I’ve said it before but I say it again: based on what I’ve listened to and seen featuring in his show I don’t consider Stew Peters to be one last bit reliable. He tries to present ‘bombshells’ and ‘secrets’ on every show with little or no evidence to support them. I don’t know if he’s controlled opposition or just a fortune seeker. In any case, I’d recommend that you take everything that goes on in that show with a huge grain of salt.
Yes, he seemed to pop up out of nowhere. For people such as that, listen, but do your own research.

Karma or Covid what difference does it make now!

The cause was cancer, according to a statement by Ms. Feinstein’s office.

Ms. Feinstein missed votes in recent weeks as Mr. Blum’s health declined, imperiling the Democrats’ precarious Senate majority, which relies on a tiebreaking vote from Vice President Kamala Harris.

Mr. Blum exerted influence generally as a political patron and an adviser. It was only during his final months that he sought government office, informing President Biden early last year that he hoped to be made an ambassador.

That move could have caused Ms. Feinstein to leave the Senate and travel overseas with Mr. Blum, and some Democrats saw it as a potential way for her to make a graceful exit from Congress at age 87. Members of her own Democratic caucus had been grumbling that her mental acuity had diminished and that she had become too accommodating to Republicans.

Mr. Blum became Ms. Feinstein’s companion between the death of her second husband, Bertram Feinstein, in 1978, and her victory in a race for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 after two unsuccessful attempts. They married in 1980. In 1983, Mr. Blum helped Ms. Feinstein raise $400,000 to beat back a recall attempt.

He remained her closest confidant and most reliable fund-raiser through her mayoralty, which ended in 1988. The couple then poured about $3 million of their own money into the 1990 California governor’s race, which Ms. Feinstein lost to Pete Wilson, a Republican. But, again with Mr. Blum’s financial help, she won election to the Senate in 1992.

With deep pockets, he became a major figure in Democratic politics, counting Jimmy Carter as a jogging partner and Mr. Biden as one of many beneficiaries of his largess. His net worth was estimated to exceed $1 billion.

He also held nonprofit positions; at one point he was chairman of the University of California Board of Regents.

With the Dalai Lama among his influential friends, Mr. Blum developed an interest in South Asia as the home of Buddhist philosophy, as a recipient of philanthropy and as a place for adventure: He once led an expedition up part of Mount Everest.

In a statement of condolence, Mr. Biden called Mr. Blum “a successful businessman and proud son of California who dedicated much of his public life to fighting poverty around the globe” through the establishment of the American Himalayan Foundation, a nonprofit group that builds schools and hospitals in Tibet, and the Blum Center for Developing Economies at the University of California, Berkeley, which focuses on innovative solutions to global poverty.

Richard Charles Blum was born on July 31, 1935, in San Francisco to Louise Hirsch and Herbert Blum, a seller of robes and raincoats who died during Richard’s boyhood. Richard graduated from Berkeley with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration.
He joined Sutro & Company, a San Francisco brokerage firm, at 23 and became a partner before he turned 30, by which time he was already a millionaire.

In addition to Ms. Feinstein, Mr. Blum is survived by a brother, Robert; his daughters, Annette, Heidi and Eileen; his stepdaughter, Katherine; and seven grandchildren.

During Ms. Feinstein’s 1990 race to be California’s governor, Mr. Blum described to The New York Times what he called “the triathlon of politics.”

“No. 1,” he said, “we get to see on a regular basis everything she’s ever done and I’ve ever done distorted in the newspapers. No. 2, we get to share 17 years of our tax returns on an intimate basis with 30 million people. And three, I get to pay to watch all this happen.”
Shawn Hubler contributed reporting, and Kitty Bennett contributed research.
From the National Post (NP), March 1, 2022, reporting on a judgment by Pararatz J., a Hamilton Family Court judge, on a dispute between separated parents as to vaccinations for the children. The mother, opposed to the vaccinations, cited Dr. Robert Malone, amongst others, the father cited government health authorities.

I can scarcely believe this judment, and secondarily, that they were reported in relatively MSM news! The mother's citation of various experts, probably the ones I've learned from included, as in Dr. Malone's case, provoked actual commonsense, acute observation from this Judge! Interesting, Media bias fact check calls NP moderate Right bias and reliable, though also using loaded words.

Commenting on the mother’s internet submissions, Pazaratz said he is not “for one moment suggesting that we should presume the mother’s experts are right. But once we determine they’re not crackpots and charlatans, how can we presume that they are wrong? Or that they couldn’t possibly be right.”

Further summarizing the mother’s position, the judge said pro-vaccine parents “have consistently (and effectively) attempted to frame the issue as a contest between reputable government experts versus a lunatic fringe consisting of conspiracy theorists, and socially reprehensible extremists.

“This was absolutely the wrong case to attempt that strategy. The professional materials filed by the mother were actually more informative and more thought-provoking than the somewhat repetitive and narrow government materials filed by the father.”
From the National Post (NP), March 1, 2022, reporting on a judgment by Pararatz J., a Hamilton Family Court judge, on a dispute between separated parents as to vaccinations for the children. The mother, opposed to the vaccinations, cited Dr. Robert Malone, amongst others, the father cited government health authorities.

I can scarcely believe this judment, and secondarily, that they were reported in relatively MSM news! The mother's citation of various experts, probably the ones I've learned from included, as in Dr. Malone's case, provoked actual commonsense, acute observation from this Judge! Interesting, Media bias fact check calls NP moderate Right bias and reliable, though also using loaded words.
And isn't this usually the case? While certainly there are many examples of "lunatic theories" on any topic, in a lot of cases the "conspiracy theorists" will present an encyclopedia of knowledge, and the government-backed information amounts to a hand scribbled note on crumpled up paper that reads "trust me."

Hopefully this judge will use this as a springboard to keep researching! Thanks for sharing this!
Goodness, after reading your good news I read this, I hope hope hope it's not the same family in question. That would be absolutely terrible, and in any case, it is still absolutely terrible 😔

From the National Post (NP), March 1, 2022, reporting on a judgment by Pararatz J., a Hamilton Family Court judge, on a dispute between separated parents as to vaccinations for the children. The mother, opposed to the vaccinations, cited Dr. Robert Malone, amongst others, the father cited government health authorities.

I can scarcely believe this judment, and secondarily, that they were reported in relatively MSM news! The mother's citation of various experts, probably the ones I've learned from included, as in Dr. Malone's case, provoked actual commonsense, acute observation from this Judge! Interesting, Media bias fact check calls NP moderate Right bias and reliable, though also using loaded words.
big oops! It was the Toronto Star, even more surprising, they of the Heather Mallick column vilifying unvaccinated viciously! Husband sent me the link, and I opened and read it and apologize for seeing the paper name incorrectly!

Citing ‘thought-provoking’ anti-vax sources, Ontario judge rules couple’s kids should not be vaccinated

P.S. The Toronto Star media bias fact check (for what any fact check is worth!) is called 'left centre', uses loaded words but are generally trustworthy.
Goodness, after reading your good news I read this, I hope hope hope it's not the same family in question. That would be absolutely terrible, and in any case, it is still absolutely terrible 😔

Wow, during a court ordered visit. Not the family before Pararatz J, who was in Hamilton Family Court in Ontario, Canada, nonetheless, his three children and himself and somebody else. Yes absolutely terrible.

Translated: Estados Unidos sancionó a los desarrolladores de la vacuna Sputnik

The United States sanctioned the developers of the Sputnik vaccine​

The Treasury Department imposed economic restrictions on the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the body that finances the scientific platform, after the invasion of Ukraine. How it will impact production and what will happen to the 9 million doses pending from the contract signed with Argentina.

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine progresses, the sanctions and economic restrictions imposed by NATO members on Vladimir Putin's government are increasing. The economic siege on Russian institutions and companies is spreading, and it opens up questions about what will happen to the distribution and marketing of the Sputnik V vaccine. How much will the restrictions impact the supplies needed for production?
Goodness, after reading your good news I read this, I hope hope hope it's not the same family in question. That would be absolutely terrible, and in any case, it is still absolutely terrible 😔

Not the same family. National Post is a Canadian paper, and Hamilton is a city in the province of Ontario/
ooops I see @Lyndi Lama got to it before I.
Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin
Session No 93 • "Concentric Circles"


🇩🇪 German

Another, very intense session which the Committee calls "Concentric Circles", (kind of like onion layers, by digging deeper and deeper in the whereabouts as well underpinnings behind the Plandemic.

In my opinion the true highlights were Dr Judy Mikovitz and Dr Stephanie Seneff.

But Mikovitz was like an explosion of information; literally crammed with information about Covid injections, poisoned & altered cell-lines in all (!) vaccines, including "conventional" ones from the past 20+ years, which play a major roll in today's degradation in humanities health, especially since the onset of the Plandemic. The Covid- injections, do 1) absolutely nothing in terms of health benefits and protection. It is impossible. 2) they contribute to the total opposite; the global disintegration of human health. Apparently the Covid injection work in synergy (negative on health) together with previous vaccinations given in the past 20 years.

It was so intense and filled with information, that I have to re-listen at least one more time, in order to actually give you more details about what she said...

So, instead I will here give you the (english) times stamps and hope I can gather/see/catch all the relevant names; because they are not visible, like in the Grand jury.

Time stamps for the English Version, No 93

Start. The guy Jason Miller
who created Gettr, also worked for President Trump, about a platform of free speech

BKK Letter
to Paul-Ehrlich Institute
About German Insurance company (BKK) which registered huge amounts of people having had (and have) serious adverse events. Extrapolated to the total amount of vaccinated, that would be 3+ million germans*** had to consult doctors for their "vaccine" injuries. It means 4-5% of the vaccinated ! However the dark numbers / unofficial numbers are even a lot higher then that !!

(***Compare that with the 3.3+ million Adverse events registered in the EudraVigilance database for Europe, you realize despite the high numbers, how under reported it appears to be !)

Video Lawyer Beate Bahner
about the BKK Letter to Paul-Ehrlich Institute, Which signifies the equivalent of a "time bomb" regarding this safety report warning by BKK.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg
says a little bit about the data that has been presented, e.g. how the German Health Authorities neglected and ridiculed the data, not even looking into it.

Dr Judy Mikovitz; (Huge amount of information)
Contaminated Cell lines grown and put into all conventional "vaccines" -*** - have lead to a cascade in degraded health, tumors and cancer, and many other serious disease, e.g. also re-labeled ones to whatever felt be fitting to the agenda (such as "Covid" for example). Meet them all, from hiv to Corona, Aids to VAIDS, Polio to Cancer (my head is spinning) :umm: The information was so vast, that the Corona Committee said, it would be better to add an ad-hoc session with Dr Judy Mikovitz in the near future. Cancer can be successfully treated - but the PTB makes sure that this will not happen.

Ukraine & Russia.

First a lifestream from "Kiev in the middle of the War" - albeit it is all calm in the life 4 streams.
The Corona Committee is already suspecting, wondering, if the Ukraine & Russia narrative is based on the same type of false flag like Corona, leading people astray, in order to bring about the larger global plan by the PTB. They want to investigative further into this subject, with various interviews, e.g. Polish Soldier(s).

Also interviewed is Dr Alexander Sergej, who is a political scientist and historian. (The Corona Committee plans to make more interviews e.g with American, German and Canadian soldier(s) in the next session [?] in order to find out more about the Ukraine & Russia Conflict). There was something important Poland, whose president made sudden changes in laws, e.g. so that American and English, North Irish and Canadian soldiers will be allowed to use weapons on Polish Soil by May 2022 !

(Note: I am not sure if I got it - overall - all correct, because I felt it was all a bit fuzzy to me, with too many different languages back and forth)

Economy & Debts, Money for Pensions are gone ! Edward Doud ex-executive / ex portfolio manager of Black Rock.
Following the bread crumbs behind the Covid Plandemic...​

Dr Stephanie Seneff
. (lots of information)
Glyphosate being a key player in both Corona as well the degradation of Human health. More about the genetics, Covid "vaccine" injections, antibodies, and auto-immune disease being created and promote through the injections. Results of re-exposure to antibodies, spike protein, And how the Covid-19 injections are deliberately created in such a way, that 1) to be more robust and not to break down easily 2) to create huge amounts of spike-proteins in our cells.
3) Exosomes from disintegrating cells due to the injections, play a vital roll in distributing the spike proteins (and misfolding proteins so called Prions) into the brain, creating inflammation, leading to neurological diseases, tumors, cancer, Parkinsson, Alzheimer. It appears to develop very quickly, in some people even at lower (30ish) age shortly after injection.

Very interesting !


Speaking of the Grand Jury, The Court of Public Opinion.
Session No 6 "Eugenics"

In the "last" session it should be noted, that the Grand Jury will continue, in about 2 weeks from now.

Second; the session No 6, which I finished watching yesterday, was indeed strong - and continued strong; with that Ilana Rachel Daniel from Israel had to say, but in particularly Avital Livny (the woman behind the "Testimony Project" Videos), was daunting yet very important to listen to. Giving deeper insights into the injuries of individuals in Israel ("the lab of the world"). And of course, elegant but straight out Vera Sherav - always a joy listening to a voice of reason.

01:55:21 • Ilana Rachel Daniel (Israel) • Situation in Israel
02:28:08 • Avital Livny • (Israel, Initiator of the Testimony Project)
03:13:12 • Vera Sharav • (Founded and President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, AHRP)
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While we are watching the war, a really relevant event takes place in Geneva
On March 1.

This bill will give the WHO power over country laws.

Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO, speaks of a “unique opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture".

But observers hope the WHO could use the pact to prescribe binding measures like lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations or central data collection. The pact would give the WHO direct influence over the exercise of civil rights in member countries.

The WHO Pandemic Pact will prevail over the Federal Constitution and thus overthrow it. With it, the WHO can introduce coercive measures such as lockdowns or compulsory vaccination

That's exactly what Dr Astrid Struckelberger has warned us of, already more than a half year ago !
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