Greg Hunter calls this interview “mind blowing” and I have to agree, it is very interesting, and if mostly true, it is a must watch for those “trying” to keep up with all of this. She appears a bit frustrated and sometimes angry in the interview. It seems the tension is getting to everybody. (One hour interview)
"Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives us a mind-blowing update on the bioweapon injections for 10.25.22."
Here are a few discussion points:
Everything she is discussing she says is documented on her web site.
After the FDA approved the mRNA vax you are free to sue for information.
mRNAs are harmless to humans; they need the lipid-nano-partials to function.
The Angus cows did not die of heat stroke. (All at the same time.) it was a test of 5G on inoculated specimens.
You are being affected whether you are vaxx or not.
Not shedding spike proteins, but a Bio/AI that is cognitive, alive and parasitic in nature seeking to advance. A live function of “Quantum dot”. Spike proteins are a red herring.
One part biological and one part AI, and cognitive.
Quantum-dot explained. (Can appear and disappear according to the frequency and photons they are given.)
Corona technology has 10 patens and 10 crowns. (?)
There are no placebos. Targeted testing and experimenting going on.
Rand Paul: Traitor. Passed a bill to do away with animal testing making “us” the test subjects.
Food, medication and supplement contamination.
The whole narrative is corrupted. Karen feels like and conspiracy theorist within the conspiracy movement.
This is the system, and it hasn’t yet come to its full purpose and potential. 1) The bio/AI injection (nano-tech). 2)Star-link 3) 5G and 4) LED lighting. They are now, or are about to be, all used together.
There is much more in the 1-hour and 1-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives us a mind-blowing update on the biow