

The Rocky Mount, North Carolina site is one of the largest sterile injectable facilities in the world, with more than 1.4 million square feet of manufacturing space on 250 acres in Eastern North Carolina. Nearly 25 percent of all sterile injectables used in U.S. hospitals are produced at the site.

At this facility, a wide range of products are produced, including anesthesia, analgesia, therapeutics, anti-infectives and neuromuscular blockers. These products are available in small volume presentations, such as ampules, vials and syringes, and large volume presentations, such as IV bags and semi-rigid bottles.

More than 400 million units leaving the Rocky Mount site annually help treat patients around the world.
I'm not worried at all—Pfizer has plenty of mRNA to repair the building. The first contingent of nanobots will be deployed immediately, while the second one will arrive after 4 weeks, the third one after 8 weeks, and so on until enough doses have been injected into the foundations of Satan's empire for it to stand straighter than a mountain of lies.
by Tony Gray July 22, 2023
A veteran Cleveland Browns wide receiver with 10 years tenure will miss the start of training camp due to a non-football injury, the team announced.

Doctors discovered wide receiver Marquise Goodwin has blood clots in his legs and lungs through tests conducted during a routine physical.

“It was really alarming at first because I’ve experienced injury throughout my career, but it’s never been anything like this that could turn into something detrimental if it’s not taken care of,” Goodwin said in a statement.

“It was frightening at first, but now I’m at ease with it. I’ve prayed and just given it over to God. It’s out of my control, and the only thing I can control is my effort and attitude and how I approach each day moving forward.”

Goodwin, 32, was placed on the non-football illness list last Friday, according to a report from The New York Post.

The wide receiver joined the Browns during the offseason as a free agent after a productive year with the Seattle Seahawks. Goodwin caught 27 passes for 387 yards and four touchdowns last year.

The start of Goodwin’s NFL career was marked by his 2013 debut with the Bills, who selected him as a third-round draft pick.

He played in Orchard Park, New York, for four years before traveling to the West Coast. He was part of the San Francisco 49ers for three seasons, recording a career-best year in 2017 with 962 total receiving yards.

Throughout his NFL career, Goodwin has participated in 102 games, making 187 receptions for 3,023 yards.

This recent health issue is related to sickle cell disease, which Goodwin was diagnosed with in 2013, according to Brownswire.

“It’s one of those things that is totally out of my control, out of the doctor’s control and out of the trainer’s control,” he said. “It’s really an unfortunate deal we have to deal with, but we need to deal with it in the proper fashion.”

Now placed on the non-football illness list, the timeline for Goodwin’s return remains uncertain. Unwavering support from the Browns organization resonates with the seasoned player.

“The Browns are doing everything in their power to support me through it by allowing me to be around the team, on the field and in meetings,” continued Goodwin. “I’m grateful for that, and hopefully this thing gets back under control and I can feel my body and what I need to feel so I can help this team make this run.”

Last night I watched a clip on YT from Sky News Australia about the leaked emails and Slack chat discussions, where the various scientists talked about how they think that Covid-19 was probably a lab leak. Well, today this clip was removed and they posted this one instead:

In the original video there were exact quotes from the leaked emails, in the new one there is only a commentary about those emails.
A brand new 8-episode docu-series called REMEDY that Ty and Charlene Bollinger have been working on for the last 6 months has begun airing. Info listed below rumble link is from TTAC emails I received.

LIVE: Stew Peters EXCLUSIVE: Groundbreaking Documentary "REMEDY" AIRS NOW & Reveals Vax TRUTH


Episode 1

It’s called “The Rocky Road to COVID” and we’re going to cover the history of vaccination, the smallpox vaccine, the “cult” of vaccinology, and the COVID injections as well as many other topics that will blow your mind. Most importantly we’ll be providing you with natural remedies to prevent disease as well as proven techniques to repair, regenerate, and even reverse vaccine injury.


Regardless of where you stand, it’s time to get to the bottom of this vaccine issue, because too many people are caught in the middle, without the proper information and education on how to make the best decision for their family. And censorship is rampant, with groups like the Trusted News Initiative (“TNI”) creating a de facto monopoly to silence our voice!!

Here’s a 3 minute clip (from Episode 1) of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr describing how the TNI broke the law when they formed a cartel to censor us for speaking the truth about vaccines.

You deserve to have all the information you need to be able to make an informed choice on whether or not to vaccinate yourself and your children, and you deserve to know the remedies that are available if you (or someone you know) has suffered a vaccine injury. There are answers. There are solutions.

Trust us when we say that the information you’re going to learn in Episode 1 is truly astounding, so we also wanted to share a couple more videos with you to give you a more thorough idea of what’s covered in Episode 1.

Check out this 90 second video of Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) sharing one of the dozens of remedies that will be revealed in REMEDY!

Watch this 1 minute video of Dr. Bryan Ardis as he explains the financial incentives for mandatory vaccines and explains who benefits from forced vaccinations.

Episode 2 of REMEDY

Here’s the viewing link:


It’s called: “BUSTING MYTHS & DOGMA” and it’s going to blow your mind! In this episode, we examine the history of the polio vaccine, its connection with DDT, and the proven link with cancer from a hidden “monkey virus” in the vaccines. We will uncover some shocking information about the conflict of interests between multiple organizations and Big Pharma, and learn how these agencies profit financially from the sale of vaccines. And we’ll dive deeper into the Covid-19 injections, the reasons for the thousands of “sudden deaths,” and we’ll provide solutions for you to regenerate, repair, and rebuild after damage from the mRNA injections and spike protein.

Episode 3 of REMEDY

Here’s the viewing link:


It’s called “SCIENCE or RELIGION?” and in this jaw-dropping episode, we’re going to investigate some of the dark history of the Hepatitis B vaccine, as well as the Chickenpox and Shingles vaccines. We’ll also explore some recently released information about COVID-19 injections, and of course, provide remedies and solutions to some of the health issues that we are facing.
Professor Didier Raoult recently gave his version of the origin of the virus.
Before coming to that, I would like to recall Professor Luc Montagnier's version.
On April 17, 2020, on Cnews, Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 for his participation in the discovery of the virus responsible for AIDS, confirmed his declaration that SARS-CoV-2 is a human manufacture.This virus would have been made in the laboratory from the AIDS virus (HIV). “We have come to the conclusion that there has been manipulation of this virus. A part, I do not say the total. There is a model which is the classic virus, but to which HIV sequences have been added on top”.
Covid-19 : l'origine du virus - L'analyse du Pr Tritto confirme celle du Pr Montagnier | FranceSoir

So in the following videos in French, with English subtitles available, Professor Raoult shares his experience, and before each video I'll mark the beginning of his response, which will be reflected directly in the video links.

La Grande Interview du Professeur Didier Raoult | Idriss Aberkane

To briefly summarise what he had to say in these two interviews:

There were two major phenomena in Italy that transformed the Chinese epidemic into a global pandemic.
-A mutation in the Arn polymerase duplicating the virus 100 times more than a normal coronavirus, more errors, more mutations.
-Mutation of the Spike protein, resulting in better adhesion to cells.

And to conclude: "The idea on which the whole idea of bio-terrorism manipulation is based is an enormous piece of nonsense, because there is no such thing as an identical copy of a virus, there are so many mutations...".

Well, I'm no doctor and even less of a scientist, but I have two hands with 10 fingers, and while tapping around on the Forum, I came across this thread by Esote, which even though it is 3 years old, is still relevant:

The laboratory in Wuhan conducts research of deadly virus such as SARS which is very closely related to SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19). You have said that SARS CoV-2 has certain genetic sequences that are not natural. Do you stand firm on your claim?

Dr. Pekova: Yes, I stand behind my claim. RNA viruses mutate and their genome is unstable. They have high rates of mutations, and they are not very accurate in replication.

The virus RNA usually mutates in areas that are responsible for protein production used as building blocks for “the body” of the virus. This part fulfils certain functions of the virus, such as cell penetration and interacting with the infected cell.

Then there is the regulatory area of the virus genome, it can be seen as the command centre that governs virus replication.

This part of SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) genome appears unusually messy, as if it was severely altered.

I have a hard time believing that such intensive restructuring, insertions and deletions of the virus RNA code, would happen in nature and that the virus would survive such severe restructuring.

The regulatory portion of the virus genome usually has a low mutation rate. SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) has an atypical degree of mutation, which is usually done by genetic modification.

When I worked in research, cloning viral mutation was my daily work, and we used to clone different gene variations on cultured media.

For example, we have seen a harmless gene turn into a lymphoma-inducing gene. A mutation can turn something that is benign into something very damaging. We have tools in genetic engineering that are capable of such modifications.

Genetic modification can be used, for example, to create so-called “designer babies” which was done by a Chinese scientist who created two embryos that were genetically modified. He was later fined and went to prison.

I can imagine there are other scientists who have done the same thing, they will just never admit to it. This all depends on the ethics of the scientist and I am not sure if ethics is a sufficient guarantee.

The fact that there are so many mutations in the arn polymerase or in the Spike, not to mention other oddities after the fact such as graphene and the many disabling and fatal side-effects of the 'vaccine', in no way prevents human and extra-human intervention, and it's not necessarily a nonsense to have this kind of idea.
And let's not forget the little last word with this session:
(Joe) The most obvious effect of these measures that they're putting in place is a kind of pseudo-totalitarian lock down essentially. Can we assume that that was one of the agendas: to impose those lock downs on people?

A: Yes, total control. But it was not necessarily envisioned as lock down in this way.

Q: (Joe) It kinda got beyond their...

(L) What changed their...

(Andromeda) Approach?

(Joe) "But it was not necessarily envisioned as lock down in this way."

(Pierre) How was it envisioned initially?

A: Control. But a special factor entered. We are aware of your earlier discussions and questions, so perhaps we can explain.

Q: (L) I think this is gonna be a long one... Okay, let me light a cigarette before this starts.

(Scottie) Do special arm stretches. We need squirty water bottles for you three.

(L) We need trainers to come put towels around us and spray us with water bottles. [laughter]

(Scottie) Jack your chairs up, replace the tires, and then... VROOM!

(L) Alright, here we go. We're ready!

A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".

[The above answer took 12 minutes and 38 seconds with 2 short arm-resting breaks!]

Q: (L) So they need to stop that which they have created because in some cases, it does the opposite of what they wanted it to do?

A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.

Q: (L) If they're so desperate to halt the spread, they’re not testing anyone! They're assuming everyone is infected... Well, I guess that's why they're locking everyone down. That's why it's a lock down.

(Andromeda) They really don't want people to spread it. They're really afraid.

(L) And it's not because people may die. People are not dying anywhere near the numbers that they die from regular flu. They have manipulated the system so that emergency rooms and ICUs are stacked with apparent CV patients, but that may not be so.

(Pierre) And lock down and quarantine are very effective methods to contain epidemics – witness the Black Death.

(Joe) The reason they're telling everyone it's deadly and imposing the lock down is to stop the spread of the virus because it has kind of positive effects. And they are attaching other agendas to it, including financial melt-down, money controls, and so forth.

(Gaby) But that means this virus has been out there in the world for awhile now...

(Andromeda) How long has it been circulating?

A: More than two years.

Q: (L) But it took awhile to mutate and do other things

"I've Never Seen Anything Like This" - Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City​

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Jul 29,

"What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility."
"Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."
"Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice,
engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions."

"773 of the mice had to be euthanized, and officials found another 178 mice already dead."

“This is an unusual situation. I’ve been in government for 25 years. I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba.
"Even county health officials were left in shock."


"I've Never Seen Anything Like This" - Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City​

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Jul 29,

"What was supposed to be an empty building used only for storage was home to a black-market type of lab testing facility."
"Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."
"Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice,
engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions."

"773 of the mice had to be euthanized, and officials found another 178 mice already dead."

"Even county health officials were left in shock."

I think that @zak had a relevant factor in all this "China did it propaganda" by posting what the Cs told us and we would otherwise not even have a clue about the origin of the lab virus except for:

Session 21 March 2020:
A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".

[The above answer took 12 minutes and 38 seconds with 2 short arm-resting breaks!]

Try telling your friends and family that the the Corona virus was actually created here in the U.S.A. at Fort Derrick Maryland and see what reaction you get.

We often just don't realize how much the Cs have given to us that is otherwise not really knowable. Of course the down side is that this information is sensitive and not really able to be believed by most because it requires confidence or faith in the source.

Perhaps China is helping with some of the experimentation but I think the U.S. has hell to pay due to the "deep state"/alphabet agencies involved.
Cela fait des mois que je relate des études, des médecins qui utilisent AVEC SUCCÈS la nattokinase pour dégrader les protéines de pointe des vaccins. Le Professeur Peter McCullough le confirme et donne sa recette :
2000 unités de Nattokinase 2X par jour
500 mg de bromélaïne
500mg de curcumine 2X par jour
Vous trouverez tout cela chez votre magasin bio favori.
I've been reporting on studies for months, of doctors SUCCESSFULLY using nattokinase to degrade spike proteins in vaccines. Professor Peter McCullough confirms this and gives his recipe:
2000 units of Nattokinase 2X per day
500 mg bromelain
500mg curcumin 2X per day
You will find all this at your favorite organic store.

Senior ABC journalist caught on hot mic making ‘astonishing’ COVID admission​

A senior ABC journalist has been caught making an “astonishing admission” about the public broadcaster’s failure to investigate the origins of COVID-19, Sky News host Sharri Markson reports.The comments were caught by microphones set up for the AUSMIN press conference with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Saturday afternoon.ABC foreign affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic admits he probably didn’t look at the lab leak theory “dispassionately enough”.
Since they don't even know what to invent anymore to stop people from eating meat, I wouldn't be surprised.

Could meat be the source of the next pandemic?

The idea that pathogens will jump species and kill humans is a useful scare tactic, and it’s now being pushed like never before under One Health — a global agenda that will allow unelected bureaucrats at the World Health Organization to centralize power and make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations, health care and much more, for the entire world.

A report from Harvard Law School and New York University predicts the next pandemic is likely to emerge from the U.S. meat supply — or the fur trade, or a petting zoo, or from pets. It reviews all the different areas of life and commerce that involve animal and human contact and the subsequent hypothetical zoonotic transmission chains. One Health documents are repeatedly referenced in this report.

Incontrovertible evidence has emerged showing that the scientists who wrote “Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” intentionally misled the public. In “Proximal Origin,” the authors insisted natural evolution was the most likely scenario, but in private, they thought a lab leak was the most likely origin (see emails below).

Learn more at Mercola DOT com.
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