Klaus Schwab talks about the importance of restoring or rebuilding trust in politicians and in so called authorities or elites in general, and this is what we see here. They are just playing their roles: "Oh, can you see how much we love and respect democracy. We will be defending it for you and criticise those of us who do not act accordingly". It is very dangerous because it will lull to sleep again those who just started to open their eyes and that is the whole point. It is just strategic maneuver. The same with all this withdrawing the "covid restrictions" and "mandates" etc., but not completely and leaving the gate open to be able to jump back in at any time.
Yep - the counter measure rather than an authentic calling out. A couple of articles pointing out the trust issues:

Ineffective response, lack of transparency lowered people’s trust in government’s handling of COVID-19

An ineffective response and a lack of transparency have lowered people’s trust in the government’s handling of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

It is important for people to retain a little bit of skepticism when it comes to accepting the words of so-called experts, especially if they are part of an old establishment that is seen to be very resistant to change. Uncomfortable truths, for instance, have always attracted abuse, ridicule and persecution, and those who dare speak out have always been regarded as dangerous heretics.

Even today, thinkers who dare question the establishment are being demonized and canceled by a modern culture that appears to offer a kind of constrained freedom that proves restrictive and destructive.

The article continues - here's the article linked from the first sentence -- oh look, it's Vernon Coleman!

How the medical establishment crushes the truth and suppresses good ideas

We are constantly being encouraged to put our faith in experts. But there is plenty of evidence to show that experts (particularly those who are employed, accepted and promoted by the establishment) aren’t always terribly reliable. Indeed, a little research shows that they are unreliable. They tend to hide behind jargon which they use to disguise their ignorance and to convince non-experts that they know more than they do.
If only these article would permanently hit the mark with the awakened not relapsing. How many are even seeing revelations such as this [image issue continues]:

Pfizer Offers Millions in Bribes To Buy the Silence of Outspoken Doctors


Dr. Paul Alexander speaks at Toronto World Wide Trucker Rally. March 20th, 2022

When the intimidation and ”cancelling” do not work, they are offering Millions in bribes.

In a recent substack post Dr. Paul Alexander, an outspoken critic of mRNA death jabs tells the story of Pfizer offering him a Million dollars plus 50K monthly wage to stop exposing Pfizer’s “safe and effective” poison and calling out Pfizers CEO Albert Bourla:

“ Yes, this happened. That I would not call out Bourla again.

… These vaccines by Pfizer, Moderna et al are criminal, for because they were non-sterilizing, and they knew it like how Pfizer knew there were 1,223 deaths that they and FDA hid from the public (see recent tranche of released documents, and 1290 special adverse effects etc., all hidden and they hoped for 55 or 75 years) it would have only driven infectious variants and more likely more virulent, more lethal ones.”

French Lawyer arrested for Treason after helping Reiner Fuellmich prove World Leaders have committed Crimes Against Humanity in the name of Covid-19


One of the attorneys assisting Reiner Fuelmich in proving world leaders have committed crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19, has been arrested in France on suspicion of terrorism and treason.

Virginie de Araujo Recchia
, a French attorney living in France who is participating in the work of the Citizen Jury with Reiner Fuellmich, was arrested in her home at dawn on March 22nd in front of her children. The arrest comes three weeks before ahead of the French presidential elections.

Fuellmich’s team have allegedly been informed the charges involve counterterrorism and possibly treason, and relate to the passionate work she does for the French people as well as the world, in fighting to restore our God-given rights.


Virginie de Araujo Recchia

At the beginning of the year, Virginie de Araujo Recchia, in partnership with her colleague Jean-Pierre Joseph, and two other jurists, filed a complaint before the head of the investigating judges on behalf of the associations BonSens.org, AIMSIB and the Collectif des Maires Résistants (Collective of Resistant Mayors) against the parliamentarians who validated a law on mandatory Covid-19 vaccination in August 2021.

This law forced millions of professionals to undergo experimental gene therapy or risk losing their jobs.

According to sources close to the case, she was working on a complaint against political parties and the actions of some of their members.

She had just made public her report entitled “Dictatorship 2020” accusing the government of state terrorism, attacking the fundamental interests of the nation and crimes against humanity.

This document was intended to form the basis for a criminal prosecution against members of the government…

Download the report here

This flagrant violation of rights demonstrates there is no more freedom of speech- and proves that if we speak out, as Virginie Araujo-Recchia has done, that we will be persecuted.

Even those who disagree with Virginie de Araujo Recchia’s message should know that their rights to free speech are threatened by such action. Just because you may go along with the “official” narrative now does not mean at some point you won’t disagree with it.

What happens then, if you have not moved to help another faced with this? You know this is fundamentally wrong, and against natural law.

This is a time for unification and standing up. We cannot continue to allow this tyranny to escalate. When Shakespeare said in King Henry VI “First, kill all the lawyers”… he was referring to the first step in destabilizing a society. For a society cannot be a peaceful society if it does not follow the Rule of Law or its Constitutions of God-given liberties. None of us is safe when tyranny rules.

The first casualty of war, as they say, is the truth. The next may be the lawyers and advocates, and then anyone else. Don’t stand by and let an arrest of a freedom loving patriot go unpunished or unheard. Please pray for her speedy release, her safety, and then flood the officials involved in this with calls and emails to protest this travesty.

If you don’t, this could just be the first in a wave of purges in the post-democracies of continental Western Europe.
One of the attorneys assisting Reiner Fuelmich in proving world leaders have committed crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19, has been arrested in France on suspicion of terrorism and treason.
Yes, it is becoming world-wide now. Any citizen, or anyone at all really, who tells the truth about what is really going on in any situation is now being called a terrorist. It seems that these truth-tellers are terrorizing the various governments, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, etc.; they are terrorizing the real terrorists.
Yes, it is becoming world-wide now. Any citizen, or anyone at all really, who tells the truth about what is really going on in any situation is now being called a terrorist. It seems that these truth-tellers are terrorizing the various governments, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, etc.; they are terrorizing the real terrorists.

I was listening to Brett Weinstein's Darhorse podcast recently, and he brought up new Department of Homeland Security definitions:

Misinformation: things that aren't true that undermine trust in government

Disinformation: things that aren't true that undermine trust in government, which are being deliberately spread

Malinformation: things that ARE true but which undermine trust in government

You're a terrorist if you spread any of them. So they've got you coming and going, now. It literally doesn't matter if what you're saying is true, only whether it's convenient for the establishment for it to be said.

🇩🇪 German
6 hours 2' 36"
6 hours 2' 39"

Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin

I wanted to write about this session No. 94 for a longer time, but never got to it as my computer recently disintegrated and now I am slowly starting to get familiar / adapt with a new Mac Studio, with the tools and programs i used to earlier in order to handle images, illustrations, and everything else.

Virus - No Virus Theory shown & explained

This session was a super interesting (I was deeply impressed) - because right in the beginning - Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer together with Prof Dr Ulrike Kämmerer (& Dr Wolfgang Wodarg speaks, too), are addressing the "Virus - or - No virus" theory. The latter which is defended by Dr Lanka and Andrew Kaufmann (they were not present this time).

What really impressed me was the attitude, the way Dr Prof Ulrike Kämmerer explained everything (including illustrations & images), what virus groups exist, how you isolate viruses, and a lot more. I can't remember anyone straight out of mind, who has done this so well. On top she has a really professional and positive attitude to the whole debacle about whether viruses exist or don't exist: she is not against the possibility that certain viruses don't exist (or better said; could be something else) - BUT - you have to be able test and explain it thoroughly. And she says, she is open to assist the tasks to test the theory of viruses with practical control experiments.

There can be pitfalls in the way scientists perform their tests with viruses, writing it down to studies. She says, she assumes that things have been correctly done (but it hints to the possibility that you can sneak in untrue aspects). When it comes to the SARS-CoV-2 isolation, those have been grown in VERO cells. This was the only aspect which made me wonder how much this can affect the results; given that Dr Judy Mikowitz in the previous Corona Investigative session, No 93, was talking about the VERO cell line, which is one of the reasons diseases are deliberately spread (e.g. through contaminated vaccines)


She also mentions bacteriophages - which are really fascinating. It is a Russian invention - using bacteriophages as a way to treat patients with untreatable wounds which don't heal anymore because of antibiotic multi resistant germs. The phages can dissolve bacteria. Dr Kämmerer explains how this is done.

Dr Prof Kämmerer says about Viruses

- Viruses always have a clear defined and structured genome, made of DNA or RNA. Those contain the programs to multiply and to create viral identical proteins (with help of the contents in hosts cells)

- a capsule (nucleocapsid) surrounds a virus itself, often containing a fixed number of proteins. Those have docking receptors attached - which are created to fit the host cells.

- some viruses surround themselves with a membrane which are created out of proteins from the host cell, in which the virus builds in virus-proteins; known as spike proteins.

In the end of the Dr Kämmerer session; Dr Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer agree on that they need to conduct experiments to show if viruses do or not exist, if Dr Lanka agrees.


The individual video
with Prof Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer you can see here:​

Other Participants / Witnesses

I only covered the first hour of the 6 hours session. There are several other witnesses present. All links are in English.

Harley Schlanger • Vice President of the Schiller Insistute, USA

Holger Fischer & Andrea Hettler • Holger Fischer (Lawyer and professional guardian) & Andrea Hettler (Professional guardian)

Brook Jackson • Former employee of the Ventavia Research Group/Whistleblower

Daniel Bulford • Former officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Hon. A. Brian Peckford, P.C. • Former premier of Newfoundland


Corona Investigative Committee • No 95
11 March 2022 • BEHIND THE CURTAIN • 5 hrs 48 min

🇩🇪 German

Individual Participants
(english links)

Dr. Angelique Coetzee - Physician and President of the South African Medical Association

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt - Pathologist
lots of tissue samples of diseased and living patients, shown and explained, as well strange foreign particles found, Turbo Cancer cases, etc.

Jürgen Eskes - German Lawyer

Wolfgang Effenberger - German Non-fiction Author and former German Armed Forces Officer

Paul Craig Roberts - Economist and Publicist

Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin - No 96
18 March 2022 • Everyone Must Make Everything His Business • 5 hrs 57 min

both languages
(original - without translations)

🇩🇪 German

Individual Participants
links with english language

Marius Krüger 🇩🇪
This was not available as an individual english video, only in german - but you can watch this in english in the big 6 hour video above. Developer of the Democracy App and founder of the non-profit association DEMOCRACY Germany e.V.

Alex Krainer
Former Hedge Fund Manager and Energy Markets Analyst

Guy Mettan
Journalist, Author and Politician of the Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland (CVP)
Books (selection):

  • The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemange to the Ukrainian Crisis (2015)
  • Creating Russophobia: From the Great Religious Schism to Anti-Putin Hysteria (2017)
All the soft power resources of the russophobic West have been mobilized to spread the fairy tale of evil Russia dreaming of conquering the world. Some prominent examples: coverage of the Überlingen crash, the Beslan hostage-taking, the second war in Ossetia and the Sochi Olympics, and last but not least the situation in Ukraine But why do the US, UK and Europe hate Russia so much? Beyond the geopolitical reasons for this conflict, he reveals the underlying historical, religious, and ideological roots and examines recent events in Ukraine against this backdrop.

Andreas von Bülow
Lawyer and former SPD deputy in the Budnestag and former state secretary in the Ministry of Defense
Author (selection):

  • "In the Name of the State" (on systematic cooperation between intelligence services, organized crime and international terrorism) (1998).
On the muddled Russia/Ukraine situation and Russia's years of failed efforts to establish a structural and mutual attack incapacity between NATO and Russia.

Jeroen Pols
Attorney at law and operator of the website viruswaarheid.nl. About the course of events and the prehistory of the factually unfounded arrest of Willem Engel on 16.03.2022 - one of the best-known spokesmen of the Corona measures-critical Dutch population, who always emphasised peacefulness. Among other things, he is accused of incitement of the people, because he called for a tribunal for politicians.

Viviane Fischer • Reportage "Geimpft, jetzt reden wir" 🇩🇪

Viviane Fischer • Reportage "Vaccinated, now we talk" 🇬🇧
Get ready for the 4th golems
"I respected barrier gestures less": the Covid-19 epidemic is starting again, even among those who have been vaccinated three times https://bfmtv.com/sante/j-ai-moins-respecte-les-gestes-barrieres-l-epidemie-de-covid-19-repart-meme-chez-les-triplement-vaccines_AN-202203240232.html
More and more cases of Covid-19 are recorded in France, including among people who have been vaccinated three times.

A new wave? For several days, the number of people affected by Covid-19 has continued to increase. This Wednesday, the bar of 100,000 cases was again crossed . And people positive for the virus are far from all unvaccinated.

This is the case of Juliette, a student in Lille. Spared since the start of the pandemic, she received her three vaccine injections. But with the lifting of health restrictions in mid-March, she "respected barrier gestures less." And the Covid-19 did not miss it.
Tested positive this Sunday, "I had a sore throat, a headache and quite intense body aches", she explains to BFMTV.

"The vaccine does not prevent contamination"

Fully vaccinated people positive for the virus and sick? They should be more and more numerous in the event of a new wave. Because the complete vaccination schedule does not prevent new contaminations, recalls Doctor Robert Sebbag, infectious disease specialist at the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.

"You may have been vaccinated three times and still be infected. The vaccine protects against serious forms, but it does not prevent contamination"

Hence the need, if you are in regular contact with people at risk or if you are yourself, to continue to respect barrier gestures (wearing a mask, social distancing, etc.).


Towards the return of the mask?

Faced with this increase in cases and with the spring pushing to drop the mask, the government could reverse its policy. Asked about lifting the obligation to wear a mask indoors, Emmanuel Macron assured this Wednesday that he would take "his responsibilities" to protect the French in the event of a sixth wave.

“We kept the mask in transport because we are packed, we even kept the health pass at the hospital, we launched a recall campaign. If things were to deteriorate, the president that I am would take his responsibilities to protect", he declared on M6.
CASE : Covid-19: the Omicron variant

Covid-19: more than 3,000 classes closed, the increase in contamination in schools is confirmed https://bfmtv.com/sante/covid-19-plus-de-3000-classes-fermees-la-hausse-des-contaminations-dans-les-ecoles-se-confirme_AN-202203250558.html
It looks like Sputnik contains the same mix of graphene oxyde/nanotech like the other vaccines. Yet another hint that Russia is not the renegade, anti NWO fighter a lot people like to believe in....

It looks like Sputnik contains the same mix of graphene oxyde/nanotech like the other vaccines. Yet another hint that Russia is not the renegade, anti NWO fighter a lot people like to believe in....

Include the other Chinese "conventional tech" jab Sinovac to the list that all is not well no matter which country makes them. There is already a growing list of Sinovac deaths and damage in Chile (probably more than 70% of the population had Sinovac for their initial jabs) now insanely boosted with Pfizer or Astrazeneca. Health authority has already begun the 4th round for the most brainwashed and compliant. Perhaps this will solve multiple problems for the government - pensions, underfunded public health system, housing demand, etc. While the rest of the world is eliminating harsh measures, Chile seems like it may be going the opposite direction under the new commie-socialist government.
From first-hand source in Shanghai: the city is undergoing a covid shakedown these past two weeks, requiring three tests of each of the 30+ million residents over a course of weeks. If any positive test with symptoms, they lock down the subject's entire building complex (can be >12 buildings at a time housing hundreds of residents) and disallow all residents from leaving the complex regardless of the results of their personal tests (programming belief in asymptomatic transmission). It seems that >90% of the positive "tests" are asymptomatic (of course, false positives), in which case those with such test results undergo daily testing until negative. Upon release from lockdown, all neighborhood residents jam the local food markets and clear out all the fresh vegetables and meat, waiting in long lines in the process, in fear of being locked down again.

Of course, the act of testing everyone creates a massive spike of "cases" as it always has, which has the presumably desired effect of instilling fresh fear in the public and threatening further anti-spread measures.

In my opinion, this kind of operation can happen anywhere now, and I will bet that it will.

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