Here's a researched and insightful article from the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, to which I'm subscribed, entitled:

Preventing A Third World War: The Corporate Driving Forces Behind The Crisis In Ukraine Are The Same Ones That Led To World Wars One & Two​

The article starts:

"With global attention increasingly focusing on the deepening crisis in Ukraine, the steady drumbeat towards war is becoming ever more audible with each passing day. If the world is to avoid falling into the abyss of another catastrophic global conflict, it is crucial for us to learn and understand the lessons of history. While there are undoubtedly many factors that have led the world to this critical point in time, one of the most important ones continues to be ignored by the mainstream media. Despite what we are being told, the corporate driving forces behind the current crisis are precisely the same ones that led to the previous two global wars."

The Foundation has, for many years, promoted natural remedies such as minerals and vitamins, and has been deeply critical of Big Pharma - especially now, since the Covid mania started. The site is a good resource for information on well-being.

Here's the article:

Preventing A Third World War: The Corporate Driving Forces Behind The Crisis In Ukraine Are The Same Ones That Led To World Wars One & Two - Dr. Rath Health Foundation

BRILLIANT! With ONE Click, Over 1 MILLION Americans Will Contact Congress Over Next 24 Hrs To DEMAND They Defund Biden’s Vax Mandates...

Americans are cheering on the truckers in Canada, while asking "What can we do in America to stop the attacks on our freedoms?”


Americans for Limited Government is here to help!

They are generating 1,000,000 emails to congress in the next 48 hours to defund Biden’s vaccine mandates & protect medical freedom!

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) is leading the fight in the House, and Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) are lead in the Senate.

In the days ahead, both the House and Senate will be voting to fund the federal government and this is the place to make a stand. 41 Senators can filibuster any funding bill which pays for enforcement of the Biden Vax Mandates.

The pressure inside the swamp to go along with funding Biden’s attack on our personal liberties is intense. EVERY MEMBER OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE NEEDS TO HEAR FROM YOU RIGHT NOW!

We need 1,000,000 patriots to step up! It’s time to defund Biden’s tyranny once and for all!

Here’s a message from Rick Manning, president of Americans For Limited Government:
“The Biden administration’s medical tyranny is arguably one of the most disgusting governmental overreaches in our nation’s history. Conservative leaders in Congress like Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Congressmen like Chip Roy are leading a fight to defund Biden’s vaccine mandates, but they can’t do it alone. The pressure to ‘go along’ in the swamp is intense and it will take millions of Americans standing up and saying enough is enough. Americans for Limited Government is on a mission to generate more than 1,000,000 emails to Congress to help defund the mandates. There are very few instances in history when the voice of everyday hardworking Americans has been more important. This is one of those times. Join our movement at and tell Biden to stay the hell out of our personal medical choices.”
You can sit on social media and complain, or you can take 30 seconds from your day and help to send shockwaves through the Swamp with over 1,000,000 emails to every member of Congress.

Join the patriots of America and take action to stop the CCP virus tyranny!

If only it would work - Ohio's two senators, a far-left Biden liberal and a pro-vax Republican not seeking reelection; US Rep (R) completely supports the official CDC narrative which his website actively promotes. I might as well email my dog.
Today's laugh injection:

Wanted - Joe Rogan For Killing Dinosaurs

Every day is an IQ test, and many are failing it. Mark Dice, a popular Youtuber, often creates humorous petitions that are both entertaining and indicting of public ignorance. For example, he recently took to the streets of California to ask random people their opinions on Joe Rogan’s hunting the Triceratops in Africa and asked them to sign a petition to have the Triceratops added to the list of endangered species.

Hilarious but also freakin' sad! I honestly got the impression that the signers not only had no idea about the dinosaur, but the name Joe Rogan either! Didn't seem to get any reaction.
Slightly off topic, but still relevant to illustrate how little is known until years later...
In a very simplistic way, the immune response is divided roughly in Th1 and Th2. Th1 helps clear up your body of cancer cells and viruses through the innate defense system via T lymphocytes. Interferons released in the nose and mouth after contact with viruses help to stimulate the T lymphocytes.

Th2 mounts the antibody response.

You want to have a balance between Th1 and Th2, you don't want a Th2 shift response.

The more your body is shifted towards a TH2 response with antibodies, the more innate immune deficient (Th1) your body is. Vaccines encourage this antibody response (Th2). The more antibody production, the more your body shifts away from the innate antiviral response.

Here's an interesting illustration of why shifting your immune response to an exclusive antibody response might not be such a good idea:

New outbreaks may be caused by the virus hiding in the brain and reactivating in treated patients, researchers warn

One of the deadliest infectious diseases on the planet, which is caused by Ebola virus (EBOV), may relapse, researchers have warned. A study, published on Wednesday and dubbed “groundbreaking” by the scientific community, has found that Ebola may be hiding in the brain of those thought to have recovered years ago following an antibody treatment.

Such persistent infections in survivors make them spread the virus again, “potentially causing a new outbreak,” according to researchers.
They discovered “severe inflammation and massive Ebola virus infection” in the brains of about one in five macaque monkeys that had received monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment. The virus persisted specifically in the brain ventricular system, in which cerebrospinal fluid is produced, circulated, and contained. Despite being cleared from all other organs with effective therapeutics, the virus was able to re-emerge to cause lethal disease, while also severely damaging brain tissues.
34:39 vid at link:



"There's not one published scientific paper where any particle that you could call a virus [...] in the biological fluid of any sick human or animal . . . anywhere. And everybody agrees. All the virologists agree. They say that's not how you find a virus." - Dr. Tom Cowan



You'll have to watch this to believe it - the scientific equivalent of figures don't lie, but liars can figure!




It's all very interesting, but I can't help but wonder if they aren't forming their own cult. Can't they get their hands on a Royal Rife microscope and look at living cells? Surely, one must exist somewhere.
This morning in Holland truckers blocked the parliament and ministerial district.
In parliament there is a bit of a row going on as the ministry of health changed the 'independent binding advice' coming from the Outbreak Management Team for the ministry had failed to find and buy medical facewear and would not face the embarrassment. When asked about it, they lied outright.
Pfizer now has delayed its application for FDA approval of jabs for kids under 5 by at least two months. The FDA had planned to decide on the vaccine based on early trial data as soon as next week with the government planning to roll it out on Feb. 21. Yesterday, the agency said it had reviewed new trial information that arrived after Pfizer and BioNTech's request for emergency authorization and decided it needed more data before weighing in on the authorization.

Pfizer and BioNTech had submitted data on the first two doses of a planned three-dose regimen earlier this month at the request of the FDA. Interestingly, it did not disclose efficacy data. They expect to have the necessary data generated by the trials in early April. Reuters mentions Fauci minion PI (industry bought) Paul Offit said "It makes sense to wait for the safety and efficacy data on all three doses to be available before we make a decision about this vaccine".

Yes I'll bet, they are making it seem like their research is actually thorough, peer reviewed, etc. etc.! The FDA said parents anxiously awaiting the vaccine for the roughly 18 million children in the age group should be reassured that the agency is taking the time to make sure it meets the standard it has set for authorization. So technically, these jabs could be on the market in April. I can't help but think April drop dead date? Gosh, those poor babies and children!!

Here in Portugal the idea of injecting the tiny kids as early as this month was floated some 10 days ago. I am happy to report that pushback against the injections of the 5 to 12 year olds (available since mid December 2021) is quite firm and persistent here, even though they try to publicly humiliate the doctors and scientists who warn the public against these concoctions. They estimate more than half of the kids aged 5-12 have not been jabbed. (But all must be fully masked all day long in the schools, though.) Moreover, our national hero suspended judge Rui Fonseca e Castro (posted about before) bravely repeated once again his many grievances against the PTB's Covid narrative for all to hear, including that the Council of Magistrates, which is handling his suspension case, is "an accomplice of eugenic and sanitary authoritarianism". Hear, hear :thup:

While in Switzerland protesters carried cardboard boxes representing children who died because of the covid injections:

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