kill a few people, the system (i.e. all those people in the know who will have no inclination to burn down civilization) will quickly realise what it is and where it came from before mobilising and putting out said fire, including the responsible party.
Well, I can speak for my country Spain.

Here the news wall remains intact (if it's not on TV it doesn't exist, you know), and people don't even question a comma.

The most incredible thing for me is that heart problems are happening every day, everywhere, in the people that surround us all and nobody, nobody, says that perhaps the vaccines have something to do with it.

I don't know the actual numbers, but in adults over 90% are vaccinated (I was going to say 99 based on what I see around) and they just can't relate.

They can not.

The slightest suggestion in that direction immediately triggers a programmed response and arguments cannot and do not work.
Very interesting because here in the UK, whilst the vaccine is still this golden unicorn that can do no wrong, their is an awakening regarding the conduct of key decision makers. In addition and thanks to footballers collapsing their is a sort of awareness that vaccines COULD cause heart issues though many still discard this as a conspiracy. What will people start thinking though when they themselves start suffering heart issues? Or their 10 year old vaccinated kid? Hmmm....

I'm not sure though about the EU as it kind of seems like what is happening there is a bit weird. The EU appears to be going deeper and deeper into the twilight zone (Austria, Italy, Germany, France etc) whilst UK and US at least is having some sort of awareness breaking through into mass consciousness.

Ultimately though I expect it's the incoming health problems people will start to have that will lead to many people coming to terms with the uncomfortable truths.
Hard to say. Perhaps the Cs will shed some light on that. However, the Investigative Corona Committee has certainly signaled that their lawsuits are moving ahead and that things are happening - and maybe they are. Is the Epstein/Ghislaine/Prince Andrew legal episode a factor? Are secrets coming out at long last? Pitchfork sales exploding?

"Wait and see . . . "
And probably space rocks will start hitting the Earth shortly too... or at least, exploding in the atmophere....:-( We haven't had a 'big one' for a while. It'll probably land on Australia, seeing as we don't have any volcanoes, and our earthquakes don't go over about 6.
The pandemic narrative seems to be crumbling, and the WWIII narrative doesn't seem to be gaining too much traction either, basically the entire world is anticipating some type of false flag terror attack. The anticipation sort of takes away the impact. If I were the PTB, I would get my media personnel screaming about how the anti-vaxxers/freedom truckers are disrupting critical infrastructure which is leading to a breakdown of society which has become a national security issue. The truckers are becoming more organized and intend to threaten more infrastructure beyond just transportation. After a couple of weeks, I would unleash my cyber pandemic/total economic collapse and broadcast through remaining emergency channels that an attack was launched by a fifth column aligned with the vaccine mandate protestors. The people who are pro-vaxx, neutral, and loosely lean pro-choice would probably be united against the more libertarian minded, because even if life wasn't ideal before under the semi-lockdowns, it is now a whole lot worse with the economy effectively frozen and destroyed.

This isn't a perfect solution for the PTB, because their ability to maintain control will be hindered while the financial system is frozen and they will take some losses even if they can position themselves to come out on top after the dust settles. This is probably where the majority of the infighting is occurring at the moment. I also think trying to blame the whole thing on Russia is a bridge too far and they will have to forego that. Russia and China have been setting up parallel systems and may be content to watch the West implode its economy if it all stays on the other side of the fence. It won't permanently solve their problems, because there will still be people who saw it all coming and will be disseminating the truth. It will give them a little room to breathe and the threat of mass starvation may give them leverage to be more militant against the noncompliant. They can't dawdle too long, because if the truckers' message reaches too many people, it will not be possible for them to spin the fifth column narrative either. But at the moment, humanity is still asleep enough that I think they can bet the farm on this cyber attack, and if it is well-gamed out, they will come out ahead for a little while.

I'm also waiting to see whether or not the Cassiopaeans' prediction of a real pandemic, which is due to start any week now, turns out to be a bust. A real pandemic would get many people back in the mindset of lockdowns and contact tracing voluntarily, but the PTB would more or less be playing things day by day because controlling the long-term repercussions will prove impossible.
The pandemic narrative seems to be crumbling, and the WWIII narrative doesn't seem to be gaining too much traction either, basically the entire world is anticipating some type of false flag terror attack. The anticipation sort of takes away the impact. If I were the PTB, I would get my media personnel screaming about how the anti-vaxxers/freedom truckers are disrupting critical infrastructure which is leading to a breakdown of society which has become a national security issue. The truckers are becoming more organized and intend to threaten more infrastructure beyond just transportation. After a couple of weeks, I would unleash my cyber pandemic/total economic collapse and broadcast through remaining emergency channels that an attack was launched by a fifth column aligned with the vaccine mandate protestors. The people who are pro-vaxx, neutral, and loosely lean pro-choice would probably be united against the more libertarian minded, because even if life wasn't ideal before under the semi-lockdowns, it is now a whole lot worse with the economy effectively frozen and destroyed.

This isn't a perfect solution for the PTB, because their ability to maintain control will be hindered while the financial system is frozen and they will take some losses even if they can position themselves to come out on top after the dust settles. This is probably where the majority of the infighting is occurring at the moment. I also think trying to blame the whole thing on Russia is a bridge too far and they will have to forego that. Russia and China have been setting up parallel systems and may be content to watch the West implode its economy if it all stays on the other side of the fence. It won't permanently solve their problems, because there will still be people who saw it all coming and will be disseminating the truth. It will give them a little room to breathe and the threat of mass starvation may give them leverage to be more militant against the noncompliant. They can't dawdle too long, because if the truckers' message reaches too many people, it will not be possible for them to spin the fifth column narrative either. But at the moment, humanity is still asleep enough that I think they can bet the farm on this cyber attack, and if it is well-gamed out, they will come out ahead for a little while.

I'm also waiting to see whether or not the Cassiopaeans' prediction of a real pandemic, which is due to start any week now, turns out to be a bust. A real pandemic would get many people back in the mindset of lockdowns and contact tracing voluntarily, but the PTB would more or less be playing things day by day because controlling the long-term repercussions will prove impossible.
The key problem as I see it is the PTB are a small number of people or groups of people who need to employ an army of underlings to implement their plans. The so called army will do this because of promise of wealth - to be precise, money.

Here's the question? Why would anyone want money? Answer: to live a lavish lifestyle.

A lavish lifestyle does not exist if society or civilization does not exist. It does not exist if you can't travel freely, it does not exist if you can't spend freely, it does not exist if your every move and transaction is monitored. It MOST DEFINITELY does not exist if you are forced to take a jab every couple of months or are forced to become a human/robot hybrid.

Soooo.... here's the problem for the PTB. Their so called army won't have the appetite to burn down civilization past a certain point and their so called army most definitely has the power to start selling out the PTB bit by bit to the ravenous public - a leak here, a leak there drip drip drip. In fact, one could argue the so-called army are in a good position to elevate themselves to PTB status if they play their cards right.

I'm thinking, if I've been living my life working my socks off to have the life I want (i.e. the army of the PTB), why when you get it would you want to burn the world down?
I'd love to see who sends these puppets the emails for this stuff.

Yesterday in the UK
Sajid Javid will announce a call for evidence on a new 10-year Government plan to improve England's cancer care after 50,000 fewer diagnoses were made nationally during the pandemic. The Health Secretary is set to repeat promises to wage a "national war on cancer" in a speech introducing the proposals at the Francis Crick Institute on Friday.

Then a day earlier in the US we have Xiden announcing

This is as scripted and synchronized as the "Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve" bull$h.

Here is a Global View of where the "Nudge Influencer Agencies" are located. These are the place where they observe and probably decide how to react. Once the decision is made how to react, they activate the puppet strings in their region.

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Yesterday in the UK
Yeah, this revival of the 'war on cancer' provides yet another opportunity to make heaps of money and create suffering. Many doctors have already come out now seeing an enormous rise in cancer patients, probably due to the convid injections, in their practices, see f.i. this article and the references at the bottom. According to this Global Research article the US plans on installing a new agency ARPA-H, or the Advanced Research and Projects Agency for Health, which will be based on DARPA but will be a distinct division within the NIH, to execute their nefarious cancer vaccine plans. And we all know the NIH is in the pocket of the vaccine industry, and even though RFK Jr proves in his book on Fauci without one shred of doubt that the whole system is so diseased and corrupt, it still stands strong.

Their hubris and wishful thinking is so very evident from these lines:

According to the White House, this new agency plans to model the development of next generation cancer drugs after the development of the COVID vaccines, which they say “demonstrated we can accelerate clinical trials without compromising safety & effectiveness.”

The White House also mentioned using mRNA technology in their war against cancer, saying that “scientists are asking” if the mRNA technology, used in the “safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines” could be used to “stop cancer cells when they first appear.”

A copy - paste operation and most probably a great many who contracted cancer due to unhealthy lifestyles will rejoice as for them getting injected is way easier than the process of making a major lifestyle change for one's health. As if it was ever about health. Yet when you mention this plus the fact that everybody and his grandmother knows that being outside walking or whatever IS good for health yet the gyms and being outside were the first things they locked down, you get this blank stare and programmed responses like Wandering Star mentioned above.

But let's see how it all goes, after all, hubris and the future is open and all that...

Austria introduces corona vaccination obligation today - Up to 3600 euros penalty for violation​

In Austria, despite many protests, the corona vaccination obligation will enter into force on Saturday. The Alpine Republic is the first country in the EU to take such a measure.

Vienna - After long discussions and despite numerous protests, Austria is the first country in Europe to introduce a general corona vaccination obligation this Saturday (05.02.2022). Both Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and Chancellor Karl Nehammer signed the corresponding law on Friday, which had been passed by the Austrian Federal Council the eve. It was then published in the official official official gazette. Thus, the vaccination obligation comes into force.

According to the law, exceptions are provided for pregnant women and those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons. Recoveries are exempt from the corona vaccination obligation for 180 days. In addition, there is a "gentle time" for all Austrians from the age of 18: Compliance with the vaccination obligation should only be checked from mid-March.
People will be hard-pressed to say that "They are lying". Why ?
Because they are spouting every possible combination of answers to questions which are then used as desired by their presstitudes. Some information that hits very close to the truth may appear only once or is shown at 10 in the evening. Can't say they didn't say it, because they will always have the out "But it was ....."

Then there is always the method of manufacturing the "truth"
"There you go ! The EU wants the European Green Pass extended for another year! Until 06/30/2023!
So it's for life! The fight for freedom and sovereignty is the same! Freedom, Frexit, quick!"

It seems that thanks to the covid plandemic the covid pass has been one of their primary objectives to be implemented and have the society accustomed to it since the fascist pass will be one of the main controlling tools in their upcoming dystopic reality.

Just to give you an example that the "pass" is here to stay forever, is the recent declaration from the part of the italian PTB that who got the 3rd jab will obtain a covid pass for an indefinite period of time.

So basically what they're implying here, to my understanding, is that the fascist pass is here to stay forever and people have to accept it as a matter of fact.

Man, I don't want to sound as a complaining little wuss but I'm really looking forward for those big changes to approach faster.
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