Waxing biblical for a moment - Revelation 13:4:
"They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they also worshiped the beast. “Who is as great as the beast?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?”

Who can fight against those scary and powerful globalists?

It's the soul that counts.

Mandate protesters stand up against fascism in Canberra, Australia - "Shoot me first".
Some more cannon fodder for the greater glory of the GMO injections:

Let's start with Korea...


Disclaimer: any correlation between the two charts is purely coincidental, of course.

How about the old topic of Israel vs Palestine?


Apparently Israel has an autoimmune problem and is attacking itself. Good for the Palestinians.


Again, must be some totally coincidental correlation, right? It must be frustrating to maintain the narrative under these conditions.

But back to Israel because they're just the best...


This is really brilliant. I already did this a month ago, with just the first two waves, and lo and behold, this joke just writes itself...
Please share this one everywhere because the irony here is priceless.

Enjoy the show.
Don't know, I get the feeling that there is definitely something going on, as if someone is instructing it's minions to get ready, to mobilize their resources and prepare for the next step whatever it may be.

Definitely nothing good for us.
Always concentrate on the cosmic truth that in Astrology one can create a chart for the planet Earth & the powerful Creative Energy of Humanity containing the bad and then the relatively better outcomes in equal number.
Deep State forces fear onto you to only see and expect ==> attract the worse outcomes. To counteract their malevolent influence ALLOW into your mind the equal chance of the relatively good-better outcomes and expect them with a 'Happy Go Lucky' attitude as we change timelines.

Since I last announced a Timeline Shift in a session's comment section years ago, I detected two major shifts / changes in our timeline as we changed course / switched gears. One relatively recently. Both times this resulted in a changing lanes to a different SuperHighway populated with a different set of roadblocks = significant future events.

Our Fate is What We Make

Each time the 'newly chosen road toward the future' got populated / got filled with a new set of future events / a different set of roadblocks / new challenges compared to the old future on our old timeline. On both occasions we switched train-tracks to a slightly better, more refreshing course: that felt like a breath of fresh air. Global totalitarian dictatorship could have gone way worse in 2019-2021!

I think when -
the Creative Energy of Humanity is consciously directed by Conscious Humanity on this planet
- so the result can become a minimally required truth-saturation achieved..
in the "mental sphere" / in peoples minds, aiming to increase awareness of the masses planet-wide. I think, when this plateau is reached, then exciting and encouraging new timelines open up. Avenues to a better future that were not open before.

Because our work on our karma necessitates: now we have to walk through The Valley of the Shadow of Death. However our journey doesn't have to be a horror-movie! You can get through a dangerous-poisonous bog by finding solid footings and safer pathways in that Hell and come out with a tolerable amount of injuries on the other side. Relatively 'unscathed'.
Or so I think..
"And just like that..." - Sweden

The mainstream media DN.se hours ago reported from "a source with insight", that the Swedish Government eliminates all restrictions starting on 9 Feb 2022, and with it, following Denmark and Norway. The decision is expected to be voted in a governmental meeting tomorrow 3 Feb 2022.

Prosecution Notification, Sweden

On a different note, I stumbled across a paper from Björn Hammarskjöld, directed towards the "Prosecution Chamber in Uppsala" against the Swedish Drug Agency (Läkemedelsverket) regarding Pfizer/Biontechs falsified drug "Cominarty" where some of the ingredients are not listed, as well not allowed to be used.

• Among others the substances ((4-hydroxibutyl)azandiyl)bis(hexan-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldekanoat) (ALC-0315) which is an artificial fat (nanolipid) not allowed to be used in humans.

• He also makes notice of the many cases of magnetic characteristics in Cominarty - yet the official ingredient list from Pfizer - are not magnetic.

• Evidence of graphene in the "vaccine", confirmed by Argentina's equivalent FDA.

In all instances the Swedish FDA has neither checked the content of the vials, nor investigated any suspicions - at the same time given approval for Comirnaty to be used in Swedish Citizens. The paper goes into a lot more things such as PCR testing, etc - and in total, as an authority failed to do their duties.

I guess what it is about, is to force the Swedish FDA to investigate the contents of the Covid-19 vials, which has the duty to do so according Swedish Law. (Let's see how justicia works in Sweden... :whistle: Muoha-haa-haaa)

It is good to see that Björn Hammarskjöld works together with the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin. He has been interviewed several times in the past - albeit he seems sluggish in the English language - make no mistake, when you hear him talking in Swedish, he is a sharp arrow of knowledge in (e.g. virology, microbiology) and great dignity.

This prosecutor's notification of extremely serious criminal allegations of counterfeiting of medicines etc. shall be duly registered by the Registrar, requesting full contact details of the case officer appointed by the Chief Prosecutor/Chamberlain Ingrid Isgren, together with a record sheet/diary number or diary sheet, as proof and confirmation that the notification to the prosecutor has been received and duly registered.

Please request this information as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to bjorn@hammarskjold.nu, r.fuellmich@fuellmich.com , kontakt@vivianefischer.de and corvin.rabenstein@corona-ausschuss.de

The conclusion is that Comirnaty appears to be forged/false.

1.29 The Swedish FDA is responsible for the control of medicinal products, see the Swedish FDA's according the Surveillance Plan 2018

1.30 As the Swedish FDA refuses to analyse the content of Comirnaty, they appear to know themselves that Comirnaty appears to be counterfeit

1.31 It is therefore a fact acknowledged by the Swedish FDA that Comirnaty contains foreign material and that Comirnaty is a falsified medicinal product which, without further evidence, should be the basis for the decision of the authority.

1.32 The Swedish FDA is suspected of protection of a criminal as it appears to be failing to investigate suspicions of counterfeit medicines in contravention of the Medicines Act and the Swedish FDA's own oversight. The Swedish FDA is thus hiding the suspicion of counterfeiting of medicines from the public, which is contrary to Chapter 23 of the Penal Code.

The paper you can read (in 🇸🇪 Swedish language) as a pdf file I uploaded below.

Start of the Grand Jury Proceedings

In a video (here in english), attorneys Viviane Fischer and Reiner Füllmich from the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin, are announcing that the Grand Jury Proceedings start on 5 Feb 2022.

Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding

First date: 05.02.2022

In serious crimes in the US, a so-called grand jury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is sufficient to bring public charges against the accused.

We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe.

The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered so far and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.

More on this in the announcement video.


A hearing with Dr. Peter McCullough and Sen. Ron Johnson that was dated yesterday that sounds the alarm regarding the inconsistencies in the media portrayal with what's happening with vaccinations:

In the beginning, they bring up the whistleblowers from the military a bit ago and that their data is being suppressed from the public finding out the more real numbers.

The Man Woke Up Drugged and on a Hospital Vent After a Car Accident.

The hospital tried to kill him as covid case.


The Man Woke Up Drugged and on a Hospital Vent After a Car Accident.
The hospital tried to kill him as covid case.

If this story is true, it is horrible (and made me really angry).
And i salut the guy of having acted immediately as soon he woke up in the hospital bed.

It reminded me very much of what was said at the recent Senator Ron Johnson "Covid-19 second opinion" hearing, which I finally listened to the very end last night. The last 1.5 hours of it - felt really heavy, made me feeling physically sick on my way home from work, just shaking my head over and over again. One of the experts, a doctor whose name I can't recall, mentioned something like "that the hospitals in the US are the Concentration Camps... literally killing off people".

It is a global war, an global attack on humanity at large, isn't it ? But we never thought it would be like this - the way it has unfolded during the past 2 years - where the weapons are very different compared to the brute forces of destruction in WW1 and WW2. And now, as more and more details are unfolding... it takes a really strong stomach in order to keep (something resembling) a balance. (I have no words, really). 🤮
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