The 5th meeting of the Pandemic Investigation Committee was held on March 2. The Commission consists of lawyers and scientists. The topic of the meeting was the so-called respirator scandal. The interrogated (guest) was a representative of a company dealing with, among others, servicing of medical equipment.
It was reported in the media that someone had probably made a dishonest profit as an intermediary by carrying out an order for the State Agency for Strategic Stockpiling. And nothing more was heard.
However, from the testimony of this gentleman it follows:
-He was asked, not formally by doctors, to check the ventilators because they were malfunctioning. And reports to the distributor were ignored.
- found that the equipment was faulty because it did not maintain the preset gas mixture settings
- it has an oxygen content range of 40% and not 21% as required by the standards
- the respirators did not have anti-dust filters for air from outside
- He checked 3 or 4 such devices, from the same manufacturer, and all had the same defects
- Asked by the committee if in his opinion this could have an impact on patients' health and life, he said YES.
- He said that after some time (probably more than a year of work) and reports of incorrect operation by doctors, hospitals in which this particular equipment was used received a notice that the ventilators will be taken away in order to update the software, although, as he claims, such things are done on site and it takes a few minutes.

I listened to 1.5 hours of material which is more than half.
Were these machines the murder weapon?

Translated with (free version)


Dr. Lee Merritt: Exposing and Dissecting Ukraine Biolabs (Video)​

Sunday, March 6, 2022 4:41

In this vital video, Dr. Lee Merritt is exposing and dissecting the recent Intel regarding the Ukrainian Biolabs and that their true use was going to be.

Dr. Merritt is currently engaged in fighting the fake Covid takedown of our world. She is an outspoken advocate for free market “medicine” as opposed to government one-size-fits-none “healthcare”.

I have much respect for Dr. Lee Merritt and always like to hear what she as to say; I think that she as good insight and being an ex-military as some way of getting info from within it.

Here is some of what she shares in this video. (45 min.)

2:45 Talk about Putin, if Rothschild say that he is a traitor to the NWO, we know where Putin stand, we are already in WWIII not of because of Russia but in the great war again DNA. (Humanity)

3:30 Talk about the children of politician, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry etc..., involvement in money laundering in Ukraine.

4:45 Bio-lab in Ukraine and Georgia.

8:45 2013-2014 everything changed for the worst in Ukraine, she think that Clinton losing the election to Trump was when they started looting the country, something not good happened then.

9:45 Talk about gain of function research, Fauci not in the spotlight anymore where is he? Talk about the stage of WWIII, now being in the fourth stage;

stage one, create the pathogen

stage two, big spy-op to seed fear

stage three, The vaccine and shedding of the spike protein and it delay on it impact on human.

stage fourth, the damage is been done by the bio-weapon, the spike protein and some of it dna inserts related to HIV.

15:15 Talk about the actuary in Indiana, Germany and England working for insurance company seing the dead rise in the working age group. State some data of different side effect and statistic that are off the chart in the civil population and military.

19:15 this attack was not on the whole world, China and Russia didn’t use the vaccine on their military. Killing possibly millions without firing a single shot as she say and what will be the result for the military that did vaccinate there soldier. Make me think that nothing will stand in the way of the greatest army in the world soon.

22:45 Talk about the genetic vaccine, it research and the experimentation and who own what and where they are in their research. Mice experimentation in Australia to sterilise the female and it familiarity with side effect of the vaccine. Collection of DNA from many governments. The DNA war she calls it. Selective bio-weapon , ace2 coat variant and it binding efficacy and different impact on different population, those more at risk. Designed to impact us trough the ace2 pathway. More impacted are Caucasian and Black, less are the Asian and Finnish (10%) and the Ashkenazi and Hamish are at O%.

33:00 talk about different vaccine in research at the moment and how they a researching to vaccine trough GMO food.

36:00 who as the money and the mean to create those research, a small number of people, very rich and powerfull.

39:00 Discust DNA memory, work of Luc Montagny . Water as DNA memory, it may be the solution in finding a way to heal the dna of vaccination. China as 50% of the world computation capacity for DNA research and sequencer.

Really good interview.

Dr. Lee Merritt: Exposing and Dissecting Ukraine Biolabs (Video)​

Sunday, March 6, 2022 4:41

In this vital video, Dr. Lee Merritt is exposing and dissecting the recent Intel regarding the Ukrainian Biolabs and that their true use was going to be.

Dr. Merritt is currently engaged in fighting the fake Covid takedown of our world. She is an outspoken advocate for free market “medicine” as opposed to government one-size-fits-none “healthcare”.

I have much respect for Dr. Lee Merritt and always like to hear what she as to say; I think that she as good insight and being an ex-military as some way of getting info from within it.

Here is some of what she shares in this video. (45 min.)

2:45 Talk about Putin, if Rothschild say that he is a traitor to the NWO, we know where Putin stand, we are already in WWIII not of because of Russia but in the great war again DNA. (Humanity)

3:30 Talk about the children of politician, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry etc..., involvement in money laundering in Ukraine.

4:45 Bio-lab in Ukraine and Georgia.

8:45 2013-2014 everything changed for the worst in Ukraine, she think that Clinton losing the election to Trump was when they started looting the country, something not good happened then.

9:45 Talk about gain of function research, Fauci not in the spotlight anymore where is he? Talk about the stage of WWIII, now being in the fourth stage;

stage one, create the pathogen

stage two, big spy-op to seed fear

stage three, The vaccine and shedding of the spike protein and it delay on it impact on human.

stage fourth, the damage is been done by the bio-weapon, the spike protein and some of it dna inserts related to HIV.

15:15 Talk about the actuary in Indiana, Germany and England working for insurance company seing the dead rise in the working age group. State some data of different side effect and statistic that are off the chart in the civil population and military.

19:15 this attack was not on the whole world, China and Russia didn’t use the vaccine on their military. Killing possibly millions without firing a single shot as she say and what will be the result for the military that did vaccinate there soldier. Make me think that nothing will stand in the way of the greatest army in the world soon.

22:45 Talk about the genetic vaccine, it research and the experimentation and who own what and where they are in their research. Mice experimentation in Australia to sterilise the female and it familiarity with side effect of the vaccine. Collection of DNA from many governments. The DNA war she calls it. Selective bio-weapon , ace2 coat variant and it binding efficacy and different impact on different population, those more at risk. Designed to impact us trough the ace2 pathway. More impacted are Caucasian and Black, less are the Asian and Finnish (10%) and the Ashkenazi and Hamish are at O%.

33:00 talk about different vaccine in research at the moment and how they a researching to vaccine trough GMO food.

36:00 who as the money and the mean to create those research, a small number of people, very rich and powerfull.

39:00 Discust DNA memory, work of Luc Montagny . Water as DNA memory, it may be the solution in finding a way to heal the dna of vaccination. China as 50% of the world computation capacity for DNA research and sequencer.

Really good interview.
I agree that it is a world war that revolves around dna. very interesting is what they have tested and monitored and collected before and after vaccines, with the pcr test
Another speech of Vera Sharav, an holocaust survivor who was already referenced a few times in this thread.
She was contacted by Luxembourgish people to make a statement adressed to the authorities, it's an article in french on a Luxembourg website (.lu) and a short 6m video.
Here's the article : Vera Sharav : son message au peuple luxembourgeois - Vigilance Citoyenne

And here's the direct link to the video on crowdbunker (in english with french sub-titles) :
More Covid scare story. Government turning up the heat on citizens and media platforms for mis, mal and disinformation. The form for reporting one's information: Call for Stories and Research on Health Misinformation

From Steve Kirsh via Substack this morning suggesting we flip the narrative of investigating the persons who are sources of Covid misinformation to the misinformation from authorities as well as the inherent invitation to name actual friends who told us to take specific actions a propos of Covid. It's about domestic terrorism, and asking individuals as well as organizations to name names. Naming names and using one's own name is a two-way street, clearly. I wonder if Steve is in his right mind suggesting people sign such a document. He leaves no stone unturned in opposing the scare story.

Link to his newsletter.

DHS: Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders you should investigate ASAP

Within that newsletter there's an informative sub-link, things I never knew, all pulled together by Steve and his colleagues. They list their top corporate kingpins, institutional, political, media and Honourable Mentions, i.e., the incredible Big Bird commercial for vaccines.

DHS: Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders you should investigate ASAP

In the ball-park of domestic terrorism and Government control,, a document, 'Cognitive Warfare' from NATO, 2020: Covid identified on page as PsyOp. The article is from a recruitment event in Quebec where NATO reached out to neuroscientists informing them they can assist in controlling citizens as well as fighting wars. I believe I posted it here months ago. Just in case there is even one person here who may benefit from a well-crafted document detailing current military mind control techniques.

Some headings in the index: Information Warfare to Cognitive Warfare, Hacking the individual, Vulnerabilities of the human brain, Direct weaponization of neuroscience and technology. Final.pdf
Some headings in the index: Information Warfare to Cognitive Warfare, Hacking the individual, Vulnerabilities of the human brain, Direct weaponization of neuroscience and technology. Final.pdf

Fascinating reading - at the same time it is a very scary document (in my opinion) - chilling in it's clean-cut coldness; the way plans are made over the heads of humanity in an digital age of warfare. Dehumanization comes to my mind... And somewhere I suspect that psychopaths and sociopaths look at humanity and people... like cattle, bugs and flies.

All of it - weights heavily on my heart.

And yet, there needs to be room for strategic hardness, too - otherwise the psychopaths will roll over people like a steamroller. Yet, the problems closer at hand, might be the people in our closer surrounding (daily life), who are still plugged into the matrix, and therefore acting on behalf of the system, defending it at all costs (think; during much harder times...) So, there it goes ... war-like conditions (mind, physically, info wars) may once again pull out the best and the worst in humans.

Another aspect I wonder about, is how much cognitive, higher functions in humans have been/are/will be compromised due to the wide distribution of genetic injections... That those may have a significant factor in how humanity and societies are moving now, as well in the near future... :-/
On Odysee: A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie | Oracle Films

In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.

But on January 18th 2021, Dr Hill published his findings on a pre-print server. His methods lacked rigour, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion. In the end, Dr Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.”

The researcher seeking a global recommendation on Ivermectin had instead recommended against it. A media onslaught against the medicine ensued. What were Dr Hill’s reasons for doing so? Were his conclusions justified? Or were external forces influencing his about-face?

One year on, this film recalls exactly what happened from the perspective of somebody that experienced it first hand; Dr Tess Lawrie; also featuring contributions from Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik who worked closely with Dr Hill during the same time frame.
In other words, corruption of 'science'/'scientist'.
Fascinating reading - at the same time it is a very scary document (in my opinion) - chilling in it's clean-cut coldness; the way plans are made over the heads of humanity in an digital age of warfare. Dehumanization comes to my mind... And somewhere I suspect that psychopaths and sociopaths look at humanity and people... like cattle, bugs and flies.

All of it - weights heavily on my heart.

And yet, there needs to be room for strategic hardness, too - otherwise the psychopaths will roll over people like a steamroller. Yet, the problems closer at hand, might be the people in our closer surrounding (daily life), who are still plugged into the matrix, and therefore acting on behalf of the system, defending it at all costs (think; during much harder times...) So, there it goes ... war-like conditions (mind, physically, info wars) may once again pull out the best and the worst in humans.

Another aspect I wonder about, is how much cognitive, higher functions in humans have been/are/will be compromised due to the wide distribution of genetic injections... That those may have a significant factor in how humanity and societies are moving now, as well in the near future... :-/
Strategic Hardness, resisting effectively. How in our daily lives to Aikido the energy!

I also feel in the case of the vaccinated there is a subtle, energetic level of attack introduced with the vaccines that like shedding, is unintentional, but maybe a clever enhancement for some people already maimed by toxins.

My experience since the rollout of the shots, I have noticed a different interference with thinking and emotions and even physical effects - pain in head, nausea, slight dizziness, inability to focus - and I use tools that work against them. Spinning, meditation, the breathing meditations, and wearing silk or Faraday cloth stop the invasion for the time being. BTW, the C's said silk protects and it DOES, I've found. The C's also said it in a transcript, we can return the kind of greeting that wouldn't be appreciated by the PTB - and I add, our friends at NATO, Pfizer, et al. So I try to recognize the invasive tech as distinct from my own physical/emotional/psychic problems and so far repelling them is a regular feature of getting through the day, and of helping friends who are having similar experiences. Spinning is quick and works excellently.

Another aspect I wonder about, is how much cognitive, higher functions in humans have been/are/will be compromised due to the wide distribution of genetic injections... That those may have a significant factor in how humanity and societies are moving now, as well in the near future... :-/

Good question! Adding that the hatred from vaxxed to unvaxxed could be an emotional embellishment enhanced by the injection on top of the PsyOp. I observe some of the depressant vaccine effects on friends' core intents, or inner spark, wanes after a few months but the permanent vaccine effects seem to be causing sometimes catastrophically failing health. Extrapolating from ill health alone on top of the other global upheavals is like peering ahead to an evolving time of even greater ... lessons....

Robert F. Kennedy in The Real Anthony Fauci book, posits GMO's and agri-chemicals, always approved by authorities and Fauci, led to huge drops in IQ. IQ intersects with other higher functions, how, when... ? Kennedy's book link below, the 'look inside' feature is an eye opener in itself.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health: Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books -

Maybe where we are is already the result of the long-term effects due to agri and pharma chemicals, etc., as Kennedy says.

A Norwegian study - IQ decrease of about 3% points per decade started happening in 1975. That was when the 'Flynn effect', the increase of about 3 percentage points per decade, stopped and reversed. CNN reports fairly fully here on the 2018 study.

IQ scores are falling and have been for decades
I agree there is a subtle energetic level of attack in the vaccines. I've felt it.
Spinning, meditation, the breathing meditations, and wearing silk or Faraday cloth stop the invasion for the time being. BTW, the C's said silk protects and it DOES, I've found
This is very wise! I got bullied by my husband and his family into having 1 shot of the Pfizer poison (but thankfully only one shot) and I have found these to be all very helpful in combating it's effects (and the protocol to be an absolute god-send). I notice a strange sense of loss when I'm not wearing my silk vest. If only it wasn't so expensive I'd buy more!
Many public train services in the EU have had it mandated to have vaccine pass or 3G requirements to use the public transport. One of those countries is France (2G), where for TGV trains, this has been mandatory for a couple of months now and will be so to at least the end of March.

BUT, now a directive is out that all Ukrainian refugees don't need any Covid pass or test to board any trains i Europe, just everybody else. Again this shows that this requirement to have a 2G pass has nothing to do with health. It reminded me of when the BLM protests were happening where the ban on mass gatherings was in place for everything else. At the time even the WHO said that those protests were more important than the socalled sanitary restrictions. Yet funerals were only allowed then for 10-20 people present and strict enforcement of masking and distance rules.
Now again, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians can criss cross Europe without any restriction and for free and it is all fine and dandy. I think that some of those people who have been bullied , lost jobs, income, suffered depression, marriage break-ups etc. due to resistance to accepting these repressive Covid measures, might be getting a little infuriated at this nonsense. Likewise for some of those who reluctantly participated because they thought it was a necessary precaution.

Then again, the mass psychosis is strong and the many have blindly followed the change from Covid to Ukraine as this image shows.

Amazing how Covid has dropped from the headlines and this thread which was galloping away with 10 new pages a day, has now come to a snail's pace. No doubt it will pick up speed again in a few months time, when we get closer to autumn in the northern hemisphere.
Many public train services in the EU have had it mandated to have vaccine pass or 3G requirements to use the public transport. One of those countries is France (2G), where for TGV trains, this has been mandatory for a couple of months now and will be so to at least the end of March.

BUT, now a directive is out that all Ukrainian refugees don't need any Covid pass or test to board any trains i Europe, just everybody else. Again this shows that this requirement to have a 2G pass has nothing to do with health. It reminded me of when the BLM protests were happening where the ban on mass gatherings was in place for everything else. At the time even the WHO said that those protests were more important than the socalled sanitary restrictions. Yet funerals were only allowed then for 10-20 people present and strict enforcement of masking and distance rules.
Now again, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians can criss cross Europe without any restriction and for free and it is all fine and dandy. I think that some of those people who have been bullied , lost jobs, income, suffered depression, marriage break-ups etc. due to resistance to accepting these repressive Covid measures, might be getting a little infuriated at this nonsense. Likewise for some of those who reluctantly participated because they thought it was a necessary precaution.

Then again, the mass psychosis is strong and the many have blindly followed the change from Covid to Ukraine as this image shows.

Amazing how Covid has dropped from the headlines and this thread which was galloping away with 10 new pages a day, has now come to a snail's pace. No doubt it will pick up speed again in a few months time, when we get closer to autumn in the northern hemisphere.

Lol, funny observations @Aeneas!

In the UK we're trying our best to move past covid, at least in the sense that there are no more covid restrictions and the covid passes never took hold here. The only place where covid exists is the airports and one fulfilling covid requirements to enter other countries, including most countries in the EU.

Having said the above I note that in the radio in the UK we get multiple advertisements for covid vaccines especially aimed at kids. Also now we're seeing more and more advertisements about noticing heart issues early.

The anti covid movement that formed over the last 2 years in the UK still remains strong and a portion has pivoted into the situation in Ukraine e.g. Mike Yeadon and his affiliates are alive to the situation in the Ukraine as can be seen from their telegram channels. Also we have some "English patriots" ostensibly led by "Tommie Robinson" who for years has been labelled racist and far right who seems to be quite balanced and alive to both covid and Ukraine. He has such a big movement of so-called patriots who no doubt used to be "far right" and watching him act to guide and educate these people through these world events is quite something to witness!!

I think there's a small but sizeable size of the population in the UK that are switching on to the nature of the world though of course the vast majority are completely lost - triple jabbed and believe Putin is the devil.
As of today in Serbia , the validity of the covid pass is revoked. At the gatherings in closed premises, the limit on the number of people is being abolished, so that all cinemas and theaters will be able to work according to the normal regime.

The recommendation to wear masks indoors remains, while the quarantine is still in force for seven days.
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