I'm about 30 min. into the Dr. Ardis show from yesterday. He made a point that he had nothing to do with naming his interview with Stew Peters Watch the Water and that he's not worried about the water. He just made the point that it is being monitored by governments for Sars-CoV-2 [virus/venom] that he considers to be a bioweapon but not a very good one due to the low death rate from it proper. So he's answering some of the 250 or so questions his interview with Stew generated. And one of these asks why children were less affected by the virus/venom and he passes on what was communicated to him by a person who saw his interview and had been pursuing this very question for two years. Children have on average higher levels of melatonin than adults do and melatonin is an inhibitor of snake venom. He heard from Karen Kingston who said that most if not all the vax patents she looked at had the enzyme/ingredient likened to snake venom in them. He again recounts that the high blood pressure med lisinopril (made by Merck) has an ace inhibitor made from snake venom - venom which can and is synthesized in labs and is just as bioactive as the real thing.

He went on to tell of results from Italy involving 20 people PCR positive and 10 people not PCR positive. All 20 were found to have various snake venoms while the 10 had none. PCR has been used for years in regards to snake venom components. He went on to say (49:07) that a Dr. Tal Braun (?) sent a letter to the FBI in June 2021, saying Sars-CoV-2 wasn't a respiratory virus but an envenomation.

Part 3 now up plus these articles on Natural News:

Snake venom company "Venomtech" partners with Charles River Labs, which ran Fauci's "secret island" of monkeys used for medical experiments

MILLIONS of Americans are swallowing FDA-approved medications made from venom of snakes, vipers, leeches, scorpions, Gila monsters and more (full list)
OoooK? Bomb dropped in April, right before Easter, and hopefully, the person that dropped the bomb will only be dead right about the truth in the information. Impecable message from the Cs.
Question is, what is the true part of that information, and from that, which is the absolutely critical message?
Remember, Life Finds a Way, we need to see it and help others.
When power is centralized, psychopaths will tend to gravitate towards the center of power. A small proportion of psychopaths in some key positions can make comparable damage as a large proportion of psychopaths dispersed over many positions. China, by its proximity to Russia could be "civilized" by osmosis, by it is still a centralized structure that can easily and rapidly be taken over by psychos.
I tend to agree with this as the most likely reason. Shanghai is clearly being used to test population control. I don't think some doomsday pathogen is running rampage over there as other Chinese towns and cities would be under the same level of control. So it's definitely some kind of psychosis going on and you know what, if it's some virus, the solution they are putting in place is not the right one. All in all, unlike Russia, China in my view does not represent some beacon of hope. They are as messed up as us in the West - only in different ways.

Having been to Italy and before that, Cyprus, I can safely say the Chinese top-down control virus is slowly but surely infecting the European Union. It's a bit scary - so scary that now being back in the UK I feel so relieved, like there's some freedom over here that is all of a sudden not present in the EU. I can go about my business and no one would ask to see some "green pass" or ask you to wear a mask let alone berate you for wearing the "wrong" mask. I think European identity is being redefined by Brussels into some nightmarish hell.
China likes money and progress and their actions in Shanghai lead to the exact opposite. It should follow that they know something we don't.
What could it be. According to reports, there's no sign of a deadly pandemic there and it's completely localized to Shanghai, which would not be the case if there was any danger of it spreading.
My best bet is that it's a massive experiment to see how much actual control they have and possibly feeling out what a new, fully controlled socioeconomic system would look like.
On the other hand, it might just be a real life example of communism going wrong. Incompetence and unchecked power, mixed with an ideology divorced from reality and basically unlimited resources can and will lead to some crazy stuff.
Ponerogenesis run amok. Is this part of the April drop-dead date?

Bioweapon-Jabbed Commercial Airline Pilot’s Heart Stops In Cockpit Mere Minutes After Landing

DALLAS, TX – An American Airlines Pilot, Robert Snow, was in the cockpit of a plane that had just landed on Thursday when his heart stopped due to what was described as “severe post-vaccination cardiac arrest,” according to reports.
Snow was operating Airbus 321 and suffered the incident just six minutes after the plane touched down, narrowly avoiding a potential catastrophe that endangered his life as well as the 200 other people on board.
In November, Long testified at Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson’s panel discussion regarding the shots, speaking on three pilots she had to ground in one morning, all three due to vaccine injuries. “After I reported to my command my concerns that in one morning,” she said, “I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries, the next day my patients were canceled, my charts were pulled for review, and I was told that I would not be seeing acute patients anymore- just healthy pilots there for their flight physical.”
Head of the US Freedom Flyers, Joshua Yoder, issued a press release on the incident, outlining the danger of the incident. “This near miss is a direct result of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) overlooking their own safety regulations for brazenly political purposes,” the statement said, “relating to the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine mandate policies many airlines have enacted in coordination with the FAA.”
Yoder pointed out in the statement that the airlines has mandated the Covid shot in order for employees, including pilots, to keep their jobs, despite the fact that the shots remain under emergency use authorization by the FDA. In other words, pilots are forced to receive an experimental drug injection to keep their jobs, putting hundreds of people’s lives at risk every time they fly.
Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin
No 100
: "Last Stop - Justice"
4 hours 37 minutes

session 100.jpg



Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer
Human biologist and immunologist

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Internist, Pneumologist, Social Physician

About: Initial comments on the significance of positive tests after Corona "vaccination". Discussion about HIV inserts in order to pull away attention from the crimes committed against humanity with the injections (steering towards HIV/AIDS instead - where Moderna has already gotten an FDA emergency approval for a.... HIV "vaccine") Really convenient, wouldn't you say ?

Dr Bryan Ardis' snake venom-covid connection is mentioned (and will be investigated further in the near future)


Jimmy Gerum
Initiator of "Leuchtturm ARD" (ARD Lighthouse) and producer of feature films (selection):
1995: After Five in the Jungle
2001: As far as the feet carry
2012: The Wall [As head of production]

Presentation of "Leuchtturm ARD", a collective movement that wants to put pressure on public broadcasting in order to force it to fulfill its political educational mandate: multipolar, balanced reporting that is far removed from the state. The goal is a media place of orientation that will allow us to become politically mature citizens and thus create a humane, mindful, grassroots democratic, transparent and common good-oriented society of the future. The website offers instructions on how to "stop paying".


Joel Skousen
(war-heavy discussion, with very bleak outlooks ! Mentions that there is a satanic aspect to the world control games)

Founder and Chief Editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news-analysis service Served as a USMC fighter pilot during the Vietnam Era. During the 1980s he was the chairman of the Conservative National Committee.

  • About the Deep State conspiracies behind this exaggerated pandemic.
  • Constitutional trickery and the corruption of courts by blackmail and secret loyalties
  • The City of Londons betrayal of the US military in the City of London's war aims from Korea and Vietnam through to Iraq.
  • The coming World War with Russia and China and why we are
    set up for failure in Ukraine. ~ “Globalism is a quasi-religious movement that stands above
    individual tyrannies such as communism or extreme environmentalism, and that is able to manipulate those movements and individual national régimes with great coordination"
  • “More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist NewWorld Order (NWO).” [v. 2006]

Martin Armstrong
(interesting interview, does however lack any potential consideration of hyper dimensional influence in the whole world 'game')

Economist, once a US-based trillion-dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with uncanny accuracy.

Website: ArmstrongEconomics.com

US interference in 2000: In the early 1980s, he founded his financial forecasting and consulting firm Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in high demand around the world. As Armstrong's reputation grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join the "club" to help them manipulate the markets. Martin declined, repeatedly. A few months later, the FBI stormed his office, confiscated his computer model and accused him of a $3 billion swindle. From 2000 to 2006 he was in prison, not because he had been convicted of a crime, but because he was in a standoff with the government.

• Effects of negative interest rates​
• The real problem behind the Covid agenda and the creation of war​

LARA LOGAN: Very good interview with Del Bigtree.

She goes from very informative, to very intense, to tears. All appropriate to the subjects IMO.

They basically check all the boxes of the present critical subjects. Here are some of them: Worthless eaters, trafficking, the boarder, China, fentanyl, bestiality, and mama bear's fight.

It’s a long show, with several parts. The Lara Logan interview is from 1:21 to 2:14, the first part of the show covers the clips from the LA rally, China, and what the Borg has to say about us worthless eaters. All very good also.

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More footage from China, perhaps Shanghai.
Some weird stuff is going on. Police are really acting like the virus is raging out of control.

Is this an operation to try to convince the West to lockdown again? are these videos "leaking" out for a reason?

It seems that it is a movie of those that Netflix is transmitting lately about the end of time.

There's something weird here. The policeman stops a passerby who surrenders with his hands up, BUT does not stop the person who is openly recording the video?

Here in my country the police get upset and reprimand the one who is recording with his cell phone...
Martin Amstrong commented (at around 49:00 min) during the No 100 session at the Corona Investigative Committee, that the events in Shanghai are likely not about any virus - but Shanghai being the largest port in the world, the lockdowns / shutdowns inducing further weakening of the American Economy through inflation and disruptions.

I guess he means, that China sending a "greeting postcard" to the US.

I feel - at all levels of my existence, the way China is behaving towards it's own citizens, is beyond criminal, completely psychopathic and shows lack of respect for human life at most levels.

When I heard the other day, how China tried to teach the US about moral; listing all the awful things the US has done and lied about, vs heroic China didn't... (while leaving out it's own record breaking mass murder projects through time :rolleyes:... well, so much Bs !!

China has lost all credibility - because - while cranking out lovely, long and sharp moral speeches - it locks down its largest city with 25 million citizens; without respect for human life, based on a nonsense virus as of April 2022 with help of mass-testing people with the fraudulent Drosten SARS-CoV-2 PCR test... 👿 How wrong can wrong get ?

I am not saying that this could or would be the only plausible explanation for Chinas bizarre behaviour... I keep in mind, that there are many "wheels within wheels" working beneath the surface of what is shown off on the public world stage.

It seems that it is a movie of those that Netflix is transmitting lately about the end of time.

There's something weird here. The policeman stops a passerby who surrenders with his hands up, BUT does not stop the person who is openly recording the video?

Here in my country the police get upset and reprimand the one who is recording with his cell phone...
Someone on social media asked why is "police" written in English on these goons hazmat suits. Answer?
[46:08 vid]
FOLLOW-UP: Dr. Ardis answers the top questions about "venom theory"

Addresses the water aspect as not being the bomb some are trying to make it out to be -"Water has not been my story". Ardis again reiterates that the virus/venom (my wording) was a very poor bioweapon in that 99.997% recovered from it, so even if it was distributed via water, it had almost no effect and he never thought the water was dangerous. Adams interjects about poisoning via fluoride, Flint MI lead poisoning, and other toxic chemical poisoning of water [movies Erin Brockovich and Dark Waters].

I'd like to interject here myself concerning municipal water. My town owns and operates the public water supply - water is sourced from a creek that comes from a local reservoir plus a couple of wells. We were notified - after the fact - several years ago that the water had contained some substance that was currently corrected. I didn't save the info, but this is the only thing I can find that might be it: a group of disinfection by-products known as Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM). The way that this substance is officially determined changed which accounted for above acceptable levels according to the city and it only affected one part of the city. Here's how our water is treated:
The treatment process is broken into many steps to produce premium quality drinking water, including coagulation using ferric chloride and settling to remove particles; softening using lime and caustic soda to remove calcium and magnesium which contribute to water hardness; disinfection using chlorine to kill harmful microorganisms; filtration using sand filters to remove fine particles and granular activated carbon to remove any potential organic contaminants; fluoridation for dental protection; corrosion control using phosphate; and taste & odor control with powdered activated carbon. The water is softened to approximately 125/mg/1 or 7 gpg and has a fluoride level of .9 mg/l.
In looking for info I found our "high quality drinking water" rated a 57 on a scale of 100. And I subsequently found there are other elements in the water including a potential pathogenic microorganism that could be problematic for children, elderly, and immune compromised people. So glad I drink reverse osmosis water. And I just saw this on Natural News:

Dr. Ardis again says CDC is monitoring wastewater for Sars-CoV-2 but has never indicated it's for the purpose of removing Sars-CoV-2 from the wastewater. And since CDC is finding it in the water, then it's in the water! Period. The focus - Ardis' stresses again - is the snake venom components regardless of how it may have been distributed. In this vid Ardis says Karen Kingston says she "found that enzyme (sPLA2) is in every single Covid-19 vaccine." Brings up learning melatonin is children's protective element due to global networking that the interview generated. Adams references a man who has a patent for treating cobra venom with chorine dioxide solution (CDS) which was discussed for 20 min. in an interview with him. CDS denatures the venom which detoxifies it and so it is a treatment for envenomation. This launches a discussion that CDS is the only supposed thing that works (and Mike says it's not MMS) and maybe it could be used to treat wastewater that ultimately becomes source water and for people who only drink tap water, to use as home treatment of their water. Ardis talks about the threats to his life and that he now has security people employed - it cost him $5000 for one security guy for a recent weekend engagement (might have been his gig in Cincinnati). Now that the cat is out of the bag, it's hoped more can be learned about the entire situation of illness and death that's been attributed to Covid-19 plus the officially recommended treatments and those that have been prohibited.

I just want to add this little tidbit from Part 3 @46:00 - Judy Mikovits said suramin was the antidote for the shots in her interview with Mikki Willis. Ardis references the study 100 Years of Suramin that shows:

And suramin is a drug made by Bayer and could work as an antidote to snake venom poisoning.


Suramin the Covid Vaccine Antidote | As per Dr.Judy Mikovits Ph.D.

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Someone on social media asked why is "police" written in English on these goons hazmat suits. Answer?

Good point about POLICE being written in English. I was about to say the cameras were not confiscated because this was a message to the world. Police in English kind of backs that theory up.
Just a quick google images search for Shanghai police brings up many pictures showing that this is what police in Shanghai usually wear (not the hazmat suits, but the English wording).
I'd say it's probably due to the fact that Shanghai is the financial centre of China with a large foreign population.
As to the video in question, it looks to me like the people yelling and filming are not on lockdown. The area behind the fence probably is and the police were taking back the ecapees or something like that.
Just a quick google images search for Shanghai police brings up many pictures showing that this is what police in Shanghai usually wear (not the hazmat suits, but the English wording).
I'd say it's probably due to the fact that Shanghai is the financial centre of China with a large foreign population.
As to the video in question, it looks to me like the people yelling and filming are not on lockdown. The area behind the fence probably is and the police were taking back the ecapees or something like that.
Some more from Google images:

It's not just police, it's swat too:

Watched this youtube vid that was posted in comments to the April 13 Dr. Ardis show - horrified! I knew fluoride was bad and it's origins in Michigan for use as a dental cavity preventative, but what's revealed in this documentary is really mind blowing. And since there's a question of drinking water being a means of virus/venom distribution, the whole idea of informed consent that mandated vaxxes has brought to bear along with the specter of totalitarianism, this vid is extremely relevant on several levels regarding our current governmental health management directives:

Something that really jumped out was a statement beginning around 54 min. - that black and Mexican Americans have a gene that allows for a greater uptake of lead when fluoride is in the water - 400% uptake for Mexicans and 600% for blacks. It's been proven that lead lowers IQ and also generates violent behavior over time. Studies proved the removal of leaded gasoline from the environment led to lower crime rates.
Watched this youtube vid that was posted in comments to the April 13 Dr. Ardis show - horrified! I knew fluoride was bad and it's origins in Michigan for use as a dental cavity preventative, but what's revealed in this documentary is really mind blowing. And since there's a question of drinking water being a means of virus/venom distribution, the whole idea of informed consent that mandated vaxxes has brought to bear along with the specter of totalitarianism, this vid is extremely relevant on several levels regarding our current governmental health management directives:

Something that really jumped out was a statement beginning around 54 min. - that black and Mexican Americans have a gene that allows for a greater uptake of lead when fluoride is in the water - 400% uptake for Mexicans and 600% for blacks. It's been proven that lead lowers IQ and also generates violent behavior over time. Studies proved the removal of leaded gasoline from the environment led to lower crime rates.

What an incredible and well done reportage / documentary...

Thank you JEEP !!! Just mind boggling, I have no words - even if I was/am aware of Fluoride, but this updated documentary does nail it well. It is just so cynical, that every time one/we look deeper into the connections between state and businesses, very dark seeds appear to be growing at the bottom of things.
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