XPan would you please tell us why this is 'funny' as your smilie suggests.
It could be about the bioweapon claim being debunked, which is kind of a joke may be.
But what about the analysis of the misrepresented studies from D. Martin ? True or not, partly or totally ?
Propaganda doesn't usually come from only one 'side'...
The article you cited Financial analyst David Martin misrepresents studies and patent applications to promote the baseless claim that SARS-CoV-2 was developed as a bioweapon
Has the following as its conclusion


In summary, Martin’s speech doesn’t provide the smoking gun for COVID-19 origin that he and others claimed to be. The alleged evidence presented is nothing but a list of misrepresented studies on early coronavirus research and old patent applications on animal coronaviruses all unrelated to SARS-CoV-2 or the COVID-19 pandemic.

None of the cited studies and patents suggests that the virus was engineered. In fact, some of Martin’s claims aren’t even new and have already been debunked. While there are still questions about whether the virus SARS-CoV-2 had infected humans through a naturally-occurring spillover event or a lab leak incident, there is simply no evidence to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 was developed as a bioweapon.
The author may be correct in his analysis of Dr Martins claims that the patents bear no relation the SARS-Cov-2 virus, yet is a stretch to claim that there is no evidence that the virus, born in Fort Detrick and further developed in Wuhan, was not engineered. There is the HIV portion, the furon cleavage, and other aspects others have pointed that make it unlikely it was a natural virus. Perhaps he is trying to attack Dr Martin in part in order to, by implication, to also attack the bioweapon source of the virus.
7 doctors hanged in 1947 for violating informed consent: Now COVID has broken the Nuremberg code
32 min..
june 5th 2023 ..
DarkHorse Podcast


foreign although Nuremberg is a feature of
living memory there are people alive today many of them who were around to see that trial and its aftermath it is
somehow distant enough it is 76 years ago that the trial of the doctors
concluded 1947 that people do not have the relationship with Nuremberg that they need to have
and I wanted to both point out what the Nuremberg code is why it matters why it
is above law why it has a status in our in our ethics Paradigm that is above law
and what that therefore means to see a multiple violation of Nuremberg in the
present right what what reaction should we be having to to that simple fact
so let's start with some Basics there were two Nuremberg trials and a historian may
have a better view on this than I do I welcome any refinements or corrections
but there were two trials there was a general trial um for Nazis who were captured
and there was a doctor's trial because the medical violations were were a unique and profound fact of the
Holocaust and there's no gentle way to say this
we literally hung seven doctors over violations of informed consent which as
far as I understand it was not formalized in advance of the Holocaust right so the point is this was
understood to be a principle that any rational doctor should Intuit
right and in fact the Nuremberg Trial of the doctors was an extension of the
Hippocratic Oath every doctor swears to the Hippocratic Oath if you have sworn to the Hippocratic oath to First Do no
harm then that has a direct extrapolation to Medical experiments
that the doctors who engaged in the behavior that the Nazi doctors engaged in were understood to have violated
implicitly to the point that they were executed publicly right that is an
amazing statement that that is not 500 years ago that's 76 years ago we
literally hung seven doctors because they violated informed consent which was not yet codified it became codified in
1947 as a result of Nuremberg and it is now something that no doctor can even though
Nuremberg declared it not an excuse that you didn't know about this you now can be held responsible for violating the
Nuremberg code because it has been spelled out and enumerated yeah there's there's even less reason to imagine that
you can escape culpability now post Nuremberg Nuremberg was a specifically predicated on the Hippocratic Oath this
you know this principle that goes back a couple thousand years in medicine that one should first Do no harm which is of
course easy to say and then in practice you know obviously a surgeon does harm so it means something like do not net
harm or do not foreseeable net harm or something like that yeah you can't take an instantaneous measure of like at no
point uh in inflict something that could be harmful like that's that that can't be what it means and so it does require
um the ability for doctors to make decisions right and to take risks which
is also why it is an oath and not a rule yeah right oath means you are going to
agree to this principle this value and then you are going to figure out how it applies to what you are doing right this
is above law right that's really important there is Law and then there
are things that are above law it's a higher authority it is a higher authority and it is putting you in a position of doing the interpretation in
real time it may be an emergency right you may be trying to figure out you know do I cut this person's leg off even
though this person might survive if I left the leg intact you know you
juggling it is is the key thing that a doctor is trained to do
and the Nuremberg judges there were three in the doctor's trial the Nuremberg
judges understood the oath to imply informed
consent they then ruled that these seven doctors were guilty of such egregious violations
of that principle that they were literally hung which I find barbaric frankly the idea that we hung
these people but my point is this was an act this was an extraordinary
um tragedy that was dealt with by civilization with
extraordinary responses because of the profundity of all of the principles involved
and to find ourselves in the 2020s
casually facing violations of those very same principles and the deeper you dig
the more obvious it becomes how many violations there are I thought it was
two informed consent we didn't consent because we were mandated and we weren't informed because they shut down the free
exchange of ideas that's two violations but then I looked at all the sub Provisions in the Nuremberg in the
Nuremberg code and it's it's stunning yeah you want to put that up and actually I'm going to read the first paragraph and then we can quickly
just look at some of these and you'll spot immediately how covid maps onto this thing it's it's incredible
so the Nuremberg code provision one so just um what you're showing here is an
article a review 50 years after the Nuremberg code published in the New England Journal of Medicine in which a
piece from the original code is um published yes the original code is republished and then there's historical
context presented the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential period
this means that the person involved should have Lee should have legal capacity to give consent should be so
situated as to be able to exercise free Power of Choice without the intervention of any element of force fraud deceit
duress overreaching or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion so if you
think the mandates don't violate this because they didn't carry the force of law they were certainly coercive it
continues and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved
to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision
this latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject
there should be made known to him the nature duration and purpose of the
experiment the method and means by which it is to be conducted all inconveniences and
Hazards reasonably to be expected and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from this
participation in the experiment the duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each
individual who initiates directs or engages in the experiment that is not
the subjects it is the personal Duty and responsibility which may not be
delegated to another with impunity and that last phrase is interesting it may
not be delicated to someone who cannot be punished that's what that means right
Pfizer was immunized it cannot be punished it cannot be it cannot have
delegated to it the responsibility for informed consent which it then falls down on and is somehow immune to being
prosecuted that is not acceptable according to the Nuremberg code which I find amazing this is so clear
right when mapped onto the mandates for these experimental
treatments is absolutely Unforgivable and when I say unforgivable I'm talking
about a code that preceded the hanging of seven doctors so I mean Unforgivable
all right provision two the experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society
unprocurable by other methods or means of study and not random and unnecessary
in nature right the experiment has to be justified on the basis that harm done
would be in the service of a greater good that's what that means so and and this second item in the Nuremberg code
that the experiment should be unprocurable by other methods or means of study Maps very neatly on to the conditions
for which you can get granted an eua absolutely an emergency use authorization which as we discussed in
gosh it's going to be early 2021 with regard to the suppression of uh the use
of ivermectin in the treatment of covid it was necessary that there be no other
treatment for covid that was available else Pfizer and moderna could not have gotten
euas for these experimental treatments that they cleverly sneakily falsely
called vaccines uh which means that the suppression of information on hydroxychloroquine on
Ivermectin and on vitamin D is another violation of Nuremberg right
um all right three the experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a
knowledge of the natural history of the disease and or and other problem understudy that
the anticipated results will justify the performance of The Experiment
so they obscured the natural history of the disease itself and they could not
possibly have appropriately used animals in the testing well it's interesting actually so this three here is reminds
me a little bit of our constitution Nuremberg code is obviously much younger than the American Constitution but there
are places and we've talked about this a lot There Are Places the American Constitution that as amazing and
forward-thinking and Brilliant as our founding fathers of this country were they could not have foreseen some of the
technological advances that were to come hundreds of years in the future this
um this phrase that the experiment should be based on the results it should include a knowledge of the natural
history of the disease belies the fact that they could not foresee that we might buy at some at
some point in the future be creating Franken viruses right and so you know fully aside from like oh they're
obscuring they're still claiming this is zoonotic origin they're still looking for you know stuff in the animal Market all of this
it's actually not going to be possible three won't be possible in a world that
has already allowed the kind of gain of function research that almost certainly produced SARS Kobe 2 in the first place
which means that the research might be understood to be itself in violation of Nuremberg that's a good point and at the
very least it is an absolute obligation not to obscure the origin because as we
said here on Dark Horse we're at what I have heard nowhere else that what was
done the protocols that were deployed that created the virus have implications for how you might expect it to evolve
Downstream and what you might want to do to treat it and prevent it so we had a right to that information and they
obscured it violating yet another provision of the Nuremberg code four the experiment should be so
conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury
gee the denial of natural immunity and the immunizing of people who were too
young and healthy to be vulnerable to this disease cannot be justified and some of them were harmed so that was
unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury for sure it was and I mean there was also a lot of playing
so much of what was accomplished was done through slights of hand slights of
language in fact right and so call it a vaccine you're not an anti-vaxxer are
you well what if I say among other things my objection to that is that that thing that you're calling a vaccine
isn't a vaccine now it's a vaccine we said it was and so it was also
experimental in nature it was brand new and the this mRNA technology as we've talked about extensively as many people
have was was brand new and up until that point there had not been any successful
this successful research in humans and there hadn't been for this product either but we just kind of like you know
threw the dice and it wasn't ever called to us those who
were told we must take this thing and experiment and so the language of Nuremberg is an experiment what it has
been recognized as is an experimental treatment right and uh we will get later
at the end of the hour to um to other sort of squidgy words that are used to obscure that fact but you can call it
everything anything you want it doesn't change the fact that you were experimenting on humans well with this
treatment that was called a vaccine not only that but because of the way that this was accelerated and then deployed
globally you were dealing with I think it is phase four right there are three
three of the uh the safety trials
right that is to say in release of the uh the stuff into use in the public
there is then the intense monitoring of signals of Adverse Events right that is
understood formally as part of an experiment and in this case you know what I've said before is this was an experiment in
every way but one which is that we did not seek to collect the data that would have made it a valid scientific
experiment immoral but at least scientifically valid but if you're going to obscure the evidence of a harm then
you know you're you're deliberately not looking at the results of the experiment you're running
um and then you know of course unnecessary physical and mental
suffering and injury what the hell the gaslighting of the injured is
to me the most jaw-dropping fact of the whole thing right that you would take people especially people you know Maddie
to Gary who a child who participated in your safety trial because she wanted to
do her part to address covid is Gravely injured and then you pretend that she's
not that she's faking like what kind of diabolical monster would you have to be to do that right and yet we saw it
across the board there's still gaslighting the injured and that is unnecessary physical and mental
suffering and injury as outlined in provision 4 of the Nuremberg code which
again we hung seven doctors over so I guess um
at some level I wonder I do think I was naive as a child to
think that never again was was important and necessary but it would
never really happen here because I this was Nuremberg was 1947 you said yeah the
doctors trial the doctor's child concluded included in 47. so I'm thinking about the Tuskegee syphilis
experiments yep right they began I just looked it up in the early 30s but they continued well past 1947 and in
fact apparently it was in 1947 that um uh
was it um syphilis I think I found this I can't say oh yes
um penicillin became the recommended treatment for syphilis in 1947. WoW
same year as the the doctor's trial the Nuremberg code
became reified so Nuremberg happens and syphilis becomes
the recommended treatment for syphilis the same year penicillin sorry penicillin becomes the what did I say if
it doesn't work no it really doesn't Okay so let's start over um
the normal code becomes reified and penicillin becomes the recommended the
understood to be an effective treatment against syphilis both in 1947. 15 years
into the this into the Diabolical Tuskegee experiments in which
um Southern black men are allowed to get sick and die from syphilis uh and
deliberately not treated deliberately not treated and not told and you know it is it is a you know it is a
it is such an obvious example of a lack of informed consent that it is the thing that everyone has some recognition of
Tuskegee you know brings up that you know these experiments just the way Nuremberg brings up the code even though
Tuskegee and nurburg are places that don't that presumably other people live in and you know would like to be
recognized for other things but so the Tuskegee experiments continued for decades into like the 70s yeah right
decades early 70s I believe um after after both the Nuremberg code
and there is a known simple powerful antibiotic that does treat the very
thing so given that
why are we in fact surprised well that that Nuremberg was violated perhaps
across every single the tenant right during covet here's why okay
I have never heard anyone defend Tuskegee
right okay I've never heard it okay but but so the end it ended and I don't know exactly like early 70s so 50 50 years
ago right yeah 50 years from now well that's my 50 50 years from now if
if we haven't managed to disappear ourselves from the planet 50 years from now
the prediction is no one will be defending what happened that is
here that is exactly offending it and the vast majority of people who were
gleefully shaming those of us who were trying to speak up for Science and for truth and for Humanity
they will have either largely died or pretended they you know they will have
pretended that that wasn't really their position they will talk about how honorable and upstanding they were in
fighting the fight when they are absolutely lying like no one will
acknowledge 50 years from now just as no one acknowledges now 50 years after Tuskegee ends
that they were kind of involved and that it was okay right um I would just point out in passing Claire Lehman returned to Twitter after
having stormed off months ago um and said nothing of having been wrong
or anything like that and so anyway it will be interesting to see if she owns that but I think your point my point
nobody defends Tuskegee your point which I think is exactly correct in the end nobody's gonna be able to defend this
either because it's equally obvious how how diabolical it is but in the present
at the moment people are gleefully still standing by their
I don't even know what it is I was gonna say some nasty things so people are still
interested in shaming and destroying the careers of people who said no
I'm actually going to think about this scientifically and even if that's not who you were if you just said I'm an
individual with bodily autonomy an agency and informed consent remember that I'm not doing it people lost jobs
people lost families people lost we were demonized we're literally demonizing we are still we are still being I mean our
YouTube channel still demonetized right we don't know why we're here we clearly have thumbs on the scale uh in multiple
platforms so this is still this is the this is taking place in the present it's not even the recent past
okay I'll just continue these just so we've done them all note five no experiment should be conducted where
there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling energy uh injury will result except perhaps in those
experiments where the experimental physician also serve as subjects now
this one we don't know but I will eat the Hat of your choosing if Anthony
fauci took the MRNA vaccine and I know he will claim that he did and he will claim that there is proof but my sense
is we know that he must have known how dangerous that was and how useless it
was and therefore he would have been a fool to take it but um I think
I believe that uh sensu lato reading of number five here that is to say a broad
and generous reading of what the intent is is that uh if you don't know that death or
disabling injury could occur because you didn't bother to look for that evidence
that is also a non-starter that is also a uh a breach of the Nuremberg code and
what we know from a piece of video released from somewhere in the European Union I think uh in late 2022 early 2023
is a Pfizer exact being asked by um I don't I don't remember the specifics I think maybe a Danish
um politician yeah uh who you know who asked for what they had found about
death and injury and the fisberg exec said you know we didn't we didn't look we didn't this is where the phrase uh
speed of science comes from she in that weird uh we're working at the speed of science what could you do
right um so you know if if you don't if you don't look to see if the thing
that you're then going to give to people give to people force on people uh has
the potential for Adverse Events and that that shouldn't actually cover
you with regard to saying well we didn't know yes but it was your obligation to know it was your obligation to ask the
question obviously I mean this is so obvious and it's it is also I will just put it here for the future because who
knows what we may one day discover but to the extent that anybody who was
coercing the rest of us either chose to take a different shot chose to take no
shot and no say it not say it chose to take a special Lot number right any of those things would indicate that this
was not only a violation of what they should have understood but a knowing violation right so anyway I think it is
it is a question worth asking in light of the amount of fraud that we have seen all right six
the degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem
to be solved by the experiment right all cause mortality
right it took us a long time to get around to public discussions of all cause mortality as the Arbiter of
whether or not this was a good idea or wasn't I think I can still man this one okay
which is that uh as as we understand it SARS Kobe 2 is a very nasty virus and um
likely has long-term effects on health and well-being that we have not yet begun to understood because how could we
whereas the um you know the fatality rate is relatively
low at least if you don't have three or more comorbidities for covid
uh it likely has long-term effects on health we knew that
but because they hadn't actually done the the right tests in before launching
this product these experimental therapy is on to the global market
we were told that they thought that this would mitigate the effects of coping
I don't know if they ever thought that at all they certainly didn't have the data on which to base that thought
and uh but if we understand that you know
covet is not a nothing Burger as some people particularly on the right would have you
believe it's not right it's it's a it's a real problem in large part because it is not zoonotic you know because it does
bring with it just this like Smorgasbord of Frank and viral symptoms
some of which we probably don't know yet but with regard to this was six um
covet appeared to be a problem across the world at the point that the
vaccines were launched now what we know now is that some amount of the uh really
really immediate uh deaths and and scourges that covid was affected coveted
was inflicting on various locations was likely I had a heterogeneous theatrogenic that is to say
putting people on ventilators uh largely hastened their deaths rather
than helped them so I'm not saying that they weren't actually that the the they did actually
meet the standards here but is it possible to argue that someone involved
in this could have thought that they had with the word of six and six only I think maybe maybe but I don't I don't
really buy it because they cheated right they took if the if it is the case that it is the long-term harms of covid
against which they were protecting you then informed consent should have allowed you to make the decision whether
or not you viewed the unknown surrounding the treatments they were recommending how you viewed that against
the knowns or the emerging notes I agree but as I said I'm talking about six and six only here right but but the point is
the humanitarian importance of the problem they cheated two ways okay they claimed or they let us believe that we
were actually having an epidemiological impact they pretended that these things blocked transmission and then they
pretended that the real concern was the overwhelming of hospitals and that therefore you had no right to choose
this for yourself because you were going to end up taking up a hospital bed neither so this is perhaps not important but six
is about the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved not about the treatment right so I don't know I'm just
responding to this one little line here right but they knew that this didn't
solve an epidemiological problem but that's I I don't read it that way the degree of risk to be taken should never
exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment if we understand the humanitarian importance
of the problem to be solved as massive Global pandemic which is what we had been led to believe
and what we think that most of the people who were claiming it was believed at the time
then that is an extraordinarily High bar that needs to be um that that was likely you know not
passed yeah but then they would need to have tested for transmission yes but again not not contained within the
um let's move on to number seven proper preparations should be made and adequate
facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury disability or
death that would seem to preclude gaslighting these people and running them around with respect to whether or
not they have a known syndrome that is Downstream of these experimental treatments yeah eight the experiment
should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons the highest degree of skill and Care should
be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment remember the
failure to aspirate uh the shadow failure to aspirate and the offloading
of this to stadiums full of who knows what and CVS and Walgreens and
nine during the course of the experiment the human subject should be at Liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he
has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible you had
the right not to get another shot if you were injured and lots of people I've heard the story multiple times had some
terrible impact from one of the inoculations and then we're told that they needed to get more and you
interviewed a woman in Australia yes who had a pre-existing condition of some
number of praises one of which included a life-threatening allergy to one of the ingredients in the shot to which she was
literally told that the right remedy for was to have an EpiPen available so that
if she had an anaphylactic reaction it could be arrested and finally 10. during the course of the
experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage if he has probable cause to
believe in the exercise of good faith Superior skill and careful judgment required of him that the continuation of
the experiment is likely to result in injury disability or death of the experimental subject we are still
injecting people with these we are still injecting young healthy people with these yep so
that is plausibly a violation of every single one of the provisions of the Nuremberg
code maybe six is an exception arguably maybe it is a violation of the two
Central components informed consent it was not consent and it couldn't have been informed so
and then again this is a principle that had not been spelled out in 1947 but
doctors were held responsible for having violated it because it should have been obvious to them we literally hung seven
of them okay now my point is Oaths the Hippocratic Oath the Nuremberg code
these are things that exist at a higher level than law they are more important and when we are violating these things
and we are violating both of those things the Hippocratic oath and the Nuremberg code are both being violated
we are doing harm that does not need to be done and we are violating people's right to inform consent
when that is happening that is the equivalent of hearing a Mayday call right Mayday is not a normal call to say
into the radio right you say Mayday because there is an emergency that requires a very special mindset right it
is the equivalent of being in an airplane and hearing pull up pull up right that is something telling you you
are in an emergency situation this is not a moment for normal calculus con
cost benefit analysis this is a moment for emergency action to save whatever
entity it is that's where we are in history and I I'm shocked at how
remote this has been from our discussion right it is 76 years ago but it's only
76 years ago right this is something that should have been on our minds
um front and center for quite some time [Music]
Nuremberg code
XPan would you please tell us why this is 'funny' as your smilie suggests.
It could be about the bioweapon claim being debunked, which is kind of a joke may be.

I find a lot of things "funny" lately...

See it as a tired yawn, a personal reaction to all the claims that's been made in the past 3 years about a lot of things....Perhaps it was my reaction to certain claims, which after these years just make me feel weary - and in the end I kind of "smile", kind of "laugh". That kind of reaction, you know...

Of course there are plenty of nuances, and we can likely debate endlessly about which part is "right" and which part is "wrong" or exaggerated. I still feel that Dr David Martin contributed to a lot of very important background information pointing towards that the US military, the hidden cabal interests, and with help of more less secret hidden labs, conducted plenty of bioweapon research on corona virus and spike proteins for around at least 20+ years. Add then other important people who also revealed a lot of strange whereabout behind the whole Corona Plandemic, and it's hidden roots in the past. To me, that sounds more plausible - but personally I will never truly be in a position, who can tell the exact details or differences...

Martin was highlighting the research on spike proteins for over 1.5 years if i recall correctly - which we know by know, is the most toxic part of the corona virus family...which also happened to get injected, through the mechanism of making our cells produce that foreign protein... and all the sheer overwhelming amounts evidences around the world, regarding the repercussions this move have had, since the introduction of the genetic altering mRNA injections. One has to wonder, why there has been so much effort, and so much money being poured into ?

Is Dr David Martin right about every detail ? Likely not, I say from a realistic / common sense perspective. Who does get it right, all the time, I ask in addition...

So, yeah again. I find a lot of things "funny" lately... I mean just look around.

But what about the analysis of the misrepresented studies from D. Martin ? True or not, partly or totally ?
Propaganda doesn't usually come from only one 'side'...
XPan would you please tell us why this is 'funny' as your smilie suggests.
It could be about the bioweapon claim being debunked, which is kind of a joke may be.
But what about the analysis of the misrepresented studies from D. Martin ? True or not, partly or totally ?
Propaganda doesn't usually come from only one 'side'...

You refer to This online Magazin "Health Feeedback".

I am sorry, but as I look around those articles / publications... It seems more or less revolve around trying to discredit anything who critize the genetic jabs... So you see, I do have a slight problem with such "magazines" who appear to be wired in a certain direction, possibily by design are in existence, to "debunk" any information that could be seen hostile to the Plandemic and mRNA jabs are good for people narrative.

Isn't "Health Feedback" a sort of "medical fact checker" ?

- - - - -

They also wrote (Below the David Martin article)

"At the moment, investigations are still underway to determine where SARS-CoV-2 originated and how it came to infect humans. Both the natural and lab leak hypotheses rely on circumstantial evidence that can’t prove nor disprove either theory. However, no credible evidence indicates that the virus was engineered. Based on prior disease outbreaks, the most likely hypothesis is that SARS-CoV-2 arose naturally and that zoonotic infections were the reason for the spread of the virus in humans"

More than three years, and still know nothing ? Come on. We still don't know really how the virus came to infect viruses. And there is no "evidence" that indicates that the virus was engineered / altered.

I find that "funny". For being a magazine; a medical fact checker of some sort, not knowing really what is what - but they do 'know' that Dr David Martin is lying, his findings are unfounded and not credible... So, they not sure about the important things, but sure about everything else. And rubbing it in for us, once again, "Zoonotic infection were the reasons for the spread of the virus in humans". Great. This means we are back to square one, back to the original narrative, the introduction of the Plandemic: Of bats and wetmarket, people eating bats, and got infected, and the Pandemic became a "fact". No words about, that there has been plenty of "research" on bats and bat viruses - and how to make them highly transmissible to humans - which they normally wouldn't... (that research too, has been going on for... uhm... 20 years). And the test balloons of those projects in the past - where called SARS, MERS, etc.

Yeah. I do find a lot of things "funny", lately.

Especially the, in my opinion rather stupid, endless claims, that whenever serious people come with 'evidence' and plenty of leads revolving the underpinnings and more distant roots behind the Corona Plandemic - surprise - plenty of sources are then giving out "fact checks" - in all shapes and sizes, discrediting. Like everything else that could harm the image of the corona virus, and genetic injections.

So, yeah. I do find it "funny".
Can't help it.
Another thing I am seeing: CBS. Conspiracy Burnout Syndrome. My God, on and on it goes; The never ending who-done-it searching for who holds the smoking gun when the real issue is the fact there is a bullet in the skull. Yes we must have justice, but the patient is in the ER bleeding at the moment as the docudrama churns ever onward after a word from our sponsors about the latest deal on mobile phones and pricey Vodka.
Okay, I've now finished watching Mikki Willis' latest documentary called 'Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening'.

Already prior to watching, based on the title, I had a suspcicion that the film makers had chosen a somewhat 'New ageish' approach that would not quite dig deep enough. Sadly, my suspcicions were confirmed. To put it bluntly, compared to the previous two plandemic movies, this time Willis and his team bit off more than they could chew. The good news is that IMO Willis has become an even better director. The editing, scenery and other things that in my layman's view constitute excellent movie making are there.

So, in this film the main message is that the root of our problems is all forms of collectivism, and mainly communism. China is of course presented as the evil example, and there is a lot of footage of various historic displays of communism in the US. The CCP is covertly taking over the US etc. Desmet is there delivering his 'mass formation' thesis, and Edward Griffin (in clips from 50 years ago) occupies a good part of the film explaining the dangers of the 'communist takeover'. However, as we know, these ideologies are only the surface manifestations of ponerological processes, instigated by schizoids and other psychopathological characters, and then later fully utilized by psychopaths. Harrison has explained the problems with Desmet's 'mass formation' and related views much better than I ever could, so I will not attempt to describe it in more detail.

On one hand, I don't hold the film makers ignorance against them...the subject of ponerology and psychopathology is quite complex and still, sadly, 'fringe'. On the other hand, I see it as unwise to try to 'cover all bases' without a clear understanding of the facts and underlying causes.

All in all, I would've been more pleased if the film makers would've focused on a narrower segment/set of problems. I see this attempt to address everything in a 'big swoop' without keeping the motto ignotas nulla curatio morbid in mind as counterproductive by giving people a false perception, and thus, a false kind of hope for the better.

Sorry to deliver such a negative review, knowing that the people behind this film are good, kind and hard working. Yeah, I know, I hear you saying "Well, smartypants, do a better job yourself!" :-):-D

I'm curious to hear what others think of the film once you've watched it.
I have also watched the video, and maybe it's an American thing as they've been raised on anti-communism and American exceptionalism.
So maybe that was Willis's in, an easy way to place the actors in his story. From my point of view America is a fascist state (government=corporations), but really it is all totalitarianism, psychopaths vying for control, with the 4D masters pulling strings here and there. So it felt a bit like a limited hangout, a little misdirection, but for uninitiated who are open minded, it is at least a start.
The pandemic fiasco is not over, at least not at the White House. (And, most probably in the not too distant future the whole U.S. or so I think.)

If you thought Democrats were done pushing the Covid hysteria, think again.

Despite announcing an end to the authoritarian Covid-19 government mandates, the Biden White House requires guests to practice social distancing and wear masks during their visit.

The mandates, however, will only target those who are unvaccinated.

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will welcome the NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams to “College Athlete Day” at the White House on Monday.

In an email from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs addressed to members of Congress, Covid protocols were listed, notifying lawmakers that they would need to show a negative Covid test before being allowed to attend the event. If unvaccinated, the attendees must wear a mask and social distance.

“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds,” the email states.

According to a study conducted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, masks are not practical to prevent the transmission of viruses, and even the N95 masks that everyone has become obsessed with are “non-inferior” to a surgical masks “in terms of influenza transmission rates among health care workers.”

A video posted by parliamentarian Rob Roos showed pharmaceutical giant Pfizer admitting that the Covid vaccine was never tested for stopping the transmission of the virus.

In May, the federal government officially ended the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency while the World Health Organization announced that the China virus is no longer a global emergency.

Last September, Biden himself declared, “The pandemic is over,” signing a bill terminating the national emergency declaration, which allowed the government to respond to Covid with several authorities it wouldn’t have had otherwise.
The pandemic fiasco is not over, at least not at the White House. (And, most probably in the not too distant future the whole U.S. or so I think.)
It's become excruciatingly obvious that the psychopaths in charge can do whatever they want as there's no one to stop them. With complete control of the legacy/social media to back up their evil actions, along with a hamstrung/useless Congress, the outrageous acts of tyranny continue to run rampant. I know the Cs say it will stop when the people decide enough is enough, but I can't imagine what that will look like or how it will play out. They also said that mass constrained frustration will exhibit via earthquakes and such. What will the coming months bring . . .
Sure, I can imagine the tons of waste and expense of changing the filter 5 times every hour per room, building..
They don’t have to change the filters 5 times an hour, it means the air in the room is exchanged 5 times every hour.

The filters themselves would need changed less frequently. Recommendations vary. Some say every 30 days, but merv13 filters don’t come cheap, so most likely it’d be every 6 months or even longer. Yearly.

I worked in a shopping mall, and I asked maintenance when they last changed the filters. He said they were long overdue and it cost 25k to change them.
They don’t have to change the filters 5 times an hour, it means the air in the room is exchanged 5 times every hour.

The filters themselves would need changed less frequently. Recommendations vary. Some say every 30 days, but merv13 filters don’t come cheap, so most likely it’d be every 6 months or even longer. Yearly.

I worked in a shopping mall, and I asked maintenance when they last changed the filters. He said they were long overdue and it cost 25k to change them.
Thanks for the clarification!
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